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Messages - b-durk

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A follow up to the previous article about Intrigue, this post covers which cards players should look out for in a Seaside only game. The author attempts to rank them in a way to reflect how they influence the Kingdom and their power level.

You can check out the article here:

If you have any thoughts about this or any other NLCG article, don't forget to post in the comments section of the article. This way all NLCG readers can hear you voice and the NLCG team will see your comments faster.

Thanks and enjoy.

I think DG brings up a great point. The list really tries to show the more powerful cards and how they impact the Kingdom. Do not try and read it as a hard fast ranking of this card over that card. The article attempts to try and educate newer players who may go to WBC but do not play Dominion often enough to realize the potential of certain cards. I see how the ranking could confuse some players. Future articles may use a different format.

Unfortunately I do not check these forums often. Next time post your thoughts at the bottom of the actual article and your ideas could influence future posts. For example the latest Dominion article did not factor in any of the criticism here because we did not see it in time. If you comment direct on the article page the administrators and authors will receive a notification. You can even comment anonymously without signing up for anything.

You can find the latest article here:

It covers Seaside to help newer players with the later rounds of the event.

Hello Everyone,

I apologize in advance if this is not the right place to post this.

Either way a new article went up on Next Level Card Games. It covers the most powerful Action cards when playing with Intrigue only. The article helps prepare players for the first two rounds of play in the Dominion Tournament at the World Boardgaming Championships.

You can check it out here:

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