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Messages - jrh150482

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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: April 09, 2021, 11:42:31 pm »
I have an Event and a card that goes with it.

Espionage - (5) - Event
Once per game: Each other player gains a Sleeper Agent.

Sleeper Agent - (0*) - Reaction
When you put this into your hand from your deck, after the effect that put it into your hand is finished, gain a Curse, then discard down to 3 cards in hand.
This is gained shuffled face-up into your deck (instead of into your discard pile).
This is discarded face-down.
(This isn't in the Supply.)

Let's Discuss ... / Re: empires: city quarter
« on: June 16, 2019, 10:33:00 am »
-what fun stuff happens because this is debt? have you had a bridge megaturn on turn 7?

It wasn't on turn 7, but I actually did pull off a Bridge + City Quarter megaturn during one of the games I played in season 33 of Dominion League.

Rules Questions / Re: Summon & Villa
« on: June 09, 2019, 08:01:04 pm »
Am I correct in thinking if you summon a villa, it doesn't get set aside?

This is how the steps happen, can you confirm this is correct?

  • Player buys the event Summon
  • Player chooses Villa as the action card costing up to $4
  • Player gains Villa
  • As player gains villa, the on gain effect of Villa happens, so it goes into hand and isn't set aside
  • Summon tries to set aside the Villa but can't (lose track rule)

This is pretty much what I figured would be the case.

Dominion League / Re: Season 31 - Signups
« on: December 02, 2018, 01:11:19 am »
New to league.

Username for both is jrh150482.

@jrh150482#8026 America/Detroit

Dominion FAQ / Walled Village and Treasury
« on: October 12, 2016, 11:56:07 am »
Suppose I play both Walled Village and Treasury on the same turn, along with one other Action card which doesn't trash itself or otherwise remove itself from play.  I don't buy a Victory card.  What I'm thinking is, at the start of Clean-up, both WV and Treasury trigger, and I get to choose the order in which the triggered abilities resolve.  I choose to resolve Treasury's triggered ability first.  I didn't buy a Victory card, so I can top-deck Treasury if I so choose.  I do so.  Now I resolve WV's triggered ability.  It checks my Action cards in play at this time.  Hey, I've only got WV and one other Action card in play.  Thus I can top-deck WV if I so choose.  Is this correct?

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