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Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Pure treasure deck!?
« on: November 02, 2012, 10:03:35 am »
By the way, it's not possible using treasure alone to get Horn of Plenty up to $8.
I tried to play Horn for $8-gains to solve this challenge, but eventually figured out I can't.

It's not spectacular and doesn't solve the puzzle...but here's how to get an $8 Horn of Plenty with only Treasures:
Hand 2x Counterfeit 3x Venture:

Play Venture finding Gold
Play Counterfeit->Venture finding Silver and Ill Gotten Gains gaining a copper to hand
Play Copper
Play Counterfeit->Venture finding Contraband and Horn Of Plenty

Treasures in Play: Copper, Silver, Gold, Contraband, Counterfeit, Venture, IGG, and HoP makes 8

Also it will take way longer, but the solution can be upgraded to buy all 8 Colonies in one turn this way:
Replace the two banks with two Philosopher's Stones worth $31 each which means you need 155 cards in your deck above and beyond the cards used in the solution.
At least one of those will be a potion needed to buy Philosopher's Stone, but that's okay, because Potion is a treasure too

It will take a while, but all 8 colonies in one turn with nothing but treasure is possible

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