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Messages - Eric Herboso

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Pearl Diver
« on: July 09, 2011, 03:19:15 pm »
One thing from I've learned playing Magic is that people don't really understand that the contents of their deck might be physically fixed after they shuffle, but they are logically a probability distribution until observed.

In the interest of ensuring that people don't get an incorrect idea of what quantum mechanics is, I would like to jump in here and make sure that it is understood that every major interpretation of quantum physics does not say anything like this. To the contrary, unobserved phenomena remain solely a probability distribution until observed, and there is no such thing as facts being physically fixed yet hidden in advance.

I am not saying that anyone has made that mistake here (the above quote does not say directly that the situation is like quantum dynamics, but it is implied), but since Razzishi is comparing quantum effects with hidden deck orders, I just wanted to make sure that idle readers didn't think that hidden information is like an uncollapsed wavefunction. If hidden information were equivalent to an uncollapsed wavefunction, then quantum physics would be unverifiable. Yet quantum physics is most certainly verifiable, and so uncollapsed wavefunctions are most certainly unlike mere hidden information.

(I apologize for going offtopic, but too often do I see incorrect ideas on physics posited on webforums, and I just wanted to clear up a possible misunderstanding before any more false memes get started on the internet.)

General Discussion / Re: Math Nerds...
« on: June 26, 2011, 04:25:58 pm »
I know fifty digits of pi, although, not the fifty right after the three.


This is absolutely hilarious. (c:

I never really thought about it before, but I guess I also know fifty digits in pi, though they also aren't anywhere near the beginning of the sequence.

Dominion Articles / Re: The Reliable Engine Part 1
« on: June 24, 2011, 11:28:24 pm »
One nitpick -- I really disagree about your definition of 'Cantrip'. The term comes from magic and refers to a card that replaces *itself*, not just the action you used to play it. Spy is a cantrip. Lookout is not.

I agree completely. Cantrip must mean +1 card & +1 action to make sense.


"In Dungeons & Dragons at the time, a ‘cantrip’ was a ‘zero-level spell’ that had a very minor effect and didn’t count against the limit of, say, three first-level spells and two second-level spells that a wizard of a certain level was allowed per day. So basically, your wizard could only cast five spells a day, but the cantrips didn’t count against this limit. You might have a separate limit on the cantrips you could cast per day, and you might not.

"In Magic, a cantrip refers to a spell that has a minor game effect with the text “Draw a card” added at the end so that it’s worthwhile to put in your deck. Everyone is familiar with Shatter. Cantrips ‘don’t count’ against that limit because you get to draw a new card to replace the one you used on the cantrip."

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: June 22, 2011, 03:09:37 pm »
Banach-Tarski Paradoxon

$ unmeasurable

Reveal a card from your hand. Rip it into 5 pieces. Rearrange the pieces to gain the revealed card and a duplicate of it; put both in your hand.

I once came across an interesting anagram of "BANACH TARSKI".

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