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Messages - shwick222

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Goko Dominion Online / Re: why didn't I discover this game?
« on: March 10, 2014, 01:27:50 pm »
@terminalCopper ah thanks I'll check that
@Drab Emordnilap I must have missed that kotaku article
@Tables agree but I think its better than mtgo, and I haven't played hearthstone so I dunno how it compares to that

also I never spend money on free to play games ever and I bought all the sets on this game

Goko Dominion Online / why didn't I discover this game?
« on: March 10, 2014, 10:22:01 am »
I browse metacritic, ign, kotaku, ars and other various tech and gaming sites yet I never heard of dominion.

How do I make sure I don't miss another good game like this?  If my friend didn't tell me about it I would never be playing.

Do I have to search for all boardgames, cardgames, videogames, all game categories and any online copies?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 08, 2014, 10:58:13 am »
Ah thanks!

Is there a way to filter by quit% too?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 07, 2014, 11:37:07 pm »
That was the whole console log from the javascipt console that I could see, I copied it all

My only extension is adblock.

I use chrome to zoom in and out all the time with mousewheel but that doesnt change the chat window position

It's fine I will more than tolerate that for the banlist feature.  I never want to see kondzio again

also the autokick via pro rating isn't working, gamename is "all cards 3++ players"

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Slow played by: Kondzio
« on: March 07, 2014, 10:07:44 pm »
this guy would take 30 sceonds to a minute before starting each of his turns, if you want to play with him i'm just warning you

Goko Dominion Online / Slow played by: Kondzio
« on: March 07, 2014, 09:55:41 pm »
Is there a centralized blacklist or shared blacklist for slow players?

If so you should add Kondzio.

Was losing and started stalling.

If anyone has a shared banlist for stallers please share.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 07, 2014, 09:17:16 pm »
chrome version 33.0.1750.146 m
Goko Dominion Salvager 2.4.3

Code: [Select]
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Cross-origin image load denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy. gameClient.html:1
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<WebKitNotification> has no method 'close' notifications.js:133
Time: 1.402 seconds FS.DeckBuilder.js:1298
FSSDK - called our ClientGameInstance constructor DominionGameClient.js:118
using query parameters for canvas size: 760 570 DominionUI.js:3952
calling FS.Advertising DominionGameClient.js:204
callback from FS.Advertising DominionGameClient.js:211
canvas size different, using: layout1024x768 DominionUI.js:3343
Using layout: layout1024x768 DominionUI.js:1486
creating dominionwindow DominionUI.js:13175
using card buidler. DominionUI.js:3739
canvas size: 760 570 layoutSize: [size 1024 768] DominionUI.js:11360
using requestAnimationFrame DominionUI.js:13251

I think the auto kick was actually working, just once a guest got past it I dunno its good now :D

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 07, 2014, 07:18:57 pm »
Wow I had to refresh the main page before this invisible user settings appeared wtf...

It had blacklist options in it and I unchecked the chat thanks!

edit: it seems the chat still leaves a big black space on the right side of the screen even if I uncheck it, I was hoping it would resize back to normal

also when I create a table with automatch enabled it doesnt seem to kick people below the point threshold

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 07, 2014, 05:12:24 pm »
Hi I installed salvager on chrome but I can't see the blacklist?

Also how do I remove the in game chat it takes up half the screen I prefer it the original way.

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