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Messages - SuperHans

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: May 08, 2024, 12:46:26 pm »
This thread has to be in the running for the longest interview of all time.

Black Cat/Way of the Frog.

Top deck the black cats.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Bonus Previews
« on: March 10, 2020, 03:34:36 pm »
I suppose a man can could be a way to go back to small expansions though, to pad them with extra horizontals.

Why would you want a small expansion, though, when you could have a large expansion?
I expect if landscapes were to ever return, they’ll just be added to a large expansion like when events returned in Empires and Menagerie. Who knows, maybe we get a promo landmark some day.

This has probably been answered elsewhere, but will the previewed cards remain playable online up until the expansion is released or will they get removed for a brief period of time in the interim, such as next week?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: February 17, 2020, 08:00:54 pm »
Not to brag, but I have been selected to play test the newest expansion sometime in late March or early April.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Menagerie
« on: February 11, 2020, 11:06:17 am »
36 days until projected release date!

(I always like using square numbers as my markings for time -- as we get closer to the date, they come more frequently)
As is tradition, 36 days for me to figure out storage for this next set.

I received my copy of Renaissance as well as the dividers from Spielgeek. Everything is now organized. With the growing number of player components (Mats, Tokens, and now Cubes), does anyone have a recommendation on how to store these components? I used to have them sorted by component rather than color, but found that to be too time consuming with the number of components. Currently, I have them in individual bags sorted by color, but I'm thinking it might be easier to store them in their own plastic containers by color because, with plastic bags, you almost have to dump everything out each time to get the components. All about efficiency.

As for the quality of the components, the lighter colors on the back of the cards do not bother me. It made zero impact on the games we played. I never look closely at the back of the card before I draw (unless playing with Stash, of course), so it has made no difference. I can certainly see how you could potentially exploit it if you wanted to, but, you know, just don't?

And finally, as for the cards themselves, this could be my favorite expansion. Villagers are a great addition (and a lot more useful than I originally expected) and projects breathe new life into the game. So far, I have found all of the cards to be good additions to the game. Capitalism, especially, has already enabled some of the most fun games that I have played. It's wonky in a really good way.

Oh well. Things happen. I’m looking forward to receiving my copy just as much as I was before.

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Renaissance Initial Impressions
« on: November 05, 2018, 01:27:56 pm »
What are your thoughts about the new cards?

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Renaissance rulebook is up
« on: November 05, 2018, 10:55:17 am »
Some of the Teaser cards: Patron has "reveal" in quotations, Scepter, Capitalism, and Inovation let you play Actions in your Buy phase, Fleet gives players extra turns, and you can't turn off Cathedral.
I'm kind of dissapointed that Border Guard uses both Lantern and Horn, meaning that there are only four kingdom cards that use Artifacts. I hope he uses them again in another expansion.

Don't count on it. He's already gone on record saying that he'd remove them from Renaissance if he had to do it all over.
I guess the following kingdom will have to suffice:

Border Guard
Flag Bearer
Young Witch
Page (Bane)

Now that new Dominon sets seem to be continuing indefinitely, I'm ok with similar ideas reoccuring. This is coming from a very harsh critic of any and all wastes of card slots in the "Guilds is the last set" era.

There are so many cards now that seeing a particular card in a given full-random game can be rare, and you'd want to increase the probability of it reoccurring. That's done with Village, Smithy, Workshop, Peddler etc. but it should also be true for slightly more niche cards.

Or if an idea is good, why not allow access to the idea in different sets?

I'd be ok with blatant things in future sets like "Quarry but it's an Event costing $P", or "Distant Lands but it trashes itself for VP tokens".
Similarly scrapped ideas that weren't particularly interesting would be fine for revisiting (Like the top-deck Remodel that was replaced with Rebuild) as simple cards for future sets.

All of this is fine as long as each set is decent value for money, and with Projects, Renaissance looks like it will be.

Seriously. What are the odds that Ducat and CSM are in the same kingdom? Less than the odds that there are multiple village, +3 card, or curser variants. And if they are in the same kingdom, well now you might have a decision to make.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: October 10, 2018, 07:11:43 pm »
IMO Adventures, Empires and the 2nd editions are excellent so your process is more or less working (Not personally fond of nocturne but it's  not "bad")
Thanks; we had a lot of fun playtesting Nocturne, but I would change it a lot at this point, which is not true of Adventures or Empires. I would probably split it into two sets, one with Night, Spirits, and Boons, and the other with Heirlooms and some other new mechanic. I wouldn't do Hexes (too slow). I would only do ~5 Fate cards.

I play casually with a group IRL and Hexes have resulted in some of the most fun games we have played.

After thinking about it for a bit, I'm wondering about the decision-making process regarding these. Since you can only buy these once, it seems like it will be a no-brainer to get them every game. The effects are either never harmful or optional, and you don't have to pick a good "target" like inheritance. I suppose there's decisions in when to get them, but I think even there the answer is usually "as soon as possible." I guess the main exception would be Fair, which you should probably wait on. And you don't need Silos if there's premium trashing, or Sewers if there's no trashing. But what about the others? In the end, are projects a little too simple?
The question is usually not whether to buy a project because in a lot of instances they will be must buys. And sometimes it might not even be when to buy the project. The more important question will usually be how do you build your startegy around the project. I think projects are somewhat of an inevitable addition to the game and am really glad they stayed simplistic.

To me, they are kind of like Asper's Edicts. Basically, they are are just rule changes, but with some level of decision making about whether to buy and when to buy.

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Teaser
« on: September 28, 2018, 03:59:34 am »
My guess is you can "purchase" projects by placing one of your two wooden cubes on the sideways card-shaped thing. The other players can do the same. So long as your cube is on the project (maybe you can't take it off), parts of the game will be modified for you and anyone else who has purchased the same project, such as (1) take a turn after the game ends, (2) trash a card every turn, (3) $1 every turn, (4) +1 buy every turn, (5) some kind of benefit every time you shuffle, (6) maybe a benefit when you do other things like buy a victory, treasure, or action card, (7) maybe a way to play action cards during buy phase.

Seems like enough possibilities here to make 20 of these projects.
Called it.

Not liking Flag Bearer open on 4/3 as you immediately draw 6 and get a bad shuffle at the start of turn 2, I'll pass.
I'm not certain that's a bad shuffle. If you get $4 on T1 and buy Flag:
  • 2/6 chance: $3 on T2, $6 on T3
  • 3/6 chance $4 on T2, $5 on T3
  • 1/6 chance $6 on T2, $4 on T3
If your opponent lets you keep the flag, your T3 will probably be even better, but the certainty of hitting $5 on or before T3 with 50% chance of hitting $6 seems like a good thing - probably good enough to compensate for the slightly messed-up shuffling.
The odds are even better than that for Turn 2. There is only a 1/6 chance you draw $3. 4/6 chance you draw $4. 1/6 chance you draw $5.

Flagbearer is an interesting opening move at 4/3. There is a 1/6 chance you draw the flagbearer on Turn 2, which of course isn't great odds, but there is a 4/6 chance you draw $4. Odds are high that you will have $4, and if you're lucky $5, and if you're unlucky $3. If your opponent does not buy a flagbearer Turn 1, then you are drawing 6 again Turn 3 and so on.

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Teaser
« on: September 27, 2018, 09:31:11 am »
My guess is you can "purchase" projects by placing one of your two wooden cubes on the sideways card-shaped thing. The other players can do the same. So long as your cube is on the project (maybe you can't take it off), parts of the game will be modified for you and anyone else who has purchased the same project, such as (1) take a turn after the game ends, (2) trash a card every turn, (3) $1 every turn, (4) +1 buy every turn, (5) some kind of benefit every time you shuffle, (6) maybe a benefit when you do other things like buy a victory, treasure, or action card, (7) maybe a way to play action cards during buy phase.

Seems like enough possibilities here to make 20 of these projects.

At first I thought the new cards are fun, but when I saw that Ducat is strictly better that Candlestick Maker, I got very disappointed. Villain (which should be a pun to Village, I guess)  also plays very different, if you use Shelters (but so do Shepherd and Baron).
Ducat may be better but it is not "strictly" better in the literal sense of the word. Ducat is a treasure and CSM is an action and so they do interact differently with some cards.

For example:

Turn 1: SM
Turn 2: Procession
Turn 3: Procession the SM. Now you have a $5 card, $5-8 to spend this turn (4-7 copper and the coffer), and two villagers. You're also shuffling your discard pile for Turn 4.

More like:

Turn 1: SM
Turn 2: Procession
Turn 3: draw Procession without the SM.
Turn 1: SM
Turn 2: Procession
Turn 3: Draw Procession without the SM
Turn 4: Don't draw SM
Turn 5: Draw SM. Play SM and draw Procession with no other action card
Turn 6: Resign

I don't think SM is a power card, but I do think people are somewhat underrating the on-gain effect. If you open 4/3, you can grab a SM and a second 4-cost card on turn 2.

Yeah, but that's just the Nomad Camp thing all over again. You can open Nomad Camp/another $4 cost card, but if you do, you just essentially opened with Woodcutter/$4 cost card, which is just a regular 3/4 opening where the $3 is particularly weak.
It's particularly good when there is a TfB available, especially one that costs 4 or less such as Procession or Remake.

For example:

Turn 1: SM
Turn 2: Procession
Turn 3: Procession the SM. Now you have a $5 card, $5-8 to spend this turn (4-7 copper and the coffer), and two villagers. You're also shuffling your discard pile for Turn 4.

That's if the two cards collide on Turn 3. There is no guarantee that will happen.
For sure. Only pointing out some possible upside.

The villager allows there to be flexibility if you miss. Say you draw SM turn 3, and by playing it you draw your Remake. Well now you can use the villager to play the remake, which is really the better and more practical example. I just like cards that combo with procession.

I always have trouble keeping Spice Merchant and Silk Road straight in terms of the names. Silk Merchant will help a lot.  ;D
Try playing a game with Merchant, Wine Merchant, Spice Merchant, Silk Merchant, Silk Road, Merchant Guild, and Merchant Ship.

Edit: crj beat me to it

I don't think SM is a power card, but I do think people are somewhat underrating the on-gain effect. If you open 4/3, you can grab a SM and a second 4-cost card on turn 2.

Yeah, but that's just the Nomad Camp thing all over again. You can open Nomad Camp/another $4 cost card, but if you do, you just essentially opened with Woodcutter/$4 cost card, which is just a regular 3/4 opening where the $3 is particularly weak.
It's particularly good when there is a TfB available, especially one that costs 4 or less such as Procession or Remake.

For example:

Turn 1: SM
Turn 2: Procession
Turn 3: Procession the SM. Now you have a $5 card, $5-8 to spend this turn (4-7 copper and the coffer), and two villagers. You're also shuffling your discard pile for Turn 4.

Procession and Silk Merchant will be a good combo.

I don't think SM is a power card, but I do think people are somewhat underrating the on-gain effect. If you open 4/3, you can grab a SM and a second 4-cost card on turn 2.

Also, if you purchase SM and a second terminal for your opening moves, you do not have to worry about them colliding, or the SM drawing the other terminal, because you will have that villager. Good flexibility in the early game.

Still loving what I'm seeing of the new cards in Renaissance.

Still not feeling the love for the coin token -> Coffers terminology, nor for yet another mat. Nor for using coin tokens as Villagers. Nor for relying on tokens never accidentally straying across a line on a bit of cardboard.

Assuming my other players agree, I think I'll pick up some small meeples to use instead.

You could just cut the mats in half.
Or use the square VP mats from Prosperity or really whatever you want as another mat. Or use some other form of token for villagers/coffers (like you said, meeples). The beauty of playing IRL is that you can do whatever you want.

I am guessing there will be some cards that hand out coffers and villagers; hence, the villagers being shown before coffers tomorrow even though we already know about coffers.

Also, dual functionability of tokens would make even more sense because you only need one set of tokens when using those cards. Simplicity and efficiency seems to be a theme in this set, which is welcome after Nocturne (a great set, but it can be fiddly IRL).

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