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Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Mysterious Province Buy
« on: July 27, 2011, 06:27:56 am »
Also, the OP said "all of her non-Copper treasure cards"...

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Places with Dominion card names
« on: July 27, 2011, 06:24:10 am »
There's also the rap band Black Market Militia.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Who has which cards?
« on: July 14, 2011, 07:52:22 am »
2.   In the buy phase of his 3rd turn Berta notices that he has exactly enough money to buy either a money card or an action card and that those two cards are the only pair of an action and a money card with the same cost in the supply. Although the action card provides no +$, he decides to buy it. During Charlie’s turn he notices that his earlier observation isn’t true anymore.


Which part of the "earlier observation" isn't true anymore?
If it's the part about the action card not providing +$, it has to be City meaning Venture, Stash or Contraband is in play. If it's the part about being an action-treasure pair with the same cost it could be the single 3$ action card that during Charlie's turn costs 0 along with some 2$ action card due to Bridge or Quarry shenanigans. I find that unlikely though since it says "pair of an action card and a money card with the same cost" which doesn't sound like it's subject to modification within a single turn.


5.   (...) Nevertheless, he manages to buy 2 cards with the same price as the most expensive one of the cards he had played in that turn. Furthermore, he has gained a total of 2 cards during that turn. However, at the end of his turn, the total number of cards (not piles) in the supply is still the same as in the beginning of his turn.


He's bought 2 cards and gained a total of 2 cards, meaning he hasn't gained cards with other means unless I'm misreading. That means that he's either returned 2 cards with ambassador or bought 2 cards from black market. With ambassador he'd have to return 2x2 cards with no-one else gaining any, meaning both moat and lighthouse are available. Or returned 4x2 cards with only one of them available, but that seems unlikely.
[nitpicking] Though if I wanted to say that someone has bought two cards and not gained any other cards, I'd say that, and not say "He' bought two cards, and furthermore he's gained a total of 2 cards." It's almost making me suspect that the OP means that he's bought 2 cards, and gained an additional 2 cards.[/nitpicking]

Dominion FAQ / Re: Dominion Lingo Dictionary
« on: July 12, 2011, 03:58:44 pm »
"Terminal (or Terminal Action):  Any action card that does not allow one to take additional actions."

Anyone finding themselves here presumably knows enough Dominion to understand what this means, but it could be read as stopping you from playing more action cards ("discard your hand" or "you cannot play any more action cards this turn" or something). What the entry should say is something like "Any action card that does not give any +Actions", and then maybe explain that this means that if it's played as your last action you can't play any more actions.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy trivia question
« on: July 10, 2011, 03:27:56 pm »
Secret chambers says +2 Cards iirc, and Tactician says "... If you do, next turn, +5 Cards ..."

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Types of Cards
« on: July 09, 2011, 04:53:35 am »
I don't think it has to be much of a change. Tactician, Caravan, and a double Outpost (you don't get the third turn, but you still only draw 3 cards) are, after all, draw cards that cost you actions, so the only difference with these would be that they don't cost you actions and they are played after your buy and cleanup phases.

On another note, I'd like a Treasure-Duration card, just to see how it'd play.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Types of Cards
« on: July 08, 2011, 03:46:28 am »
Well, there was a fan expansion which brought in duration cards with "On this turn ... On every turn hereafter ..." which could be classified as durations but also as something new, permanents.

I've been thinking a lot about different ways to punish someone, like the curse card, but somehow different. The idea that stuck with me is an action card that's not that good for you, but which you have to play if you get it in hand. It just struck me now that it could have a different-coloured back like the Stash cards. It maybe also deserves a new colour front, I'm not sure. It'd have to be a +1 Action action card or a treasure card, so it's technically covered.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Make up your own card?
« on: July 04, 2011, 02:26:21 pm »
Donald's article also seems to be talking about a reaction card that prevents the attack and reflects it.  Although already stated, do not forget that the user of Magic Mirror still gets hit by the attack, so it is not nearly as strong as the card in his example.

What he's talking about applies for any reaction cards that in any way has a detrimental effect on the attacking player. Especially in a two player game, it doesn't matter what bad effect the attacker suffers, whether it's discarding a card or being affected by the same attack himself - if it's bad enough, he'll be better off if he hadn't played the attack card at all. It's a question of scale, and there are few bad effects that, when potentially piled up from revealing the same reaction card twice/revealing more than one copy/every other player revealing one copy each, aren't bed enough to make you regret that you attacked. Being hit by the same attack once, with the right wording, is unstackable and might work.

Rules Questions / Visible discard pile?
« on: June 22, 2011, 11:13:31 am »
Shouldn't the top card of the discard pile be visible to all players at all times? You can't see it on isotropic.

Is this to avoid having everyone have to choose in which order they discard their hands and such all the time?

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