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Messages - BaumDZ

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It was not that part that they were trying to undo, I dont think. It was the accidental playing of the ambassador due to playing herald.

The interface for ambassador can be confusing.
If you only have one card in hand it auto selects it.
So you then click on it and return, when what you mean to do is reveal, but not return.

You are only forced to reveal a card with amb, the return bit is optional.

Today I played a game against [unnamed opponent] who was playing a herald strategy and also had an ambassador...

Long story short they kept playing herald, ultimately forcing an ambassador from a hand that they did not want to give me any of the cards. They got pretty angry when I denied the undo request and called me annoying... but I felt that was a consequence of their engine (which they bought a curse to drive) and I laughed IRL because it ended up being a strategy with an apparent flaw. IDK if they thought that herald gave you a choice to play a revealed action but it definitely does not.

Anyway, I wanted to share this funny. I made them eventually resign when I had the $$ for a final province and they did not want to see the end :,(

I also did not get to have much of a convo because I play on my phone and the messaging with my phone is poor... I really need to buy a desk top.

For clarification, a "no-info" undo would be like switching +action with a +buy choice? I am fine with those but not wjen someone draws (unless they knew the top card already), etc

Dominion League / Re: Season 27 - Late Signups
« on: April 05, 2018, 04:34:07 pm »
New to leaugue
Rank ~50
Username: BaumDZ
Time: America/New_York

Dominion Articles / Re: Annex
« on: March 02, 2018, 02:58:48 pm »
First post. Also on cell phone so I apologize for weird wording/misspellings

Does anybody play in large groups of people? (4 or 5) It is much different play... we had 5 people with this kingdom.

Ghost ship
Kings Court
Distant Lands


There were plenty of attacks, but no curses. The winning play was universities for distant lands and then buying an extra turn and annexing the dutchies. We ran out on piles (4 piles for a 5 plager game). Annex was very powerful because you got to keep your university in your hand longer and cycle through your deck faster. It is much different than 2 person play. Fun thing for work lunch though...

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