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Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Power Grid I (Turn 1, Buying Resources)
« on: January 10, 2013, 03:33:14 pm »
if it's reverse player order than I should be last, not first.

Edit: duhhhh I am at the last player..... I have the lowest power plant

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Power Grid I (Turn 1, Buying Resources)
« on: January 10, 2013, 03:32:43 pm »
player order would be best...

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Power Grid I (Turn 1, Buying Resources)
« on: January 10, 2013, 07:35:15 am »
I will buy three oil for three coins each, for 9 coins.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Mafia XIX: Deep Space Nine Mafia (Day 1)
« on: January 09, 2013, 08:21:59 pm »
I agree now. I don't think he is hated. When we were talking about it he didn't go either way. If he posted the thing about giving him a chance to claim with the intention of giving us the idea that he is hated then he would have just claimed to be hated in the insuing discussion.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Mafia XIX: Deep Space Nine Mafia (Day 1)
« on: January 09, 2013, 07:58:19 pm »
oh okay. Robz told me it meant he was softcaiming it or something. nevermind!

oh of course. I know hammering before people can claim is frowned upon...

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Mafia XIX: Deep Space Nine Mafia (Day 1)
« on: January 09, 2013, 07:21:17 pm »
When exactly is the deadline?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Mafia XIX: Deep Space Nine Mafia (Day 1)
« on: January 09, 2013, 07:20:33 pm »
I think the fact that his lynch would give info along with the fact that he is likely hated aren't basis of a lynch, but a reason to be slighty more inclined to lynch him if we also think that he is acting like scum.

This game is very confusing. I am not nearly as sure about many of the things I have said in many of my posts. I have forgotten my arguments for/against people. I am going to Unvote until I can do a thorough re-read of a lot of things.

oh cool! Bargain. :) You all just don't appreciate just how amazing that power plant is :D

I will build a construction hut. for two coins

ahh yes, I just checked the rules and realized this. Haven't played this game in over a year, and I think we probably played this part wrong when we did. I guess I chose the wrong power plant then last round...  whoopsies.  :-[

I open bidding on plant #3 and bid 3 on it. I post this here then pm theorel my max right?

wait, I started the last one! maybe I didn't read the rules well enough....

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Mafia XIX: Deep Space Nine Mafia (Day 1)
« on: January 08, 2013, 08:31:29 pm »
ahh yes, that makes sense. So lets not claim then.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Mafia XIX: Deep Space Nine Mafia (Day 1)
« on: January 08, 2013, 07:46:24 pm »
Oh mine was for a reason. I just didn't bother discussing it in that post. I had stated my ideas in a past post and was just now voting on them.

Just an idea, not sure if it's been said before, and not sure I think it's a good idea, just should be giving thought:

maybe we should all claim flavor names? I'm fairly sure they do contain info about people's role. Not their alignment, but their role.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Mafia XIX: Deep Space Nine Mafia (Day 1)
« on: January 08, 2013, 05:31:57 pm »
Well, it seems most people have town reads on robz, and I don't want to lynch eevee. So I'm going to hop on a different wagon. Vote: Mcmcsalot

I guess I will take the tobacco

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Mafia XIX: Deep Space Nine Mafia (Day 1)
« on: January 07, 2013, 08:41:43 pm »
I see your reasoning for voting more, and I agree with it. Vote: Robz888

Posting to tell you all that I will be submitting my moves for this game later tonight. I do not plan on looking at the QT's tomorrow so this is everyone's last chance if they want to talk me into doing something ;)

We aren't going to get 9 new people, so we are guaranteed to get a few vets. This isn't really a problem.

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Power Grid I (sign-ups)
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:15:43 pm »
Watno makes a good point...perhaps in the PM to theorel you should state when to jump to your max bid, if at all? auto increment of 1 sounds good otherwise

USA map I guess. Don't care much

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Power Grid I (sign-ups)
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:13:52 pm »
I think you should be able to increase your max vote as many times as you want, to account for who you are bidding against. People should submit their max vote assuming the same people will still be in when the vote gets that high. You should only want to increase your max vote if somebody has passed since, or you've had a change of heart. To speed things up maybe we should only give people the option to stop bidding if somebody has passed since they last submitted their last vote.

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Power Grid I (sign-ups)
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:07:45 pm »
I'd like green if possible.

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Power Grid I (sign-ups)
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:03:19 pm »
/in! :)

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Mafia XIX: Deep Space Nine Mafia (Day 1)
« on: January 07, 2013, 01:39:56 pm »
Seems to me the thing people are doing is writing up something about each player. So I'm gonna try that.

ashersky: Seems a bit scummy for the case against Raerae. I understand what he's saying but I don't agree with it. I agree we shouldn't always assume "raerae is just being raerae". However I don't think she has acted scummy at all. She has added to the converstation with questions about others, and has stated her beliefs on other things as well. Her defense was also very convincing. I think I remember him being on the Eevee wagon. I didn't like the Eevee wagon.

Robz888: Also on the Eevee wagon. I think he's being a bit over-accusatory. Has been on the lurker's case a bit too much, as have others. At this point the lurkers have had good excuses. Talked about the setup a bunch too. Stuff with the number of mafia is interesting. I'm not as sure about 4 as he is. what about 4 with SK? or even 3-2? He would know more about this if he was scum. Alo would be more likely to talk about it.

Yuma: I think he's station. People talk about invisiyuma lurking, getting away with it, and then winning as scum in the past. He's been talking a lot here though, and it has been helpful stuff.

Eevee: Totally buy his case. I'd go as far to say that he'd be more likely to say "I'm town" post 1 as town than as scum. I can't see him say "I'm station" either. So that case seems really weak to me so I suspect the people who made it. I thought his response to attack was adequate too.

Shraeye: No. Idea. At. All. I actually can't remember his posts too well. Should re-read.


I am unoffended, but I find it interesting that you are too busy to offer real reads, yet here you are when the opportunity for a joke appears! So I guess you're following pretty closely, just not saying anything? Interesting strategy, I wonder what your Alignment is.
And as I said, I am not following closely, I am vaguely skimming. I'm behind on all the real substance of the last lots of pages, and will catch up tomorrow and be useful then  :).

Said he would be useful tomorrow yesterday. If he hasn't been useful by the end of the day than I think he will be the only person worthy of suspicion on the basis of lurking.

Glooble: Well, I guess he hasn't said whole lot either. Slight town read based on he said things which make sense and I agree with.

Raerae: Stood up for herself more viciously than I would think scum would. As I said before I think she has said useful things, asked useful questions. Probably station.

liopoil: clearly town. Agree with him on absolutely everything.

mcmcsalot: Pretty much no read. maybe slightly more scummy than station, but if I had to guess I'd say town because there are more town than scum. Oh wait, he said I was scummy once. Nevermind guys he's scum!  ;)
Jimmmmm: I still think he's a bit scummy for the same reasons that I voted him for, but less so now. More stuff has come to light sice then, so Unvote.

theorel: Probably has provided the most, and the highest quality analysis. And I agree with it, so I think he's station.

sparky5856 TheMunch. I couldn't figure anything out based on what little sparky said, but I think I person would be slightly less likely to withdraw if they were scum, simply because I think it would be more fun to be scum than station/town. TheMunch has also seemed towny to me.

Dsell: Only way that he is scum is if he a) was told by Joth in QT that the town was actually station. (unlikely I think) b) He guessed that there would be some flavor name for the town, because there are flavor names for the scum (mirror, maquis, changling). Or maybe there was something in his PM that mentioned "the station" instead of "the town".  The more I think about it the more likely it seems to me that one of these happened. However, if it did he still would have had to get the idea to do this, and have the nerve to go for it. Then again, say he is scum and was rather clever with that post. This would be a reason for him to lurk, because he knows tht he can likely get away with it. Still, I think he is town.

Galzria: Also pretty null. Maybe slight town.

on theory: I think knowledge on the setup helps scum more than town. It lets them make much more educated nightkills. More than it helps town make educated lynch's. This is because the scum already know more about the setup than us.

In summary: town reads: Dsell, Eevee, Raerae, TheMunch, Yuma, Theorel, LIOPOIL
                   Scum reads: Ashersky, Robz888, Jimmmmm.

Did I do it right guys?  ;D

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Mafia XXI: Another Dinner Party! (Sign-ups Open)
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:12:05 pm »
I agree with the name newbie mafia I. I haven't heard of Yuma's rankings. And yes, I think it is open to everyone, but newbies get priority in this one in the case of more than 9 people wanting to play. When is fills up we should probably wait a bit before starting it to give newbies more time to find it. With three new people already in and two others who are somewhat new too I don't think there will be a problem of too may experienced people.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Mafia XXI: Another Dinner Party! (Sign-ups Open)
« on: January 07, 2013, 11:26:53 am »

Also, also, can we keep veterans off the sign-up list until we get closer to the end?  It could be discouraging for new players if they see a sign up full or nearly full.  It's my experience that newbies are nervous and unless they know somebody in this subset of the forums, it can be intimidating to just pop in and say "Hey, guys, can I play too?"  Think back to the playground to relate to this one, guys.
I understood what she was saying, and I agree with her.  Maybe none of  one here ever set foot on a playground, raerae.  (BTW, playground bully references don't always go over well here, so if you continue to use them, make sure you're not a victim of bad timing.)

If this was supposed to be a newbie game, then clearly that changed. Hell, even the name of the thread changed.  That's fine, it's Ash's game.  But if it's no longer supposed to be a newbie game, then just say so. Otherwise, here's the mixed message that I see:

It's nice that there is a semi-definition of the term "newbie-game" in the OP, but that is lip service if the definition is not applied (uniformly) as the first filter for entry.

It's nice that there is a disclaimer that reads "Newbies will be given priority sign-ups..." but they weren't. Eevee and Robz are in at positions #4 and 7, and the thread is JUST NOW 36 hours old. (Yeah, I see the "if needed" phrase. It reads as a direct contradiction.  It's either a newbie game, by the definition, or it's not.)

It's nice that that same disclaimer contains a clause that reads "and appropriate considerations taken to ensure new players get the most out of their mafia experience", but that is just lip service if such considerations only begin after the Day 1 start.  Why wouldn't comfort level during the signup process be one of those considerations? Why wouldn't clear communication that newbs are wanted and truly prioritized be one of those considerations? 

Sure, I saw post #23, but here's the thing.  It's at #23.  It's not in the OP.  And if I am still truly wondering whether Ash really would remove Robz or Eevee, then what in the world would newbs be thinking? Let's look at the data available just in this thread:

a) Not a new category! Category changed. Thread name changed.
b) Mafia X was newb too! Hmm, not really: ashersky, Jorbles, Cuzz, GeoLib, Robz888, O, Captain_Frisk, Eevee, and Morgrim7/Voltaire
c) Ridiculous, unacceptable, and offensive! to the notion of just waiting to the end of sign ups to add veterans to the game
d) No response at all to the notion "if there is a sudden rush of Newbies I'd hope veterans such as Robz will be first in line to give up their spot." (BTW, Jim, a cogent, valuable, and commendable post)

Yeah, if I'm a newb, I don't think I'd be interested in this one.

So I ask: If a true newb game is desired, then why not phrase the disclaimer as "Newbies will be given priority sign-ups, and more experienced players will not be added unless needed to start the game"? WOW, now that's a novel concept, wonder why no one thought of it, or posted it?

Further, I submit that a new category (Newbie Mafia) is PRECISELY what we need to keep new players coming in, and feeling welcome.  We've recently had a little spike in that population, and we should do all we can to perpetuate it. I also suspect that the world will not end if there is a Mafia game on f.DS that any one player doesn't get to play in.


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