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Messages - Amaranth

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cards That Combo With Tunnel Reaction
« on: October 26, 2011, 03:57:48 pm »

Or you're going super-heavy Scrying Pool+Village and have cleared out all your treasures and there's no better option for getting cash from Actions, like Harvest or Merchant Ship.  And in that case you take Mandarin not because it's uniquely good, but because it fills a needed niche worse than other cards that aren't there.

Actually, Mandarin would let you stack your extra Scrying Pools on top of your deck, making sure you open your next turn with a Scrying Pool in hand. So in that regard it would be better than other +coin actions that don't give +action.

I particularly would enjoy seeing how the Mandarin/Mandarin/Mandarin/Mandarin/Mandarin/Mandarin/Mandarin/Mandarin/Mandarin/Mandarin/City opening stacks up on the list. Probably on the "worst openings" side, but I want to believe.
Sounds terrible, though Mandarin looks awesome in a Scrying Pool deck. Well, having Mandarins looks awesome. Buying them seems like a bit of a bear.

Other Games / Re: Are any Dominion inspired games worth playing?
« on: September 19, 2011, 01:22:13 pm »
A friend of mine just picked up Rune Age and we played it today... it's very different from Dominion,. The cards you select from to build your army (aside from a very small pool of cards) are based on which one of the four races you choose. The variety comes from four different scenarios you choose from, whereupon the goal changes (buying some really expensive thing or defeating a dragon), and there are event cards that affect each turn (usually bad things).
Rune Age is pretty tough all right. It wasn't until my fourth solo game that I managed to beat the intro scenario with Elves, which are, along with Uthuk, one of the two straightforwardly efficient factions. (Undead and Humans suck you into more of a Counting House/Venture* strategy - they should get a faster start, but I think are prone to stallage.) I played Cataclysm (the cooperative scenario) once, and it was murderously difficult. I think in a future game, I'd like to help the Elves build a three demon deck, but it might be tough to get other players on board for that.

* Except that the Human version of Venture can only play other Ventures, which is a massive difference.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Transmute
« on: July 09, 2011, 04:53:50 am »
Effect with takes your win rate with and subtracts your overall win rate, then compares that with the average person's win rate with and subtracts their overall win rate (which is obviously 1). It's in terms of standard deviations. Effect without is the same except for win rate without.
So that just means you use it better than the average person, and you deal with not having it worse than the average person
Ah, I thought it was measuring against my own average performance, not the average performance of other players. Anyway, I see that I win more when I buy Transmute than when I buy Caravan, and win more when I don't buy Caravan than when I don't buy Transmute. I don't think most people would regard this as an argument that Caravan is a weak card.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Transmute
« on: July 08, 2011, 02:17:00 pm »
Just to add one more thing:  Amaranth, your win rate without Transmute is significantly higher than when you buy one.
There's something dodgy about those stats, in that I have a positive Effect With for Transmute and a negative Effect Without. As for your point about "worthless crap", it's not clogging up my deck if it doesn't prevent me from drawing my other cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Transmute
« on: July 07, 2011, 07:52:46 pm »
I cannot see this card doing anything worthwhile in a Scrying Pool deck.  First off, I would be buying Pools with every Potion buy, and besides, what benefit is it to fill your deck with terminals (as replacement for coppers) when they are basically useless en masse?  Yes, obviously it is important to clear out the starting cards to make a Pool deck work, but I would require a better trasher to begin with before I went this route.
Only Chapel, sometimes Remake (where there's a 3 cost action), and sometimes Remodel (when there's a 2 cost action) move you to a 100% action deck more quickly than Transmute does. For the purpose of a Scrying Pool deck, it's a faster trasher than Steward, Lookout, Loan, Bishop, Salvager or Moneylender. And really, if it helps you draw your entire deck, it doesn't matter that it's terminal. I've had ~10 terminal actions in a Scrying Pool deck, and I didn't care, because I drew my entire deck every turn regardless. Plus, it doesn't destroy your economy, because it turns your Estates into Golds. If you have 3 Scrying Pools and 3 Gold, and the rest of your deck is actions, then you draw them every turn (almost) guaranteed.

Oh, and if you have the actions it can net you 12 or so VP in your last turn, which is not nothing, even in a Colony game. In a Vineyard game, the value of changing your 7 starting copper into actions, thus making all your Vineyards +2 VP speaks for itself.

I think this game that I played the other day really gives a masterclass on when you shouldn't discard from Torturer instead of taking the Curse. On my turn 11 in particular, my opponent had two Torturers and a Fishing Village in hand (as well as two Fishing Villages in play), but they chose to discard all that instead of taking a pair of Curses.

Editor's note:  Fixed link.

I can't say I agree that Possession is unfun, or at least that it's any more unfun than Minion, which has a rather stronger negative effect on you, and kills your original hand just as dead. It's very powerful when it works, but given the cost it'd want to be.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Transmute
« on: July 05, 2011, 03:43:26 am »
It's fantastic in a Scrying Pool deck. Cards like Remodel and Transmute actually move you towards an all-action deck more quickly than double trashers like Steward.

It probably works very well with Duke, though I've never tried it.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Opening of the Day #2
« on: July 03, 2011, 08:53:34 am »

Knowing the bane card for the young witch will change everything btw.
Especially if the bane card is Lighthouse, but Hamlet would strengthen the Potion strategy quite a bit.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Opening of the Day #2
« on: July 01, 2011, 07:12:36 pm »
Note that there is (sort of) a +buy card to boost the Vineyard's value. Smugglers.

Game Reports / Re: Anyone have a game log for Turbo-Remake?
« on: June 29, 2011, 02:53:51 pm »
Well, there's this game, where injudicious use of Remake by me destroys my economy, while my opponent chains Remakes to get Provinces.

Rules Questions / Re: Outpost + Possession interaction
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:48:42 pm »
Getting it out or your hand so that it's not trashed by Steward/Remake, and increasing the number of cards in play for Horn of Plenty. Oh, and playing it as the second action when you have Conspirator in your hand.

Rules Questions / Re: Outpost + Possession interaction
« on: June 28, 2011, 04:12:47 pm »
I feel like I've been playing a lot of Possession or Outpost games recently against people that don't understand the basic intricacies of playing the card correctly (Possessing themselves on a possessed turn, or outposting on an outpost turn).
A while ago I ran into a game that had both Possession and Outpost in play - and it ended up throwing both of us for a curve.
Mind you, there are at least three good reasons to play Outpost on an Outpost turn.

Dominion Articles / Re: The Reliable Engine Part 1
« on: June 28, 2011, 04:04:38 pm »
The villages don't count - they're villages.
I don't see why a card can't fit into more than one category. Fishing Village is a Village and a Duration Card. Why not a kegger too?

Dominion Articles / Re: The Reliable Engine Part 1
« on: June 27, 2011, 07:54:39 pm »
It's quite possible that Dominion needs a new word for +1 Action cards that don't replace themselves, as these are exactly the kinds of cards you want in Minion, Library, Watchtower, and Menagerie decks.
Well, let's look at the cards in question. You have Minion, Apprentice, Bag of Gold, Fishing Village, Warehouse, Lighthouse, Cellar, Festival, Native Village, University, Scout, Lookout, and sometimes Nobles, Pawn, Tournament, Tribute and Shanty Town.

The thematic connection is clearly alcohol, so I propose the term kegger.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Worst kingdom deck
« on: June 26, 2011, 07:35:56 pm »
And even if we don't get perfect shuffles, all of those cards are strictly *better* than silver, at least when you only have one, so you will always buy at least one of them over silver, and probably more than one as the game goes on. Bridge especially is a Gold, not a Silver, when you're buying two Provinces with it.
I don't think it's possible to buy two Provinces in one turn in this setup, though Bridge would be decent at getting you two Golds in one turn.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: June 26, 2011, 07:15:43 pm »
People tend to overestimate their opponents' good luck and their own bad luck, and underestimate their opponents' bad luck and their own good luck.

It's very obvious when you draw two clashing terminals, but it's not as obvious when it happens to your opponent, since you only see him play one of them.
This is definitely the case, although the time I was thinking of was when on one pass through a deck, I drew two hands without Council Rooms, followed by a hand with 4 of them (needless to say, the other card wasn't a Village). I submit that that's a legitimate bad draw.

Game Reports / Re: Never send a Golem to barter
« on: June 26, 2011, 06:58:05 pm »
Don't send him to a trading post, or as an ambassador, for an upgrade, or tell him to remake anything either.
I've done all of those things. IMO, Trading Post in particular is one of the best cards to Golem.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: June 25, 2011, 07:40:31 am »
It's one thing to complain about your own bad draws (and I've definitely experienced some bad draws), but saying the other player got lucky is rude because it's putting down their skill. Unless it's like that time I got the 5/2 split and was able to open with Hamlet + Torturer. That was lucky.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Popular Buys Analysis
« on: June 24, 2011, 08:33:07 pm »
Interestingly, I have a positive Effect Without for Familiar, which isn't true of any of the others, where I always benefit by buying (yes I'm aware that's not how it works).

You must be very good at seeing when you can skip it.
I think I only skip it when there are other cursing alternatives and no other strong cards requiring Potion.

Quote from: Death to Sea Hags
Incidentally, I am apparently more likely to win games where I don't buy Provinces, Gold, Platinum, Colonies, Duchies and Silver. I'm not sure what all this says about me, but I like long action chains, and the cursing attacks disrupt that kind of playstyle.

You REALLY like to end on piles, with VP or, with Gardens/Vineyards/Fairgrounds?
Well, I think there's a loser's buy effect on Duchy, in that it's the kind of card you buy when your opponent is ahead on Provinces. I rarely go for it as a positive strategy. I have a positive Effect With for Duke, Vineyards, Fairgrounds, Island and Harem, and negatives for Nobles and Great Hall. Mind you, my Effect Without is more positive for Duke and Vineyards than my Effect With. I also have a positive Effect With for Bishop and Goons, but negative for Monuments. I do tend to go for pile endings when I see them, though one of the main times I go for them is when there are cursing cards out.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Popular Buys Analysis
« on: June 24, 2011, 06:02:50 am » stats are:

Mountebank: 0.03
Witch: -0.29
Familiar: -0.49
Ghost Ship: 1.35
Ambassador: -0.02
Pawn: -0.45

I will note that I hardly ever buy Ghost Ship, so when I do buy it it must be for a good reason. Interestingly, I have a positive Effect Without for Familiar, which isn't true of any of the others, where I always benefit by buying (yes I'm aware that's not how it works).

The card I do worst with is Treasure Map. I have a -3.03 Effect With and a -1.59 Effect Without. My best Effect With is Treasury at 2.19 (and -1.76 Effect Without). Royal Seal is the card with the strongest positive effect on my record regardless of whether I buy it.

Incidentally, I am apparently more likely to win games where I don't buy Provinces, Gold, Platinum, Colonies, Duchies and Silver. I'm not sure what all this says about me, but I like long action chains, and the cursing attacks disrupt that kind of playstyle.

It has also been around for approximately 1500 years longer. :)
It depends on what you mean by around for 1500 years. It certainly hasn't had its current ruleset for anything like that time, and I'm pretty sure there are historical variants where randomisers like dice were used.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cards we love! (and why)
« on: June 24, 2011, 05:39:43 am »
I have an irrational love for Scrying Pool. The sheer volume of card draw you can get from it is outrageous, though you need some kind of trashing or gaining and ideally an action based source of cash and/or vps in other to really exploit it.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Wishing Well/Scout Combo
« on: June 24, 2011, 05:34:18 am »
Apothecary self-synergises (sort of). You don't get massive draw off Apothecary unless your deck is choked with Coppers, but the ability to repeatedly stack your deck lets you play all your Bazaars/Conspirators/Markets/Grand Markets etc. in sequence with a lot more reliability.

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