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Messages - Agrisios

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Other Games / Re: Are any Dominion inspired games worth playing?
« on: August 05, 2011, 07:19:15 am »
Another boardgame with dominion mechanics is Friedemann Friese's "Furstenfeld". It has some negative reviews because many people take the beginner's scenario for the "base game" (and this one is quite luck dependend). The advanced version is the real game.
It has its flaws feels a bit solitairish - despite the (somewhat artificial) market and other mechanics.
I nevertheless like the game.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Tournement / Competition?
« on: August 02, 2011, 04:59:51 am »
The Swiss system has a drawback that you need to play more games, you have to play n-1 games, where n is the number of players.

No, you don't have to. n-1 is a round robin when everybody will face everybody. You can predefine up to which number of players you will play a round robin. If there are too many players the Swiss comes in.

It works as follows: You will have a sorted starting list (Isotropic rating is perfect for this). Suppose you have 100 participants. First round Number 1 will play number 51, number 2 plays number 52 and so forth (there might be further considerations regarding starting position). In the following rounds players with equal number of points will play each other.

Suppose in round 1 all higher seeds win. In round 2 number 1 will play number 26, number 2 plays 27, number 51 plays 76 and so on. There are software applications for this.

The number of rounds is quite flexible - there is a minimum though. So 2^n will determine the recommended max. number of players. 7 rounds are for a maximum of 128 players - but you can easily play 9, 11 or 15 rounds. The application will normally alternate starting position (just like white/black in chess). Odd number of rounds is recommended so that you can better match the best players in last round but not an obligation.

You can play 1 game per round. Or a best of 3 match per round. Ties are just ties. In best of 3 there are max. 5 games. Tie still possible.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Tournement / Competition?
« on: August 02, 2011, 02:42:12 am »
With this system, ties can be handled well I believe.

Yes, a tie is simply a tie. The system is used for Magic as well (I don't have a Magic background though).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Tournement / Competition?
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:47:09 pm »
I second this. What about a Swiss System format like in Chess instead of a knockout?
A bit less drama, but less luck overall.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Impossible score, version two
« on: August 01, 2011, 11:34:22 am »
Also, if you want to be cruel, allow Goons (but not bishop or monument, which can give infinite VP)

Goons can give infinite VP too (Ambassador).

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Impossible score, version two
« on: August 01, 2011, 11:29:01 am »
You obviously want Gardens, Vineyard, Duke, Harem, Nobles, Great Hall, Island, Fairgrounds and Black Market out. That leaves you space for only one other Kingdom card... Although, would it be more worthwhile to ditch Harem and put another action card in for the sake of Vineyards? (yes)...

Yes, no Harem. Young Whitch is a must. The other one is probably King's Court to legally empty as many piles as possible. Otherwise you can only get 9 from each pile.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Impossible score, version two
« on: August 01, 2011, 11:06:25 am »
Indeed a lot of calculations. To start with: I think you can gain 58 points per Fairground, I guess, if you put all cards into Black Market. It's only 56 without Goons, Monument, Bishop. This is only true for one player though, because of the prizes. Making the puzzle for both players is insane.

Treasures should be only in Black Market to maximize Vineyard score. For the same reason Young Whitch should be in the supply.

Important question for Gardens: Do you use money from both Base and Intrigue?

Another question is: Can you legally empty all piles to get maximum garden/vineyard score? Probably yes.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Impossible score, version two
« on: August 01, 2011, 10:51:59 am »
Are gardens, vineyards, etc allowed?

Do they give VP chips? If not ...

Game Reports / Re: A game you're proud of, and a game you're not.
« on: August 01, 2011, 09:24:45 am »
After much consideration...

A game I'm proud of:
Bad end of a 7-3 curse split! Saboteur play! I was at -2 points at the start of my 2nd to last turn! Doesn't get much better than this. You can call me "Mr. +2.91 Horn of Plenty Effect with." ;)

This game in mind I could yesterday put into practice the following comeback (again no + buys):

Starting 5-2 on an ambassador board with Horn of Plenty as only 5 and without 2$ cards I gambled a bit at turn 3 returning 2 coppers instead of 1 and not buying silver (probably a mistake). As a result I had 3 Estates and 2 Coppers at turn 2, 4 and 5 (!) whereas opponent bought first gold at turn 6 having already 2 caravans.

I still wasn't ready to buy gold after turn 12 when he had 3 Golds, 1 Platinum and 1 King's Court. Probably I made some more mistakes and should have bought a second silver earlier (at turn 9 or at least 13, but the start was really frustrating and I wanted the gold right away. After turn 12 however I didn't even have enough copper to do so):
Agrisios: 2 points : 1 Horn of Plenty, 2 Caravan, 2 Ambassador, 1 Silver, 2 Estate, 3 Copper
dza: 3 points : 1 Platinum, 1 King's Court, 3 Gold, 4 Caravan, 1 Ambassador, 2 Silver, 3 Estate, 9 Copper

After turn 17 he had already 4 Colonies and much more buying power. But I had this Horn of Plenty which I used this turn to gain a curse and than it began:
Agrisios: 0 points : 2 King's Court, 1 Gold, 1 Horn of Plenty, 5 Caravan, 2 Ambassador, 2 Silver, 1 Wishing Well, 1 Estate, 2 Copper, 1 Curse
dza: 42 points : 4 Colony, 1 Platinum, 1 King's Court, 3 Gold, 5 Caravan, 1 Ambassador, 2 Silver, 2 Estate, 11 Copper

Funnily bureaucrat brought the horns to 11 which probably wasn't really necessary. There are some more things perhaps like using the only King's Court for a duration before reshuffle.

Conclusion: There seems to be a pattern here. You really need at least two Horns in these setups with strong enablers like King's Court to be safe no matter how big your advantage is.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: You may...
« on: July 30, 2011, 12:50:50 pm »
(5) Discard a Curse to circumvent a Mountebank attack?  (I guess there's one reason not to do this:  you're ahead, and taking one more Curse or Copper will end the game.  Any other reason not to do this?)

Besides the already mentioned:
- you want the coppers for counting house
- you want cards for gardens/phil stone

curses are probably - but not necessarily - already depleted at these points.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Blooki's Puzzle #1 - Sad Saboteur
« on: July 29, 2011, 07:06:49 am »
Princess is very much allowed and necessary in my opinion.

kn1tt3r the opponent's turn is crucial because you need to get that Princess played and if you use a Village to do it you've just used up another kingdom card slot. My solution uses every last one.

I haven't followed the hole thread in detail, sorry. So this comment might be improper. But the quote above makes me wonder if anybody has mentioned good old Trusty Steed yet.

I believe your name disappears if you're inactive for about 10 days? 
I thought it was 2, actually. Not very many, at any rate.

I think it's a week.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Kings Court + Possession
« on: July 28, 2011, 10:58:47 am »
Yep. I still haven't forgotten a game I had a few months ago against a top-level player. I played a Possession deck against his Possession deck, but he also had Apprentices. I won.

I don't know whether we speak about the same game. As you didn't link it I won't do so. But what strikes me: He played your possession in a turn possessing you (without Golem or something). It was turn 17 and you got 2 Provinces/2 Duchies in the following Possession turn. This should have been either resignation or missklick.

I may be wrong in this, but on turn 3 with $6 I would never pass up a montebank/witch to buy a gold instead.

You are right, of course - but this is the Level 5 audience. fp simply didn't explain the exceptions yet - and rightly so, because it would probably be confusing. Instead he wrote:

Quote from: fp
(Of course, there can be exceptions)

Game Reports / Re: Combo: Minion/Fishing Village/Bridge
« on: July 28, 2011, 10:20:05 am »
I think the bigger effect would be that an early couple province purchases may have forced me to green sooner instead of continue developing the engine.

I disagree. You can savely ignore early province purchases from weak opponont's decks. Especially with this kind of deck as there is even Throne here. To come behind from 0-5 Provinces in one final turn shouldn't be a problem. But that is like Stu said more bridge specific and quite well known.

Game Reports / Re: Combo: Minion/Fishing Village/Bridge
« on: July 28, 2011, 08:48:29 am »
Has anyone else run accross something similar.

It's not a combo imho but a very typical minion deck with virtual money. Festival does it itself - villages for money producing terminals are of course welcome.

The game you link is honestly not a good example with opponent bying chapel at turn 6, pirate ship (!) against minion/fishing village/bridge and a chapeled deck and letting you buy 8 minions.

Game Reports / Re: A game you're proud of, and a game you're not.
« on: July 28, 2011, 08:13:38 am »
How funny! Is this a coincidence or was it intentional? Are you aware that Triceratops is my former AKA?

Yes, I was aware of it. That's why the Smiley :-)
If you plan for multiple Rabbles you have to be careful with Golem pitfalls like Tribute. You might even not want to play Saboteur after many Rabbles if you plan a big comeback and its more important to keep opponent without power. Although Sabo after first Rabble might be strong.

Game Reports / Re: A game you're proud of, and a game you're not.
« on: July 28, 2011, 07:55:44 am »
Yeah, I hope you don't mind me linking to it without permission here.

Not at all. I generally think it's not feasible to everytime ask for permition and it's childish to wine about publicly discussed games you lost.

It's games like this we love Dominion for. It's better to be on the winning side of course, but it's still a remarkable game.

So many things really had to break right for me to have pulled it off.

Yes, but think of it: I played badly the second half and deserved the loss. It can't be good to buy that colony 1 turn earlier and than 3 times in row play without that powerful virtual plus buy.

Btw I'm proud of this comeback ;-) although it's not so spectacular and even not so surprising I guess:

Game Reports / Re: A game you're proud of, and a game you're not.
« on: July 28, 2011, 07:26:09 am »
A game I'm proud of:
Bad end of a 7-3 curse split! Saboteur play! I was at -2 points at the start of my 2nd to last turn! Doesn't get much better than this. You can call me "Mr. +2.91 Horn of Plenty Effect with." ;)

Yes, this impressive game. I remember it very well. I thought wishing well/apothecary is nice, but too slow against hunted witches. But they were key to get the Horn to 11.
After the curses were gone I relaxed for a moment not realising yet how strong the horn was without + buys. But I think it was still very comfortable for me had I assessed it correctly.

So what to do. The key is turn 13 before my first colony buy I guess.

Deck composition at this point was so overwhelming:

1 Peddler, 2 King's Court, 4 Hunting Party, 1 Witch, 3 Silver, 1 Steward, 2 Estate, 6 Copper, 3 Curse

1 Peddler, 1 Horn of Plenty, 1 Hunting Party, 1 Witch, 3 Apothecary, 1 Potion, 1 Steward, 3 Wishing Well, 0 Estate, 6 Copper, 7 Curse

I thought chances were good to draw my deck from now on because steward can trash on the way. So I saw no sense in buying Platinum whatsoever without + buys and started with colonies right away. In hindsight it might have been much better to buy the horn here for 12 (!). Its worth 8 already and can go to 11 too. It could have gained Saboteur next turn (much sooner than in the game), then wishing well (more important here than platinum) and platinum to potentially get to 11 too as a threat. Or maybe another horn before the well I don't know. It might have been not essential then.

Gaining a hunting party at turn 17 was a mistake too. Should have been horn (maybe sabo) instead. After first King's Courted Sabo only hit well, potion, steward (steward was important though, but it's not a horn) and the second only one horn I saw it coming, but it was too late.

That sad I really like horn of plenty. It's a great design.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: is bureaucrat underestimate?
« on: July 26, 2011, 04:20:52 pm »
You get many Silvers. Therefore 3+P or 5 for the Duchy/Duke shouldn't be a problem.

Primary goal in Stone decks is the fat deck. You can't play bold stones and chains at the same time. So raw drawing power like Smithy doesn't help much. Of course a Warehouse, Cellar, Chancellor or Navigator would be nice addition, but you can't have them all. You play it out like a garden deck.

In this particular game both players were already full of green cards (4 Duchies/4 Dukes each). It doesn't matter than that I can't buy provinces every turn, but only every second or third. The chances for the opponent to get a province are much smaller. Plus I can buy estates in the turns between still increasing buying power. The last stone could therefore already buy a province allone.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: is bureaucrat underestimate?
« on: July 26, 2011, 03:49:11 pm »
What are some of the other factors that make Bureaucrat more or less useful?

It has a nice effect with philosopher's stone and duke. You can buy the duchies first. When opponent joins the duchy race you can still buy provinces later:

But this is very specific.

If you think otherwise, then propose matches directly with tat, and beat tat.

I've tried it too and was ignored several times. And I'm not a top player - just lv 32.
Just wanted to add that I don't mind occasional matches with great level differences but for most of the games I will invite players of the same or better level.
But I appreciate your intention. And you are right, it's off topic - sorry. I'm awaiting fp's post too.

The title is still a bit unclear to me. Why excactly 42 and not like #1 Leaderboard :-)

For being and staying Nr. 1 (at least while Theory is inactive) there is already another method - however a very boring and strange one:

Here are the last 15 games of current nr. 1 "tat". It's a shame comparing this to the creative players like Blooki, painted_cow, Ben Warden and others ranked lower. And it reminds us not to take the leaderboard too serious.

Level 8 -> 94:11
Level 18 -> 31:23
Level 9 -> 62:26
Level 12 -> 31:0
Level 4 -> 25:33 (lost)
Level 4 -> 20:5
Level 5 -> 40:18
Level 6 -> 30:10
Level 11 -> 38:33
Level 1 -> 37:18
Level 4 -> 36:18
Level 0 -> 46:19
Level 7 -> 46:29
Level 15 -> 3:4 (lost)
Level 11 -> 40:43 (lost)
Level 8 -> 48:48 (win)

and so on

Dominion Articles / Re: Request : Island
« on: July 25, 2011, 12:03:45 pm »
But isn't Island terrible slow as on opener? I'm not sure yet, but intuitively I would say they are of better use later on when going green.

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