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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Allies is online
« on: March 09, 2022, 09:58:11 am »
The rotating split piles online (and I assume, in the rules) let you see exactly how many of each card there is in the pile. Now, that has never been the case (by design!) with something like Ruins. But now you can rotate ruins? Someone make this make sense.

Rules Questions / Re: Cost of Animal Fair revisited
« on: April 21, 2020, 08:56:32 am »
If I were a game designer and had a fanbase that took umbrage with things like this, I think I would feel a little bit cursed every day.

Rules Questions / Re: Does Lantern override Enchantress?
« on: March 21, 2020, 12:35:27 am »
always feel amped-up when there's a NEW contentious discussion about the theoretical side of Dominion. Let's formalize this game, baby

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie rule book is up!
« on: March 19, 2020, 11:18:28 am »
Sad to me that there's no card to get Stockpiles un-exiled after the pile is out :'(. Transport is the closest, but only works on actions....

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: June 27, 2019, 05:27:15 pm »
Ok. Looks like we're going with fragasnap's contest. Here's my submission:

It's a BoM variant (again, I know) that has specific cards it plays. These cards are not part of the supply, so the only way to play them would be through Crime Lord, and you'll always be able to play Crime Lord as them (unlike BoM when the pile depletes), but there's only 3. Will it be worth it? Depends on the 3 Underlings cards and depends on the kingdom.

Beat ya to it!
Band of Misfits, except made up of even MORE misfits than the other Band-of-misfits
$5                    Action
Play this as if it were one of the set aside cards on the BOMEMUOEMMTTOBOM mat. This is that card until it leaves play.
Setup: add 3 action cards not used in this kingdom, each costing $4, to the BOMEMUOEMMTTOBOM mat.

(I actually don't think this would be a horrible idea or anything, but it's still a funny one to me)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: April 21, 2019, 11:00:18 pm »

Cottages are quite humble, but gather a few of em together and, hey, maybe you've almost got a quaint little village or... Town of the Year, or something!
And they are quirky enough to be fun (remaking your junk has never been more it's a junk-cottage, and you have extra cash for some reason.) and very cheap.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: April 03, 2019, 02:42:58 am »

Dominion Articles / Towards a New Theory of Discard
« on: March 04, 2019, 05:37:45 pm »

Quote from: Donald X
You can't look through your discard pile because some people would slow down the game by repeatedly pawing through it, considering stuff.
Originally you could count it. Valerie didn't like that you had to count it face down, and that we'd have to tell you that. So you can't count it either.

Quote from: Dark Ages Rulebook
In rare circumstances an effect may try to move a card that is not where that effect expects the card to be. In those cases the card does not move - the effect has "lost track" of the card. Losing track of a card prevents it from being moved, but does not stop anything else from happening.

In our noble efforts to help Dominion become more insular more precise, as the complexities of the game abound, it becomes necessary to make certain concepts more formal in order to arbitrate certain ambiguities that come up in the game. (The play/in play distinction, the lose track rule, buying vs. gaining, and so on.)

Having familiarity with these concepts/the basic rules of the game makes it pretty easy to play even with cards you have never heard of before. Do everything from top to bottom on the cards you play, and try to win. And even though precision is often important, one does not need to think about what's precisely happening every time a card is played so long as the consistency of the effects with the rules is maintained.

It is on this note that I might call attention to the card Hermit as an example. Hermit is a pretty easy card to use, and fun to play with. You can trash curses that someone else just gave you, and you can maybe gain madmen later. This ease has made the majority of the Dominion community fall into a slumber, one which I now hope to disturb.

What is going on when one plays Hermit?
1. One looks through their discard pile (ordinarily not allowed.)
2. THEN one may trash a card from either their discard pile or their hand.
3. Etc.

Why is step one included? Knowing the contents of one's discard pile is only marginally useful; the whole step seems to be a waste of ink!

Of course, we don't actually think this way. Looking through one's discard pile is essential, because otherwise step two would have strange conditions of fulfillment--one would have to KNOW what is in their discard pile without looking, and the general spirit of the Lose Track Rule seems to be: one cannot know what one does not see.

(What is seen, as a given, in Dominion? One's own hand, the number of cards in one's deck, etc. In addition to this, the presence of cards in one's discard pile is visible (which is what makes Windfall work), but not the nature of such cards. The top card of the discard pile is weird and we'll talk about it later.)

Once this knowledge is acquired, trashing from the discard becomes a matter of ease.

However, it has already been established that the trashing happens an entire effect after the looking. The knowledge acquired by looking, it can be assumed, "carries onward", so to speak, through at least the duration of the card's resolution. (It seems prima facie plausible that this knowledge is limited, however, for the reason that although the contents of one's discard pile usually has been seen in it's entirety, it does not count as "knowledge" in either the theoretical, and even usually the practical sense (unless you've got an eidetic memory).)

What have we established here? That one does not have to be in the process of "looking", in the technical sense, in order for the knowledge obtained from that looking to be able to be utilized by a card.

Let us suppose that we had a Reaction card which reacted to being looked at, much like Patron reacts to being revealed. (The details of this TBD; we can at least assume it would be triggered by Hermit). The Reaction effect would be something like: "put this on top of your deck". There is a question as to, when this card is triggered by Hermit, one can trash a card from one's discard pile. What if the reaction allowed you to put two cards from your discard onto your deck? And so on. There seems to be an ambiguity as to when one's knowledge is sufficiently disturbed in order for a card to play its proper function. Hermit depends on a specific observation of a discard pile in order to carry out its trashing function; if one wanted to be really precise, it seems plausible that any change in the pile in question would prevent the trashing.

This discussion of the interaction of Summon and Death Cart is also of note here. Summon knows it gained Death Cart, but since two Ruins are sitting on top of it, Summon can't track it and set it aside. Darn!

Here's the fix. Summon should be worded: "Gain a card costing up to $4--but first, watch your discard pile very carefully until this Event is done resolving. Set it aside--carefully. If you did, then at the start of your next turn, play it".

Also, I'm sorry for writing this.


Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: January 08, 2019, 05:57:45 pm »
Like Nothing
Cost: $0

+2 Cards
+1 Action
When you gain this, gain an Estate, a Curse, and a Like Nothing that doesn't come with anything else.

Actually pretty interesting

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 17, 2018, 02:58:25 am »
My attempt:

(I note there's a typo--should say "per Flower Seller [singular] that you have")

EDIT: A good question to be asked: how many flower sellers are there? The answer: equal to the number of avenues in the supply (which itself follows standard victory card rules).

Rules Questions / Re: Capitalism and Black Market
« on: November 16, 2018, 12:26:46 am »
Here's a similar question.

--I have bought innovation.
--I buy crown.
--I play crown, choosing a treasure
It seems like this works fine, even though it is, indeed, post-buying a card, since crown directly tells you to play a treasure.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 09, 2018, 12:15:29 pm »
Thought of this one a few weeks ago, finally made it into card form today...hopefully, it still counts!
(....even if it doesn't count for the contest, per se, I'd still like feedback!)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: November 07, 2018, 02:12:30 pm »
Seems like the color possibilities for card types have just about been exhausted! Have you considered different patterns (zigzags, polka dots, etc.) for when colors can no longer do the trick?

you can now megaturn with stewards and bridges. that's pretty neat.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 01, 2018, 02:17:59 pm »
I wanted to design a card that reflected the simplicity and subtle versatility of my favorite chess piece.
Don't know how well it turned out....tell me what you think!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 06, 2018, 12:04:09 pm »
This one is maybe (=definitely) unwise for logistical reasons, but I think it's balanced!

Come to think of it, I will have to think about which Villager-giving cards count as 'Villages' in my random kingdom generator.

I think it’s a case-by-case thing. Acting Troupe and Recruiter count as villages. Sculptor and Silk Merchant don’t.

I think they should all count. They all enable more than one terminal action to be played in the same turn.

For pedantic purposes, sure. For a kingdom generator, no.

Isn't the purpose of "always include a Village" in a Kingdom generator more or less to "always provide me with a way to play multiple terminals per turn"?

To borrow an old saying: Knowledge is knowing that Silk Road is a village. Wisdom is not trying to use it as one.
...and true mastery is realizing that Silk Road isn't an action at all!

(sorry, sorry)

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: CSM and Ducat
« on: September 26, 2018, 05:45:53 pm »
One test I've been doing is, randomizing a kingdom, replacing the first two cards with CM and Ducat, and seeing how often you want Candlestick Maker at all.

Priest would be broken with Watchtower and Travelling Fair. If you play two Priests and have a Watchtower in hand, you can alternate between buying Travelling fairs and Coppers (then curses) for a net gain of 112 coins, giving you more than enough money to buy all the provinces.
Even with a single Priest, you can trash all the Coppers and Curses, which makes a three pile extremely easy.

Actually, for this reason, I suspect that the combo in practice would often not be so broken--the first person to match a single priest and watchtower could pre-emptively obviate the combo by just emptying those piles.

Just played a lightning fast gardens match with mountain village + workshop. It's....a very good village. Might not beat wandering minstrel as the best $4 village, but it's close.

EDIT: upon further play....I think this is stronger than wandering minstrel. Also combos well with scholar, how fun!

Again,, you can try out the cards right now (yes unless you are reading this from the future).

Everything you read, you are reading from the future!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Smite
« on: August 21, 2018, 11:29:12 pm »
I don't really think Lurker needed this boost!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Rats
« on: August 17, 2018, 05:49:48 pm »
my attempt

Ant Farm
$whatever     Action
+1 Action
Gain an ant farm. You may discard any number of actions. +1 card per action discarded.
When you buy this, you may trash any number of ant farms you have in play. If you trashed any, gain an action card.

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