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Messages - Mergus

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Loser's Bracket / Re: Rats! Division (Losers Bracket) - Bracket and Results
« on: December 23, 2012, 03:42:10 pm »
I finished my games with tenuki a few days ago and tenuki won 4-3.

We agreed that he would post the results so I didn't keep the logs.

The games were not close, but the overall result was. It was fun to have another scheduled match and I wish tenuki good luck for the remainder of the tournament!

Loser's Bracket / Re: Losers Bracket RD 2 Signups - 9/???
« on: December 15, 2012, 03:16:22 pm »
Seems like I'm not in the list yet. Could you put me in please, thanks!

Loser's Bracket / Re: Losers Bracket RD 2 Signups - 9/???
« on: December 13, 2012, 06:48:50 pm »
I'm in too!

2012 / Re: Thief Division: Bracket and Results
« on: December 13, 2012, 12:37:52 pm »
Round 2: DESTROYER wins against Mergus 4-2 (plus one tie). Since my opponent last week was a no-show, this was my first tournament match ever, and it was INTENSE! Mergus was a great opponent, and I feel very lucky to have scraped through to the next round.

Thank you for the games DESTROYER. I had a lot of fun and I wish you good luck for the rest of the tournament.

The games were interesting, I especially liked the third one where we tied. I wasn't sure if I would get another Silk Road upgrade from buying the last estate but my feeling told me I would and it did which was lucky enough for me. I thought that you would be able to buy the last estate for sure though.

I think you definitely outplayed me in games 1 and 4. I don't remember game 1 very well but in game 4 your engine got going pretty well and I had no chance to catch up.  In game 6 however I was hoping for 5 point gardens but just ended up with 49 cards and one point behind. That was critical but I don't think I could have aquired more cards. It's so cool though, how sometimes in Dominion different strategies can yield very similar results. In the last game I tried to gamble by breaking PPR and could have bought the last one next turn, but you were faster. I agree with Drab that in hindsight my Cutpurse is worse when there is Steward on the board. The fact that it still hit most of the time later on probably made it feel so close at the end.

Thanks again and see you around.

2012 / Re: Thief Division: Bracket and Results
« on: December 05, 2012, 01:33:17 am »
WOW those were good games!! Seven absolutely fantastic games and they were (almost) all tense throughout.

I can just agree that this set was a really fun one and it is these kinds of tournament games that provide a quality of online dominion that I otherwise don't experience very often in more casual games. After the tense second game I was ready for a break, but 5 more games were to come.

Game 3 was definitely a favourite, I liked how Noble Brigand played an actual role.

In Game 4 I was lucky to draw my province with the single tournament so early and get the princess, which provided the +buy that was really helpful to get a better deck in the long run.

Maybe I should have bought one more Hamlet in Game 5 to not let Dsell get 5 as well, but I am unsure about this one.

In Game 6 I was definitely outplayed, I assumed an early HorseTraders (my 2nd $4 card) would be better here, but I guess it was more important to get rid of the coppers.

I wasn't happy to see familiar in this last set, as I have had enough unenjoyable games with that card. Luckily it didn't turn out to be too decisive, though I think that getting the curse lead was necessary for me to be able to tie the duchies. I got my first Transmute a bit late and was worried that I wouldn't be able to split the Duchies. Then I was hoping for 5$ hands to get Dukes and I got good draws, Dsell's CouncilRooms helped a bit with that. If he had managed to hit a few provinces early on there would have been no way for me to catch up.

Thanks for the fun set!

Congrats to Rabid, looks like it was a fun final!

Thanks for the games greatexpectations. You were certainly the better player last night, although I was hoping for some lucky finish in my favour at the end of game 4, which would have been undeserved though.

In Game 1 I get outplayed big time. I underestimated the importance of the potion here and open double Ambassador which doesn't work well.

I know that I need to go for Vineyards, but I don't know how to do it right. I should have ignored goons I guess.

Game 3 was closer than the score. Either of us could have won this.

In game 4 I get completely frustrated by golems. He has two before I can buy my first and from there I can't catch up.

GG and have fun in the finals.

BGG Store Tournament / Re: BGG tournament round 3
« on: September 03, 2012, 06:58:50 pm »
Mergus wins against DG  3-2

Game 1
DG 47 - 20 Mergus
With the 5/2 split DG goes for Tactician and Steward whereas I decide for a Torturer. That does not work out and his early Hoards lead to a lot of gold for him and I have no chance to catch up.

Game 2
Mergus 46 - 18 DG
I go for Alchemists, he for Universities. One key card is Fortune Teller, which cycles his universities so he can't use them as much in the start. This leads to a Nobels+Peddler advantage for me to win the game.

Game 3
DG 37 - 45 Mergus
It's a Duchy/Duke game with Horsetraders, where we have a 5/2 start though. He quickly has a 4/2 Horse Trader lead and I start buying Duchies, hoping that I can tie them. At one point he gets a Duke instead of a Duchy, which probably costs him the game.

Game 4
DG 75 - 61 Mergus
In this one I decide to use Masquerade and he goes Hunting Party straight away. I have Platinums earlier and begin buying green earlier. But then I can't break PPR (with colonies) and we go for provinces. Then I can't break those and start buying duchies. Then my deck is so slowed down that I hope for a lucky Masquerade trade, which doesn't happen. His hunting parties allow him to buy higher value victory points more consistently in the end which ties the score for 2-2.

Game 5
Mergus 76 - 66 DG
This is the most interesting deck of the game. In a 5/2 two opening he goes for Ghost Ship immediately where I start with a Festival and we both get Chapel. He gets way more villages and Ghost Ships early, I get money faster and buy the first Colony. He nicely uses Horn of plenty and takes the lead, when I decide to buy out the Ghost Ships and get more villages. In the end, Hoard probably made a difference as well, as the game takes 28 turns and both of our decks are pretty green by then.

Thanks for the matches DG. I like playing competitive like this, it requires an extra amount of concentration and provides an extra amount of fun and tension in exchange.

BGG Store Tournament / Re: BGG Store Tournament Bracket - Round 2
« on: August 28, 2012, 02:05:03 pm »
Watno and I just played our match. The result was 3-2 in my favour. I have all but the last log.

This game went to turn 37 with double Ambassador. He plays it better and I try to catch up but it's too late.

A Young Witch game where I win by buying out piles and I think the universities I grabbed paid off.

He goes straight for ShantyTown and Wharf while I start with a Monument. His Forge works better than mine and he quickly has the smaller deck.

Very tight game with lots of Swindlers where I'm lucky that he swindles a Province at the end.

Very quick Chapel game with Lighthouse and Governor support where I draw the better Chapel hands in the start.

Thanks for the games Watno and for being able to play so quickly!

BGG Store Tournament / Re: BGG Store Tournament Bracket - Round 1
« on: August 27, 2012, 12:52:41 pm »
Mergus wins over lespeutere  3 - 0

Here are the logs and some brief comments.

Game 1:
A Chapel game where he decides to go for support with Merchant ships which I thought was a cool idea considering Throne Room. I buy a Nobles to keep him from breaking PPR and then win because I get two Province hands in a row.

Game 2:
We both go double Ambassador and I am way more lucky in the start. With Cities and Goons I win by buying out piles.

Game 3:
Horse Trader+Duchy/Duke. I forget that this is the way to go and buy a Torturer on my first 5 turn. Although this should help him even more, as he has 3 Horsetraders to my 1 luck is on my side again and we split Duchies. And in the end I buy the last two Dukes to win.

Thanks for the games lespeutere. I got really lucky.

I'm in as well.

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 5: Post here if you can't find your opponent!
« on: August 06, 2012, 01:05:33 am »
Just tried to meet with BadAssMutha for our last match (which is irrelevant for the outcome of the group I believe). He did not show up and now I have to leave and will not be able to access the internet before Tuesday i.e. after the deadline. I'd be happy to call the match a draw or whatever works best. Thanks for organising the tournament, I hope there will be more in the future! And sorry to BadAssMutha for not having more time available these days.

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 5: Discussion Thread
« on: June 19, 2012, 02:16:20 am »
I think it's great that Kirian organises this. I'm sure he put a lot of thought into setting this up the way it is now and I think people should wait until it's over before judging it.

For my part, I think trying this format is great and it was clear for me that people would be divided into groups if there were many signups. I don't think it's appropriate to complain about the wording that was used in the original rules posting and making such a big thing out of it. This is something that someone organises in his free time and we don't pay for it.

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom 5: Sign-Up Thread (ENDS 09 June)
« on: June 05, 2012, 03:19:35 am »
I'm in too!

GokoDom / Re: Kirian's Bracket, Week 7
« on: May 11, 2012, 11:30:21 pm »
Mergus beats Axxle 4-3
Logs to follow when they are on CouncilRoom.

Thanks everyone in the group for being very serious and not dropping, making our group a fun group :)

Tournaments and Events / Re: One day Cup / Feed back
« on: May 06, 2012, 09:26:21 pm »
Thanks for organizing Rabid, it was fun!

I think the main problem that caused it to be so long was that some people showed up too late, which then made many players wait for other matches to be finished. I think with your idea of a check in confirmation this problem would be solved, even if that might lose you some players, because some are always late. But that would be to the benefit of those who take part as waiting time would be minimized. I think it is good that opponents are assigned, this is part of the excitement of a tournament, that you can look into the bracket and see who you would play next depending on the result of your own match.

With double elimination the winner of the winner bracket will always have to wait for quite a while for the winner of the loser bracket and so will the loser of the winner bracket final. Depending on the size of the tournament, I think it would still be a reasonable waiting time for the size of tournament that we had. Especially since the players that make it that far will usually be okay with waiting, because their chance of winning the tournament is quite high.

I'd definitely play again if I happen to have time

Tournaments and Events / Re: 1 Day Cup 5th May / Results
« on: May 06, 2012, 09:18:17 pm »
Congratulations ednever!

Tournaments and Events / Re: 1 Day Cup 5th May / Results
« on: May 05, 2012, 11:00:47 am »
Rabid 2
Mergus 3

Thanks for the matches!

Tournaments and Events / Re: 1 Day Cup 5th May
« on: May 04, 2012, 12:59:09 pm »
Hey there, just a couple questions before the tournament tomorrow. How will we know the opponent we should play? Will the schedule be posted and updated on the challonge page? Should we all meet in Secret chamber? And where do you want us to report results?

GokoDom / Re: Kirian's Bracket, Week 6
« on: May 03, 2012, 03:36:21 am »
Thanks for the games Jorbles, and thanks for posting this!
I agree with you that the series felt like a crash course in Fairgrounds and I must say that my appreciation for the card grew through these games. You played really well and I felt I could not do much in the games that you won. I learned most from the game where you used Noble Brigands very effectively to collect trashing cards for your apprentice as you said.

Good luck for your last game too!

GokoDom / Re: Kirian's Bracket, Week 5
« on: April 21, 2012, 04:02:45 pm »
With the exception of the first game (where you got lucky with Mountebank) I think you just played better in all the other games. Your way to build a good deck was superior resulting in some really cool engines (like the infinite bishop+mine one in game 5). I didn't manage to create any of those. You really deserve this win. Good luck in the remaining games :)

GokoDom / Re: Kirian's Bracket, Week 4
« on: April 17, 2012, 02:26:56 am »
I'm sad that the first game has the wrong log. I would like to see you play Philosopher's Stone, as you might guess. ;)

I updated the link ;) It's cool that after you play so many games you can still remember some particular games, like the one when you killed me with your Philosopher stones. Since then my consideration for that card has greatly increased.

GokoDom / Re: Kirian's Bracket, Week 4
« on: April 15, 2012, 02:00:48 pm »
[MAD] Mergus wins against ignorantmen 4 (8 points) - 3 (6 points)

Thank you ignorantmen! We played with 4 Alchemy cards. Here are the logs.
Mergus 48 vs 36 ignorantmen Apprentice works okay against Familiar but Philosopher Stone decides the game.
Mergus 31 vs 40 ignorantmen Apprentice and Hoard are promising. I add Herbalists but they don't show up in my big hand.
Mergus 24 vs 7 ignorantmen Again Apprentice (and Haggler) are able to compensate his Familiar advantage.
Mergus 12 vs 6 ignorantmen I think having two Stewards was the key here.
Mergus 37 vs 44 ignorantmen We're both aiming for Bishops and Scheme. When he gets to Gold earlier than me I try to compensate with a Merchant Ship, which is a bad idea. The simpler way is more effective again.
Mergus 30 vs 42 ignorantmen I forget how strong Vinyards can be with University in long games.
Mergus 46 vs resigned ignorantmen He goes for big Money and Wharves -> Duchy/Duke. I get many Scrying Pools and discard his Wharves continously managing to split the Duchies and he gives up once I picked two Provinces.

Good games, I thought Alchemy would be less fun. The last game was actually really interesting. I didn't think Duchy/Duke would stand a chance, but it was close. I liked that Apprentice was in the games rather than Possession (one irrelevant appearance). None of the games was decided by Familiar luck, which was pleasant.

GokoDom / Re: M's Bracket - Week 4??
« on: April 14, 2012, 08:53:04 pm »
Hi profile says that he was active today. He's probably just very busy. Kirian is doing a good job in keeping the tournament going in my opinion.

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom: Challenge Rules
« on: April 13, 2012, 02:49:41 am »
I'd support the 4card rule for Alchemy as well.

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