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Messages - Juice2403

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Dominion League / Re: Season 6 - Results
« on: March 16, 2015, 02:58:52 pm »
E2: Juice 2 - SXT - 4

Dominion League / Re: Season 6 - Game Reports
« on: February 17, 2015, 01:23:33 am »
All Matches vs Jeb

Dominion League / Re: Season 6 - Results
« on: February 17, 2015, 12:56:26 am »
E2: Juice 4 Jeb 2

Dominion League / Re: Season 6 - Livestreams
« on: February 16, 2015, 04:26:03 pm »
Everything goes well I will be streaming my match with Jeb tonight after 10pm Eastern time.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Seprix's Streaming Emporium
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:15:45 pm »

Playing some games with Juice shortly.

Very fun match and mistakes were made so would be looking for a rematch soon gg's

We can today if you want.

I'm on right now so whenever you're ready!

Looks like I'll be streaming shortly then.

Yess sirrrr

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Seprix's Streaming Emporium
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:10:17 pm »

Playing some games with Juice shortly.

Very fun match and mistakes were made so would be looking for a rematch soon gg's

We can today if you want.

I'm on right now so whenever you're ready!

Help! / Re: Another Close Lose!!
« on: February 06, 2015, 06:02:38 am »
I approve of the decision not to go for Rebuild.  Rebuild was massively overrated (less so perhaps now) and on a great engine board like this you can definitely play well whilst ignoring it.

Forager is a great opening, but I don't like the Wishing Well.  The normal case for Wishing Well is that you want to see your other buy more often.  Here you can just take a second Forager as you don't have to worry about collisions.  Long term you want to be drawing with Menageries (excellent here with Inn) rather than Wishing Well, so you don't want any later on either.  Although even Menagerie is not so important, as mostly you'll be playing cantrips.

Your goal is to draw your deck every turn, so in addition to the Markets and Treasuries you want at most one each of Silver and Gold, possibly supplemented by Fishing Villages and Nomad Camps with Menageries.  Be careful not to let Spoils ruin Menagerie's draw; the easiest way would be to ignore it, as there are plenty of other good $5's.

PPE: I find Awaclus's Bandit Camp suggestion intriguing.  They certainly ramp up faster than Treasuries, but a handful of Spoils is going to make Menageries sad in the late game.  I think I'd have to see how this felt if I was playing it.

Yea i see what you're saying and it is really good support for Menagerie the INN and I guess I overshadowed it and just really have to pay attention what can combo with what.

Help! / Re: Another Close Lose!!
« on: February 06, 2015, 06:01:09 am »
I don't think your opponent was playing Rebuild very well. With some improvements to your engine strategy, you could definitely beat someone who's playing Rebuild like he was, but I'm not sure if you can beat someone who plays the Rebuild strategy well.

In any case, for the engine I think you should:

  • Open Forager/Forager
  • Maybe buy one Silver, definitely not two
  • Skip Treasury, get Bandit Camps and possibly one Gold instead (and possibly one Market for the +buy if you think you need it)
  • Buy more Menageries

Yea i was thinking opening For/For but I think my process was to get to the cards faster with the WW and get to the cards faster, I guess Menagerie and get the dob done faster on that board and with other supplies to help me. I thought Treasury would be really good on this board with markets and maybe a couple of bandit camps.

Game Reports / Re: Like How Did I win this!!!!! :)
« on: February 06, 2015, 04:09:30 am »
One huge thing is the opening... having a 5/2 is quite horrible here. So you already were in a decent position from the start. Also I agree with your opening buys.

Silver on turn 4 sounds like a mistake though. I don't think you want any money cards here. $3 should be Steward or Warehouse, $4 should be Conspirator. The turn 6 Tactician is a mistake as well; the engine is strong enough to draw your deck here anyway, Tactician won't do much for you except providing +1 buy... I don't think that's good enough.

It certainly helped that your opponent ended the game while behind, but your deck was in a better state anyway at this point.

Yea you're right. I was thinking as the silver to get the bigger cards like an alter but warehouse conspirator would have been good.

Help! / Another Close Lose!!
« on: February 06, 2015, 04:06:43 am »

Code: [Select]
Fishing Village, Forager, Menagerie, Wishing Well, Nomad Camp, Bandit Camp, Inn, Market, Rebuild, Treasury


I did not want to do Rebuild and to i thought I could have beaten the Rebuild but i ended up losing by one point :( Please comment on anything in particular i didn't do in a turn.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Seprix's Streaming Emporium
« on: February 06, 2015, 03:28:22 am »

Playing some games with Juice shortly.

Very fun match and mistakes were made so would be looking for a rematch soon gg's

Game Reports / Like How Did I win this!!!!! :)
« on: February 06, 2015, 03:12:35 am »

Code: [Select]
Stonemason, Scrying Pool, Steward, Warehouse, Conspirator, Silk Road, City, Laboratory, Tactician, Altar

I have no idea how I won this match and I know for a fact i messed up somewhere. When i Stonemasoned turn 10 it was meant to buy Cites and I accidentally did it for Altar :( but I have fun playing this board but mistakes were made. Point them out so i can reevaluate my play and look it over. Help!!!!!


Game Reports / Re: Wonder if I did good or made some mistakes!
« on: February 04, 2015, 10:07:22 am »
"Thinning is Winning" is legitimate Dominion advice. The H comes from this scene. There are other parts of the episode where H is inserted into words that just have a W and no H.

On an unrelated note, HWinning is something my IRL gaming group says when someone currently has a points lead but has no chance of winning the game.

Ha ha I saw this scene, very funny. But I get what you're saying and will understand this cleary when I come across something like this again.

Game Reports / Re: I'm lost on this board!
« on: February 04, 2015, 08:16:41 am »
Sea Hag is one of my favorite cards to ignore. With any sort of decent trashing it's an easy call to ignore it, mostly because they're playing a terminal that does nothing every shuffle to give you a Curse and you're playing a "decent card" every shuffle to get rid of it. This is an oversimplification but it holds pretty well.

Here it's a tough call, Develop is effectively a terminal that does nothing when it trashes a Curse, but the Sea Hag player had a 4-card hand to work with and you only had a 3-card hand. Develop isn't very good with Shelters, despite the presence of Embargo. If you're going for an engine here (which is probably best regardless) then yellow = purple anyways, so that's really bad. Thinning is just such a priority and it's so hard to do I don't think you can ignore the lovely lady here.

I would open Sea Hag/Scheme on a 4/3 here. On a 5/2 I suppose I'd open with Mint/Embargo but I probably wouldn't be all THAT happy about it. The nice part is that you have the Necro so you don't mind picking up a Develop next and turning your other Shelters into Embargoes for economy, Also that Mint is a nice Develop target.

What would the game probably look like? Well hopefully you can get a decent enough action density at some point to justify going for Heralds, otherwise the game will just end on piles too quickly for building to be worth it.

I don't know when I'm streaming next, but if I remember I'll be happy to play this board on stream if you want.

Yea that would be great so i can see what I did wrong. My girl opened Bridge/Develop and I opened the Hag/Develop which should of been a scheme and I forgot it was totally a shelters game and I was like this board is ridiculous hard. But I thought bridge would be good here if i had enough trashing and used it to pick up heralds and such. I will be playing more games in real life always everyday and if I come across another complicated board or a interesting board, I will post it for others to give it a shot to see different strategies and what not.

Game Reports / Re: I'm lost on this board!
« on: February 04, 2015, 05:38:59 am »
I think you want to go for a Herald engine with Bridges as your payload, and for that, I'd open Remodel/Scheme to turn your Estates into Heralds, then buy more Heralds and a Mint as soon as you can, and then start getting Bridges, but I'm not sure if you want a Bridge before that for the economy. Also, I think the best move is to not go for Sea Hag at all, but if your opponent goes for it, then you probably want to do something about it.

This was a Shelters game and I actually opened Sea Hag/Develop forgetting that it was a shelter game. I was also thinking about the bridge as my pay load then when i bought develop i was like shoot its a shelters game.

Rules Questions / Re: You make your own shuffle luck
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:45:48 pm »
Is making your own shuffle luck cheating?

How could it be cheating if you buy the right cards to make the shuffle luck successful. Sometimes it just doesn't work that way and we still get a bad shuffle.

Game Reports / Re: Wonder if I did good or made some mistakes!
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:42:04 pm »
Maybe you can explain why I'm wrong in thinking JoaT doesn't usually work in engines. I'd be happy to learn. And I'm not being sarcastic. I'm puzzling over this.

Adam wrote an article about JoaT in an engine somewhere if you want to see some ideas related to that. The big thing to me is that replacing Estates with Silvers is a big deck quality shift that can help engines as well as money focused decks. It just lets you buy good cards. There are other tricks involving the draw to X aspect that I think are not so (generally) important, but possibly very important on a given board (Lookout/Plaza/Goons all support that aspect here).

I think the way worse thing is just saying "when you have an engine, money is bad." Having too many treasures is bad, but so is having too many Villages, or having too many non drawing terminals, or too many whatever. It could be anything. Exactly how much of any of these things your deck wants depends wildly on what you want your deck to do and what resources are available in the kingdom for drawing cards. So it's way better to look at a specific game, like this one, and say "you needed fewer treasures here" than to say "engines don't want money". Engines love money as long as they have a good use for it, like a bunch of buys, or expensive things to get. And engines can usually make way better use of their treasures than "big money" decks can. I lost a game against Stef in the championship match because I neglected my economy for too long, my engine needed more money.

People nag on Silver and treasures a lot because players often don't see that adding a Silver can actually make your deck worse (relative to adding nothing). But the real lesson isn't about treasures! It's usually about stop cards (anything that doesn't help you draw more cards). So people buy too many Candlestick Makers or Squires just because they have at least $2 and think they need to buy something. Even adding in cantrips over nothing can be bad. The point is just that the values of cards change throughout the game, the point is not "Silver sucks in engines".

Wow very nicely said sir. I have a lot to learn still :( But I think I did ok on that board just besides the double jack and not buying Lookout.

Game Reports / I'm lost on this board!
« on: February 03, 2015, 11:38:14 pm »

Code: [Select]
Embargo, Develop, Scheme, Bridge, Death Cart, Herald, Remodel, Sea Hag, Bandit Camp, Mint

Played this board in real life and I got so confused to knowing what to do it was ridiculous. Someone play this board and stream it and see if they can play this board better. I think i opened Sea Hag/Develop and some bridges, Herald and scheme. They way I played it i just wanted to quit lmao

Game Reports / Re: Wonder if I did good or made some mistakes!
« on: February 03, 2015, 08:35:47 pm »
Maybe you can explain why I'm wrong in thinking JoaT doesn't usually work in engines. I'd be happy to learn. And I'm not being sarcastic. I'm puzzling over this.

Because even though JoaT is money it helps this engine a lot because first you can trash unnecessary stuff via estates or whatever plus getting the chance to draw additional cards which is key for this deck. Especially when Goons is out there and you want to play it multiple turns to get victory points and it combos with plaza Good Synergy.

Game Reports / Re: Wonder if I did good or made some mistakes!
« on: February 03, 2015, 05:38:06 pm »

That makes a lot of sense, I thought that lookout wouldn't be that good to the fact I would draw a lot of cards due to Jack and getting rid of the cards via plaza by using them for coin tokens. But I do see the synergy and it makes it sense now that you explained it that way.

One problem with relying on Jack for draw is that the forced Silver gains make it harder and harder to draw the cards you want to see.  So even if you have one nice turn using Jack for draw, you're unlikely to have many more unless you have some way to get rid of the Silvers.

So pretty much you don't really rely on the money like silvers or gold once you get the engine going and you just worry about stacking the engine pieces together.

I would have
Heh, funny that you found that one. It sure felt strange to buy Noble Brigand against someone who doesn't have anything to steal from, and just signaled (Fool's Gold) he doesn't ever intend to buy anything either.

On this board, I'm convinced the dominant strategy is a Fortress/Rabble thing with schemes, despite there being no +buy. Getting hit by 4+ rabbles every turn is just killing all money-based strategies. At that point I had enough faith in this theory that I was willing to ignore his opening buy and still assume he was also going for the rabble engine.

Because the game will be very long (in #turns, again because of the lack of +buy) a Noble Brigand will actually be quite powerful in the mirror. First you topdeck two green cards, then you donate a copper. In the game we actually played he didn't go for the Rabble engine, and I decided two green cards on top of his deck was more important then an additional copper. But that was the plan.

The fact that Noble Brigand also gives +1$ helps a little bit, but Chancellor would be a lot better for that.

I would have never thought that in the long run unless I would really have to break down the board as to there were no +buys but that makes a lot of sense making it into a slog when there is no trashing.

Game Reports / Re: Two Chapels? Yes please!
« on: February 03, 2015, 03:41:04 pm »
How did you add the Kingdom with the pictures like that? I would like to do that when I show kingdoms as well.

Thank you sir.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rats?
« on: February 03, 2015, 03:09:08 pm »

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rats?
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:50:19 pm »
Maybe the next expansion has a Rat Catcher in it
Like a Pied Piper :D

Are they making another expansion?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Rats?
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:49:42 pm »
I love playing Rats if the proper combo presents itself on the Kingdom otherwise leave it alone because it will just eat up all your economy and other important cards.

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