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Rules Questions / Possession + Cache + Watchtower question
« on: February 15, 2012, 09:39:03 am »
I played a couple of games recently with these three cards and I am wondering if their interaction is correct on isotropic.

So if I buy a Cache while Possessing my opponent and I have a Watchtower in my real hand, I can reveal that to put the Cache on my deck and trash the two coppers I would have otherwise gained.  However, at the end of this, I think that Possession should then force my opponent to gain the coppers, but isotropic just leaves them trashed.

Additionally, when I buy a Cache while Possessing my opponent and he has a Watchtower in his hand that I'm playing, I think I should be able to pull the same trick, but isotropic doesn't let me.

What do y'all think?

Dominion Isotropic / Re: People to NOT avoid on Isotropic!
« on: January 25, 2012, 04:14:11 pm »
Along the same lines, I was just playing a game with emperorP and, after I accidentally played a Bank before my treasures and mentioned it in chat, he, without any request or prompting from me, played his Bank as though he had done the same thing.

Kudos to emperorP!

Dominion Isotropic / Bug: Possession and maybe Goons?
« on: January 24, 2012, 03:12:05 pm »
I just played a game using the graphic interface with Possession and long village/action chains, including goons.  Twice I played a Possession  and the game gave me control of my opponent's hand without updating what was in mine.  For a little bit I thought the game hadn't drawn a new hand for me until I (stupidly) Goonsed myself and the discard option was for a new hand.

This is a strange bug since I've played with Possession before and not had this problem.

Whenever there's a Sea Hag, I generally find myself in the mid to late game position of having a Sea Hag after all of the curses are gone and wondering what to do with it.  Assuming there's no net positive reactions (Horse Traders), when  is it, if ever, a good idea to keep playing my Sea Hag, just to get rid of the top card of my opponent's deck?

My initial intuition is that this is a good idea if there are one or two key cards (like BM + Smithy), but then I think maybe the low probability of hitting the card you want is outweighed by the high probability of hitting a card you don't want to.


Dominion General Discussion / Re: Golem + Scheme + 1 good action/attack
« on: November 15, 2011, 04:01:41 pm »
There is a little risk that you'll draw the card you intended to golem into your hand, and then you can't play both that card and the golem to scheme the golem away if it's a terminal.  Of course, you can counter this by getting more copies of it (and it's especially good if the attack stacks reasonably, like most cursers or a torturer, but unlike militia).

I don't think getting multiple copies of attack works well, since that introduces the (high) probability that you'll double hit the attack and will lose the Golem.  The way around this, of course, is to get x Golems, x Schemes, and x other actions, at most of 1 of which is terminal. 

For the drawing the multiple cards into your hand, others have already pointed out that this is only problematic if all three are drawn, which doesn't happen very often since the Golem stops when he hits two actions, likely leaving a buffer in your draw pile to help keep all three actions from being drawn.

Dominion General Discussion / Golem + Scheme + 1 good action/attack
« on: November 15, 2011, 02:52:34 pm »
So I recently played the following game:

I didn't really start out with a plan.  Turns 3 and 4 were pretty bad on my part (I buy a Golem with no actions in my deck and then I buy a single Scheme to go with it), but after that I pick up a Militia and spend the rest of the game playing Golem -> Scheme and Militia and returning Golem to my deck, which is a pretty good lockdown as it's essentially a one card "+1 Action, +1 Card, +2$, opponent discards 2 cards, return to top of deck at end of turn, and cycle a bunch of your deck while you're at it."  I end up 4-0 on Estates when my opponent (understandably) resigns.

So I'm posting this because a) I thought it was cool and b) to see how widely this might apply.  That is, how many other third cards does Golem + Scheme combo super well with?  Any sort of discard attack should work super well.  Would Smithy be strong enough?  That basically gives you an 8 card hand each turn, which is nice.  Or is Golem + Scheme + 1 other action so powerful it doesn't matter too much what the extra action is?

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