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Messages - loneXolf

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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: A Dozen of Custom-made Cards
« on: June 29, 2020, 05:10:16 pm »

  • Duality: Sort of like having it worded such as: “The player to your left chooses one. Discard that one and play the other”? Having them discard the chosen Action card first. I dig that actually. Makes it so you have to buy Duality as your 3rd Action in your deck before it does something. It’s a matter of taste at this point, but I don’t dislike this at all!
  • Handler: Oh, sorry about the similar idea there! I swear I tried to genuinely come up with all of these ideas.
  • Statue: I didn’t think about the Throne Room variant scenario. Well first of all, as per official Dominion rules, we know that the Throne Room will permanently stay out with the statue. I guess Statue could set aside up to 2 Action cards and have reap the of both of them at the end of the game.
  • Vigil: I talked about the concern you’ve raised with Vigil in my comment for LibraryAdventurer.
Duality: Yep, I don't really know how strong Duality is now, and that change is a nerf for sure.
Handler: No worries. I was just stating how my version is like for a comparison.
Statue: Yea, that's what I thought would happen.
Vigil: Yea i'm not sure how bad they would really be, but 4 player Vigil games seems like a nightmare.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: A Dozen of Custom-made Cards
« on: June 25, 2020, 10:05:19 pm »
Seeing lonexolf's comparison of Market Town to Grand Market, it makes me want to add another: it's a frontloaded festival. And as far as festivals go, I think starting from a smaller hand is an incredibly punishing move when your villages aren't net drawing cards, which makes lining up draw with the village that much harder. You can say that it goes well with draw-to-X effects, but you usually need to get lucky with drawing them in your starting hand, and most of them are terminal anyway so you want to play a market town first. Overall, it seems like a worse festival, and not that much more interesting. Seems to be only good when you can play it every turn, where you can delay the no-draw turn indefinitely.

Yea, I thought how Market Town would be if it worked like a -1 card token "Draw one less card the next time you draw card(s) this turn".
And that would just make any market towns played directly afterwards a Festival.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: A Dozen of Custom-made Cards
« on: June 25, 2020, 08:49:47 pm »
Ballroom - Decent KC variant that requires more actions.
The +1 card and +1 action makes this feel stronger but maybe I am underestimating the amount
of extra action cards needed for this.

Custodian - This in 4 player games and bad kingdoms I can see this being nightmare, if everybody buys into it.
Also what would happen if you set aside a Duration card?

Dice Games - Random is fun, I think making a die that multiple cards can refer to would be better
than making a die for just 1 card.
Also, The die faces seems kinda weak for 7 debt and the randomness.

Draft- Interesting, seems weak can probably work, but I can see this being ignored often.

Duality - On first glance this seems like a pretty strong 4 cost village and better at Wandering Minstrel at
cycling for actions. Yet it can have actions you want to play miss cycles which is huge.
Also I would had preferred this to punish you for having only 1 action instead of rewarding.

Handler - Yea, I also made a druid type card for Ways. But it would unset aside the targeted way for the turn.
I don't like the Or "+1 Card and +1 Action", since Way of the Pig.

Hops- lighthouse treasure.

Market Town- Village Grand Market! I like how the downside is a tad less in militia games and how it can
combo well with draw to X effects. Yet spamming this seems bad. I would like to see this tested.

Mobsters- I cannot tell how good this will be spammed with just a glance. But removing all debt is interesting
I wonder how strong it will be with other debt costing cards.

Plague Doctor- I typically avoid junkers that net actions, but the delay makes this something.
I don't like the +1 coin seems like fluff.

Secret Path- Looks weak. I see this as a estate variant more than a warehouse one.

Statue- Looks like a strong alt-victory. How does the ruling work with throne room?

Stray Cat- I like how it nets 1 more card than Experiment and costs 1 more. (not counting the moat body)
I don't like the proc timing, in some kingdoms stray cat will be the only card that
can proc it.

Tithe- Mean attack and great coin value for $5, But having to wait 2 turns feels rough.
The +4 on demand would look so good with a +1 Buy on it, but it already makes a slow 6 coin gap.
Unsure overall need to see it played.

Vigil- Feels too annoying to me. I feel like you have to make this 5 or more cards in hand else
it can be the most annoying discard attack in the game. Besides maybe Torturer.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Which is the best cost for this?
« on: June 12, 2020, 07:49:33 am »
I feel that Raiser's main job is being a non-terminal gold gainer, and that part of it's condition is pretty controllable.
But, I don't see the +2 Villagers being the main source of muit-actions in a terminal-focused engine since it can be
hard to proc it.
As for costs, the gold gaining would be too good at 4. Devil's Workshops has to sacrifice all pre-night gains
to gain a gold. (Sure it has more gain targets)
And it anything higher is probably too much, so Raiser is stuck at 5 cost.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Three card ideas
« on: May 20, 2020, 12:12:05 am »
Thanks all for your replies and suggestions.

Nascent village v1 gets stronger than Lost city from the third copy you play. However, how often will you trigger a triple NV play?
Sounds decent to me compared with a well set-up City quarter (keeping everything in proportion, cost-wise). Now, I’m not a brilliant Dominion player.

Quote from: loneXolf
I suggest not making cards with effects that scale with copies of itself in play, but if you really want to make it more reasonable.
I was expecting a comment like yours. Can you explain why?


Nascent village v2 was intended to be less powerful than v1, because v2 is less likely to draw itself (+1 card at most). In this version, two NV = two Bazaars or two Festivals. So sure, from 2 up they’re better than these individual cards, but being limited to +1 Card should make it decently hard to combo them?

Maybe sth like this that removes choice:
+2 Actions
+1 Card
If you have two or more Nascent villages in play, +$2;
three or more, +1VP;
four or more, +2 Buys.

Playing 4 Nascent village v1 is the same as playing 6 Labs, I think for a village variant to be a better spamed draw engine than Lab is crazy.
Sure Lab is better if you aren't planing on gaining a bunch of Labs, but I think Nascent village is too strong at what it does
Giving a card a effect that scales with copies of itself can 1. scale too quickly which can easily make it too powerful. and/or 2. Lower buy diversity

The main reason I didn't like the first Nascent village v2 is that it does everything by itself.
card, coins, actions, buys, and even vp. And being your choice of a Village or Festival without the +buy on the first play isn't much of a downside, when each copy afterwards gets way better.
Also the +1 VP on it feels like overkill why is it also an alt win condition.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Three card ideas
« on: May 18, 2020, 02:16:55 pm »
So this needs an action or treasure gainer to be more than a copper?

In case it wasn't clear from the other responses, +Buy also works, and there's almost always either a gainer or +Buy.

I thought "gained" would only take into account gains from when before the Majestic ring gets played. However the +Buys are still needed to make use of cost reduction

It's "while this is in play" not "when you play this", so I think costs would change dynamically, as you buy. (think about how Destrier changes cost as you keep gaining).
That makes more sense, I thought it worked with buys that first time I read it. I just tricked myself.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Three card ideas
« on: May 18, 2020, 01:57:01 pm »
-- Majestic ring
So this needs an action or treasure gainer to be more than a copper?
This feels too abuse-able in some kingdoms.  You only need 3 rings and 2 gains for provinces to cost $2 and 3 gains for provinces to be
This requires 4 (resp. 5) specific cards in your hand, and only the last gain could be a $2 (resp. $0) province. IMO this is much less of a problem than KC-KC-3*Bridge which gives you 8 provinces for free (with also just 5 specific cards in hand).
Fortunately, Ring can't even be throned, let alone KC'ed.

And it's just degenerate when combed with a muit-gainer like Trusty Steed.
Also, I don't like how this card is a $5 cost copper in a lot of kingdoms,
and this needs the text "but not less than $0".

I think the majority of kingdoms do have extra buys and/or gainers. Trusty Steed is hard enough to get that it's just a fine combo. Cheap multi-gainers like Beggar make for a far stronger combo, but since this requires two specific cards plus a spammable +buy card, it'll still very rarely come up in games.
Edit: You could prevent Beggar and mass-silver gainers from making Majestic ring too strong by changing it to "When this is in play, cards cost $1 less per non-Treasure card you gained this turn." There's very few cards that gain several non-Treasure cards at once, after all.

Fair points, The non-Treasure nerf while does stop a lot of the muit-gainers makes it lose synergy with so many single treasure and silver gainers. There is probably some wording to nerf muit-gainers.

So this needs an action or treasure gainer to be more than a copper?

In case it wasn't clear from the other responses, +Buy also works, and there's almost always either a gainer or +Buy.

I thought "gained" would only take into account gains from when before the Majestic ring gets played. However the +Buys are still needed to make use of cost reduction

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Three card ideas
« on: May 18, 2020, 04:32:28 am »
- Nascent village v1
Looks too strong
Only the first Nascent village each turn is below the 5 cost strength. Sure playing 3 copies of this is the same as 3 lost cities and you have
the downside of having to scale. But once you get to the draw 4 it just seems degenerate.

- Nascent village v2
Even stronger than v1, can be a pain to track,
I suggest not making cards with effects that scale with copies of itself in play, but if you really want to make it more reasonable.

- Majestic ring
So this needs an action or treasure gainer to be more than a copper?
This feels too abuse-able in some kingdoms.  You only need 3 rings and 2 gains for provinces to cost $2 and 3 gains for provinces to be
And it's just degenerate when combed with a muit-gainer like Trusty Steed.
Also, I don't like how this card is a $5 cost copper in a lot of kingdoms,
and this needs the text "but not less than $0".

- Wealthy town
This is probably fine.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Revolution
« on: May 16, 2020, 06:31:58 am »
Campsite: A better village at cycling for 2 estates seems nutty for 5/2 splits.

Colliery: Reminds me of Fortune, but for actions. Feels kinda niche since it heavily requires good actions in kingdom to combo with
while being harder to get than a province. Do the two trashed cards need to be the same card?

Foreign Art: Idk what I think of this card. If you can only get 1 in play it looks weaker than gold unless you have 2 dead cards.
And for getting 2 Provinces discarding 4 cards can be rough.
Also, it gets stronger in kingdoms with cards that already have a card cost, since it removes the penalty and the +buy.

Steam Engine: Just trashing a gold seems too cheap to me. Seems like a fun card, but I can see this
instantly drawing whole decks. It doubles all actions for just -1 action each and lets you play a free Terminal.

Wastelands: I don't like how this devalues junk card attacks. It's a free Cemetery variant that cannot trash Estates that's possibly
worth +2 VP. These feel like a card you're forced to buy.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Ice Age
« on: March 05, 2018, 01:56:19 am »
Ice Queen - I am not really a fan of the variable ice token since it tries to push you to use it with cheaper actions. But I can see why you did it since a static ice token number doesn't look that great on this card to me. Also does this card not work well with Duration cards or am misinterpreting it?

Random Bad Variation-
Name - Ice Queen
Type - Action
Cost - 5
Effect - You may play an action card from your hand twice. When the Action would be discarded instead set it and this card aside with an Ice token on it for each Coin it costs.  ______ While this card is set aside by it's own effect, During your buy phase cards with the same name as the attached Action card cost 2 Coin less, but not less than 0 coins.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Character cards
« on: February 25, 2018, 09:59:55 am »
Anyway, I think this would work better as a one time thing at the start of the game and then the characters activate on a certain turn so you can build your deck towards getting these effects on certain turns. I get annoyed by Mountain Pass happening when my opponent buys a random early Province so I think I'd really get annoyed by this character drafting stopping the game at multiple points.
That's a good idea. It is not like there is as much interaction among the characters as in Citadels but in Citadels drafting usually takes longer than playing. As Dominion features on average a bit more than twice as many rounds of Citadels (6-8) I also think that drafting shouldn't happen each round.
You could e.g. tie it in with the Season mechanism and do it when the season changes.

Like holunder said drafting every round sounds like a pain, maybe it can be done quickly if every player is used to it. But I think it would disrupt the flow of game-play. What if each character's effect lasted a different number of rounds when called and you would draft again when every character ran out of rounds? I don't know. But that does seem like it could be a pain to track, maybe turning the card 90 degrees for each round or use of a token could help that...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Holunder's cards
« on: February 24, 2018, 11:49:50 am »
Name- ?
Type- Night
Cost - 6
Effect- Take 3 coin tokens. This is gained to your hand (instead of your discard pile).

Would ^that be too strong? I don't know...
Pretty sure it is. It is like Summoning (of course this is not technically possible) something which is better than a Gold.

I think it'd be fine if it didn't gain to hand. The drawback over Gold is that you don't get to spend the Coin tokens straight away because you get them in night, but gaining to hand kind of negates that downside.

Yeah making the first Phoenix play much quicker than a first gold player seems nuts. But, Den of sins and ghost town sorta do the same thing, but it seems more ridiculous with coin tokens. Maybe it could work as a swamp hag (without the attack of course), but I think it a slight nerf won't fix the problem.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Favorite Expansions in 2018
« on: February 23, 2018, 11:44:15 pm »
1. Dark Ages- Favorite expansion, I would call this the most unique expansion before Nocturne. Some really unique cards in here. Love the focus on trashing. However it does have it's share of stinker cards "Rebuild, Beggar, Poor House", I am a fan of the all of the others.

2. Prosperity- VP tokens, 7 costed cards

3. Nocturne- Nocturne is a Mixed bag for me. I enjoy night cards and heirlooms, but I am not so much a fan of boons and hexes. Nocturne is only this high because I really want to play it more because I don't have that many games with it.
4. Adventures- I actually like Reserve actions more than Duration actions. I would call this my favorite backbone expansion, since it has a lot of solid cards. Journey Tokens, is the weakest mechanic to me in all of dominion, but only two cards use it so it's forgivable.

5. Cornucopia- My favorite mini-expanion. Hamlet, Menagerie, Farming Village, Remake, Tournament, Hunting Party, and jester are some of my favorite cards.

6. Intrigue- A lot of great cards, you can tell this is when dominion really took off.

7. Empire- Really solid set but some of the cards are pretty mediocre/triggering to me, such as Patrician/Emporium, Chariot Race, Enchantress, Settlers, Gladiator, Archive, Wild Hunt, Rocks, Legionary. Also I wish the debt tokens were used a bit more.

8. Guilds- Coin tokens are a really neat mechanic, but Journeyman, Merchant Guild, Soothsayer, Doctor, and Masterpiece are cards I don't really care too much about, which is almost half of the set.

9. Base- Has a lot of vanilla and classic cards that I quite enjoy playing with. The second edition cards are less desirable than intrigue's to me and nothing is really that unique or pops in the base set.

10. Hinterlands- This set always rubbed me off as boring at least in theme/artwork. Don't get me wrong it has a lot a great cards, but it's "When you gain mechanic" isn't that stand-out to me and the set as a whole doesn't feel connected like other sets.

11. Seaside- Lighthouse is my favorite card and I do like the theme. But this set has a lot of mediocre/stinker cards for me... Treasure Map, Explorer, Outpost, Tactician, Lookout, Pearl Diver, Sea Hag, Pirate Ship, and Ghost Ship aren't really cards I enjoy seeing in random kingdoms most of the time.

12. Alchemy- The only cards I actually like in this set are Alchemist, Golem, Apprentice, and Possession. "Sorry Scrying Pool fans"

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Most unique cards amongst each set?
« on: February 23, 2018, 10:23:12 pm »
Base- Chapel
Intrigue- Swindler
Seaside- Ambassador
Alchemy- Possession
Prosperity- Goons
Cornucopia- Tournament
Hinterlands- Ill-Gotten Gains
Dark Ages- Rats
Guilds- Baker
Adventures- Storyteller
Empires- Farmers' Market
Nocturne- Cursed Gold
Promo- Black Market

I focused on cards that have unique effects and/or impact the kingdom in a unique way. Hinterlands was the hardest set to pick a card from, Farmland was the runner up.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Holunder's cards
« on: February 23, 2018, 02:27:32 pm »
Also, this version might be too similar to den of sins.
Coming to think of it, Phoenix is actually more like terminal draw as you have to spend an Action for Ashes later. So probably more similar to Tactician than Den of Sins or Lab variants in general.

Name - Phoenix
Type - Action/Night
Cost- 6
Effect- If it's your night phase, take three Coin Tokens. Otherwise, discard and exchange this for an ashes. If you do, discard your hand and Take 1 VP for each card discarded.

Name - Ashes
Type - Action
Cost - 0
Cost - +1 Card +1 Action _________ When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Phoenix. If you do, gain two Copper.
I guess you wanted to imply a choice between Coin and VP tokens with Phoenix, i.e. "... you may take 3 Coin tokens. Otherwise ...". The simple problem is that a non-terminal 6 that takes 3 Coin tokens might be good enough on its own (compare with Merchant Guild) such that the second option will rarely be taken. So choice and exchange are not the best mechanics to mix.
Furthermore I'd be very careful with non-terminal discarding for VPs. I have a similar card in my set, Efreet, but at least it is tied to having some green in your deck. Copper self-junking might of course be enough of a nerf; hard to tell.

I see your Phoenix has being a more powerful "Den of sins" clone with ashes as a downside. Having to play ashes and wait another cycle to play Phoenix again seems like such a huge downside to me.

In contrast to a normal gold I don't think 3 delayed coin tokens would be that powerful for 6. But the versatile nature of coin tokens could make it extremely strong, I guess. Honestly, I think the VP gain effect on this Phoenix is bonkers which is why I called it a bad card idea.

Edit: Not sure if you noticed, to use the VP part of this Phoenix you need to play it as a Terminal action (I copied werewolf's wording).

Name- ?
Type- Night
Cost - 6
Effect- Take 3 coin tokens. This is gained to your hand (instead of your discard pile).

Would ^that be too strong? I don't know...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Holunder's cards
« on: February 22, 2018, 11:24:06 am »
Here is a new version of Phoenix that is based on a card tested by DXV for Cornucopia (Nocturne does feel a bit like Cornucopia 2.0 with Conclave, Imp and Magic Lamp):

I guess this will draw around 3-4 cards on average so a bit of extra draw compared to the first version which should compensate for Ashes being terminal.

Phoenix- This version might be a bit stronger but it's still looks weakish early game, but I guess it would help cycling your deck. Also, this version might be too similar to den of sins. The current Phoenix/ashes design might make it to comparable/similar to den of sins and might not be strong enough for the ashes downside. What if you lower the strength level of Phoenix and higher the strength level of ashes? Then again keeping the burst of power in the phoenix half is not a bad idea just not a huge fan of the current effect.

Random bad card idea-
Name - Phoenix
Type - Action/Night
Cost- 6
Effect- If it's your night phase, take three Coin Tokens. Otherwise, discard and exchange this for an ashes. If you do, discard your hand and Take 1 VP for each card discarded.

Name - Ashes
Type - Action
Cost - 0
Cost - +1 Card +1 Action _________ When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Phoenix. If you do, gain two Copper.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Holunder's cards
« on: February 21, 2018, 09:00:01 pm »
Phoenix- So if you have phoenix, copper and two different cards it just turns into a pretty bad den of sins. You would need at least 8+ different cards cards in play to get some good value with the ashes downside in my book, while anything 5 or below seems pretty bad. Seems like a hard card to use well in a deck, and it doesn't look to work well in most kingdoms, but maybe I am underestimating the average amount of different cards in play.

The Night's Watch- No comment, just since the huge amount of different mechanics and I am not even sure how the night's watch card itself works. Might comment later on it, if you keep updating it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Ice Age
« on: February 18, 2018, 03:26:38 pm »
Cargo Ship- I like the change, however still think coin token effect looks awkward. For reasons, I stated in past comments.

Glacier- This new glacier just seems like a downgrade, 4 delayed coin tokens isn't worth it at 6 to me and the glacier card itself only has value if there is a remodel clone in the kingdom. This could maybe cost 5???

Rediscover- Weird card, I see this jack of all trades type of card you're going for and I like the self-synergy. It's cost of 5 gives me a bit of OCD since you would rarely gain 7 costs with this. Is the 2 ice tokens really needed, it seems to be just there to have ice tokens so maybe just 1 or 0 could work? Also what if you got +2 actions for trashing it instead of +2 cards? Since it looks to need muit-action support for multiple copies.

Frontier- Having two frontiers out at once seems nuts to me. If both/all players go for this card I can really see quick 3 supply pile games happening. Looks like it can be pretty strong, but seems to need testing to evaluate a strength level.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Holunder's cards
« on: February 03, 2018, 12:38:04 am »
Azure Cove- Being able to use it as a normal smithy before or after a village, and pawning it off for a turn(s) to high roll seems nuts. Probably won't be as strong in a kingdom without a decent muit-action card.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Ice Age
« on: February 01, 2018, 09:33:24 pm »
Overall, I think wayfinder has the same core problem as scout, while it does help cycling victory cards it doesn't do much else.
That's like saying that Island doesn't do much else besides providing 2 VPs.

If you played Patrol and scouted 1 Victory card the card has become a Hunting Grounds. Pretty good for a $5.

Let's stay with this example of scouting 1.
Wayfinder does something beyond drawing just that 1 Victory card (which would already be good in itself, it is a step from cantrip to Caravan), it sets the green aside for some turns. This is like drawing one more card the next time(s) you shuffle which is why I mentioned Archive above.

So you can read Wayfinder as delayed virtual extra draw on a cantrip. Perhaps it is not as good or consistent as other non-terminal draw for $4 like Caravan or Advisor but I doubt that it is bad.

I won't compare island or patrol so directly with scout and wayfinder, since they have more value without the the victory card interactions. Sure drawing a victory card with wayfinder is better then caravan most of the time, but you just don't want to draw victory cards with your caravans do you? Caravan is more of a draw support/spam card then wayfinder is, but wayfinder seems to help with cycling victory cards and temporarily thinning your deck of victory cards and curses. Overall, I think wayfinder is a niche card. But I could be underestimating it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Ice Age
« on: January 29, 2018, 11:23:03 am »
Well I mean scout was removed from the second edition. The main problem of scout for me is that's it's a niche support card. Not many strategies want a lot of victory cards early,that with the reveal cards from the top of your deck randomness, and not benefiting directly off drawing victory cards most of the time besides the basic you won't draw it next and you got a pretty weak card. I would put wayfinder a bit above scout, since you would only really lose the immediate scout and synergies from drawing victory cards. Is buying wayfinder early worth it to try to semi-trash your starting estates, or is this card meant to be bought for limboing victory cards later in the game? Neither seem that strong or consistent to me, but it's a scout clone and maybe I am underestimating 3 ice tokens. 

The idea behind Scout was precisely to make earlier greening feasible, that is, allow you to spend less time on building to make sure your deck runs smoothly. It just sucked because what it did besides its ability was so bad that the ability alone couldn't make up for it.

From my experience with Frost Spirit, which is extremely strong (but enjoyable), I think putting ice tokens on the cards goes far beyond what Scout does or should do. It's pretty much a trasher now. Sure, the cards come back after a while, but you also don't lose the VP on them.

Cantrip Frost Spirit is much more spamable and consistent looking then Wayfinder and also think it gave more ice tokens. 3 Ice tokens doesn't look that impressive to me for "trashing" estates early. Wayfinder does look like it could be strong for limboing duchies and/or provinces later in the game. But if it's late game where you're looking to buy provinces, I don't think wayfinder would be that impactful since the game is ending soon already. Overall, I think wayfinder has the same core problem as scout, while it does help cycling victory cards it doesn't do much else. Sure it being a cantrip and limboing victory cards makes it much more buyable then scout, but I wouldn't call it that strong of a card. But like I said earlier maybe I am underestimating 3 ice tokens.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Possession alternative?
« on: January 29, 2018, 08:32:36 am »
To be honest, I dislike your "Possession Alternative" more than the normal possession. Reasons...
1. It scales so heavily with the number of players. For example,  with two players this card seems pretty weak.
2. It doesn't help you with getting double provinces as much. Sure netting two provinces with possession changes a lot with your left opponent's deck and draw. But I feel your coin token gain idea is weaker and less consistent. But the two province factor is needed since you're pretty much missing out on a province when buying for a possession.
3. It's actually fun and unique to play possession, I would just say let mean cards be mean you don't have to play with it. Also, I would call the take a second turn part being much more mean then using other players decks, sure you could lose a "FIRE" hand and/or get your deck order messed up but that doesn't seem as bad to me most of the time.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Ice Age
« on: January 29, 2018, 08:09:18 am »
Well I mean scout was removed from the second edition. The main problem of scout for me is that's it's a niche support card. Not many strategies want a lot of victory cards early,that with the reveal cards from the top of your deck randomness, and not benefiting directly off drawing victory cards most of the time besides the basic you won't draw it next and you got a pretty weak card. I would put wayfinder a bit above scout, since you would only really lose the immediate scout and synergies from drawing victory cards. Is buying wayfinder early worth it to try to semi-trash your starting estates, or is this card meant to be bought for limboing victory cards later in the game? Neither seem that strong or consistent to me, but it's a scout clone and maybe I am underestimating 3 ice tokens. 

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Ice Age
« on: January 29, 2018, 06:44:37 am »
Wayfinder- Scout clones! Sure wayfinder could be useful later in the game if you have a lot of victory cards in a slim deck or maybe against curse attackers. But I just don't see this card being bought in most kingdoms. Sure it looks better than scout but it doesn't look fix it's core problems.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Holunder's cards
« on: January 27, 2018, 09:20:14 am »
Racketeer split pile- I don't really like how blackmail could be infinite debt without trashing or city guard. Maybe scrap city guard, and change blackmail?

Black Cat- neat idea like you said it is very similar to den of sin. I like the idea of multiple cards having the same Heirloom.

Owl- Interesting card seems like it could be strong but if you're using random with every set having the only hits being owl and key could be weak maybe? I would have to see how good owl is a getting coin tokens. Also what's the point of drawing victory cards, if you discard them anyway?

Spectre- Weird card, seems pretty weak if there are no trashers. Sitting order will matter a lot in any games where decent cards are trashed, Pillages, Remodel clones etc. Also in a two player game you could just remodel a province or anything with value to pin your opponent not to play this. 

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