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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Knicknacks
« on: January 11, 2016, 08:17:05 pm »
Thinking about this, a price of $1as i suggested might be too low. I'll spend the same amount you spend on two Witches to give me almost complete Witch protection. Of course sometimes i might not have another card to trash in hand, but on the flipside if i gain a Curse, and trashed down my deck a bit, chances are next time i'll get rid of that and another incoming one. So $2 as you originally intended might be just right. Just watch out what happens if this and a curser are on the board, espevially if one player plain skips the curser.
Thinking about it, even a price of 2 is way to low. Realistically what happens with + buy and 2 coin cost is people just buy a token every shuffle. The result?
No one touches the cursers. Sure, they can be bothersome, requiring a 2 purchase, but realistically it's not that big of a deal unless you have a thin deck. Which this event does allow for, but
only testing will tell! Either way, I think I'll increase its power, then raise the price to 4.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Knicknacks
« on: January 07, 2016, 06:25:32 pm »
Wow, i never heard of the word "sagacious" before. Not sure i deserve that.

About the card, i like LastFootnote's suggestion of it being an Event that gives out tokens. You don't have to print actual cards, and it stays widely available. Also it doesn't get its costs reduced, meaning you can't just empty the pile after two Highways, and can't react to itself to keep others from using the card. It might still be abused to burn down piles intentionally, so watch out for that.

Here's a take at an event version:

Control, $1, Event
+1 Buy
Take a Control token. (When you gain a card, you may spend a Control Token to trash that card and a card from your hand)
This seems to be most optimal. It solves all the problems originally brought up. I guess I'll go with it. Anyone know where I can get an event template?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Knicknacks
« on: January 06, 2016, 10:46:07 pm »
Hey, thanks for giving me credit! I'm always having a great time developing and testing new cards and I'm glad there's a lot of creative input in the forums.

Dreamcatcher - 2$ Reserve
When you gain this, +1 Buy and put it on your Tavern mat.
When you gain a card, you may call this to trash that card and up to 2 cards from your hand, discard pile, or play area. If you do, return this to the supply.

This version seems optimal, anyone have a reserve template? Thanks in advance!
Alright, so final version before I go test it will be:
Net (Couldn't find any good dreamcatcher art) 2$ Reserve
When you gain this, +1 Buy and put it on your Tavern mat.
When you gain a card, you may call this to trash that card and up to 1 card from your hand or discard pile. If you do, return this to the supply.

So this is an interesting idea and it definitely needs another effect besides trashing one incoming junk card to be worth $2. With this version including the play area, however, you overshot it a bit. Compare it to Bonfire which would look very bad next to Dreamcatcher. I think trashing the gained card and optionally one more from your discard pile or hand when you call it seems reasonable.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Knicknacks
« on: January 06, 2016, 10:23:29 pm »
It sounds like the Tavern mat might be a decent place for it to go instead of being set aside. It does function like a Reserve after all, waiting available til you need it.
Dreamcatcher - 2$ Reserve-Reaction
When you gain this, +1 Buy and put it on your Tavern mat.
When you gain a card, you may call this to trash that card. If you do, return this to the supply.
I really like this, but it still doesn't solve my junker problem like the event does. If possible I'd do this, maybe add a bonus like trashing cards in play too?
How 'bout:

Dreamcatcher - 2$ Reserve
When you gain this, +1 Buy and put it on your Tavern mat.
When you gain a card, you may call this to trash that card and up to 2 cards from your hand, discard pile, or play area. If you do, return this to the supply.

This version seems optimal, anyone have a reserve template? Thanks in advance!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Knicknacks
« on: January 06, 2016, 09:52:03 pm » you set it aside, then it stays set aside until you return it to the supply via the reaction?
Yeah, kind of, but the reaction isn't what sets it, you set off the reaction by buying it, then it waits until a card I s gained. So you don't resolve it until you use it, which makes me wonder what card type it should be.
Well, I am very easily confused. But...what?
Eh, nevermind. You were right in describing the effect, I was just being pedantic. I'm most likely going with the event idea though. I'm about to go playtest it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Knicknacks
« on: January 06, 2016, 09:37:25 pm »
Huh. Well, the first thing that comes to my mind is: if it never enters your deck, maybe it shouldn't be a card. It could be an Event that got you Dreamcatcher tokens, which you could lose in order to trash incoming cards (or block attacks or whatever).
This sounds cool. It would also solve the randomizer problem because it doesn't take up a kingdom pile.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Knicknacks
« on: January 06, 2016, 09:34:09 pm » you set it aside, then it stays set aside until you return it to the supply via the reaction?
Yeah, kind of, but the reaction isn't what sets it, you set off the reaction by buying it, then it waits until a card I s gained. So you don't resolve it until you use it, which makes me wonder what card type it should be.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Knicknacks
« on: January 06, 2016, 09:25:25 pm »
Hey guys!
So, just looking around the forum I see a lot of fan made expansions, groups of fan created cards, all beautifully laid out and mocked up, and it's really impressive. I've come to respect a lot of awesome, sagacious people on the forum, such as Asper, Co0kieL0rd, Lastfootnote, and everyone else I can't name. Just reading the feedback you guys quickly provide in just the fan cards section really helps me out as a designer, and brings me pleasure just to observe such a busy community.

All this being said, I'd like to involve myself more and have been truly inspired by your work. So, here comes an expansion I'm going to begin creating, this time the right way. It has a mechanical theme of setting cards aside, but not gaining them, and a passive theme of miscellaneous items like rubber ducks, medallions, or for my first submission and idea:

Set it aside as a protection from junkers, or just to trash cards from your hand as you build your deck up with good cards.
Thanks for your time, feedback appreciated!

Wow, I am fully supporting Epsilon - simple and interesting.

Thanks, I'm glad you like that one!

It seems far to similar to procession, still cool though.

I'll take a shot:

---- action/attack/reaction 5$
Each other player with at least 5 cards in hand discards a card.
Choose one: Gain a copy of one of the discarded cards, or trash up to two cards from your hand or discard pile, or +1 Action per card discarded.

It only works once per turn, unless: (insert barrage of edge cases here.)
The gain a discarded card is also weak due to people discarding their worse card, but can be helpful if you hit them near the end game on an estate, or they're playing a slim deck where all their cards are valuable. Either way, the card cleverly moats itself. Trashing is good, but you allow your opponent to use this to take advantage of that, and vice versa, so nice interaction there.
Little large so it'll need a small reaction, thoughts?

Dominion General Discussion / Mystic/Stash/X
« on: October 21, 2015, 11:53:12 pm »
I'm not sure if this is a "Combo" by definition, but it's still pretty sweet in my honest opinion. The ability to make on average 4 coins out of each mystic seems great, but I'm not certain of the technicalities. Obviously this isn't a strategy, but stash I feel can be very good in Mystic power boards, and shouldn't go unnoticed. Thoughts?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Limericks!
« on: September 20, 2015, 06:46:20 pm »
How's this?

Oh how to use Embargo
To best debilitate my foe
I block off the golds
But man, now behold
He's purchasing alternate cargo

Variants and Fan Cards / Treasure Card Template
« on: September 12, 2015, 06:00:40 pm »
Not being a photo-shop whiz myself, and having searched the internet a few more times than I would've liked too, I'm curious as to whether or not one exists available to the public. Could anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Cards In Need of Play Testing
« on: September 09, 2015, 06:56:51 pm »
The following are some fun cards I've designed, but would like some help balancing.

The idea is not only to block junking attacks, but also provide some combos with workshop and such. When not used to react,
it's simply a village. The real debate is whether it should be 5 or not.

I don't think this card can exist. As GendoIkari said, this can't harm your deck to have multiple, so unlike all of the official reactions so far (except Caravan Guard), you don't have to worry about collisions, and the reaction effect is powerful enough that nobody's going to buy any junking attacks with this in the Supply.

Inspired by lost arts, I wanted a way to give those cards that are lacking that last vanilla effect they need to jump up in power.
It can't be stacked, and you only have four of the tokens available tokens. Too powerful? I don't know.

So, basically a strictly stronger Teacher, then? Sorry, but no.

Because zeppelins are awesome, I figured they needed an installment in my favorite game. I gave it a contraband effect
that can't be stacked between turns. Still, it might need to be priced at 6.

At $5, or the $6 you suggest, it should be an Attack card but allow you to buy the named card and only prevent other players from buying it. And as for the "you may not play this during your next turn" effect, what happens if you reveal one with a Golem or Herald? Which card's rules get broken? Rinkworks has a guide that explains why this kind of effect doesn't work.

It's a Margrave in reverse order, with the balance of filling up your deck with T-Rex. It might even be under-powered due to this clogging mechanism.

Thanks in advance for all critique and play-testing, hope you enjoy!

Like Awaclus said, T-Rex's ability sounds like a drawback. I would try this:

+1 Card
Gain a T-Rex. Each other player with 5 or more cards in hand reveals the top 2 cards of his deck. Each player that you choose discards down to 2 cards in hand and then puts the revealed cards into his hand. The other players discard the 2 cards.
Cost: $4
Action - Attack

This way, it doesn't stink, because you can have the attack only affect players it would harm, and it doesn't have them draw more cards than they discarded.
Thanks for the help!

Water Mill
Would making this a non cantrip fix it? +2 cards like Moat perhaps?

Ok, not being very familiar with the adventure cards, I didn't know this was the same thing. Sorry about that.

Cost 5$
Name a non-victory card in play. From the end of your buy phase to the start of your next turn, no one may buy that card. Zeppelin is not an action card during your next turn.

Does this fix it?

I think your fix is a great idea, I'll probably use that concept to repair the card.

All in all, thanks for the help.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Cards In Need of Play Testing
« on: September 08, 2015, 04:31:37 pm »
For some reason this has been posted twice, and I received an error message when trying to remove it. Does anyone know how to fix?

Variants and Fan Cards / Cards In Need of Play Testing
« on: September 08, 2015, 04:21:13 pm »
The following are some fun cards I've designed, but would like some help balancing.

The idea is not only to block junking attacks, but also provide some combos with workshop and such. When not used to react,
it's simply a village. The real debate is whether it should be 5 or not.

Inspired by lost arts, I wanted a way to give those cards that are lacking that last vanilla effect they need to jump up in power.
It can't be stacked, and you only have four of the tokens available tokens. To powerful? I don't know.

Because zeppelins are awesome, I figured they needed an installment in my favorite game. I gave it a contraband effect
that can't be stacked between turns. Still, it might need to be priced at 6.

It's a Margrave in reverse order, with the balance of filling up your deck with T-Rex. It might even be under-powered due to this clogging mechanism.

Thanks in advance for all critique and play-testing, hope you enjoy!

Variants and Fan Cards / Cards In Need of Play Testing
« on: September 08, 2015, 04:21:00 pm »
The following are some fun cards I've designed, but would like some help balancing.

The idea is not only to block junking attacks, but also provide some combos with workshop and such. When not used to react,
it's simply a village. The real debate is whether it should be 5 or not.

Inspired by lost arts, I wanted a way to give those cards that are lacking that last vanilla effect they need to jump up in power.
It can't be stacked, and you only have four of the tokens available tokens. To powerful? I don't know.

Because zeppelins are awesome, I figured they needed an installment in my favorite game. I gave it a contraband effect
that can't be stacked between turns. Still, it might need to be priced at 6.

It's a Margrave in reverse order, with the balance of filling up your deck with T-Rex. It might even be under-powered due to this clogging mechanism.

Thanks in advance for all critique and play-testing, hope you enjoy!

On an offhand note, how do you post images of cards from your computer like that? Last I tried, it gave me a bracket. What do I put there?
Thanks in advance!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Pasturelands
« on: August 31, 2015, 08:46:07 pm »
How about scrapping Goods Merchand as a kingdom card and making it an Event that's always available if you have Lifestock cards/Good givers in the kingdom? Like:

Sale, Event, $2
Trash any number of Goods from your hand. Gain a Gold per $ of the combined cost of the trashed cards.

Not even a need to mention the use of Sale on the cards. Just have the fact that livestock cards demand its use pointed out in the rules.

This is a great idea, I'll fix that up.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Pasturelands
« on: August 30, 2015, 09:00:48 pm »
As people have allready pointed out, Cow is almost as Good as Grand Market, a card which costs with a very harsh buying restriction. If you changed it to only +, nothing actually stops you. It should be noted though that a card that just gives +1 Card, +1 Action, + is usually considered worth . People here refer to that as Peddler sometimes, allthough the actually existing card Peddler costs . A term that's less confusing probably is "cantrip money". Either way, there is no official card at that price point, so it's not like Cow with only one coin would be strictly better than an existing card. It will make some people feel it's too good, though.

Pig is interesting. It's cantrip trashing, but it reduces your hand size by two. Might still be rather good.

I don't really get what the goods do. Do they anything? Currently they don't seem to have any use. I mean, without any use for a card like Egg, Chicken is just a Necropolis and strictly worse than Native Village. I know you said Livestock cards should make a decent part of the kingdom, but you really shouldn't make cards that are only worthwile if other cards from the same expansion are there. Chicken is kind of the Scout of this set.

I would argue Sheep is incredibly hard to track. Again i don't really get the point with goods.

Noooo... Don't make a reaction on drawing a card, like Rooster. Your hand is a secret to people. Nobody can check whether a Rooster you play is the card you just drew. It's not in the rules. It's extremely easy to cheat here, and, dare i say, it's also weird mechanically. Not to mention with the current wording, Rooster arguably doesn't take up an action to play if you draw it (so you can use terminal draw to activate it), helps activate other Roosters and has an activateable effect that's better than a card. If Rooster said "You may play a Rooster from your hand. If you do: +1 Card", that would be an entirely different thing. But, thinking of it, also a different card.

Because of Mule, a note about edge cases: Whenever somebody in this forum makes a general claim, people will try to think of a way to make sure he's proven wrong. It doesn't matter how absurd or irrelevant the edge case is. For example, i might say the fact that Throne Room says "play an Action card from your hand twice" isn't different than "you may play an action card from your hand twice", because you wouldn't play it if you don't want to play the other card, people will jump out of bushes at all sides and say "Edge case: Conspirator!" or "Edge case: Golem!". Either way, edge cases shouldn't be considered when you think about whether a card that says "discard a card" is worse than one that doesn't. Unless of course, the card itself does something that profits from you discarding things.
So yeah, Mule is strictly worse than Market Square and probably too weak for . As , and are basically equally easy to aquire, it doesn't seem to be a card that would be bought at all.

Farmdog is kind of a mix between Spy and Lookout. I think it might be okay, even though cantrip trashing is strong. The fact you don't know what you'll hit nerfs this enough, i think.

Wolf is again a card that's useless without other cards from the set. Actually, you could even have a few livestocks and Wolf would still be dead.

Same for Shepperd...


...and Spices

Ranch is similar, but still has a use without Livestock cards. In that respect, it's a bit like Fortress.

Goods Merchant is a cantrip without cards that give goods. Meh. The fact that players can replace their starting Estates with those basically means everybody can at least open /. Pretty crazy.

Cheese Maker... again, doesn't work without Cow. I know, you said "use many of these in one game", and i see how that works. The problem is just, Dominion simply isn't the kind of game that does that on itself. The premise is that you can just play with random cards. So if you really, really want to make sure two cards are in one game, you have to make this part of the cards. Cheese Maker could simply say "Setup: Add an additional kingdom pile so that Cow is in the kingdom" and vice versa with Cow. Bonus: You can balance the cards easier this way. Probably it would need a rules clarification on what the sentence means - i implied that it adds Cow if it isn't allready there and another pile if it is.

Milk, Wool, Eggs, Cheese: Do these anything? You have listed their costs, but i'm not sure whether you actually mean costs or whether they produce an amount of , like Treasure cards? Even if Egg did produce , it would still just be a Copper, which is an awful thing to gain for a Chicken. Mind you, Chicken gives Actions and asks for a deck made of mostly action cards, while the card it can gain is awfully weak and clogs your deck. Or am i missing something obvious here?

Sorry if i'm being a little harsh. I think a lot of the concepts would work better if you forced the use of the piles the cards depend on. Like "Setup: Use an additional kingdom pile containing a livestock card", " that Cow is in the kingdom", etc. Also, i'm curious what the goods are about. Cheers.
Nope, not harsh at all. This is exactly what I wanted.

I'll address the goods cards first. The essential idea is that using live stock, you can gain these cards. Then using goods merchants, you can trade these in to get mountains of golds.
The idea with chicken is that it won't be completely dead, and is a cheap and easy card to throw onto your pasture for quick golds, since the majority of the pasture land cards take a while to get going. If Goods merchant can allow people to open 5/5, I'm not sure if that would be a bad thing considering it would a) change the game substantially, for better or for worse, and b) speed up the already slow goods cards. I get that this is unclear in the rules, and will try to explain this better.

When I have some time I'll fix the issues with Wolf, Pastureland, Spices, Shepherd and Cheese Maker.

I've changed Cow to a cantrip coin, so I think that fixes the problem for that one.

I really liked Rooster, but I now see your point. I'd love to find a way to get it to work without it being a trust system, but I guess I'll either have to scrap it or just use it with friends.
(Also, terminal draw to activate was the idea, it's supposed to fix the issue of having a smithy or some other power house draw card in an action stacking deck. The above still applies however.)

All in all, you've brought up some great points, so I'll try and fix up the set. Thanks for the help!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Pasturelands
« on: August 30, 2015, 08:05:17 pm »
You might want to add a reaction card in, those are fun.

I want Water Wheel to be a reaction card, do you have any good ideas for it?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Pasturelands
« on: August 30, 2015, 08:00:53 pm »
Some comments:

In general the goods mechanism sounds good and I like your idea of another Shelter-esque Estate substitute.
Cow is far too cheap, it should probably cost 7 or 8.
I like Sheep, converting extra buys into coins is an interesting idea.
Rooster is a nice Herald variant.
Mule was already done on this site as Pauper and I think that 1 (or 2) is an appropriate price. It certainly cannot cost 3 as it is strictely inferior to Market Square.
Thanks for the critique!
As 7-8 for a cow makes it inferior to other livestock options, will +1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Coin
fix the issue?

I'll need to play test sheep to make sure the trade off is balanced, but I'm glad I'm not the only one
who finds the idea intriguing.

The concept is it fixes the issue of being stuck with a terminal draw card in your hand.

For Mule, how does +2 Buys sound? This gives it synergy with sheep, as well as being a solid buy supplier
in action stacking.

Once again, thanks for the help, I'll be sure to add and fix more through play-testing.
I guess most people would say that a Peddler is worth 4 and the livestock option probably isn't worth a price increase of 1 (you do after all take the card out of your deck if I understand the mechanism correctly) so I'd say 4 sounds good for the Cow.

About Mule, the synergy with Sheep is nice but without Sheep two extra buys are a bit dubious as you often only want one extra buy. Unless there is stuff wlike Peddler or Fool's Gold on the board or you have a middlegame situation in which you still build up your engine with 10-12 coins for 3 actions cards I cannot imagine a situation in which two extra buys are useful.
I don't think it is per se bad but it is one of those tricky, mined Dominion territories (like cantrip attacks).

I see your point with mule.
2 buys on one card is great for things like highway, or other cards that give you coins, are cantrips, but lack buys. This way in one terminal action, you get two buys.
At the same time, two buys might be superfluous and thus not worth it due to opportunity cost. I think I'll change it to two buys for now, and give it some well deserved play testing.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Pasturelands
« on: August 30, 2015, 06:43:45 pm »
Mule was already done on this site as Pauper and I think that 1 (or 2) is an appropriate price. It certainly cannot cost 3 as it is strictely inferior to Market Square.
Edge Case: Tunnel.
Though considering that Market Square has it's own gold gaining reaction that is much easier to pull off, this doesn't merit it costing 3.
Because tunnel is so situational, it just isn't valid enough. Though that's probably what you meant by edge case, so sorry if I didn't pick up on that.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Pasturelands
« on: August 30, 2015, 06:41:19 pm »
Some comments:

In general the goods mechanism sounds good and I like your idea of another Shelter-esque Estate substitute.
Cow is far too cheap, it should probably cost 7 or 8.
I like Sheep, converting extra buys into coins is an interesting idea.
Rooster is a nice Herald variant.
Mule was already done on this site as Pauper and I think that 1 (or 2) is an appropriate price. It certainly cannot cost 3 as it is strictely inferior to Market Square.
Thanks for the critique!
As 7-8 for a cow makes it inferior to other livestock options, will +1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Coin
fix the issue?

I'll need to play test sheep to make sure the trade off is balanced, but I'm glad I'm not the only one
who finds the idea intriguing.

The concept is it fixes the issue of being stuck with a terminal draw card in your hand.

For Mule, how does +2 Buys sound? This gives it synergy with sheep, as well as being a solid buy supplier
in action stacking.

Once again, thanks for the help, I'll be sure to add and fix more through play-testing.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Pasturelands
« on: August 30, 2015, 05:35:46 pm »
Having had your fair share of imported meats, you, a competent ruler of appreciable might, are finally sick of their rich and pompous marketing. You've had enough of outrageous prices
for their sub-par lamb chops and ordinary tasting chicken. Thus you begin to invest in livestock. Pastures filled with living stock, the economy would riot over your genius innovation. It is more appealing than towns filled with dead stock, and your butchers are bored anyway.

Dominion: Pasturelands is a fan made expansion focusing upon live looters like dark ages, but with more emphasis.

Cost 4$
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Coin
You may place this on your pasture mat.

Cost 3$
+1 Card
+1 Action
Trash 2 cards from your hand. Gain a card costing half of the combined price of the two card.

Cost 2$
+2 Actions
You may place this on your pasture mat.
You may keep this on your pasture mat
when gaining goods from it.

Cost 5$
+1 Action
You may decrease your buys by any number of points.
For each one, +3 coins.
You may place this on your pasture mat.

Cost 2$
+1 Card
+1 Action
If you have no actions left,
you may discard this from your hand to play it for free.

Cost 3$
+2 Buys

Cost 3$
+1 Card
+1 Action
Look at the top card of your deck.
If it is a livestock card, put it on your pasture mat.
Otherwise, you may discard it, trash it, or put it back.

Cost 5$
Choose One:
Put up to 3 livestock cards from your discard pile onto your pasture mat
Put two cards from your discard pile on top of your deck.

Cost 6$
Worth 1 for each card on your pasture mat.
In games using this, add two extra Livestock cards to the supply pile.

Cost 2$
All of your goods cost one more until the end
of your turn.
Use this if there are any livestock cards in the supply pile,
putting it with the base treasures.

Cost 4$
+1 Card
+2 Actions
You may discard a livestock card from your hand. If you do,
+ 2 Cards

You may trash as many goods cards as you like from your discard pile and hand. Gain
golds equal to the total cost of the trashed cards.

Water Wheel
Possibilities include doubling goods, being a possible start card,
or even another reaction victory.

Cost 2$

Cost 3$

Cost 1$

Cost 5$

Additional rules:
At the start of your turn, discard all cards on your pasture mat, gaining goods corresponding to the discarded cards.
i.e. Cow = Milk.
I really like mats and cards that feature animals like rats and magpies. So I decided to combine the two,
and this is the product. Like alchemy, it works best when these cards make up the majority of the kingdom.
Feel free to leave any wording fixes, critiques, or ideas you have for the set!

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