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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Preview Fan Expansion "Dragonlands"
« on: May 20, 2016, 01:46:40 am »
@ GendoIkari Thank you for your postings. The idea was that if someone uses a dragoncard, then it should be not the only one. In combine with a lot of other dragoncards it works very well.
It´s like "Tunnel". The card is totally useless if there is no other card which set the Tunnel aside, and so it is here! Nice objection with the ruins^^ But the trick is, that the players are encouraged to get more Dragoncards to get the very good effects if they have a dragoncard on their hand. Even if you play only with the "Dragon Eggs" it can be worth, because you often can get atoken coin, and only for $1. Dragonhunter could be stronger or cheaper - ok, but this card should definitely not be in the supply if there is no one Dragoncard in the supply :>These are suggestions, thats why we talk about. And of course I can improve some cards :> The Idea with the new rules is a nice idea, perhaps we can talk about that.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Preview Fan Expansion "Dragonlands"
« on: May 19, 2016, 06:56:29 am »
Yes, you are right!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Preview Fan Expansion "Dragonlands"
« on: May 19, 2016, 06:32:03 am »
So, i modified my first post :>

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Preview Fan Expansion "Dragonlands"
« on: May 18, 2016, 04:38:40 pm »
Thank you so much for your support. I will try to get a better wording. I will re-upload the new cards then. Perhaps you will understand it better then :> I created about 20 Dragoncards and about 70 other cards - this should be only the first view.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Preview Fan Expansion "Dragonlands"
« on: May 18, 2016, 09:42:11 am »
You can´t see the image???

Here is a direktlink..can you see it then????

Variants and Fan Cards / Preview Fan Expansion "Dragonlands"
« on: May 18, 2016, 09:35:58 am »

Hello Dominion Fans. Thank you a lot for your comments. I will try to get some answers and reupload the cards with a better wording I hope. :>

I have all expansions of Dominion and play a lot with my friends. 2015 I started to design some new cards and try to create some new strategies. My first fan expansion I´ve finished was “Dragonlands”. I liked the idea that a lot of actions and carddraws only work with other cards which you hold in your hand. As I started, I tried to create a cool coulour and I found this one you can see. For sure it looks a bit like the “reserve” cards – but it isn´t the same colour :> trust me. All other colours – grey, red, purple etc…didn't look very cool in my eyes. I printed these cards in a printery and finally they looked different to the reserve cards. In this expansion there are not only Dragoncards, there are normal action- , points- and “clean up - cards” which destroy duration and charisma cards..oh carismacards, that’s a new keyword. These are powerful cards which are lying not only one round like durationcards, they are lying all the time. If you want, I can upload an example these days.

So, here now the cards with a better wording – I hope :>
Stay cool! Greetings from Germany! :>

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Leeroy Jenkins Card Ideas?
« on: March 12, 2016, 08:20:09 am »
I like it :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: DOMINION + Magic the Gathering - Idea
« on: March 11, 2016, 05:51:43 am »
BadAssMutha thats a great idea! Perhaps that´s really better what you said with the Vp´s. I thought, that –even what cards are in the supply – every player can follow his own strategy to win this game. He can  try to get as much points as possible and has
simultaneously look at his enemy what he is playing. Perhaps he has to change his strategy during the game. So he should buy more defending cards if the enemy goes only on attack.

Instead of: The game ends, if the provinces are out or the enemy has 0 living points, we can say, the winner is, who has the most VP´s. But the game ends when one player has 0 points.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: DOMINION + Magic the Gathering - Idea
« on: March 11, 2016, 03:38:09 am »
Thank you for your response.

Ok I will try to explain it a bit better:

Additional to the other cards, there are the mana cards on the supply. 1 mana costs 2 copper for example.

At the start every player gets 7 copper, 3 estates and 2 mana cards of his colour.

“MtG-Dominion cards” can be bought from the supply. In this case “Flammender Äther”: 4 $.

In the action phase this card may played as an action card. In this case, the player has 1 action and the possibility to say, - if he pays 2 $ and 2 black mana- that he attacks one of his enemy-player with “3 attack” as you can see on it. If the enemy has no defending card, he has not 20 lifepoints now he has 17. He can defend it, if he plays the “Waldharpye”-card. This card has 4 defending points, so the card “Flammender Äther” doesn´t work.

The game ends, if the provinces are out or the enemy has 0 living points.

Variants and Fan Cards / DOMINION + Magic the Gathering - Idea
« on: March 09, 2016, 05:42:32 am »
Greetings from Germany,

i´am not the first one who has the idea to combine DOMINION with Magic the Gathering for sure. However I tried it. I have that idea, that every player has 20 living points and can decide playing the strategy of gaining points and provinces or attack the other players till they have 0 points. So players can play different styles, more defending, more aggressive..etc. At the start everyone has some mana-cards (green, white etc…) and the normal 10-hand startcards. Mana can buy etc…this is just an idea. Perhaps you have different ideas just should be a way of brainstorming. Here I have 3 card versions. (Sorry for my bad english here).
The cards are in german but its not so necessary what is written on it, perhaps you can imagine what it means.


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