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Dominion League / Re: Standings & Results thread
« on: June 18, 2014, 06:20:17 pm »
B1-1 jog vs B1-5 jdaki 3-3

Dominion League / Re: Standings & Results thread
« on: June 12, 2014, 05:54:41 pm »
B1-1 jog vs B1-3 destierro 2-4 destierro wins

Dominion League / Re: Standings & Results thread
« on: June 12, 2014, 03:20:13 pm »
B1-1 jog vs B1-5 rabid 4-2 jog wins

Dominion League / Re: Standings & Results thread
« on: June 03, 2014, 11:43:32 pm »
B1-1 jog - B1-4 florrat 3.5-2.5 jog wins

Dominion League / Re: Results thread
« on: May 28, 2014, 12:23:25 pm »
B1-1 jog vs. B1-2 tao chen  4-2 jog wins

Congratulations to Andrew for the win.  It was well deserved.

This whole tournament has been great, especially the final.  The kingdoms have been very well designed. 
It's unfortunate the games today were not of the same quality as the games we played on Thursday.  Although, I think the ending of game 1 would have been spectacular if AI got another turn.  AI played great today, even in game 1, while I did not play very well at all.   
This was my first time playing with designed kingdoms, and it was awesome.   You have to put a lot more thought into the games, and they end up being high quality games that are enjoyable to watch and play.
I would love to see more design challenges in the future.  It would be great to see designed kingdoms used in league play.  Maybe the last week of each season, but I don't know how that would work. 

Thanks Polk, Kirian, and GreatExpectations for organizing the Kingdom Design Challenge and the tournament.

Dominion League / Re: Signups Season 1
« on: May 16, 2014, 01:20:17 am »

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Playoff Round Results and Discussion
« on: May 13, 2014, 10:37:56 pm »
Our match will be at  8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific on Thursday. 

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Playoff Round Results and Discussion
« on: May 13, 2014, 10:07:15 pm »
I'm fine with anything, but let's try to get something finalized tonight if we can.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Playoff Round Results and Discussion
« on: May 13, 2014, 09:32:10 pm »
Are there enough sets in the design challenge so that we both could use unique kingdoms?  Maybe have our match tomorrow and then the other match immediately after or on Thursday? 

GokoDom / Re: Collecting signatures
« on: May 12, 2014, 11:05:04 am »
I'm not going to be able to stream because my connection is too slow.  Also, I'm worried that streaming for the first time, even without commentary, would be distracting.  If AI wants to, that would be great.  I'd enjoy watching a replay of the match.  If he doesn't, I would completely understand.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Playoff Round Results and Discussion
« on: May 09, 2014, 03:17:31 pm »
jog defeats michaeljb 3-0

Alchemist, Bureaucrat,  Ill-Gotten Gains, Marauder, Pillage, Possession, Potion, Ruins,  Soothsayer, Spice Merchant, Wandering Minstrel, Oracle

Slog with marauders, soothsayers, and IGGs.  I go for soothsayer early while he goes for marauders.  My opening was spice merchant/silver while his was marauder/silver.  I'm not sure if it was right, but my thinking with the spice merchant was to increase cycling to play soothsayers more often.  I was able to province twice while his draws only let him get one. 

Adventurer, Embassy,  Explorer, Familiar, Hoard, Horn of Plenty, Mining Village, Potion, Province, Trading Post, Watchtower, Beggar

Horn of plenty game.  There is good filtering and some draw with embassy, villages, and light trashing, so HOP megaturn is possible.  Familiars can get in the way of this plan, but watchtowers can counter these.  We both open silver/watchtower.  I pick up a potion on turn 3 for familiars while he concentrates picking up as many villages, embassies, and HOPs as possible.  On turn 15 I am finally able to play my familiars without having the curses blocked by watchtowers.  This slows him down and helps to empty piles.  I'm able to end it the next turn by using HOPs to get curses  to empty piles.  If the draws had been a little different in this one, it could have easily gone the other way. 

Alchemist, Black Market, Colony,  Nobles, Peddler, Platinum, Potion, Province, Ruins, Taxman, Throne Room, Trade Route, Trading Post, Upgrade, Vagrant

Colony game so it's more likely alchemists are good.  I open black market/potion while he opens black market/taxman.  My deck comes together, with the help of good draws, very quickly.  It ends on piles in 15 turns. 


GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Playoff Round Results and Discussion
« on: May 08, 2014, 09:09:22 am »
Here's the twitch stream:

I'm going to bed now. Thanks for the match AI.

Also, I'm assuming we're all up for a for-funsies third place match?

If you want the experience of having the design challenge kingdoms revealed, it should be scheduled at the same time as the championship match.

I'm up for it.  Hopefully we would be able to schedule both matches at the same time.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Playoff Round Results and Discussion
« on: May 02, 2014, 04:32:46 pm »
Hunting Party, Militia, Peddler, Philosopher's Stone, Potion, Province, Remodel, Scheme, Treasury, Vault, Wharf, Sage

I have 5-2, which seems great.  Open wharf with the plan to eventually get a second, so you can play one every turn.  Pick up a lot of peddlers and hunting parties along the way, and then eventually be able to draw deck, and buy a province and hunting party every turn. The problem was that his remodel peddler strategy is so fast.  He is able to build a big lead, and then start to remodel provinces into provinces to end it quickly. 5 provinces and game over in 13 turns.  I was outplayed here.

Baron, Farming Village, Fortress, Gold, Island, Oracle, Pirate Ship, Province, Quarry, Witch, Worker's Village, Cellar

He has 5-2 and opens cellar, witch. The 5-2 was strong, his shuffles after that were great, and he played it just about perfectly.  I lose the curse split 7-3, he's able to add to his points lead with islands, and then end it on piles.

 Council Room, Farming Village, Herbalist, Journeyman, Junk Dealer, Province, Scavenger, Silk Road, Tactician, Torturer, Hamlet

We both get 2 junk dealers, trash down, and then start to build torturer engines.  He picks up a tactician with the plan to play big torturer chains early.  I try to get the chains going without tactician.  I get a slight edge in trashing, which means my chains can be played more consistently.  Close game even though the final score doesn't show it.

Bazaar,  Fishing Village, Forager,  Horn of Plenty, Laboratory, Margrave, Potion, Province, Vagrant, Vault, Worker's Village, Vineyard

We both plan horn of plenty mega turns.  I open fishing village silver, he opens fishing village forager. My opening means I can get a margrave after first shuffle, while he can't get 1  until turn 7 (partly due to bad draws).  After that I focused more on consistent draw than getting lots of horns.  I build a small lead and then am able to end it on piles with the help of the horns I did pick up.

Apothecary, Baron, Bishop, Forager, Fortune Teller,  Goons, Potion, Province, Silk Road, Taxman, Witch, Herbalist

Pretty interesting game.  He goes money, witches into provinces and eventually silk roads.  I go apothecaries, foragers into goons and then some green.  No villages, so it's only possible to play 1 goons, but foragers can give extra buy.  He builds a big lead, but I am able to eventually start building up points with goons, curse trashing and some green.

 Bazaar, City, Doctor,  Fortune Teller, Merchant Guild, Native Village, Pillage, Province, Rabble, Remake,  Courtyard

Remake silver opening vs remake doctor opening.  His remake silver opening is probably the best choice.  It's less risky.  My doctor misses the shuffle and I am not able to trash as effectively as I had planned.  His deck is better in every way.  More merchant guilds, more villages and more money too.  He wins this one easily.

Cache, Catacombs, Feodum, Lookout, Mint, Nomad Camp, Oasis, Potion, Province,  Treasure Map, University, Pawn

We both have the same plan here.  Build a university catacombs engine, trash with lookout and mint and then eventually add treasure maps and pawns/nomad camps for plus buy.  The problem with this strategy is that it's hard to get enough actions to play treasure maps, and then draw the golds.  We both get 2 treasure maps in our deck relatively early but never play them because of lack of actions and because the gold would clog up our decks.  I mess up my mint turn when I trashed my potion along with the other treasure.  I realize I need more universities after doing this so rebuy a potion the next turn.  My mint buy was, however, a little later.  So, my trashing was better.  My draws ended up being more consistent, so I was able to end it on piles. 

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Playoff Round Results and Discussion
« on: May 02, 2014, 02:38:56 pm »
jog defeats monsieur x 4-3

It was a great match and it could have gone either way.  I'm planning on writing about each game later today.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Playoff Round Results and Discussion
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:13:43 pm »
jog 3 secret tunnel 0

vineyard, chapel, oracle, bridge, farming village, ironmonger, militia, throne room, mine.

Bridge engine game.  I think trashing is important here and very little treasure is needed. Not sure if it's best to go for vineyards or provinces here.  Vineyards can be worth a lot but can be difficult to get potions into deck effectively.

fishing village, masterpiece, workshop, familiar, procession, council room, journeyman, margrave, vault, hunting grounds

First priority here should be cursing.  Procession is strong here.  It's possible to use one towards the end of cursing to get ahead on curse split.  It's possible to play procession council room and then a margrave so opponent goes back down to 3 cards.  Later on procession hunting grounds can help end the game on piles.

transmute, menagerie, feast, scout, smithy, spice merchant, horn of plenty, knights, market, farmland

Menageries are very good here.  The challenge is to not have any duplicates so you can consistently draw deck.  I had to wait as long as possible to buy multiple provinces because of the risk of not activating menageries.  Knights are good here too with necro and the + action knight it's possible to play 4 knights every turn. 

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 7 Results ONLY
« on: April 11, 2014, 03:22:09 pm »
jog ties lespeutere

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 6 Discussion Thread
« on: April 06, 2014, 08:31:05 pm »
Herald mirror with support from butchers, tournaments, courtyards, and journeymen.  The difference in this game, in my opinion, came from his first prize choice.  I think it should have been trusty steed or princess instead of followers.  The discard attack didn't hurt me much, and it junks both of our decks equally.

Well, he couldn't take Princess because YOU ALREADY TOOK IT. I feel like Trusty Steed vs Followers is close, but Trusty Steed is better here because Butcher beats a Followers slog, as you demonstrated.

My mistake.  Fixed it.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 6 Discussion Thread
« on: April 06, 2014, 01:20:01 pm »
Horn of plenty mega turn game. He doesn't hit 5 after first shuffle.  Also, I found out during chat after match that his single spice merchant didn't have a copper target twice.  Both of my spice merchants always had a target.
Herald mirror with support from butchers, tournaments, courtyards, and journeymen.  The difference in this game, in my opinion, came from his first prize choice.  I think it should have been trusty steed  instead of followers.  The discard attack didn't hurt me much, and it junks both of our decks equally.
Torturers, ironmongers, altar.  No reliable villages, but I think torturer chain is better than torturer money here.  It's possible to get a high action density with help from altar.  I considered getting a single merchant guild, but I think a reliable torturer chain was more important.  I think I was somewhat lucky hitting action cards with ironmonger.

Thanks for the match gamesou.
Three interesting boards.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 6 Results ONLY
« on: April 06, 2014, 12:47:23 pm »
jog defeats gamesou

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 5 Discussion Thread
« on: March 27, 2014, 05:39:46 pm »
Thanks for games soulnet. 

In first game, I think you're right.  It was just a race for endgame vp and you ended up getting unlucky.

In the goons game (game 2), I'm not sure if goon's engine is better than goons/money- what you did.  Draw is weak and the only reliable village could slow down engine.  Plan from the beginning here for me was to get just a few fool's gold for economy, then build engine.  I should have built just a little more before greening because piles weren't all that low.  I would guess goon's engine, played perfectly, would be slightly better than goons/money here.

In game 4, passing on remake was the right call I think.  I didn't realize there were poor houses until I remade my first copper in turn 7.

Game 5- squire/wharf mirror.  I think you played the wharf engine close to perfectly.  If I was going to play this board again, I think I'd try squire/library instead of squire/wharf.

Game 6- ghost ship money vs bridge engine.  I don't think it's correct here to add 3 or 4 more bridges to the engine and go for megaturn here.  I was just barely drawing my deck and using all or nearly all of my spare actions to do it.  Adding bridges means you might not have enough actions to play them and it would increase the risk of dead hands.  Even without the extra bridges, I had quite a few turns that I couldn't get the engine started.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 5 Results ONLY
« on: March 27, 2014, 01:39:30 pm »
jog ties soulnet

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 3 Results ONLY
« on: March 11, 2014, 06:03:12 pm »
jog defeats yed

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 3 Discussion Thread
« on: March 11, 2014, 05:59:50 pm »
beggar, forager, loan, lookout, death cart, remake, treasure map, band of misfits, haggler, king's court

There's king's court with haggler or death cart, forager for buy, and good trashing with remake and forager.  But, there's no draw at all. I go for the KC plan hoping to trash down, get a few KCs, hagglers, and then band of misfits.  KC with haggler is probably a province, KC with misfits as death cart, and a forager is double province.  Opponent goes for a money based strategy, with no KCs.  I get lucky on my last turn, down by 7, when I'm able to  use misfits to remake KC into last province and remake into duchy.  Not sure which strategy was better here, but I'm thinking his was.  My draws overall were pretty good and KC always had a target.  Other option here might have been remake/forager open into treasure maps.
stonemason, apothecary, sage, coppersmith, cutpurse, herald, remake, scout, taxman, rogue

We both go for similar strategies- apothecaries, then heralds, with remakes, sages, and rogues as support.  Apothecaries and heralds are great together.  I don't think either of us used stonemason very well. I should have been going for 4 and potion early for double apothecary instead of trying to set up my next turn.  I thought I could end it on turn 13 when it was tied with 2 apothecaries and 2 sages left (no heralds left).  Plan was to stonemason cutpurse into last 2 sages, then remake a 4 cost into a duchy and buy last 2 apothecaries with stonemason.  Only problem was I didn't have a 4 cost left to remake.  I probably misplayed this turn and there was a win.  He's able to even up points on the next turn.  Then it just comes down to who has a big turn first and is able to end it on piles.  Ends up being me when I remake 2 scouts into the last 2 duchies.  Could have gone either way.
vineyard, hamlet, pearl diver, monument, scavenger, throne room, explorer, festival, mandarin, expand

Vineyard rush has to be the best strategy here.  We both open scavenger silver and go for it.  My scavenger draws were pretty amazing.  I play my only scavenger on turns 3, 4, 5, and 6.  Scavenger plays meant I was able to pick up more festivals, so I'm able to buy more hamlets and pearl divers later.  We split vineyard's 4-4 but I have slightly more actions, so win 27-24.

I was somewhat lucky in all 3 of these games.  It shouldn't have been a 3-0 match.  Thanks for games Yed.

Game Reports / Re: aaaaaaaaaagggg
« on: March 07, 2014, 04:58:19 pm »
I guess sage could draw remodel too.  Still think you could hit $5 but risk of not getting there might be too great.

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