Ok, I just played about 3 shuffles of a Page board always getting at least two of them, and was wondering where the hell my treasure hunters were when I apparently had been telling the game constantly that I wanted to keep them. The multiple traveler dialog box is really, really, really, really bad. Why would clicking on exchange, changing the coloring, cause it to go from being exchanged to being kept? It literally makes no sense at all. And this isn't even the first time I had multiple traveler turns. The interface is so counter-intuitive, that I didn't even remember how it works a few days later.
Well, thats a discussion we had before. Clicking on exchange OR Keep toggles the selection. The thing that happens in the current selection is marked, also the card you will get by keeping/exchanging is colored. I dont know how to make this more clear other than adding another tag saying "keep" or "exchange" between the two pictures.
€dit: Just noticed that there is a new thread of people trying to improve it: