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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Storeroom/Gardens: Slog or Rush?
« on: February 27, 2014, 04:27:29 pm »
Squire is great for Gardens, but you shouldn't make the mistake to use +buys all the time, the silver gain is better early on. it lets you green turn 3/4 if necessary and makes you have 4$ constantly. later you can use the +buys to get 3cards each turn.

storeroom is similar, but slightly worse. it ensures $4 and provides some extra control over your cycling, but some silvers do the job almost as good, and you're limited to +2 cards. mixing them up is bad, if you draw squire-storeroom, you have to use squire for +actions, and then it's just a copper.

so much for how to play the rush. the decision whether to play it in the first place is the harder part. i'd say yes, merchant guild is pretty good, but not great, and there is no fast trashing and no workshop. i'd say garden rush > engine > BM on that board. do you have the log? there might have been some things you could've done better.

No log, we played in person using actual cards, not Goko. I did open double Storeroom, I just assumed it would be a better enabler than Squire because of the guaranteed $4 plus cycling, plus with a few silvers it is also easy to pick up duchies that way.

Dominion General Discussion / Storeroom/Gardens: Slog or Rush?
« on: February 27, 2014, 03:55:24 pm »
I recently played a game with the following kingdom:
Gardens, Village, Feast, Smithy, Library, Storeroom, Squire, Bandit Camp, Butcher, Merchant Guild

I went Storeroom-Gardens with Squire support while my opponent went for an engine consisting of Village-Smithy-Merchant Guild. I went for the slog primarily because I thought the Squire's +2 buys would help a great deal with bloating my deck. I ended up winning by a duchy. Would it have been better for me to have rushed Storeroom-Gardens? If so, is that because my opponent went for an engine? Would I have won by more if he went BM? Thoughts?

Soo, are the other four finalists gonna be outed?

My card was Landlord, and probably the closest a card of mine will come to winning; but Prefecture is a cool card, well done Fragasnap! It was weird how Landlord won the preliminary voting round and did worse in the later poll. Either way, a good card won.

I don't think the finalist have posted their "secret history" of their submissions because we (sort of) gave them to LFN to post anonymously during the voting.

With Prizes not having a cost, this contest seems to be more concept oriented as it is difficult to create a "fair" prize.
There are probably balance issues with all of the submissions. That being said, here are my favorite concepts.

Rusty the Donkey
Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
+4 Actions. Trash a card from your hand. Choose one: Gain a card with cost up to the number of unused Actions you have (Actions, not Action cards); or gain a card costing up to $4 more than the trashed card; or gain two cards each costing up to $2 more than the trashed card.

I've always been interested in an expensive workshop variant. I think this is a great way to do it. I like LFN's idea of just having the Workshop part. Another thing I like is that you can build your deck up like you would be going Diadem and even if Diadem is taken, you still have ol' Rusty! So I think this prize (maybe) increases Diadems power as a prize. Name is hilarious! I've always wanted a donkey!

Types: Action – Prize
Cost: $0*
+1 Action. Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $3 more than the trashed card, putting it into your hand.

This is a pretty solid prize. Simple and a Trash for Benefit. Gets my vote. Name is lame, but that's all I have against it. Gets my vote.

Signet Ring
Types: Treasure – Prize
Cost: $0*
Worth $0. +1 Buy. When you play this, you may discard a card that is not a Victory card; +$ equal to its cost. You may discard a Victory card; +$ equal to half its cost (rounded down).

This is a good idea with very poor balance. I love the discard for benefit! This just ranks up too much coin. I'd rather it discard 1 card. I don't think half the cost is the solution, cause then there isn't a benefit to discarding Treasure. Then again, discarding a Province would be too strong as that earns you a free Province. Maybe discarding a non-VP or a card costing up to $6? Still, earns my vote on concept.

Types: Action – Attack – Prize
Cost: $0*
+$2. Each other player reveals the top 3 cards of his deck, trashes a revealed Treasure card, discards the revealed Action cards, and puts the rest back in any order.

I know I hated on Attack-Prizes earlier, but I wanted an Attack-Prize that was vastly different from Followers. Here it is! It isn't my favorite like the above 3, but I am considering voting for this as well. Followers kinda = Witch + Militia; Ringmaster kinda = Rabble + Thief. Good job author!

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Card. If this is the first time you played a Storyteller this turn, +1 Action.

While this is in play, when you play an Action card that you don't already have a copy of in play, +1 Action.

Clarification: The first Storyteller you play only gives you +1 Action, not +2 Actions, because it wasn't in play when you played it.

I like LFN's idea of simply making it a cantrip itself. Certainly makes it easier. Plus 2nd Storyteller just plain sucks if it is a terminal +1 Card. I really like the idea though! One of my favorites.
Think about what would happen if you played four Storytellers in a row, followed by a Smithy or Hunting Grounds, and then get back to me.

I wouldn't be opposed to making it a cantrip if the effect was edited to "If you have a Storyteller in play . . .", but that would still take out a lot of the excitement in the card. Buy or gain a bunch of Storytellers so you can play one every turn, and if they collide then spam them until you get to your strong terminals (most of which will now be strong non-terminals). It  looks like the designer thought hard about this one, and I wouldn't fiddle with anything that looks important.

Oooh… didn't see that. For what ever reason I assumed each card could only get a +1 Action bonus to it. I think I like the "If you have a Storyteller in play…" better. But now I see why the author made it terminal though, so you can build an engine to where you may be able to play a Smithy with +3 Actions as well… Hmmm… I'd be fine with either. Still really like this card though.  ;D

I don't want to critique all the cards, but I chose the ones I like or stood out to me… still a lot of them…

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Put one of each differently named card revealed into your hand. Discard the rest.

I know there are a lot of terminal draw cards, but I really like how simple and thematic this is. Come to think of it, Cornucopia doesn't have a terminal draw (outside Followers, which I don't count), so this could easily be a worthy addition.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Card. If this is the first time you played a Storyteller this turn, +1 Action.

While this is in play, when you play an Action card that you don't already have a copy of in play, +1 Action.

Clarification: The first Storyteller you play only gives you +1 Action, not +2 Actions, because it wasn't in play when you played it.

I like LFN's idea of simply making it a cantrip itself. Certainly makes it easier. Plus 2nd Storyteller just plain sucks if it is a terminal +1 Card. I really like the idea though! One of my favorites.

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+2 Cards. +2 Actions. Reveal your hand. Discard duplicate cards one at a time until you have no duplicate cards in hand.

Other than paring it with Menagerie, I don't really see a situation where this shines. Someone please enlighten me.

Types: Treasure
Cost: $5
Worth $2. +1 Buy. If you have at least 4 differently-named Treasures in play (including this), +$2.

I know there were a lot of $4 treasure ideas in the Prosperity contest, which I still think is a good idea. This one fits in well with Cornucopia's theme. (See other note on Sharpening Stone)

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. +2 Actions. +1 Buy.

While this is in play, when you buy a card, trash each copy of that card you have in play.

I want to say this is a huge trap. Why buy a card if your going to trash a copy of it netting you nothing? Maybe that's the point… So basically it taboos all the cards you have in play, and if that is including my precious Gold, Wharves, and Hunting Parties… I may be a little upset. However, I do see its end game potential. I suppose Vanguard is great if you get a few for a mega turn buying out the Provinces, but it seems like that would take to much work.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
Gain a card costing up to $6. Each other player may gain a Curse. If he does, he gains a copy of the card you gained.

Looks like a "fixed" Monastery. I was a fan of an "expensive" Workshop variant before, so I am a fan of this one as well. Although it doesn't fit Cornucopia's theme too much.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+2 Actions. You may reveal a Patron card from your hand. If you do, +2 Cards.
Setup: Add an extra Kingdom card pile costing $5 or $6 to the Supply. Cards from that pile are Patron cards.

I'm back and forth on this one… I don't really want another village in Cornucopia. I do enjoy the extra pile mechanic, but if you are playing with Theater AND Young Witch… then you are dealing with a 12 card Kingdom. Not sure how I feel about that. It may be fun… maybe once… It may not fun and be a pain…

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $3
+1 Card. +1 Action. The player to your left chooses a card in the Supply without a Carnival token on it. Either gain a copy of it or each other player gains a copy of it, your choice. Put a Carnival token on that pile. If each Supply pile has a token, remove all the tokens.

I'm not a big fan. It is Jester-ish. I don't like the idea of eventually having to put a token on the Province pile. I would like it more if it were Supply piles that weren't Victory piles, but I don't think that would make me like it enough too vote for it.

Harvest Queen
Types: Action
Cost: $5
Set aside any number of differently named Action cards from your hand. Play them in any order.

This looks intense. I like the Tactician interaction, but am I right in saying this is basically a village that gives +? Actions for each different action card? A $5 card that only gives +Actions doesn't sound that great. Any thoughts on that?

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Action. Reveal a card from your hand, then reveal the top card of your deck. If they don't match, +1 Card and +$1.

Like Showdown said, it is thematically a fantastic card. It is simple and fits Cornucopia's theme. Plus I always like the guessing type cards in Wishing Well, Mystic, etc. One of my favorites.

Old Gaffer
Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
+$2. Each other player may reveal a hand without duplicate cards. If he doesn't, he gains a Curse.

This is a good card… However, I don't like it for two reasons:

1) It is a terminal Silver that is already found in Fortune Teller and Jester.
2) It is a Cursor… and we already have Young Witch and Jester

Types: Action – Reaction
Cost: $999
+1 Action. +1 Card per Hydra you have in play (including this).

When another player plays an Attack card, you may discard this. If you do, gain a Hydra.

I laughed so hard at this… Yet, I (as well) could not give a fair evaluation. I don't think I like this because it almost forces you to rush to win the Hydra split at least to deny your opponent getting the majority. I see this most fair at $5 because it would take a while to buy/gain enough in order to be effective (similar to Duke).

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+3 Cards. Reveal then discard any number of cards. If you discarded any cards, gain a card with cost up to $1 plus the number of differently named cards discarded. If you discarded at least 3 differently named cards, +1 Action.

Not a fan. This also looks like a "fixed" Monastery. It doesn't look like it would consistently be better than Workshop/Ironworks/Armory. I know there is a chance to gain cards costing more than $4, but I don't think this will play as well as the author intended. I like Pariah more.

Sharpening Stone
Types: Treasure
Cost: $4
Worth $1. If you had at least 4 differently named cards in play (not including this), +1 Buy and +$2.

Very similar to Ingot. I like Ingot more because it can cost up to $4. Also, I feel like this is too easy to activate making it a $4 gold with a buy mid-late game, I wonder if $5 would be a better cost. Maybe I'm wrong, as I am awful with pricing as well. Concept wise, it is the same as Ingot. Ingot rewards just treasure diversity, Sharpening Stone rewards action/treasure diversity. I wonder if neither will win and steal votes from the other. I agree with Eggplantation that Ingot it slightly better executed.

Ideally a new Prize card will be sufficiently different from existing Prize cards.

I'm sure some (or maybe most) will disagree with me on this. As I am trying to brainstorm ideas for a Prize card, I'd like that to rule out the following:
Gold Gainer (Or even just Gainer) Prize ---- Bag of Gold
Treasure Card (Or benefit extra actions) Prize ---- Diadem
Attack Card Prize ---- Followers
Cost Reducer Prize ---- Princess
Vanilla Bonuses Prize ---- Trusty Steed

I wouldn't totally taboo treasure and attacks, but the need to be way different, very interesting, and stand up to the standard of Followers and Diadem.

I definitely wouldn't agree with the no attacks or no treasure things... it seems just as reasonable to say "no non-attack actions; we already have 3 prizes that do that" as it does to say "no attack actions; we already have 1 prize that does that." Every action card needs to be chosen whether it's going to be an attack or not; I don't think of non-attack as the default. (Though of course you don't want the game to be mostly attacks; but 2 out of 6 cards being attacks doesn't seem like overkill at all).

That's why I put the disclaimer at the bottom. I'm fine with another Attack or Treasure, but they need to be drastically different. As far as attacks go, Followers is a cursor and a discarder, which are the two "primary" attacks put into one (I feel). It would be easier to create a different treasure prize than a different attack prize (at least for me, I cannot come up with an idea for another prize-worthy attack). But I also think having a TfB prize, etc. prize would be more interesting (then again, I love TfB and not so much attacks.)

Edit: Also, Cornucopia's theme is variety, and my reason for posting what I did was to encourage variety amongst the Prizes.

Ideally a new Prize card will be sufficiently different from existing Prize cards.

I'm sure some (or maybe most) will disagree with me on this. As I am trying to brainstorm ideas for a Prize card, I'd like that to rule out the following:
Gold Gainer (Or even just Gainer) Prize ---- Bag of Gold
Treasure Card (Or benefit extra actions) Prize ---- Diadem
Attack Card Prize ---- Followers
Cost Reducer Prize ---- Princess
Vanilla Bonuses Prize ---- Trusty Steed

I wouldn't totally taboo treasure and attacks, but the need to be way different, very interesting, and stand up to the standard of Followers and Diadem.

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: Can we have another one of these?
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:02:57 pm »
Lastfootnote hasn't posted anywhere on the forums since he posted the cards for Intrigue. As a result we are left wondering what the next steps are and when they are going to happen.

I'm pretty sure the next step would be a poll of voting for the top tier intrigue cards. Anybody could create a poll separate from the intrigue thread. Then again, I don't know how many submissions LFN was gonna include in the final intrigue vote.

This is my first time commenting on the cards. Now that cards have been narrowed down and there is a top 5, I actually have time to comment.  :P

16 Votes
Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Worth 1 VP per empty Supply pile.

I really like the concept of an alt VP that helps filter (hence my attempt with Pasture during Hinterlands Challenge), which is probably why this was voted over Shrine. It would really shine when there is another alt VP and +Buy cards that help you go for the rush, but in and of itself, not too overpowered. It has nice self-synergy. It is simple (HALLELUJAH!). It fits Intrigue well as it cares about Victory cards and is a hybrid Victory card. I'm an all around fan; my favorite to win. ;)

10 Votes
Types: Action
Cost: $4
Gain a card costing up to $6. For each $1 over $4 it costs, each other player may choose one: he trashes a card from his hand; he gains up to 2 Coppers, putting them into his hand; he discards his hand and draws 5 cards.

I'm 50/50. Concept wise, this is up there next to Landlord for me. I love a Workshop that can go over $4 at the cost of benefiting your opponent. But the benefits listed are so wordy, I don't necessarily like them, and there are 3. I know Intrigue has a theme of choices, but (a) most of the cards you are choosing from a card you have in your hand and (b) I can already see myself having to verbally communicate all 3 options to the people I play with every time I play the card. I like Nic's idea of "draw a card or trash up to two cards," and honestly, if that could be a for sure change I would strongly consider putting it above Landlord. If the creator of Monastery doesn't mind that kind of change and tells LFN to inform us, my dreams may come true. If the world revolved around me (which it does on occasion), both of a slightly altered Monastery and Landlord would make a spot in the Treasure Chest set. ;D

13 Votes
Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Victory card. If you do, put it and one other revealed card into your hand. Discard the rest.

Worth 2 VP.

I know people have tried to sell the "search your deck for your key card" idea, and I think this fixes the major problems of such a card with anti self-synergy, and stopping at a Victory card. I used to really like the idea, but the more I dr-think on it, the less I like the concept.

13 Votes
Types: Action
Cost: $4
Put a marker on an empty District of the Overseer Mat. If you put it on the…
Residential District, +1 Card and +2 Actions
Craftsmen's District, +3 Cards
Commercial District, +1 Card, +1 Action, and +$1
Industrial District, gain a card costing up to $4
Logging District, +1 Buy and +$2
If four districts of the mat have a marker, remove all the markers.

Rules Clarification: There is one communal Overseer mat, split into the five districts.

Confession... I marked this one off because of the mats... It's a good idea, I'm just the sour grape that doesn't want mats.

10 Votes
Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $4
+2 Actions. Reveal cards from the top of your deck unti you reveal a Victory card. Put that card into your hand and discard the rest.

Worth 1 VP.

Bottom of the totem pole for me. I don't really see much benefit unless there are other hybrids out there. Am I missing something obvious? I probably am...  :-\

Types: Reaction
Cost: $1
When you would gain a card, you may discard this. If you do, instead, gain a card costing exactly $1 more than it.

I really like the concept of this card. I would want it to cost $2 if it won, but I like its interaction with junkers, workshop variants, and remodel variants. As far as DA goes, I think this would be fun with Armory, Procession, and especially Rats.

The thought did occur to me. But it is legal...

Edit: Although we could just assume we aren't considering 6 player games, which I'm fine with. I was mostly just wondering if anyone could come up with an elegant way to avoid the problem.

Just color a blank card with a yellow crayon and label it "Claim"

If that's not elegant enough, maybe a yellow colored pencil?  ;D

I really enjoy all the feedback and critique, but I feel that once we find a flaw in a card, we bash it rather than try to give some feedback on how to improve the card. If we are voting on cards we feel have a cool mechanic and fit the theme(s) of their set, I feel we should try to improve the ones we are interested in. For example, I will pick on eHalcyon (cause I know eHalcyon likes the extra attention)...

Mountain Dwellers
Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Card. +1 Action. Reveal your hand. If you revealed 3 or more Treasure cards, +$1.

When you buy this, you may trash a Treasure card you have in play. Gain a Treasure card costing excatly $3 more than it.

On-buy Mine.  Once in your deck, it's a cantrip that is sometimes a Peddler.  Looks alright, and the name fits (recalling Mine).  Maybe "Mountaineer" would be better.

Witch Doctor
Types: Action
Cost: $4
+$1. Look through your deck; reveal and discard any number of Victory and Curse cards from it. Shuffle your deck.

When you gain this, put your deck into your discard pile.

Takes the niche effect of Chancellor and gives it on-gain, allowing greater control of when trigger it.  That's cool.  Epic-level filtering, but swingy because it's onl good if you draw it early in the shuffle.  Mediocre effect.

Possible broken combo: Tunnel.  If I do not vote for it, Tunnel will be the reason.

I like the name a lot though.  Saw it recently (in the Bad Ideas thread?) but it actually works very well for this concept and this expansion.

For Mountain Dwellers, there is a nice short summary with a suggested name change that I am all for. (Great job!)

For Witch Doctor, there is a noted broken combo with tunnel, but is there any way we could reword WD so it works?

LastFootNote told us that the winning card will likely go under revision/playtesting/etc., I haven't submitted a ballot for Hinterlands yet, and I don't want to nix WD if there are ideas for how it could be reworded.

Are we supposed to PM Lastfootnote for voting or will the ballots be posted elsewhere?

I'm guessing the later and it hasn't been set up yet?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Dominion CONTEST
« on: September 02, 2013, 12:55:54 am »
What about that whole submissions is final rule?  I know the edit was quick, but, pandora's box and stuff
Gondola --- ($5 Action)

+1 Card
+1 Coin

Choose one: +1 Action, +1 Buy, +1 VP, or gain a coin token

Unfortunately this submission does not qualify for the contest. There is no original mechanic/ use of a mechanic; Choices are Intrigue, VP chips are Prosperity and Coin Tokens are Guilds. Thank you for the submission, hopefully you'll submit another.

Somehow missed the original mechanic part... embarrassing...
Question before I resubmit: If I submit an idea I have for Lastfootnote's contest, who has said "Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!" Then I cannot use that same card for his contest? Correct?

Because many of these cards have not been play tested (including mine)...

1) What are we voting based on? How well it fits the theme(s) of the set, how it would interact with other cards in the set, and the mechanics of the card?

2) Will are submissions be tweaked at all (via public suggestions)? I know I would like other's opinions on how mine could improve. (especially pricing the card... that is always a shot in the dark for me.)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Dominion CONTEST
« on: August 31, 2013, 04:06:20 pm »
Gondola --- ($4 Action)

+1 Card
+1 Coin

Choose one: +1 Action, +1 Buy, +1 VP, or gain a coin token

This is strictly better than Baker.

?  It's too strong, but not strictly better than Baker, unless I'm missing something...

Oops, I misread the +1 Coin as Action. My bad!

I would defend it is not strictly better than Baker. This card can be a cantrip at the sacrifice of the other options, while Baker is a guaranteed cantrip. But I do wonder whether I should change the price to $5 or leave it at $4. My thought process is all the possible combinations on separate cards would cost $3-$4. Any suggestions?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Dominion CONTEST
« on: August 31, 2013, 01:45:24 pm »
Gondola --- ($5 Action)

+1 Card
+1 Coin

Choose one: +1 Action, +1 Buy, +1 VP, or gain a coin token

Glad I passed my own pop quiz...

Thanks for the clarification

Rules Questions / Count: Trashing your hand & Knights/Fairgrounds
« on: May 16, 2013, 03:30:43 pm »
Pop Quiz everyone! (Really... I just have 2 rules questions)

Question 1: What does "trash your hand" imply? Say I play Count and decide to trash my hand which includes a Rats card, so...

A) I trash my hand all at once, then draw from my trashed Rats afterward.

B) I trash my hand card by card, trashing my Rats first, draw a card and continue to trash the rest of my hand.

Question 2: True or False? In a Fairgrounds game with Knights, does each Knight (Sir Bailey, Dame Anna, etc.) count as a unique card?

Rules Questions / Re: Talisman & Black Market
« on: March 25, 2013, 03:00:46 pm »
Appreciate the clarification!  ;D

Rules Questions / Talisman & Black Market
« on: March 25, 2013, 02:40:51 pm »
If I play my Black Market, then follow it by playing my Talisman and buy a card in the Black Market deck costing $4 or less, do I gain a copy of that card?

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