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Messages - msuroo

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Just thought I'd let you guys know, I just submitted an update with the features/bugs that you requested.

- I fixed the bug that was keeping the Hinterlands cards from showing up in the allowed cards in the banished list.
- I added an option (in advanced options) to sort cards with potions in the cost towards the end of the set (4 < 5 < 0P <2P) instead of within the set (2 < 2P < 3 < 3P)
- Also, I made the button in each card's row easier to press, so that when you tap the arrow you'll go to the rules without accidentally locking a card. (it was bugging me, so I fixed it).
- Finally, I added the Governor card with the card text and all the rules that go along with it, for all of you Essen players who got the card already.

Let me know if there is anything else to be added!


Love it - thanks!

Hi Scott,

Love the app - I do have one suggestion though.  When sorting cards by cost, the app is currently set up such that 2<2p<3.  I know this how isotropic does it, but whenever I set up a live game, I always put potion cards at the "end", such that a list ordered by cost would look something like 4<5<0p<2p (this is how Kingdom Deck did it too).  It would be cool to have this as an option.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: veto strategy
« on: October 06, 2011, 09:42:08 pm »
When I veto a card, it's usually because I don't think the card is much fun to play.  I win above the average rate with Ambassador and Torturer, but I don't really enjoy those games, so I often will veto them.  Possession is another one, although if my opponent has the first turn, he's probably going to veto that before I can do it.  I've found that very few people enjoy playing with that card in the mix.  I don't avoid cards based on whether I lose with them; I'd rather learn from my mistakes and get better at playing those cards.  I don't really aspire to be at the top of the leader board anyhow.

It is kinda fun to veto a random card, but then I get annoyed if I veto one of my favorites.  If I don't mind any of the cards in the mix, I'll just veto a card that I don't care about one way or the other.

Agree with every single point in this post.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Kings Court + Possession
« on: July 28, 2011, 04:39:58 pm »
The problem is that with 3+ players, counter-possession strategies don't work. You might doom the player to the left of you, but you'll be dragging yourself down with him (since you won't be buying provinces etc on your own turns, only theirs), while the player to the right of you will benefit from the other player's naivety and probably win the game.

Wait, people play dominion with more than 2 players?  ;)

Heh.  This is a tough piece of advice to follow.  The other one that I find challenging is not spending all my coins.  When I get to $6, I want that gold, even if it makes more sense to get a mountebank or warf. 

And, it never fails that, when I get a hand with $6 and I spend it to buy a $5, my next hand will be a $5 (and in the same shuffle).

This is where deck tracking is super important.  Let's say you need a gold and a mountebank, with the mountebank priority one.  If you have 6 now, but know that you will likely draw 5 before the end of your shuffle, by all means by the gold first.

Feedback / Re: Forum section for blog posts?
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:16:07 pm »
Also, maybe it's worth throwing out a poll on the blog.  Presumably the forum regulars wouldn't mind having the blog post discussions here, but if there was a big pushback from the "blog only" demographic, I can certainly see the argument for keeping the status quo.

Feedback / Re: Forum section for blog posts?
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:12:53 pm »
You don't know how much we've searched for a forum system that integrates seamlessly with Wordpress comments (i.e., blogposts are threads and blog comments are posts).  Unfortunately, there is none.

What we can do is close comments entirely on the blog and have a link at the bottom of every post manually directing to a comments thread here.  It's not elegant: it won't display posts here as comments there, and it might kill guest participation (unless guest posting were enabled).

Is that a bigger harm than bifurcated discussion though?

Hi Theory,

I'm certainly not in favor of killing participation, but I guess I don't have a sense of how many blog contributors aren't on the forums.  I would guess that most all of the forum community reads the blog, but I certainly understand that the inverse is not necessarily true.  I just wanted to throw the idea out there to see if others felt the same way.

Feedback / Forum section for blog posts?
« on: June 28, 2011, 02:52:10 pm »
First - huge thanks to Theory and Rrenaud for all of the work on dominionstrategy and councilroom.  I would probably still be a village idiot if not for these sites.  (Although my wife might still enjoy playing the game with me - so I guess there's a tradeoff there  ;))

Reading through the comments for the latest blog post though (The Five Worst $6+ Cards), got me thinking.  With the forum up and running, does there need to be a comments section on the blog?  I find the forum discussions much easier to read than the comments - mostly because of the way quoting works in the forum rather than the "stepped" presentation in the comments.  Is there any appetite for having a section of the forum dedicated to discussion of the blog posts - maybe having the "comments" button link there rather than displaying comments on the blog itself?  It would also show really quickly whether there has been any new discussion on an old blog post, since I rarely go back and see if there are new comments on anything but the last couple posts.

If you get an early Treasure Map activation, then you want to buy an engine card.

What kind of engine are you building that would rely on TM for money though?  At that point, what would be faster than just buying provinces?

For Province games it's hard to imagine a situation where you wouldn't buy a Province.

I rarely go for treasure maps in the first place, but basically agree with this.

As far as I'm concerned you won by 5, and you should be the one getting whatever prize you're grumbling about not getting.

But then his buddy never would never play him with anything on the line.  I play a lot of golf with my brother-in-law, and he is a lot better than me.  Having 20 bucks on the game makes it a lot more exciting for both of us - every 3 foot putt actually has some pressure on it.  If he didn't give me strokes though, I would never play him for money.

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