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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Previews 3: Exile
« on: March 04, 2020, 07:30:30 pm »
Bounty hunter: I like bounty hunter in that you can thin out your deck for initial gold and chain other actions. The major drawback I sense it will have is that once you have the bounties, it will just be a non-terminal pseudo-trasher. I feel like it would be worse to have late game cause more often it could just be a dead card, but certainly strong in early to mid game. I like the balance.

Stockpile: for 3$ I like the potential it has of racking up mini-contrabands essentially, Though I feel I would prefer the 2 labs from experiment b/c there's no guarantee of using each stockpile a 2nd time. especially when 3 or so other people are buying them as well.

Coven: I really like coven in that the curses you give are immune to trashing early game and then dump them on your opponent mid game at the worst possible time when they're trying to keep their engine consistent. I think this is going to be one of the strongest attacks next to Mountebank at least. It feels fresh too.

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Renaissance Initial Impressions
« on: November 05, 2018, 05:39:50 pm »
Border Guard- I think this is going to be a really powerful card b/c already it's a nerved laboratory for 2$ and you could potentially upgrade it with the artifacts to act like an alchemist without the potions to keep it going every turn.
You misread the card. Border Guard never draws more than 1 card.
Oh no I get that. But what I'm saying is for a 2$ card as opposed to getting lab for 5$ it's pretty good. Especially, when you can upgrade it with the artifacts and spam them every turn potentially. But yeah I compared it to lab cause they can both cycle through 2 cards and yeah lab gets the 2 cards but I would rather have 3 border guards than 1 lab to cycle through the deck.

Remember that Horn only lets you top deck one Border Guard each turn, though. Not all of them.
Arrrgh I didn't catch that you can only top deck one....okay so maybe it is a tad bit weaker than I initially thought, but I still think it's pretty powerful. I mean think about it, if you buy 2 or 3 border guards your opponent will either stall time to buy border guards to keep the artifacts away from you or let you inevitably get the 2 artifacts (assuming you can flood your deck with actions) to sift through 6 to 9 cards rather than 4 to 6 cards with 2 or 3 labs. So in a way you can filter out your deck for the best cards rather than wasting turns trashing half your I did with this post  ;D.

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Renaissance Initial Impressions
« on: November 05, 2018, 02:56:28 pm »
Border Guard- I think this is going to be a really powerful card b/c already it's a nerved laboratory for 2$ and you could potentially upgrade it with the artifacts to act like an alchemist without the potions to keep it going every turn.
You misread the card. Border Guard never draws more than 1 card.
Oh no I get that. But what I'm saying is for a 2$ card as opposed to getting lab for 5$ it's pretty good. Especially, when you can upgrade it with the artifacts and spam them every turn potentially. But yeah I compared it to lab cause they can both cycle through 2 cards and yeah lab gets the 2 cards but I would rather have 3 border guards than 1 lab to cycle through the deck.

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Renaissance Initial Impressions
« on: November 05, 2018, 01:40:14 pm »
Cards that stand out:

Border Guard- I think this is going to be a really powerful card b/c already it's a nerved laboratory for 2$ and you could potentially upgrade it with the artifacts to act like an alchemist without the potions to keep it going every turn.

Cargo ship- I think probably the strongest 3$ duration card I've seen. I think this is gonna be a really good opener. The fact that your more likely to get 5$ card and pass it on in addition to your hand is killer even in the mid/late-game. Granted it doesn't really help to have more than one out unless you have lots of money and buys that turn, but yeah I really like this one.

Hideout- I could see this being the next wandering minstrel, I would probably even consider trashing the estates knowing the I could easily trash the curses with these later on after flooding my deck with terminal draws. But it's interesting that it seems like one of those cards you don't want open up with until right after your openings. definitely prefer this card over junk dealer.

Research- This is a really cool variant for tactician/apprentice. I think this duration has a lot of potential, but it may depend on number of gain/buys your capable of per game to feed into this cards. cards for silver flooding like trader, masterpiece, etc; would combo really nicely in a colonies game.

Sceptor-At first I was really disappointed with Sceptor cause it seemed like a weaker copy of Royal Crown; that's until I realized that this combos with actions a lot better in that even if you've used all your actions in your deck you can still throom room played actions. So I can see this working well with terminal draws and yeah this one peaked my interest the more I thought about it.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Nocturne Initial Impressions
« on: November 18, 2017, 10:20:38 am »
Night Watchman would being amazing with page. Of course there's always scavenger, but at least with Night Watchman you have that immediate effect to shift through your deck and level up multiple pages. And I like how how it's an upgraded version of scouting party that you can continue to use afterwards. I mean yeah you probably don't want clog up your deck with too many, but that's kinda the point you don't have to. You probably only need like 1 or 2 to really start cycling. Maybe 3 for bigger decks.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Nocturne Initial Impressions
« on: November 16, 2017, 07:23:19 pm »
I like pretty much like all the night cards except maybe cobbler but even that one is pretty decent.

Of all the newer cards that stand out the most, I would say Night Watchman, Secret Cave/Magic Lamp, and  Tormentor. 

Night watchman: I've always liked cards that help you customize your hand like haven. This one I feel is a much faster version of cartographer where you can filter out the cards immediately and then continue to cycle for a better deck pretty quickly. Definitely nice.

Secret Cave/Magic Lamp: It's funny to see that these 2 are polar opposites as far as working against each other mechanically. I think the Secret Cave has some potential to combo off with cursed village, watch tower, etc. and even in the late game when your cycling through the greens to get that last province. But I'm more interested in the Magic lamp. I like how it's a reasonable challenge with a game changing reward that I think feels little nicer than treasure maps.

Tormentor: Tormentor I can see being my new favorite attack. I like how you kinda have the option to easily dish in some imps which in effect will help cycle through the Tormentors and attack. Then just buy some more tormentors to attack some more. But it's almost like the card has a built in combo which is really cool and I happen to really like yeah definitely one of my favorites.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Nocturne Initial Impressions
« on: November 16, 2017, 05:28:07 pm »
After one League Match with them:

Bard seems really bad. I'm not even sure it passes the Silver test.

Yeah I'm not really too thrilled with the fate cards. Like there are maybe 2 or 3 boons that are actually decent but the rest are just okay.  It's not really something I'd want to revolve my strategy around cycling through the boon deck hoping to get one of the decent effects.

I actually really like the Doom cards though. I feel like the hexes are like polar opposites of boons where there are 8 good attacks and of those like 2 or 3 game-changing attacks. So at least with the hexes they're actually worth cycling through to see how badly you can damage your opponent.     

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Nocturne Initial Impressions
« on: November 16, 2017, 02:30:37 pm »
I think Conclave seems really weak and not interesting at all, but maybe I'm missing something.

Monastery will obviously be really strong. It only costs 2; It is essentially non-terminal, and it can trash coppers that are IN PLAY. Obviously, this is not quite as good as chapel, but it can really do some work I think,

Yeah... i think for 4, Conclave is ridiculously OP. It basically turns any terminal draw into a mega laboratory with +2 coin and turns every other terminal action into a mega village. I mean you won't get to repeat it with the same actions and maybe have a drawback on durations but that's still a little better than labs.

Archive: 9/10-It basicly turns the next three cards in your deck into reserve cards for three turns that you can pull out one at a time, but I think this card has a lot potential to build some strong turns especially with legionary or encampment as far as matching gold.
Bustling Village: 8/10- This has the potential to be a mega-encampment with an extra action and copper without the drawback but even if there's no settlers in the discard, I'd still prefer this over a bazaar just to play that extra action. Although it will take some time to dig it out.
Capital: 8/10- A really strong treasure. It helps you get those expensive cards early on. It reminds me of tactician but in reverse so you can have a mega money turn now and most likely forgo your next turn depending on how you use it.
Catapult: 6/10- I think it's pretty decent possibly situational but I could see this working well with silver decks cause you’re really getting a follower attack for each silver you trash.
Castles: 8/10- Just getting the humble castle for 3$ itself could be worth up to 9 victory points and with all the castles is more all the provinces alone I think. Although I think this will be a bit weaker with colonies out, it's still a good alt to victory.
Charm: 8/10- A really cool treasure that suits to any situation. If you don't have enough money or buys pick the 2$ plus buy or get another 5 $ card since you bought emporium which is like using a platinum right there so good all around.
Chariots: 5/10- It has a fun interaction. It’s still very situational, I think I'd still prefer an oasis just to skip the luck though. That's not to say you can't make your own luck and it's definitely a grade up from wishing well.
City Quarter: 7/10- I feel like I'd have to get a lot of terminals or trashes to be comfortable enough to buy this so kind of unsure cause right now I see it as an 8$ village most of the time and I think it's going to take while to really stack all those terminals in your hand.
Crown: 8/10- it's good all around obviously cause it works with any hand except for an extreme case of all victories, but yeah not much to say.
Emporium: 6/10- I'm sure you could get 5 actions easily for that 2vp as long as there's enough non-terminal actions to so it's a decent reward but I don't know if it's quite worth digging out the patrician to get it.
Encampment: 6/10- It's obviously a powerful 2$ card but most likely a one-shot. I could see people buying this early and not even using it just to wait until they have more gold or so. At least that's what I’m going try.
Enchantress: 8/10- Even though personally I hate this card, it is pretty strong for the most part. You’re already setting up a better next turn of plus 2 cards and you could potentially make those lonewolf debt invested actions such as overlord into cantrips which is insidious but good x).
Engineer: 7/10- I think it's one of the best workshop variants next to armory. I think it's really cool that you can get rid of it when you don't need it anymore. I would probably even buy this with an extra buy for 1 or 2$ down. Then possibly gain cards as you’re paying off the debt
Farmer's Market: 7/10- I can see it having some potential with villages and engines but the money you get out of it and the points at the end of the cycle are worth the investment.
Fortune: 10/10- I think for the most powerful treasure in the game this is going to be more accessible than people think b/c of gladiator’s ability to trash itself in the supply early on assuming it wins the challenge even once. I mean a 16 dollar treasure is not something you can just ignore I think on any board. So I think it will be OP
Forum: 7/10- I appreciate an improved variant of warehouse. The plus buy could be useful maybe if I got 7 I could go for a combo with settlers. Discard copper and then pick it back up. Nice engine card in general.
Gladiator: 7/10- It’s a pretty decent card in the sense you can get a terminal 3 if you mix your deck with different cards and if you do you can also get to the fortune faster so that’s a nice ability in general.
Groundkeeper: 8/10- This seems like a nice mid to late game card for when your engine is ready. It will be even more powerful with plus buy cards to dish out the extra points per groundkeeper.
Legionary: 9/10- A really amazing attack but with the catch of matching the gold. The terminal gold though is still pretty handy considering it has minor backlash as with Mandarin, horse traders, and etc.
Royal Blacksmith: 5/10- Don’t give me wrong plus 5 cards is always nice to cycle through  your deck quicker but is it really going to be worth discarding 3 to 5$ worth of on average to get those cards. I mean you can trash most of the coppers then this will be amazing. But it really comes down to your ability to get rid of copper. Until then I’ll stick with an embassy instead.
Overlord: 9/10- Very convenient considering that you can get it turn one no matter what and use most  of whatever action you want on the board so it will help fill that niche your missing on your turn most of the time unless you have really bad cards out but overall really strong card.
Patrician: 4/10- it has a nice reward if you’re lucky but stacking a good ratio of 5$ or more can be challenging without good trashers but it could act like a vagrant as you get more provinces.
Plunder: 7/10- It’s basicly a monument that’s not limited to actions anymore. It also has another role in preserving your encampments if you don’t have much gold around already so pretty useful.
Rocks: 3/10- To be blunt, the worse card in this set and it’s just not worth digging. I appreciate the humorous interaction though.
Sacrifice: 6/10- It’s an okay trasher. It’s convenient that it gives you different rewards for trashing certain cards but the rewards seem just average in general and I probably wouldn’t think about trashing action until it got closer to the end game with the exception of ruins but other than that just average.
Settlers: 7/10- I think settlers is pretty solid for 2$. I mean I can’t imagine a game where you just never have copper in your discard unless you’ve trashed most of them and it combos really nicely with Bustling village. So two/third or 75 percent of the time it’s going to be a peddler.
Temple: 6/10- It seems like a good opening trasher for trashing estate and copper. I think its secondary effect though is going to encourage players to plog up their deck with useless temples and essentially slow them down in the long run so I’d personally prefer bishop but that’s just my take for now.
Villa: 9/10- Has quite a bit of potential to build the perfect turn to cash out your deck. Although you still gotta pay up for that mega turn however long you may want it to last. Great for Smithy like cards.
Wild Hunt: 7/10- Speaking of smithys, For now I can’t see Wild Hunt as anything else but a smithy that your opponents can potentially take advantage of if you let them. It does have a useful effect but I can’t see myself wanting to stop the plus 3 cards just to get an estate and a few points (maybe if was 4). But also I think it’s a card that’s dependent on villages to work with that point advantage.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Rulebook
« on: June 07, 2016, 01:31:19 pm »
My favorite cards so far would have to be:

Action: Archives-This is probably my new favorite duration card and duration cards happen to be my favorite so maybe I'm biased but this card is amazing. I love the idea of setting aside a mini hand for yourself that you can pull out to use each turn. If you have enough of them you can essentially access your entire deck for 3 turns!! A much more convenient version of haven/native village. This will certainly help the legionary challenge.

Treasure: Capital-this was hard cause I really like charm and obviously fortune, but capital just seems to have that tactician-feel where your like "heck yeah I'm going for it" you can get a mega money turn now and maybe forgo your next turn depending on how you use it, so it's probably my third favorite next to counterfeit and coin of the realm.

Event: Donate- well donate is self-explanatory in the sense that you can build up your deck and then customize it to your liking; throwing out all the baggage.

Landmark: Triumphal Arch-It would have been mountain pass if it activated more than once but the bid only starts with the first province bought. Although I think Triumphal Arch is really cool and feels different in the sense that your not just thinking about how am I going to get x amount cards or silvers etc for gardens or feodum to be of value, your more thinking alright what actions should I get the most of and which other action is going to be the easiest to buy out for some real points. So i like the deeper level of thinking.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Rulebook
« on: June 07, 2016, 09:36:54 am »
One thing I'm confused about though is with capital can you pay off the debt on your clean-up phase then or do you still have to wait next turn to pay it off? I would guess that you would have to pay it off next turn, but the rules say that you have a extra chance then to pay your debt on your clean up phase if I'm reading it right, but that's when you've already discarded all your actions and treasures.
It says you can pay it off at the end of your turn on the card.
The problem is you don't get the debt until you discard it from play and the only way to really discard it from play is go directly to your clean-up phase at which point your already going to be discarding all your actions and treasures that gave you the money in the first place unless somehow that money is still retained on your clean-up phase so I'm not sure.

You still have any leftover money during your clean-up phase. Money isn't tied to having Treasures or whatever in play, it's just tied to having played them sometime earlier during your turn.
Ahh I see, I didn't know that but that makes sense. thanks Mic Qsenoch

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Rulebook
« on: June 07, 2016, 09:00:57 am »
One thing I'm confused about though is with capital can you pay off the debt on your clean-up phase then or do you still have to wait next turn to pay it off? I would guess that you would have to pay it off next turn, but the rules say that you have a extra chance then to pay your debt on your clean up phase if I'm reading it right, but that's when you've already discarded all your actions and treasures.
It says you can pay it off at the end of your turn on the card.
The problem is you don't get the debt until you discard it from play and the only way to really discard it from play is go directly to your clean-up phase at which point your already going to be discarding all your actions and treasures that gave you the money in the first place unless somehow that money is still retained on your clean-up phase so I'm not sure.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Rulebook
« on: June 07, 2016, 08:41:41 am »
One thing I'm confused about though is with capital can you pay off the debt on your clean-up phase then or do you still have to wait next turn to pay it off? I would guess that you would have to pay it off next turn, but the rules say that you have a extra chance then to pay your debt on your clean up phase if I'm reading it right, but that's when you've already discarded all your actions and treasures.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Rulebook
« on: June 07, 2016, 12:49:44 am »
I mean treasure/victory x)

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Rulebook
« on: June 07, 2016, 12:48:46 am »
Haven't read any other threads about the new reveals and I'm still compiling one big post of first impressions.  Just wanted to put this out first on its own, since it includes a question.

Aqueduct - The clarification is confusing to me... Doesn't the Treasure part only apply to Silver and Gold?  So buying Humble Castle or Harem should only let you take VP, not move any VP to Aqueduct?  I'm guessing that an earlier version of Aqueduct put tokens on every Treasure pile, like Defiled Shrine puts tokens on most Action piles.  Or am I misreading something?
No aquaduct applies to any treasure you gain and it says in the rules that you can do both if you gain something like a harem(treasure/action). so you have two reactions in which you get to choose the order, so you move 1 victory token onto aqueduct and then gain any victory points that are on aqueduct. or you can choose the opposite gain the victory points stored on it and move 1 victory token to aqueduct. 

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Rulebook
« on: June 06, 2016, 11:59:35 pm »
woooh, my mind is nuked. Thanks for another amazing expansion Donald :).

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #1: Debt
« on: June 04, 2016, 11:41:42 am »
Oh and one question I had was if you crown a capital do you still accumulate just 6 debt? The card says that you accumulate the debt when you discard it from play not necessarily when you play it, so if even I play capital twice I'm still only discarding capital once from play. and thanks in advance for whoever answers.

You are right, only get 6 debt once. Note that Counterfeit/Mint/Mandarin may allow you to dodge the debt entirely.
Herbalist too.   :D
Sweeet!! dude I can't wait to try a capital+crown+fortune game. just those alone would give you 24 dollars. an instant three provinces and I only gotta pay 6 back :D

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #1: Debt
« on: June 04, 2016, 10:36:56 am »
Oh and one question I had was if you crown a capital do you still accumulate just 6 debt? The card says that you accumulate the debt when you discard it from play not necessarily when you play it, so if even I play capital twice I'm still only discarding capital once from play. and thanks in advance for whoever answers.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #2: Split Piles
« on: May 29, 2016, 12:11:06 am »
You can't gain it this way since debt is also in the cost. It's like cards that have potion in the cost.
If you play Hero, and gain a Fortune, you do not gain the debt. It is only gained when buying
lol I'm trying to discern which one of you guys are right but I would guess that you can still gain a fortune through altar if it still has a normal price with the debt price as well. I mean i know you can't gain a card like royal blacksmith since it just debt but I don't know if the same applies to a mixed price card.

They're both right. You can't gain a Fortune with Altar just like you can't gain a Familiar with Altar. You can gain a Fortune with Hero just like you can gain a Phil Stone with Hero. You don't get debt by gaining the Fortune with Hero.
Ohh I see so hero can gain it cause price doesn't matter but when price does come up everything else fails to gain it. alright that answers my question. thanks J Reggie.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #2: Split Piles
« on: May 28, 2016, 11:38:57 pm »
You can't gain it this way since debt is also in the cost. It's like cards that have potion in the cost.
If you play Hero, and gain a Fortune, you do not gain the debt. It is only gained when buying
lol I'm trying to discern which one of you guys are right but I would guess that you can still gain a fortune through altar if it still has a normal price with the debt price as well. I mean i know you can't gain a card like royal blacksmith since it just debt but I don't know if the same applies to a mixed price card.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #2: Split Piles
« on: May 28, 2016, 08:02:54 pm »
BTW lets say i played 3 highways and used altar to gain a fortune (since it has a normal price as well) would I accumulate the debt of 8 dollars just from gaining that fortune or would I get it for free

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #2: Split Piles
« on: May 28, 2016, 07:59:50 pm »
I think the split piles are my favorite of all the previews. The art could be a little better but I like the interaction between the cards.  I know I'll be digging for that fortune every game it's up. I mean you can't just ignore a 16 dollar treasure you don't even have to pay full amount for up front. That's one thing I've noticed with a lot of the cards shown is that there's more of a temptation to empty out the piles than racing to empty the province/colony piles. It motivates the alternative 3-pile ending which is always a plus; makes it different. Can't wait to see the rest :).

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #1: Debt
« on: May 28, 2016, 01:01:56 pm »
The debt cards like City Quarters and Royal Blacksmith seem a bit under-powered unless you have good trashing cards, but I guess they're pretty decent noting that you can buy them anytime with zero money down. Although I do like capital. It's kind of like a tactician-treasure but reverse in the sense that you can have a mega money turn now and most likely forfeit your next turn to pay it off 

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #4: Landmarks
« on: May 28, 2016, 11:53:02 am »
I'm really liking the landmarks. They remind me of the first time i got into dominion and I was obsessed with the garden strategy cause it was so much deeper than just focusing on how your going to get the money to buy the most provinces. instead your trying to stall the game and figure out how your going to increase the size of your deck the fastest. And these add a whole bunch a dynamic strategies to the point where you may not have to race for the most provinces/colonies anymore, which is mostly of every game x). 

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