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Messages - Dekryr

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Hearthstone / Re: Constructed General Discussion
« on: January 27, 2015, 07:10:47 pm »
That sucks. I guess just too many people playing Undertaker Hunter... I don't know if Undertaker was the problem (I'm looking at you Mad Scientist), but maybe this makes ladder less Huntery?

Not to straddle the fence, but I think both were/are a problem. Every agro deck is using undertaker and it almost always trades up. At least now it can be dealt with with other 1 drops. Losing games because you can't deal with a 1-drop, which will just keep growing out of range is really bad and poor design. It needed a change, not sure if this is the right one but at least it's something.

Mad Scientist is probably a more powerful card than undertaker, but it's only really viable in 2 classes at the moment, so it will take a long time for Blizz to figure out it's broken. But that card is ridiculously good. If you aren't putting Scientist in your Mage or Hunter decks, you better have a really, really good reason.

Hearthstone / Re: Has anyone learned Hearthstone yet?
« on: January 26, 2015, 07:19:44 pm »
Just learned that Jaraxxus can't be healed above 15 health. It makes a lot of sense, but it just allowed me to win a mill druid v. handlock matchup I wouldn't have won if he could have healed above 15.

Jaraxxus's max health is 15. Very important when considering Molten Giant plays as well.

Hearthstone / Re: Constructed General Discussion
« on: January 26, 2015, 07:16:11 pm »
Mech-Bear-Cat: I love this card in Arena, but I'm not sure if it'll be as good in constructed. Since it has 7 attack, it's likely to get hit by BGH. I've heard Piloted-Sky Golem > Cairne in the current meta because it kills Belcher, Loatheb, and all the other 5 health minions. If you have them, I'd try that replacement first.

I think Mech-Bear-Cat compares infavorably to Toshley. Also 6 mana, 5/7 instead of 7/6 is a better stat spread IMO, and I don't see Mech-Bear-Cat getting more than 2 spare parts on average. Of course, Toshley is legendary though...

Mogor: He's funny. I don't know if he's good or not, but you don't run Mogor the Ogre for that reason. I'm trying to decide whether Mogor helps vs hurts you if you have few big minions vs lots of small minions. If you miss, you might kill a 1/1 with your big dude, but the other player will also have a lot of misses that run into your big guys. It's hard to call...

I think most people are replacing Cairne with Sneed's, but Piloted Sky Golem is also OK. Most ramps already have TBK and Sylvanas at 6 mana I think, so Sneed's being more isn't a huge deal. Sneed's doesn't die to BGH and trades with belchers and 5/5's, they are all weak to silence of course. Toshley is the better option if you want the spare parts for whatever reason.

Hearthstone / Re: Arena General Discussion
« on: January 26, 2015, 07:07:44 pm »
Today I learned that if you play Mind Control Tech as your 7th minion, instead of stealing a random minion, it destroys a random minion. It didn't actually affect the game's outcome, but that was weird to see.

I knew this, but what if it's a deathrattle minion. Will loot hoarder draw you a card? Does Harvest Golem just destroy both minions?

Loot hoarder draws a card, Harvest spawns a 2/1 golem. I'm 99% sure that it treats it as a regular minion death. Sap or Vanish when they have 10 cards in hand also destroys the minion and it works that way too.

But if it spawns the Damaged Golem where does it go? Does your opponent get it or does it just die because it can't fit on your board?

Hearthstone / Re: Arena General Discussion
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:57:55 pm »
Today I learned that if you play Mind Control Tech as your 7th minion, instead of stealing a random minion, it destroys a random minion. It didn't actually affect the game's outcome, but that was weird to see.

I knew this, but what if it's a deathrattle minion. Will loot hoarder draw you a card? Does Harvest Golem just destroy both minions?

Hearthstone / Re: Has anyone learned Hearthstone yet?
« on: January 20, 2015, 07:03:42 pm »
Just opened a Dark Wispers.  Is this seeing play?  Combos with the cards in Token Druid is like 5 spells with a teacher out for six...

I have never seen it played except when I had to pick it in arena over worse epics.

I've seen Firebat run it one of the early tournaments after GVG came out. It was a token deck, but it was usually stuck in his hand. He could never find the right time to play it. The one time he did, immediate AOE. I don't remember what tourney it was. It just costs too much for what it does I think.

Hearthstone / Re: The GvG arena meta shift
« on: January 20, 2015, 04:29:14 pm »
Between these two factors, the importance of drafting Raptors has gone way down since:
1. It's easier to win the tempo on turn 3-4 rather even if you don't on turn 2.
2. There's so many 2-drops that if you find yourself short on them, it's not hard to catch up in the last few draft picks. It's of greater relative importance to draft the better high-end cards, since there was only ONE good 5+ drop added (Force Tank).

So draft-wise, it seems you want to bump up all the decent 5+ drops. And play-wise, the game is less likely to be decided by someone failing to draw their 2-drop. With the games going longer, classes with better high-end cards (Druid, Priest) or later-game hero powers (Warlock, Priest, Shaman, Paladin) get bumps relative to the better early-game hero powers (Rogue, Mage). Also, the increase in sticky minions makes buff cards better, and thus the classes with more buffs (Paladin, Shaman, Priest).

I haven't really figured out how all the classes stack up against each other yet, or what the right draft priorities are beyond the very top, but late game seems much more important than before, and Raptor seems much more like a vanilla card than an arena dominator like it was before.


My thoughts. This is very interesting because I've basically heard the exact opposite from other people. GVG made the game faster, because it didn't add a lot of great higher cost creatures, added many good cheaper creatures and also diluted the card pool away from spells and removal, making it much harder to find them. Because of this, missing a 2-drop is more likely to lose you a game post GVG because it is harder to find spells to catch up and with so many good 3 and 4 drops it is more likely for your opponent to have them and get way ahead of you on turn 3 & 4.

I still think hitting 2-drops is absolutely essential to good Arena performance. I agree that drafting tiers should have shifted post-GVG and your new summary looks good to me. You are absolutely right that the really good 3 and 4 drops are highly coveted. Also, getting good late game cards is a higher priority because of the diluted field. However, I'm not sure I'm willing to say that hitting turn 2 is less important now than it was before. It is now much more likely that your opponent will have a turn 2 minion and a solid turn 3 and 4 minion, while you try to catch up.

I think much of what you said is good advice, but I think that Raptor got worse not because it's terrible and hitting turn 2 is less important. It got worse because there are now more and better 2 drops, so you can more easily pass it up knowing that you will probably get something better later. Curving out with minions is more important now than it was in the past and you do not want to miss turn 2.

I wonder what other people's thoughts are? Is the arena faster now or slower? Do you get snowballed worse when you miss turn 2 now or do you find it easier to come back on turns 3, 4, and 5?

Hearthstone / Re: Constructed General Discussion
« on: December 31, 2014, 08:10:53 pm »
Aggro... should I start just using aggro decks for questing?  Apparently they're pretty good in the meta, and of course are faster.

Depends. If you want to just get your quests done quickly then aggro will of course go faster. Unfortunately, the ladder is designed in such a way that if you want to move up the ladder quickly then aggro decks are much faster and get you many more games. If reaching legend is your goal, an aggro deck will get you there in less real time. It may take you less games with a really good control deck, but it will take you more actual hours to do it. HME gave a good rundown of the different types of aggro decks as well. Right now Hunter and Warlock - zoo are the 2 best aggro decks imo. I like mech-Mage as well, but some may argue it's not aggro, but it stills plays pretty quickly for laddering.

Edited to more accurately describe HME's good post.

Hearthstone / Re: Constructed General Discussion
« on: December 31, 2014, 10:14:43 am »
I forgot about recycle. It's tempo removal, so I'm not sure how good it is in a very control oriented deck. If the game is going to go long, you will see the recycled card again. Recycle probably fits better into a mid-range play style where the tempo can help you finish the game, which is what Druid already does very well, and I don't think Malorne fits in that deck.

I will admit that I didn't think about him as a good mill card, which he probably is. Mill is really the only control Druid deck that even kind of works right now. Mill runs those removals that I mentioned earlier (Poison Seeds and Naturalize), but the deck has to be a bit gimmicky to play around the weaknesses of those cards. Even with Malorne, I still think that mill doesn't quite have enough tools yet to be viable. It's closer than it was but I still think mid-range druid is better.

But if you want to use your Malorne, go ahead and build a mill deck. It seems like it would be fun to play and it is not terrible. I would probably try it out some if I had Malorne...or coldlight oracle...or grove tender...or tree of life. Ahh well.

Hearthstone / Re: Constructed General Discussion
« on: December 30, 2014, 09:15:38 pm »
So I just opened a Malorne. What should I do with it? Is it a key card in any type of deck?

I'd keep it, just because it's a legendary. I'm not sure it fits into anything yet, but it's fun, and I think it'll be worth to have later.

Sorry to bring this back up, but I just came back to f.ds and found this forum.  ;D

Malorne is an amazing card in a super late game control Druid. Unfortunately, that deck is not yet viable. Druid doesn't have enough good removal to make a deck like that work. Compare druid's removal to the other very control type decks: Execute/Shield slam, Mind Control/Shadow word Death/Voljin, Equality, Siphon soul/Shadowflame a giant...Naturalize and Poison Seeds don't compete with any of those. Druid just doesn't have the tools to build a late game deck where Malorne would shine. Mid-range druid that wants to burst you with Force-Savage Roar is just so much better.

Hearthstone / Re: List of Hearthstone IDs
« on: December 30, 2014, 08:59:53 am »

I'm on NA, EU, and Asia. My best collection is on NA and that's where I usually play constructed. EU is pretty much Arena only. A bit of both on Asia.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Did something good happen?
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:08:48 pm »
It can't just be the one browser, though. It works fine for me on Chrome and has been for a while.

Just telling you what MakingFun told me.

116 or so posts over a month. Seems to be a real issue. Donald X has multiple posts saying that he can't use chrome. I've tried the regular stuff. It shouldn't be this hard to try to use their product. I can play other games without jumping through any hoops.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: can't log in at all
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:05:40 pm »
It works totally fine on Chrome for me. In fact I have felt that some stability issues have been fixed, at least for the people who can log in.

Same here. Have you tried clearing your browser cache, Dekryr?

Yes I tried all the typical stuff. There are 116 or so posts of people having these problems, so I don't think it's really anything that simple and I shouldn't have to jump through all those hoops imo. I can hop right into other programs and play games there. So that's what I'll do.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Did something good happen?
« on: March 14, 2014, 11:45:15 am »
Previously, I couldn't log in from the Mac computers at school. Now I was depressed enough to try it out again and it actually works!

I too was depressed enough to try this again. Unfortunately, I can't log in in at all. According to the MakingFun forums Donald X hasn't been able to login in since the big patch (I hadn't tried logging for months so I don't know if it's related to the patch for me or not). After a week or so I find now that you can "fix" it by downloading the latest version of Firefox (I haven't tried that and probably won't. If they can only get it to work on 1 web browser, then I won't give them any of my time much less money.)

So to answer the OP's question: No, nothing good happening for me. I am giving up on these people again, I would like to say it will be for good, but I know that in a few months I'll come back to make another attempt and discover what new ways they have screwed up online Dominion.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: can't log in at all
« on: March 14, 2014, 11:32:53 am »
Since, iso went down I have tried the official online version of Dominion multiple times. My experience was always so bad (frozen screens, game crashes, not able to even find a match) that I wouldn't come back for a few months hoping that they would actually fix some of these bugs. Well that time came again for me a couple weeks ago. Apparently, I decided to try again right around the time of a big patch so the system was down (although you couldn't tell that from going to the website). Anyway, I thought this big patch might mean that the game would work better and I would be pleasantly surprised with my ability to play a game that I very much enjoy. For the past 2 weeks I can't even login. I can't change my password. I can't create a new account, because it knows that one already exists which uses my email. So I do a little searching and find this:

Donald X can't even login to the official online version of his own game. Turns out this system is still atrocious. And for those of you who are wondering why you can't login, there's the thread. On page 13 or so of the thread they say the game only works with the latest version of Firefox. I guess I'll wait a few more months and hopefully it will work for all web browsers, but probably not.

I love Dominion, but man I hate Goko/MakingFun, it's so bad that I'm playing Puzzle Strike online instead.

Rant over.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Number of games on Goko
« on: March 20, 2013, 07:50:53 pm »
Does it count games finished or games started? For instance, I tried to play 2 games today, but only actually completed one game before it froze during the 2nd turn of my 2nd game.

Other Games / Summoner Wars
« on: March 14, 2013, 07:08:50 pm »
I picked up the Summoner Wars: Master Set a few months ago, right around the beginning of the year. The game is absolutely great and I have been playing it as much as possible since then. Not sure if any of you other folks have tried it out, but I figured I would give my recommendation here.

Summoner Wars is listed as an "expandable card game of tactical combat." That description works fairly well. It's sort of a cross between Magic and chess with hand/resource management thrown in. Also, it is #2 in Tom Vasel's top 100 games.

I play on Vassal and there is an ios app with some of the factions. So if anyone plays or is interested in the game let me know.

2012 / Re: Final / Third Place Match livetopic
« on: February 04, 2013, 03:57:10 pm »
Did I read this right...not a single Province game in the finals?

!Colony means "no Colony".

Ok I was reading it wrong. I thought they were all colony games. That seemed odd.

2012 / Re: Final / Third Place Match livetopic
« on: February 04, 2013, 02:13:03 pm »
Did I read this right...not a single Province game in the finals?

Game Reports / drain provinces in 13 turns
« on: January 17, 2013, 11:01:04 am »
I'm pretty proud of this one, although I'm sure I get lucky. It's always fun to empty the Province pile on your own in 13 turns from 2nd position. We both get 5/2 on a Mountebank board. He gets apprentice while I grab the Mountebank. Then I get tournaments, apprentice, highways, a festival and then Provinces. Once you get ahead on someone in an Apprentice game it can snowball fast with the apprenticing of Provinces and that's exactly what happens.

2012 / Re: 2012 Elite Eight Bracket
« on: January 14, 2013, 01:36:51 pm »
I'm taking Mic to win over Stef in the final. My random prediction sure to go wrong is that it takes stef 8 games to beat dondon

Game Reports / IGG + Gardens Rush
« on: January 09, 2013, 03:46:57 pm »
I don't have the actual log atm but here is the kingdom from what I can remember:

2: chapel
3: ambassador, smugglers
4: salvager, moneylender, gardens
5: IGG, counting house

There were 2 other fives I think but nothing special, no other +buy for sure. I won this game and got a 5/2 opening. It is obvious that IGG - gardens rush is superior here. My question is how to optimally go about it? 5/2 should be IGG, copper right? What about 4/3? Double smugglers? Smugglers/silver? And then how quickly do you start grabbing gardens. I think you want 2 smugglers and silver won't hurt.  Should every 4 be gardens and anything over 5 be IGG? Would you consider counting house at some point to spike a Province, I guess if you lose the Gardens race this is a good play?

So lots of questions. I really wonder if even a Gardens/Smugglers open could work. So basically I'm interested to hear thoughts about when to start grabbing gardens and how many smugglers to get and when.

Help! / Re: Ignore sea hag with upgrade on board?
« on: December 28, 2012, 10:03:10 pm »
I appreciate the discussion and the feedback. I know that the bazaar purchase was a mistake. I'm just wondering if sea hag would have been as bad of a purchase had he not hit the upgrade/upgrade on turns 3 & 4. I'm sure it depends on the kingdom and here the KC is so powerful I guess ignoring a sea hag opening to hit KC quicker is probably a better plan.

Help! / Ignore sea hag with upgrade on board?
« on: December 26, 2012, 11:15:25 pm »
So I'm sure I do a number of things wrong in this game, but my opponent says that sea hag is weak here because of the presence of upgrade. I don't understand that. I would like him to waste time upgrading curses right? I feel like he gets lucky hitting $5 on turn 3 and 4 to get 2 upgrades, but is the presence of upgrade here really enough to not open sea hag?

Help! / Re: HP-Vault only hits $8 3 times in 15 turns
« on: December 21, 2012, 10:18:30 am »
It surprises me that the extra unique card is good. Moneylender is just a silver in buying power and the trashing shouldn't matter as much with HP. But I guess that's why I'm just level 22. I realize that the early duchy was a mistake and I see now that an HP buy there probably would've won it for me. Thanks for the help Mic and DG.

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