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Messages - Mr.Oatmeal

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Goko Dominion Online / Re: Challenging
« on: October 17, 2015, 11:00:14 am »
In another discussion thread:

My wife bought the two sets I don't have, and we tried it and it does indeed work - our games have both my sets and hers, so all of them altogether (well, except for Adventures...).

Game Reports / It's fun to skip chapel. 11 pt Feoda are also fun.
« on: June 07, 2015, 10:13:32 pm »
SlogSlogSlog!  Garden, Duke, and Feodum (with trader and masterpiece help)  Opponent didn't quite get the memo, though.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Adam is bad at kingdom design
« on: May 19, 2015, 08:43:12 pm »
I have never tried my hand at Kingdom Design, so I'm curious what different people take into account when they do this.  Where do you start?  What do you consider?  How do you balance things?
I think this would be an interesting article to read.  (but of course don't write it until you respond to Adam's OP ;) )

Game Reports / Double Tactician & Black Market
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:30:43 pm »
Playing double Tactician / Black Market is a lot of fun!  This was the first time I've been able to set that combo up.  Coppersmith also shined.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: 2.0 Closed Beta Begins
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:32:02 pm »
Wonderful...  Now that Adventures is out, the elite formers will have something new to dangle over our heads and create new cryptic messages about.  I call that Bacon Cheeseburger is going to stand for the Kingsom Design feature.

Dude, which part of this beta test do you think will be fun? It's going to be finding and reporting bugs.

Fair enough.  Just interested in what's in store...

Goko Dominion Online / Re: 2.0 Closed Beta Begins
« on: May 01, 2015, 09:31:35 pm »
Wonderful...  Now that Adventures is out, the elite formers will have something new to dangle over our heads and create new cryptic messages about.  I call that Bacon Cheeseburger is going to stand for the Kingsom Design feature.

I played a game the other day with inheritance and ironmonger, and I wanted to double check something. If I inherit Ironmonger, then one of my Ironmongers flips an Estate/monger, I get another action plus a card; The Estate/monger is now an action and victory card now, right?
If so, wow that's a fun interaction.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: iso art on the wiki
« on: March 17, 2015, 05:56:46 pm »

Garden - Drummond Castle Garden.

Remodel - Any instance of this picture that actually has any source reference sends us to it's not up there now, but web archives shows this page: 

Moneylender - Venetian Moneylender by Jan van Grevenbroeck

Smithy - Smithy exhibit at Museum of East Anglican Life.  also, "Grundisburgh Smithy. This forge can now be seen at the Museum of East Anglian Life in Stowmarket." from

Theif - French Highwayman Coat - made by Museum Replicas

Throne Room - The Royal Palace of Madrid

Council Room - Grail appears at the round table (artist unknown) -  Used commonly with the book "Le Morte D'Arthur" by Sir Thomas Malory

Laboratory - Several pages point to it being RNCF (Royal Naval Cordite Factory) Laboratories - Holton Heath, Dorset.

Library - the Library at Heidecksburg Palace.

Mine - St. Andrew's Mine

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Claim your card art avatar
« on: March 09, 2015, 07:51:08 am »
I kinda agree with WW that it shouldn't be a big deal if people end up using the same avatar as another person, but I still think a list like this is a neat idea as a reference for people choosing a new avatar and wanting a unique one rather than just their favorite art or card. 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Lack of quality posts
« on: March 02, 2015, 08:05:56 am »
Expanding on some things that WW and jsh said, I think the community (at least in my experience of it) has moved to more streaming and YouTube videos. These videos allow discussion about the mid-game strategies that WW pointed out are so hard to put into an article.
One specific thing that I have picked up from watching these videos is I have caught myself  thinking "ok, my opponent has X gains, so he can't end the game next turn, so I am safe to keep building."  Typing up how to track that would be hard, but to see the things that the streamers consider when checking for piles is very straight forward.
Also, some of the combo discussions that seem to be missing in the forum take place in the chat on twitch.

These videos don't address your issue with the possibility that elite players may not value certain cards or combos, but I think that learning to control my deck and understand what may be coming over the next few turns is going to help me understand, appreciate and play the game of dominion better.

I keep seeing that this discussion has new posts, and I get really excited.  Then I click it and this conversation shows up...

Game Reports / Luck?
« on: February 11, 2015, 09:26:07 pm »
I know I shouldn't let people get to me too much, but I just had two games where my opponent said in the chat that I got really lucky in both games.  I won both, but I don't think I got overly lucky.  What are your thoughts? Was I lucky?  How would you have played it?


I wasn't sure where to go with this early, but with no engine there, I decided to use the trashing and aim for Butcher/Hoard as my main payload things. 


I don't really like the YW on this with a nice bane and forager, so I skipped.  He opened with it.
It's a real bummer he missed seeing the KC on the second page on turn 17.
He gave me a hard time for thinking about a forced win on turn 20 (I don't care if the game says fast only, I'm looking for a win).
I was really pleased with the way I ended it though!  :)  fun to use catacomb's on-trash and buying a curse.

Was I lucky?  How would you have played these?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Whoops, I just dropped a Dominionism.
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:48:05 pm »
Not exclusively a Dominionism, but it is a phrase I picked up here (especially from AdamHs videos):
I have caught myself asking "is that a thing?"

Dominion General Discussion / Re: IRL handicapping
« on: October 28, 2014, 11:00:53 pm »
Thanks for all of your thoughts, guys.  Based on all of this, I will probably stay away from changing up the starting decks and just try some weird strategy for myself. 

Dominion General Discussion / IRL handicapping
« on: October 25, 2014, 11:10:58 pm »
because I play so much online, and none of my friends and family do, I inevitably crush them most games IRL (at least when it's only 2 player).
I still love playing IRL games with them, but is there some way to slightly even the playing field so they will continue to have fun and keep playing with me? 
I've thought of differing the starting decks (zaps style), giving them some bonus card to start, or even just talking them through what strategies I see as possibilities on the board before we begin.

Have you guys tried any of these?  How well has it worked?

Game Reports / Re: Nice double tactician combo kingdom
« on: October 23, 2014, 07:02:49 am »
I'm still bummed about my completely dumb turn 15 where I was paying attention to the piles and not how many actions I had left.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Don't even bother with Goko today
« on: February 24, 2014, 10:08:10 pm »
Serves you right for abandoning a game before the guy had a chance to hit "Play". As someone who creates tables, I can tell you that this is utterly infuriating.

A little reasoning behind the switch:  I enjoy playing pro games more because I like the fact that both of us are entering the game without knowing the board.  The first game I clicked play on was casual (I was short on time and just wanted to play), but then a pro game showed up while I was waiting for the host.

All that being said, I never really thought about it from the hosts perspective - or that it happened frequently enough that hosts would get infuriated by this.  I'll keep that in mind for the future. 

Game Reports / Sweet IRL Feodum game
« on: February 24, 2014, 09:18:50 am »
I played an IRL game the other day with some really fun interactions. The main helpful cards were Stonemason, Feodum, Border Village and Peddler.  This was the first game I played where I really utilized the stonemason's trashing. Trashing one Feodum could get you 5 silvers total!  Also, you could overpay to get 2 peddlers, later trash each for 2 border villages & 2 Feodum. And then finally trash the border villages into 2 Feodum apiece as well.
At the end of the game, I still had 9 Feodum (we play with the full 12 of the victory cards even in 2p games), and they were worth 8 each. 


Goko Dominion Online / Re: Don't even bother with Goko today
« on: February 23, 2014, 09:04:55 pm »
My favorite moment today was this:
I joined a two player game, but then another game that seemed more appealing popped up, so I joined that.  A game started, but once I saw the board and my opening hand, the loading screen appeared again, and I saw a different game.  Goko had put me in both games.  I was able to play in one game, but little blips and images showed up every once in a while from the other game. Finally, a message popped up from the game that I couldn't control saying I was getting booted for inactivity. When that game ended, it took me out of the game I was actually playing.

Game Reports / Re: Oh so THAT'S how you use outpost
« on: February 21, 2014, 12:11:46 pm »
Alchemist is certainly good.  I was on the receiving end of that the other day... 
I have also seen Scrying Pool work well.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: DIY Dominion Storage
« on: February 10, 2014, 09:55:36 pm »
Here is my setup. I created some balsa wood trays for the main supply cards for quick set up and used the slipcases from hgzwopjp on bgg found here. Everything except for the extra base supply cards (which I don't usually take with me anyway) fits in two standard dominion boxes - including all promos, mats, tokens and even a set of 12 sleeves blanks for trying out variants. I created all of the dividers between the rows and such with cereal boxes.
If anyone wants more details. Let me know. I've had a blast doing this, and am very pleased with the result.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Question about 'trash' cards
« on: February 02, 2014, 02:07:31 pm »
I don't know if this went into any of the consideration, but I wonder if forge costs 7 so that it's not overpowered with self-synergy. At most other prices, you can load up on a bunch of them, and it would not be a problem, because you can easily forge it into something else once your are trashed down. At 7, it is harder to forge a forge into something else.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Cave - secret vp card
« on: January 06, 2014, 01:36:49 pm »
Almost certainly OP, Fairgrounds is worth 2/5 per unique card, but this would be easy to get up to 10VP+, and even improves your deck most of the way there. In Shelters games it gets to 5VP (including Copper and Cave) before it stops improving your deck. 2VP per 5 unique cards is probably balanced, but would seem too similar to Fairgrounds even if it played very differently.

Good point. This would be even crazier in a game with ruins. I'm not sure if I would want to go with the 2 for 5 uniques, since you'd really have to go for it almost all out to make it worth anything, but perhaps 1VP per 2 unique could work. That way, without shelters, it would be worth 2 with one each of the main victory cards and a copper. Now that I think about it, this might have been the way we tested it.

I changed it in the OP

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Cave - secret vp card
« on: January 06, 2014, 11:41:44 am »
Why would you prefer uncertain tracking?

I'm not sure that i prefer it, I just think it's a cool option.

Variants and Fan Cards / Cave - secret vp card
« on: January 06, 2014, 01:02:13 am »
When I first learned about the salvager extension for goko, I was somewhat surprised that with all of the published cards, if you are paying attention to every single play, it is actually possible to know anyone's score even IRL (edge case masquerade with more than 2 players).  I started thinking of how to create a card where your opponents don't know exactly how many points are in your deck. Here's my idea.

Cave - Action Victory - $5

Place a card from your hand face down on the cave mat.
Worth 1vp for every 2 differently named cards on your cave mat.
At the end of the game count the number of differently named cards on your cave mat, then return all of the cards on the mat to your deck.

Clarification: the number of cards on each players mat would be public, but other players would not know how many are unique cards.
Clarification 2: the player may look at the cards on their cave mat at any time.

So it can get junk out of your deck, but to make it be worth more, you have to toss in some useful cards too.
After play testing it in one kingdom, I noticed that the more of these you buy, the faster their score grows, since you get more opportunities to set aside cards. Not sure if this is a problem..

What are your thoughts? 

EDIT: changed from 1 per each unique to 1 per 2 unique.

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