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Messages - mpsprs

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Well.  This did not go as I had intended.  mpsprs 0-awaclus 6.  I'll post logs once they are available.

Sorry Hovel.  Hopefully I can redeem myself against Robz.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dominion Live Streams
« on: December 23, 2015, 08:58:24 am »
I'm streaming a match vs. Awaclus-This match is part of the forum survivor game that is currently happening.

Starting basically now.

How about tomorrow then?  Pretty much anytime after about 14:00 UTC and before 24:00 UTC would work, though being closer to one end or the other is a bit better for me, since I have some errands I need to run.

Also, mind if I stream?

14 UTC is fine, streaming is fine too.

Then it's a date!  14 UTC tomorrow.  I'll be streaming (link below) if anybody wants to come watch!

Introductions / Re: 4 days, 0 minutes
« on: December 22, 2015, 11:50:03 am »

The sad truth: I was sitting in front of my computer, refreshing the main page for about 4 minutes. It went to 54 minutes for about 60 seconds... and then skipped right to 56 minutes. I cheated and made the image you see out of the one I linked because I'm a sad, lonely person.

inb4 people tell me that true perfection is "55 days, 55 hours, 55 minutes", or "57 days, 8 hours, 55 minutes". No. Screw that. This is way better.

Umm, so this got on the top 10 messages of the week, and that's super-great. I'm really surprised that nobody called me out on my tiny text, though.

Come on Adam.  We're better than that.  When someone is "sad and lonely", we don't kick them while they're down.  We tell them, "YMYOSL", and then find some edge case to complain about.

Hi Robz and Awaclus,

If it's possible, I'd like to not play our matches until at least Wednesday.  Because I have to submit my grades on Tuesday, and I have a bunch of work to do.

But after that, though I have a few days with events scheduled, on the days I am available I'm very flexible.  So we'll hopefully have an easy time scheduling.


I can play basically any day, any time. Right now my sleep schedule is such that I just woke up.

How about tomorrow then?  Pretty much anytime after about 14:00 UTC and before 24:00 UTC would work, though being closer to one end or the other is a bit better for me, since I have some errands I need to run.

Also, mind if I stream?

Hi Robz and Awaclus,

If it's possible, I'd like to not play our matches until at least Wednesday.  Because I have to submit my grades on Tuesday, and I have a bunch of work to do.

But after that, though I have a few days with events scheduled, on the days I am available I'm very flexible.  So we'll hopefully have an easy time scheduling.


Nice!  Go Hovel!!

Well.  This is an interesting set.  Who had the bad teachers and therefore put Teacher in as a hostile card?  That's certainly not my choice-I am a teacher, and I think, by and large we are a not-so-hostile group of people. 

I think, in fact, that the choice is clear.  I Vote: Raze

Yay team.  Now I get to screw up our streak!

p.s.  Adam:  Maybe we should play Apples to Apples sometime.  Then you'll have some company on zero points.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dominion Live Streams
« on: December 08, 2015, 01:16:19 pm »
Can the manager of the account dominionstreams please turn the 'show past broadcasts' button (or whatever it might be called) on, so I can watch the game i missed but still really would like to see?

Unfortunately, I wasn't recorded.  (It's a new account and the settings weren't set yet).  You can view the match from MicQ's perspective though.  He posted a link in this thread:

I do!  I do!  Pick mine!  Err..., Pick the card I played!

General Discussion / Re: Maths thread.
« on: December 04, 2015, 05:19:18 pm »
TIL all the binomial coefficients other than (n 0) and (n n) of a prime number are divisible by the prime number, and that this is a sufficient and necessary condition for primality.
Hmm, necessity follows from the expression in terms of factorials, but how do you prove sufficiency? I suppose n choose p isn't divisible by n for prime p dividing n?

Aren't we saying something different?  That p divides (p k) iff p is prime.

You need to tack on a 'for all 0<k<p' condition before the iff. 

But I think Liopoil was thinking about the (proof of the) statement 'if n is not prime, then n does not divide (n k) for some k' by specifically guessing that if p divides n, then n won't divide (n p).  His statement is one direction of yours.  (And the harder to prove)

General Discussion / Re: Maths thread.
« on: December 04, 2015, 05:15:49 pm »
TIL all the binomial coefficients other than (n 0) and (n n) of a prime number are divisible by the prime number, and that this is a sufficient and necessary condition for primality.
Hmm, necessity follows from the expression in terms of factorials, but how do you prove sufficiency? I suppose n choose p isn't divisible by n for prime p dividing n?

Proof for Liopoil.  (But you should do it yourself.  It's not too bad).
Suppose n=pq and consider (n p)  Then the numerator is p*2p*3p*...*qp*(p-free stuff).  The denominator (p!(n-p)!) is p*p*2p*3p*...*(q-1)p*(p-free stuff).  Everything cancels exactly except qp/p=q.  If p^e exactly divides n (so p^e divides n, but p^(e+1) does not), then p^(e-1) exactly divides (n p), which means p^e and hence n cannot divide (n p).

General Discussion / Re: Maths thread.
« on: December 04, 2015, 01:25:29 pm »
TIL all the binomial coefficients other than (n 0) and (n n) of a prime number are divisible by the prime number, and that this is a sufficient and necessary condition for primality.

And hence (x+y)^p=x^p+y^p  (at least mod p).  If only my calculus students recognized that they should not be working mod 2.

Dominion League / Re: Season 11 - Game reports & discussion
« on: December 04, 2015, 01:16:37 pm »
EDIT: to Ela

I like a Jack opening here

Why am I not surprised?  I also like a Jack opening too, though I tend to think heading towards double tactician makes a lot of sense and still gives the flexibility that Adam wants.  So I think I'd try that approach.  I do think I'd go for count before tac though.  Unless things go very much not the way I want to start.

Also to Ela, re game 6:  I don't have a lot to say except that you should be careful with trusty steed choices.  It seems like you almost reflexively choose cards/actions, rather than thinking about it.  (And it cost you a late game duchy when you used it to draw two known non-actions, and yet you chose actions rather than coins). 

Introductions / Re: Intro and awkward request for skype games :)
« on: December 04, 2015, 01:05:10 pm »
Here's a link to the league stuff:

While we tend not to discuss strategy during the matches, people tend to be quite friendly, and (time permitting) are usually willing to discuss things afterwards.

Dominion League / Re: Season 11 - Announcing Livestreams
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:01:06 pm »
Going live.  Link in signature.

I'll be streaming my match with gkrieg in about 10 hours.  (That's 1:00am Wednesday UTC, 8pm EST, 6pm MST)

Dominion League / Re: Season 11 - Announcing Livestreams
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:57:50 am »
I'll be streaming my match with gkrieg in about 10 hours.  (That's 1:00am Wednesday UTC, 8pm EST, 6pm MST)

Dominion League / Re: Season 11 - Results
« on: November 26, 2015, 02:03:24 pm »
B1:  mpsprs vs. Mikey the Great:  3-3

Dominion League / Re: Season 11 - Announcing Livestreams
« on: November 26, 2015, 01:00:07 pm »
Going Live!  Link in signature.

Give Thanks!  I'll be streaming my match vs. Mikey the great this Thursday at 18:00 UTC (13:00 EST).  So grab your turkey and come watch.

Dominion League / Re: Season 11 - Announcing Livestreams
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:27:56 pm »
Give Thanks!  I'll be streaming my match vs. Mikey the great this Thursday at 18:00 UTC (13:00 EST).  So grab your turkey and come watch.

Dominion League / Season 12 - Signups
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:51:08 am »
Season 12 will run from the 21st of December until 31st of January, and you can sign up until Friday, 18th of December.
If you want to join or return to division B, sign up before Sunday 14th of December.  This season will be a 6-week season due to the holidays.

Staying in the league
Please don't post here, but go to your own groups thread and post a message stating you will return for the next season.  If your timezone has changed, let us know.  Otherwise we'll assume it is the same.

Returning to the league
Please post a message here stating your goko username, your timezone, and the last season you were in.

New to the league
Welcome. Please post a message with your Making Fun/goko username and timezone. You will be placed in an appropriate division according to your isotropish rating. If there is a reason to suspect your rating does not represent your skill, feel free to describe it in your signup message.

When specifying a timezone, please use one of these examples or use the same format and look yours up in the complete list.
Code: [Select]

gg.  It's a shame you didn't take my advice and pass, though.  Another few turns and we'd have been right in the game.

Play the 2 on B4, play the 4 on G4  Look our 4 is scoring double!  I think it's clear that Necros best strategy is to pass, so AHoppy, you might as well just flip for us again.  We won't use any powers.

Dominion League / Re: Season 11 - Announcing Livestreams
« on: November 19, 2015, 04:03:19 pm »
Going Live nowish.

I'll be streaming my match vs. DG Thursday at 21:00 UTC (that's 4pm EST in the US, which I add so that if I'm wrong, someone will correct me and I'll show up at the right time).

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