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Messages - JambalayaHut

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Dominion Articles / Re: Updating the Top 5 lists
« on: November 21, 2011, 08:07:07 pm »
Tunnel is pretty useful in a province game without attacks. In my experience, tunnel loses a lot of its power in colony games because of the relience on platinums and the development of longer action chains. Your deck becomes large enough that you end up drawing tunnel dead, or end up with $10 or something like that with too many golds.

Dominion Articles / Re: Request : Island
« on: July 22, 2011, 06:05:57 pm »
I also rarely buy islands. Like the OP, I'm also curious to see if someone has had success with them. I don't buy islands very often because:

-It's a terribly slow way of getting coppers and estates out of your deck. All other trashers have some other benefit that is useful in the early game (like masquerade, trading post) or trash faster (chapel, steward)
-Its a terminal so you probably won't be able to use other power $5 actions
-when you use an island you lose two cards out of your hand (the island and the card you are setting it aside with) weakening your current hand, which could potentially lower your chance to buy a $5 powerful card immediately and use it in your next reshuffle (i.e. if you draw silver island copper copper copper, if you island a copper you get $4 instead of $5)

Only time I buy islands is where its the only trasher or if the opponent seems to be massing islands, in which case I will buy maybe 2 and leave the rest to him. But I rarely find that buying islands is the best strat on the board.

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