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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: September 26, 2012, 09:33:36 am »
Library says what's up.

Maybe you don't understand the meme...?

Tunnel or Horse Traders would be better anyway.
But not as fun as Menagerie.

Is anything as fun as Menagerie?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Spice Merchant improves IGG rush?
« on: September 25, 2012, 04:54:29 pm »
Spice Merchant is ONLY good if you want the trashing. When played it is either a no-op (you trash a copper and play the spice merchant, replacing them with 2 more cards) or a copper equivalent with +buy (play SM to trash a copper for +$2, SM might as well had a copper). In an IGG game the ratio of high-end treasure to other crap just isn't good enough to justify it. I would go so far to say that Spice merchant is actually pretty bad for the standard IGG rush, but might start approaching good if you plan on trying to transition out of the IGGs instead of rushing duchies.
For the straight IGG rush, I would wager that ANY terminal silver is better.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Miscommunication
« on: September 21, 2012, 10:18:21 am »
I've noticed similar things happening in my games. I'll look down and see a message and have no idea what turn they were referring to. Probably better to just start qualifying everything slightly: "Bad luck your Loan hitting Quarry" would have been fully explanatory in this instance for example.

EDIT: Or even easier, "Bad luck for you on Turn X"

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Feedback needed: Define card categories
« on: September 21, 2012, 10:11:07 am »
Maybe more like unknown bonus cards. The only times I really consider these risky are when you are trying to use Tribute/Golem for +actions to continue your engine since you don't know if they'll end up terminal; harvest always is and ironmonger never is. Otherwise things like blind drawing with masquerade/Upgrade can be far more risky.

I won a tournament game by using KC/Mine/Bishop to quickly mine treausures up to be worth more points before trashing them away with Bishop. The whole thing was a bit of a desperation move since I was falling behind on colonies, but it worked out in the end. Too bad councilroom is no longer, I'd actually like to go back and have a look at that one.

Game Reports / Re: I beat Marin and I'm not sure why
« on: September 19, 2012, 09:43:56 am »
I am going to chime in with my agreement with Davio. My engine-building games have gone far, far better once I realized that I was waiting too long to green. Usually you can tell you may be waiting too long when you hit $8 in back-to-back turns and buy a province with neither.

Hello all. Just wanted to finally formally introduce myself. I have been reading these forums for over a year now, and post occasionally, so this is probably overdue. Also, I guess I just never really scroll down, and didn't even see the Introductions section until recently.

I am a software engineer by trade and live in the Minneapolis suburbs. I got hooked on Dominion after I was introduced to it at my local Board Game night. I have been teaching my wife to play so that we can enjoy the hobby together.

If any dominion players are in the area and want to meet for an IRL game, drop me a line.

General Discussion / Re: Programming
« on: September 18, 2012, 10:01:02 am »
I have been a professional software engineer for slightly over 7 years now. I got my Computer Engineering degree from the University of Minnesota and now I mainly specialize in back-end server and communications code; mostly written in c or c++. I'm also mildly familiar with the likes of c# and Java, but haven't used them much in a professional environment.

Currently I am employed at a large corporation writing enterprise data back-up software. Before that I wrote software that helped monitor and control electrical power systems.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: A super random question
« on: September 13, 2012, 09:44:51 am »
Assuming 0 strategy I wonder how many turns it could take to get to $8 (if at all before a 3-pile). I seem to remember in my early games that only 1-2 provinces would get bought before the game would 3-pile on an over-abundance of terminals or cheap $2 cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: When do cards do things
« on: September 13, 2012, 09:29:09 am »
How about the Looters then? They probably should qualify as well since they add the additional Ruins pile.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Attention-whoring thread.... I did it!!
« on: September 08, 2012, 10:08:58 pm »
After a stellar week I have finally managed to break the 40 barrier! Didn't think I would make it to 40 before ISO went down; but now I am afraid to play anymore games for fear of dropping my level.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Translations
« on: September 07, 2012, 01:53:08 pm »
Some Dutch translations are awful. "Familiar" was translated into "Oude Bekende" which means "Old acquaintance"...

I guess they were technically correct...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cards You Horribly Misjudged
« on: September 07, 2012, 10:53:25 am »
I try to go for Conspirator way more than I ought to, or with really crappy Cantrips with no plus buy (where BM would probably be faster).

I do the same, not so much because I over-evaluate conspirator, but because conspirator chains are just so fun to (try and) setup.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Building into a strategy
« on: September 06, 2012, 05:00:34 pm »
Also agree with clb. I think you'd have been better of either not getting the steward, or using it more aggressivley early. I think HT/Steward may be a better way to transition. Trash a lot, buy a single Tunnel and then gain gold like mad.

I played this board solo by setting up an engine with Menagerie/Shanty Town/HT/Tunnel. Open steward/menagerie. Trash aggressively getting one HT along the way. When your deck is slimmed buy a tunnel and build back up to gold with tunnel/HT. Use extra buys on Menagerie/Shanty Town/Horse Traders. I have no idea if this is the best you can do on this board, but I think is better than the straight HT/Venture route.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cards You Horribly Misjudged
« on: September 06, 2012, 11:49:04 am »
The problem you run into facing Governor isn't the speed. It's the ability to finish the game at will.
A Governor deck can pick up 1-2 Provinces and wait until it can pick up the last 2-3 in one turn, even on boards where no other deck can pull off multi-Prov turns.

I think the last part is the most relevant. In the absence of any other way to get multi-provinces, using the governor for drawing becomes MUCH stronger. Every card over $8 you add to the other player's hand isn't doing them anygood, so you only need to be able to double-province for this to work out in your favor.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: X-with-a-bonus!
« on: August 29, 2012, 02:08:46 pm »
Would it be fair to say that Mercenary is an improvement of a Militia? Granted, the cost to activate it can be extreme.

This one I think is definitely not 'strictly better' due to the trashing restriction on Mercenary.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: X-with-a-bonus!
« on: August 29, 2012, 01:52:27 pm »
Perhaps not worth mentioning, but Bridge and Highway both have minor drawbacks when paired with any TfB. Especially Highway since it is non-terminal.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Best Recommended Set
« on: August 17, 2012, 11:43:09 am »
Prophecy actually looks like a really fun way to put together a cantrip deck, so that is my vote. Infestations looks pretty cool too.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages initial report
« on: August 17, 2012, 11:02:35 am »
I love how there are two Dark Ages cards (Hermit and Scavenger) that are very similar to some Base cards (Workshop and Chancellor) that most people dislike, but the same qualities that they are disliked for are the ones the Dark Ages cards seem to be liked for.

Workshop - Gain something worth up to $4 "Omg, ew, how many $4 cards do you need?  $5s are SO much better."

Hermit - Gain something worth up to $3 "OMG YOU CAN GET SILVERS."

Well... you could use the Workshop to get Silvers, too...  I do like the discard-trash thing on Hermit, but seeing so many people squee about its crappy Workshop deal is weird.

Chancellor - You may put your deck in your discard "Omg, ew, that's stupid and I'd never buy that."

Scavenger - You may put your deck in your discard "OMG THAT'S SO POWERFUL."

Granted, Scavenger lets you top-deck, and I like that, but still.

Hermit is not OMG You can gain silvers. It's OMG it can trash AND gain silvers; which is much more like JoaT than workshop.

Rats, Upgrade and Fortress. Maybe throw in Junk Dealer too for good measure. Seems like some neat interactions between cantrip trashers and fortress that should be fun to try out.

True, but it also works on silver, which you may want to also remove mid-game after an engine ramp-up.

True, but a single counterfeit bank could be very good.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: DA, first Printing, Misprinted?
« on: August 16, 2012, 05:09:00 pm »
Or you just draw a Gold with your +1 Card, and don't want another one which is behind it as it will make you overplay for Province.

The best example of this would be treasure map.  You know that the next 4 cards of your deck are golds.  You may only want one of those golds, and intentionally guessing Curse will result in a guaranteed province next turn.

Or leaving a copper there with Cartographer so that Loan will trash it.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Best knight?
« on: August 16, 2012, 05:07:14 pm »
I like to think of Sir Vander as the Suicidal Knight.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Band of Misfits rules questions
« on: August 16, 2012, 05:05:40 pm »
I'd imagine so! Good interaction there.

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