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Messages - Gansura

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Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Bunch of Dark Ages Games
« on: August 20, 2012, 09:33:26 am »
I'm sorry I missed it! I was traveling this weekend but hope I can join you next time.


Goko Dominion Online / Re: Ask FunSockets anything!
« on: August 15, 2012, 04:22:12 pm »
How can I download a batch of play logs for analysis?

As of now, is public, though you'd need a script to scrape them.

FYI - I poked around in these logs and they include the names of the as yet unreleased Dark Ages cards, including at least one that is not at the reddit link.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: August 14, 2012, 02:26:12 pm »
Speculating on cards with tracking issues:
I assume the tracking issues everyone is discussing have to do with that one card which trashes the other card three turns from now if you had more than 7 cards in your hand last turn? This is going to be really confusing with Outpost and the other card that can't be trashed unless your discard pile has no more than two types of cards in it. But good move making it cost $1 per victory card bought by the opponent to your right on her last two turns.

Geographer's Clone
$0* *This card costs $1 per victory card bought by the opponent to your right on his/her last two turns.
+1 Card per starting-hand cards in your hand.
+1 Action per action card trashed by an player since your last turn.
If you had more than 7 cards in your hand at some point last turn, you may trash a Gerbalist from your hand on your third turn after this one.

$2 or $3, your choice
Put your deck into your discard pile.
You may shuffle any victory cards from your discard pile into your deck.
When someone buys a victory card that costs less than the last victory card they bought, you may reveal this card and put your deck into your discard pile.
*This card may not be trashed unless your discard pile has no more than two types of cards in it.

As far as I remember, we were all wrong about Ruins. Did anyone suggest anything close?

My suggestion for Ruins turned out to be pretty close to two of the three Shelters:
Type: Victory-Reaction
Cost: $0
0 VP
When you buy a victory card, you may trash this from your hand.

Introductions / Re: Why You Should Get To Know Robz888
« on: August 08, 2012, 08:36:50 pm »
Sorry for the double post, but FYI from today's Washington Post:
A renter’s respite: In Washington area, thousands of new units to open soon

Introductions / Re: Why You Should Get To Know Robz888
« on: August 08, 2012, 04:52:05 pm »
Happy birthday! And welcome to DC! It is a great place.

I would be glad to help you apartment hunt, but I don't know anyone looking for a roommate at the moment. I can give you some advice, though. How well do you know DC geography? It would help to know whether you are looking to live in the city or in the suburbs, what kind of budget you have, if you need to live near a metro, etc. Feel free to PM me and we talk over email if you would prefer.

And you're welcome to let me know when you're in town. I live in the Adams Morgan area and lived in Dupont for about 5 years before that. I can show you around when you get here, or get you lunch or a drink. We can even play dominion (though my regular gaming group consists of a few couples with little babies so that might not be your speed).

Hermit begets hermit begets madman = Buy Hermit, shuffle, play Hermit, gain Hermit, don't buy anything, trash Hermit, gain Madman.

So it takes a couple of shuffles to get the benefit, but once you've got one Hermit, you have a handful.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages Preview #2
« on: August 07, 2012, 11:40:15 am »




0 VP

When another player plays a Looter card, you may reveal this from your hand.  If you do, you are unaffected by that Looter.

Or similarly, Shelter
0 VP

You may trash a ruins.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages Preview #2
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:50:25 am »
Don't have time to read the whole thread, so apologies if this was already brought up, but:

With Feodum around, will we get a rule clarification on whether Silvers (and, by extension, other money cards) are a pile that can/cannot be emptied?

Treasure card piles can be emptied and count toward the end condition. See, for example,

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages Preview #2
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:35:19 am »
Also! I noticed that Donald basically said that there were 3 looter cards in Dark Ages.  Yay.

Could there be non-attack looters? Such as:

Type: Victory-Looter
When you buy this gain a ruins.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages Preview #2
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:14:07 am »
What could the weird one be?

Ruined Monument - +.1 VP
Ruined Gardens - Worth one VP for every 30 cards in your deck.
Ruined Golem - Play one action from your deck
Ruined Library - Draw up to five cards in hand
Ruined Militia - Opponent discards down to five cards in hand
Ruined Pawn - Choose 1: +1 Buy
Ruined Island - 1 VP. You may set this aside with another card, but they will NOT be returned to your deck at the end of the game.

This game deserves its own thread, with a prize for the right guess.
Ruined Chancellor: You may put your hand into the discard pile.

I could see Ruined Chancellor being the "+$1" Ruin, actually.

Ruined Chapel- "Trash a card from your hand", is probably too good to be a Ruin, but I wouldn't rule it out entirely.
Ruined Bureaucrat- "Gain a Copper, putting it on your deck."
Ruined Feast- "Trash this card."

Thirding or fourthing the sentiment that all the Ruins will be taken from base set cards.

(EDIT:  "Warning.  11 new replies have been made."  Yikes.)

Bureaucrats are already ruined. I know; I live in DC.

Ruined Cellar: Discard a card.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages Preview #2
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:58:22 am »
What could the weird one be?

Ruined Monument - +.1 VP
Ruined Gardens - Worth one VP for every 30 cards in your deck.
Ruined Golem - Play one action from your deck
Ruined Library - Draw up to five cards in hand
Ruined Militia - Opponent discards down to five cards in hand
Ruined Pawn - Choose 1: +1 Buy
Ruined Island - 1 VP. You may set this aside with another card, but they will NOT be returned to your deck at the end of the game.

This game deserves its own thread, with a prize for the right guess.
Ruined Chancellor: You may put your hand into the discard pile.

Rethinking my earlier guess -
Ruined Chapel: Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card of equal cost that is not a treasure.

But I like ruined Chancellor, if just for the potential artwork.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages Preview #2
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:42:08 am »
I'm not totally sure, and the FAQ obviously elaborates more on the issue, but it's because all the Ruins are in a single stack, and randomized.  You don't necessarily give out Ruined Markets or Ruined ___ or Ruined ___, you just give out whatever is on top.

I think it would just be easier to say, you give them out left to right, and though you can't return two different types of ruins to the supply, the other players will likely get different types from the supply. I'm curious to see the FAQ but I'm also interested in the reasoning behind it either way.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages Preview #2
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:31:03 am »
To preempt an inevitable rules question: as far as I remember, Ruins are like Prizes when Ambassadored, in that they aren't "gained" or "returned" from the Supply in a normal sense.

Why wouldn't they be treated like curses? That makes more sense to me than treating them like prizes. They are in the supply and can be bought unlike prizes.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages Preview #2
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:22:32 am »
EDIT: As the previous two posters posted the same answer as I did within less than a minute, I'm completely changing this post.

My guesses-
Ruined Smithy: +1 card
Ruined Woodcutter: +$1
Ruined Village: +1 action
Ruined Chapel: Trash a card. Gain a card with the same cost.

Game Reports / Re: Losing to Thief
« on: July 18, 2012, 04:33:41 pm »
Thanks, all. I need to play some more games with Harvest instead of discounting it out of hand like I did here. I saw the hamlet/menagerie combo, but didn't see how a big draw would have helped with the thief out.

As far as I recall, the other decks were [note that this is not in player order]:
1) Opened, silver/loan, then bought another loan and a remodel. After that, went for money and labs. Lost worse than I did because of the thiefs and his own loans. Ended the game with only two coppers and no other treasure.
2) Opened with a remodel. Then took Hamlets, a few thiefs, and my money. Winner. Might have had a menagerie and lab, though I don't recall now.
3) Hamlets, menageries, thiefs, an embassy, and my money. Just barely lost.

As soon as I got my first gold, the thief pile went quickly. Though the game ended on provinces, the remodel pile was empty, the thief pile had two cards left, and the menagerie pile had only one.

Game Reports / Re: Losing to Thief
« on: July 16, 2012, 02:00:42 pm »
Hmm... The suggestions - Hamlet/Menagerie, Hamlet/Embassy - get big draws. But the Thief pile had only two cards left at the end and big hands without money don't really help much. I think Harvest or Verikt's suggested remodeling into Duchies may have allowed an early win on piles, but I'm having trouble grasping how to win on provinces without rushing the Thiefs along with the others.

(That said, I play primarily in person and don't have as much experience with Cornucopia as I do with the other expansions on account of not yet owning it - it was brought to the table by someone else).

Game Reports / Losing to Thief
« on: July 16, 2012, 12:21:29 pm »
This was an in person, 4 player game. How would you play this Kingdom? Duchess, Hamlet, Menagerie, Loan, Coppersmith, Thief, Remodel, Laboratory, Harvest, Embassy.

I lost because I ignored the Thief. I opened Remodel/Loan and managed to grab 5 of the Remodels before the pile went. The other 5 were scattered between the other three players. But as soon as I started remodeling them into Golds, two other players bought Thiefs. I lost 5 Golds to the Thiefs and only managed to get two provinces. (I also bought a couple of Thiefs for remodel fodder and two each of Menagerie, Lab [remodeled from Embassy-Silvers], and Hamlet, which allowed me to remodel into Golds twice on a single turn - but I lost those Golds before I could remodel into provinces).

In the end, the players with the Thiefs destroyed the other two of us. The problem playing against a Thief was that Duchess and Harvest were the only ways to get money without treasure and its tough to get that up to eight. In retrospect, I think Thief, Coppersmith, and Labs would have been a good approach. Your thoughts?

After years of playing Settlers of Catan, and a few games of Pandemic, I was ready for something else. Based solely on reviews from BGG, I bought the Base Set (this was just before prosperity came out). First game took forever. Four of us who had never played before trying to figure out how to play from rulebook, we bought too many actions, and not enough money. Played again a few weeks later with someone who knew how to play and it clicked. Bought prosperity and my group was hooked.

Fast forward several months and I'm studying to take the Virginia bar exam in summer 2011. I'm in the library trying to find new ways to procrastinate and I google "dominion strategy". It takes me to this website, where this is the top post: Hiatus II. I took it as a sign from FSM to get back to studying (I passed - thank you, Theory!) and registered here after the exam.

I think it depends on why you play games. My wife and I play games regularly with another couple. Part of the fun is playing the game and part of the fun is the social aspect and the conversation, which fills in the shuffling lulls. The added length does change the game, though. In our case the culprit in action chains, not shuffling. For example, I rarely go for a Minion deck anymore because the others get annoyed at how long it takes to go through the whole deck (aside from it being tougher to pull off in multiplayer anyway).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: New Base Gold Image Released
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:26:54 pm »

That emoticon should always be a hyperlink, as this one is.

I'm fully expecting a stack of 60 cards each labeled "Undefined," with no art.

That would cause... Confusion.

From the Secret History of Prosperity

Quote from: DonaldX
$5; City. As printed except for wording. The idea for this card came from the Seaside outtake that cared about the trash, and of course Trade Route. I needed cards in the set that interacted with other players but weren't attacks, so I could have fewer attacks overall (so that Colony would usually be reachable) but still have enough interaction. One thing to do is to look at shared data - the piles. Trade Route cares if a pile isn't full; this cares if a pile is empty. Those were just the two simplest things to check.

Looks like the combination of upgradeable cards and cards that cared about the trash have been intertwined for quite a while...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Ruins and Shelters
« on: May 23, 2012, 09:45:20 pm »
Gansura, my post was agreeing with you on the thematics. :P


If Shelter has any sort of mechanic (and I expect it will), it'll probably be worth 0 VP.  Otherwise, it is strictly better than Estate... then again, Shelter replaces Estate, so maybe that doesn't matter at all.  I'm going to guess that you can't buy them though -- they'll just be in your starting deck and that's it.

As some mentioned in the other thread, cards-that-care-about-the-trash are only useful if there are trashers or cards in the trash. We know that Shelters replace Estates. My guess is that this is done in order to resolve that problem. This means there would be some trashing guaranteed in every game that uses shelters. I'm thinking the reason we replace estates with shelters is like the reason we put potions into play. We put in potions to guarantee cards with potions in their cost can be played. We replace estates with shelters to that guarantee some trashing so the other cards have some value.

The other way to make it so that cards-that-care-about-the-trash are guaranteed to have some use is to start the game with some cards in the trash. This could be as simple as adding a set-up rule such as "place x number of coppers in the trash." Or (because we only know of the existence two cards so far, so why not make this all about them) what if the pile of ruins begins in the trash?


The attack I suggested to work with my speculation about ruins is not original. See here in the secret history of Prosperity:

$4; Attack3: "Each other player reveals cards from the top of his deck until revealing a Duchy, Province, or Colony. He trashes it and gains a cheaper Victory card he chooses, and an Estate. He discards the other revealed cards." This was an attempt at an attack that only hit VP cards. Since that would be useless early on, it compensates by passing out Estates then. It doesn't just trash VP cards, it grinds them up into smaller cards. This was really perfect for Prosperity; I needed attacks that didn't make Colony look unattainable, and this makes you actually want to hold out until you can buy two Colonies in a turn if possible. As you know it did not survive. In the end, no-one liked it. That kills 'em every time. It seems kind of worth doing an attack that only hits VP cards someday, but it probably won't have space to do something else in the bargain, and I already know that no-one will be pleased to see it.

I wonder if this card is making a return and giving out ruins instead of estates.

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