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Messages - PitrPicko

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Dominion League / Re: Standings & Results
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:34:46 pm »
D4: PitrPicko - TheMirrorMan : 5-1

Hearthstone / Re: List of Hearthstone IDs
« on: June 25, 2014, 07:05:06 pm »
PitrPicko#2221 EU

Hearthstone / Re: IsoHearth I: Signup Thread
« on: June 25, 2014, 06:16:37 pm »
PitrPicko#2221, EU, +-16, UTC+2

Dominion League / Re: Game reports & discussion: C
« on: June 04, 2014, 07:58:25 am »
Just some few fast comments regarding our games.

Going gold over $5 in Game 2 was just because I thought I'm behind in this game, again, and I was trying to reach Haggler $8 ASAP but it was probably a bad call. It was really tough decision, but ultimatly I was going with gold and it served its purpose well, it allowed me buy province first, but still I personaly think that what made the game was your turns T6 and T8 where you was able to get good value from Haggler, while I was hitting it in T9 on the end of the deck where I was deciding whether I want my cutpurse and haggler to miss reshuffle and have opportunity to buy something or just skip a turn. Both options looked really terrible...

In game 3 I was going for second potion just because I really wanted to enable more enginy thing as you were getting better trashing. At that point in the game I was feeling to be a bit behind with trashing and I hoped to get some Uni/journey/Market/Merc sheningans, however hitting me in almost every important turn inevitably lead to my fall.

In Game 4 I was really unsure about what I want to play, but I was hoping for fast TournamentBM. I was hoping, that your urchins won't collide so fast. In retrospect I would probably still try TourBM, but I would probably add one or two Knights. But things happend way too fast in this game

In Game 5 I was hoping to deny you $5 as often as possible and was heading towards something brand new, disabling stables. However it wasn't really possible on board with bazaar and warehouse, as you could easily shift your hand.

In Game 6 I really thought I have the edge over you. But I had way too many terminals, or to be precise they really liked to collide. My turns without both Vault and Margrave was really crucial as they came too early. I even skipped Plaza as I thought that I will be drawing it dead too many times, but it really paid of for you.
I was very unsure how to play this game. I found both Margrave and Vault as great enablers for Gardens/Fairgrounds maybe I should focus just on one of them. Also important thing in this game was that I wasn't really able to play my maureder. It would give you maybe some points for Fairgrounds, but I find that spoils really crucial...

Thanks for the games. I was trying some inovative things and they failed, but that's not a problem at all. And as I am not playing Dominion as often as before this is my only opportunity to try something new. Also sometimes those desicions are driven purely by willingness to risk and I'm specificly talking about gold over lab and second potion. Maybe I'm wrong, but in both games I was feeling to be bit behind so I decided for way with lower expected value but higher variance. It might be the case, where value lost in EV is so large that it isn't a good play even when behind, but I really lost "the touch" as I'm not playing so much.

Extra thanks for recording and commentary, it is always valuable to read opinions of other players. And it also encourages me to write some notes about the games, which is also valuable as I can rethink me own desicions.

GL in rest of the games and league.

Dominion League / Re: Signups Season 1
« on: April 22, 2014, 05:29:21 pm »
PitrPicko  GMT+2.   BTW thanks for organizing -Stef-  8)

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 5 Discussion Thread
« on: March 25, 2014, 11:29:12 am »
Game 1 is one of the few kingdoms I'd consider opening loan/loan.

I think main drawback of loan/loan is that there could be danger of not hitting $4 reasonably soon. But loan/HT/loan is good for me if you hit $3 after reshuffle.

Have you, Robz or or Egork thought about procession? If it connects with HT it ensures GM, and then you can get Mandarin or Pillage or even Tribute and if it connects with procession once again it grants double GM, gain one+attack+2spoils, gives 1-2 GMs. Surely it depends on shuffle luck...

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 5 Discussion Thread
« on: March 25, 2014, 11:10:31 am »
Pitr"I don't know how to play wharf"Picko vs. Breezy D "the rats lover"
Code: [Select]
Embargo, Bridge, Procession, Wandering Minstrel, Baker, Count, Haggler, Market, Rogue, Wharf

I went here for some medicore trashing and flexibility via count, but Breezy's way with heavy drawing was better. WM really helps here since it is filtering those coppers and estates for Breezy. I try to get few bridges early and hope for some miracle turn, but that don't happen and Breezy easily threepile and goes for win
Code: [Select]
Fortune Teller, Great Hall, Oasis, Gardens, Militia, Salvager, Counting House, Festival, Highway, Wharf

I'm opening Militia/Osasis thinking about better cards flow than Militia/Silver, but Breezy opens wharf/- and then just going for festival/wharf. I probably didn't bought enough wharfs, or I really don't know what was happening, and maybe just got bit unlucky connecting my pieces. However Breezy buys some highways and then finishes me off.
Code: [Select]
Squire, Stonemason, Masquerade, Urchin, Worker's Village, Harvest, Inn, Jester, Mystic, Witch

Breezy tries some Squire shenanigans where I stay with more traditional village+draw(Masq/Witch). However urchin was a nice touch from his side. I manage to get some witch advantage and even though Masq can reduce curse effect it is still no good. Noticable is passing stonemason as worse than copper card. Also I managed to sneak in a gold which made huge effect and tried harvest as nice source of money. The most important turn was T11 where I overpay stonemason and get witch and inn to topdeck WV(x3),Witch(x4), Breezy reduces effect with urchin and masquarade but still gets 4 curses which is just too much to bare. Breezy tries get some duchies, however no results came from this and I just walked for victory
Code: [Select]
Fool's Gold, Squire, Warehouse, Workshop, Rats, Silk Road, Taxman, Cartographer, Mystic, Goons

This board screems on me SILKROADS! with buys and gains it should be the right way, and buys for FG, that would be a nice addition :). Breeze tries Rats (with no trashing on board) synergy with Squire, to get Goons ASAP. But before he manages to connect them I have already 7 FGs in my deck and I'm able to buy goons myself, then buy double silkroads and then just buying/gaining them (winning split 7-1) and after that some duchies/estates and Breezy is just too flooded with rats to hope for some comeback.
Code: [Select]
Duchess, Squire, Storeroom, Alchemist, Fortress, Rats, Bazaar, Catacombs, Cultist, Torturer

Again rats/squire for Breezy where I go for Fortress/Torturer. I'm interested what would f.ds do here, if cultist chain would be better either for me or for Breezy after trashing squire with rats... Anyway game want, Breezy made a mistake T19 which could cost him a victory (but we are just humans,right?), and I finally threepile this in T23 with a few points lead.
Code: [Select]
Crossroads, Pirate Ship, Tournament, Catacombs, Embassy, Explorer, Inn, Saboteur, Treasury, Upgrade

Tournament game but instead for early provinces we go for some deckthining with upgrade. I had better economy but Breezy peaked for first province. Luckily for me he wasn't able to connect it with tournament until we had 3-3 provinces where my economy come handy. T14 Breezy triple tournament for (Followers, Trusty Steed and BoG) leaving princess for me which, as last turn (T17) showed was lethal. Princess allowed me to buy province, upgrade tournament into duchy and get free estate and win by one point (but draw would be sufficient for me)

Thanks for games, it was lovely, I've learned that I don't know how to play Wharf and also that rats may be resonable even without trashing (I just don't know if it is good enough). And good luck in next rounds ;)

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 5 Results ONLY
« on: March 25, 2014, 06:09:59 am »
PitrPicko defeats Breezy D

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Results ONLY
« on: March 20, 2014, 12:35:52 pm »
PitrPicko defeats jmieden

Forum Games / Re: Terra Mystica
« on: February 24, 2014, 01:53:36 pm »
I'm up for every TM game. Add me (PitrPicko) if you want.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 1 Discussion Thread
« on: February 21, 2014, 03:36:06 am »
PitrPicko vs. matste - 3:0

matste - PitrPicko

Code: [Select]
Vineyard, Scrying Pool, Masquerade, Death Cart, Horse Traders, Marauder, Plaza, Laboratory, Mine, PillageThis doesn't look very enginey, but with SP one can never be sure and it is always a nice counter to maureder. And with vineyard it can be a thing. But when I saw, that matste is opening Potion I decided to go simple BM-Masq. I don't want to feed him with ruins via maureder, he will draw them anyway with SP and I would just increse his action density, which is crucial on board w/ weak trashing. Also masq is nice since I can feed his deck with non-actions all the time. But I was still bit scared about vineyards. Those can bring lot of points, when ruins are up. However lack of cheap actions killed this one. Crucial thing for this SP deck is of course HT, because how can you flood your deck with actions w/o buy. You really have to at least buy vineyard and deathcart in the endgame. But my BM-Masq was doing the job. It was pretty easy way, passing, trashing, buying silvers, golds, provinces. And to ensure my lead, T11 I've played Masq which hit matste really hard, having in hand Plaza, Gold, SP, SP, HT.

So question for you, what would you pass?

PitrPicko - matste

Code: [Select]
Poor House, Oracle, Wishing Well, Caravan, Marauder, Baker, Cache, Count, Counting House, Harem
OK, baker here, so we are in 5/3 waters. I think Count is pretty natural thing to open with as I have in mind some Baker chain. Question goes with $3. Silver or WW? Silver improves your economy where WW can increase your hand size for Count trashing. I went silver and matste tried WW. But his WW never colided with court and that was very unpleasent for him, while I was having almost perfect shuffle luck, trashing cards, getting bakers, all good. matste correctly tried to slow me down with Maureder but it was too late probably. I could trash those ruins if I wanted. But at that time I had so trimmed deck and so many coin tokens that it didn't bothered me much. Also I was waiting for ruined market just to finish this off and it really helped me as I was able to buy Prov/estate and break PPR. That gave me 10 points lead and matste even with perfect Count for duchy, buy prov can't catch me. And at that point I had still enough tokens to buy province in one of next two turns (one where I hit my silver or few bakers).

PitrPicko - matste

Code: [Select]
Pawn, Shanty Town, Swindler, Bishop, Conspirator, Farming Village, Fortress, Procession, Remodel, Forge
Finally something!
Only question is whether bishop/fortress or forge/fortress or maybe golden deck. However you still need that bishop so I settled for bishop/fortress.
We both opened double terminal (with swindler just to mess up with our decks), but matste tried remodel, probably hoping that I'll give him enough trashing with my bishop and he can remodel few estates into bishops, fortresses, whatever and then maybe fortresses into golds(?). But I didn't colide my terminals, while matste did. And that was pretty unlucky for him. And he chose to play swindler (hitting my estate) but I'd definetly remodel one of those estates into something useful.
T12 I'm already fully trimmed and getting 9+VP/turn and there is no stopping me. It is just question of time when I finish 3-pile, so matste resigns.
Most interesting thing here is probably swindling fortress into procession, as we don't have any $5 actions so procession is really for nothing

Thank you matste for good games. It is always sad when BMs are dominant strategies, but that is part of a game. At least we had that bishop thing ;) And baker one had at least some hard decision about when to start greening but otherwise it was just wierd BM-Chapel :D. So thanks again and good luck in next rounds :)

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Third Theason Thign-up Thread
« on: January 21, 2014, 11:12:09 am »
In with nothing...

Tash-Kalar High Form game between ghostofmars, yed

Current Tasks: Central Dominance, Red Conquest, Center Cross
Next task: Heroic Devastation

Now create a copy of Google Sheet with clean board and set permissions to write for everybody with link.

For cards in your hand check private message from poster of this topic.

ghostofmars's Sylvan deck
1 - Kiskin Leafsplitter
2 - Woodland Druid_____
3 - Kiskin Spirit______
4 - Dryad______________
5 - Tree Shepherd______
6 - Charging Buck______
7 - Kiskin Farseeders__
8 - Sapling____________
9 - Forest Ancient_____
10 - Centaur Chieftain__
11 - Unicorn____________
12 - Naiad______________
13 - Forest Wardens_____
14 - Kiskin Boughrunner_
15 - Sylvan Queen_______

yed's Imperial deck
1 - Cannon____________
2 - Infantry Captain__
3 - Time Mage_________
4 - Master of Intrigue
5 - Calavary Captain__
6 - Bomb______________
7 - Knight____________
8 - High Priestess____
9 - Chronicler________
10 - Champion__________
11 - Gun Tower_________
12 - Summoner__________
13 - Herald____________
14 - Messenger_________
15 - Hypnotist_________

Legends deck
1 - Hell Bull________
2 - Angel Of Death___
3 - Fire Dragon______
4 - Titan____________
5 - The Eldest Tree__
6 - Earth Elemental__
7 - Leviathan________
8 - Two-Headed Dragon

Flares legend
25a = 2 upgr: You may do 1 standard leap with one of your common pieces. 5: Gain an action.
34a = 3 upgr: Place 1 common piece of your color on an empty square. 4: You may do 1 combat move or 2 standard moves, using your non-legendary pieces.
35a = You may do up to 3 standard moves, using your common pieces. 5: Gain an action.
36a = 3 upgr: Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square. 6: Place 1 heroic piece of your color on any empty square.
36b = 3 upgr: Do 1 standard move with one of your common pieces, or upgrade 1 of your common pieces. 6: Place 2 common pieces of your color on empty squares.
44a = 4 upgr: Place 1 common piece of yor color on any empty square. 4: Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square.
44b = 4 upgr: Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square, or upgrade 1 of your common pieces. 4: You may do 1 combat leap with one of your common pieces.
45a = 4 upgr: Place 1 common piece of yor color on any empty square. 5: Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square, or convert 1 common enemy piece to your color.
45b = 4 upgr: Gain an action. 5: Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square.
46a = 4 upgr: Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square. 6: Upgrade 1 of your common pieces. Gain an action.
54a = 5 upgr: Place 1 heroic piece of your color on any empty square. 4: You may do 1 standard move and 1 combat move (in either order), using your common pieces.
55a = 5 upgr: Place 2 common pieces of your color on empty squares. 5: Place 1 common piece of your color on any empty square.
Flares deck
1 - 36a
2 - 35a
3 - 54a
4 - 25a
5 - 46a
6 - 55a
7 - 34a
8 - 44a
9 - 44b
10 - 36b

Tasks deck
1 - Side Chain_________
2 - Rainbow Dominance__
3 - Diagonals__________
4 - Imprisonment_______
5 - Color Conquest_____
6 - Corner Chain_______
7 - Legendary Summoning
8 - Green Summoning____
9 - Line Dominance_____
10 - Red Summoning______
11 - Red Legends________
12 - Envelopment________
13 - Colored Summoning__
14 - Destruction________
15 - Devastation________
16 - Isolation__________
17 - End of Legends_____
18 - Green Conquest_____
19 - Heroic Destruction_
20 - Green Legends______

Forum Games / Re: Terra Mystica
« on: January 03, 2014, 06:30:10 pm »
Ok with whatever you demand  ;D

Even though I have lost, I still find melees/DM pretty interesting. Maybe I'd prefer 1v1 or 2v2 better. But I've never played 2v2 high form, that might be a hot candidate for best variant ;)

Place C9, G9  :'( :'(

Place G5
Summon Charging Buck on F6, move F6->xD5->xD3

Score 1 orange

Draw Sylvan #10

Sylvan: 11
Highland: 13
Empire: 13
Legends: 7
Flare: 11

Forum Games / Re: Terra Mystica
« on: January 01, 2014, 04:35:52 pm »
/in for every TM game :)

Invoke Flare 25a, ghostofmars score 1 black
Place F6
Summon Sylvan Queen on xE6, convert D5
Use improvised summoning: Summon Angel of Death on xF5, upgrade D4, leap F5->xD4

Score 2blue, 2+1orange

Draw Flare #8
Legend #5
Sylvan #9

Sylvan: 10
Highland: 11
Empire: 11
Legends: 6
Flare: 9

Forum Games / Re: Terra Mystica
« on: December 30, 2013, 12:14:46 pm »
/in for next round or parallel game (PitrPicko on

Place E5
Summon Forest Wardens on G5, destroy E6

Draw Sylvan #8

Sylvan: 9
Highland: 10
Empire: 11
Legends: 5
Flare: 8

Place H5
Summon Storm Elemental on xH5, Place Heroic on E6, move E6->xD5->xC4->xB3, destroy B3

Score 1 blue, 1+1 orange

Draw Legend #3

Sylvan: 8
Highland: 9
Empire: 11
Legends: 4
Flare: 7

Place E1
Summon Centaur Chieftain on xF3, move F3->xE4, G3->F4, H3->G4, H2->G3

Score 1 orange

Draw Sylvan #7

Sylvan: 8
Highland: 8
Empire: 10
Legends: 3
Flare: 7

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