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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Monet
« on: August 24, 2022, 03:23:23 pm »
*Edit* Looks like it was already updated. Would be nice if the OP included both versions, because otherwise it makes the comments confusing.

(Sorry 'bout that. I've now added links to the old versions in the Updates section at the bottom.)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Monet
« on: August 24, 2022, 03:19:51 pm »
Spice of Life needs to be restricted to Kingdom piles to prevent pins in junking-heavy Kingdoms without trashers.

Not sure I understand. Are you worried about not being able to hit $3 to buy a Silver without using one? I quite like the impact of this on Big Money (no more using Silver to buy more Silver or, more significantly, Gold to buy more Gold).

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Monet
« on: August 24, 2022, 03:19:23 pm »
Store looks like a worse Save. There are few Actions which you want to keep in nirvana for more than one turn. Edge cases like Sea Hag in Kingdoms without trashers or ultra-consistency via paying $2 to set aside a splitter for more than one turn to become super-consistent are simply too borderline.

Store lets you set up a mega-turn or combo far more effectively than Save though. (Is also not susceptible to size attacks but that’s a minor point.)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Monet
« on: August 24, 2022, 11:51:17 am »
Yes, the original cost $1 but gave you 1 coffers per $1 overpay. So at $2 both give 1, but at $5 the original gave 4. It’s possible that the new one goes too far the other way of course. I’m worried about putting a +Buy as then it would become an automatic buy if you have left over coin, but maybe that’s necessary.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Monet
« on: August 24, 2022, 07:54:28 am »
Import is basically just League of Inventors, but less interesting.

Ooh, I hadn't noticed that (I haven't played Allies yet)! I agree it's too similar to be interesting so I'll remove it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Monet
« on: August 24, 2022, 07:52:42 am »
Money Changer ist crazily overpowered. Coins into Coffers only works with worse rates or some other downsides.

It does cost a Buy, but you're probably right. I've nerfed it, and might update it again once I've had a chance to playtest.

Patronage on any cantrip does not make you want to end the game.

Patronage only affects the first play each turn.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Monet
« on: August 24, 2022, 05:37:32 am »

Dominion: Monet is a fan expansion consisting only of landscapes (geddit?). It exists partly because I haven't bumped into that many fan landscape cards elsewhere (notable exceptions being Asper's Legacy, Carline's Venus and X-tra's Heroes expansions), but also because it's much easier to incorporate custom landscape cards into a physical game than custom Supply cards!

The set currently contains 25 35 40 landscape cards but is still very WIP. I posted some ideas a year ago but abandoned around half of them after feedback and a bit of playtesting. More playtesting is definitely needed though, and more feedback would be very welcome too!


Comments: Note that Overtime doesn't give a +Buy (and predates Launch). Store can keep an Action out of your hand indefinitely (like Way of the Turtle). Patronage uses a new (Adventures-style) +1VP player token.


Comments: Hospital protects against Junkers but not enough to make them useless; it also synergises with Debt-only and $0* cards. Metropole encourages a rush.


Comments: Inheritance takes precedence over Heritage (since if you choose to apply Inheritance first then Estates are no longer single type Victory cards so Heritage can't override that).


Comments: Droit du Seigneur is just to help tracking.


Comments: Way of the Mongrel might be a bit too crazy.


Comments: Edicts are general rule-changing cards.


Comments: Gambits are effects that you can trigger up to once per turn during your Action phase — either before, after or in between playing Action cards


2021.04.19 Original post
2022.08.24 This post, with images and lots of new cards
2022.08.24 Nerfed Money Changer and removed Import (too similar to Family of Inventors)
2022.08.25 Added Cartel.
2022.08.26 Simplify Capitol, phrasing tweaks to Five-Four, Great Plague.
2022.09.08 Added Gambits after a tiny bit of playtesting.
2022.09.09 Nerf Ekklesia and tweak Heritage.
2022.10.06 Tweak Royal Engineer and Agora, rename Cartel to Charity.
2022.10.07 Nerf Diaspora.
2023.01.21 Add Traits.

Independent Landscapes is good, thanks.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Heroes
« on: August 16, 2022, 03:59:37 am »
Lovely expansion!

Random question: is there a tool or template for making expansion boxes like the one you made for Heroes?

(i.e. the type of landscapes that can be shuffled into the randomizer deck)

For the official expansions there's WELPs (Ways, Events, Landscapes, Projects), but this doesn't cover e.g. Asper's LastFootnote's Edicts, and various other fan card mechanics.

So far the best I can come up with is LUWAKs (Landscapes Usable With Any Kingdom).

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Alchemy Reforged!
« on: April 29, 2021, 04:40:25 am »
Second question: does Candle let you discard the action card that you're about to play (assuming it was in your hand)?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Alchemy Reforged!
« on: April 28, 2021, 09:28:06 am »
Awesome expansion!

Regarding Sanctum: can a multi-type card make up more than one element of a set? E.g. is a Sanctum and a Copper a full set, or do you need an additional Victory/Action card?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Swords & Sorcery
« on: April 23, 2021, 06:30:18 am »
Added a couple more Equipment cards (and changed it so only 3 are brought out each game) plus a couple more Missions. Though for symmetry it would be nice to have a sixth Mission: suggestions welcome!

Interesting set of cards....I just have a few off-the-cuff comments based on initial impressions (playtesting might yield different results):

Loots of good comments, thanks!

Penal Colony
I'm not sure making Estates worthless really adds much to the game other than providing a slight disincentive for rushes.  I think Metropole adds a bit more depth than this.

I think you're probably right. Might remove Penal Colony.

This is overpowered.  Even if all it did were Exile, it's already much better than Cathedral.  The option to gain a card to hand from your Exile mat makes it even better.

Again, you're right. Do you think I should up the price, weaken the effect, or both?

This is useful but it seems overpriced relative to other $5-cost projects.  If you can get to the point where you are drawing your whole deck anyway, it's much less helpful.

I wasn't sure how useful this would be early on in terms of letting you avoid the shuffle for new cards, but you're probably right. I might playtest it at $4 and see what happens.

I'm curious as to why you prefer to make it vulnerable to hand size attacks rather than draw at the start of your turn. 

Partly to make it stand out, partly because I was worried it would be too powerful otherwise. Though if the effect is just that people never buy it when there's a hand size attack in the kingdom then I should probably change it.

Letters Patent / Tax Collector
I'm also curious how this would play out.  You can't really afford to let your opponent keep Tax Collector for several turns, but since it only triggers at the start of their turn you could probably afford to let them have it for one turn.  If it ends up going back and forth between players throughout the game, then it's effectively like players had their -1 Coin token each turn.  I'm not sure it would make the game more fun or interesting.
I imagine it would be less enticing in multiplayer games. 

That was my reasoning too. Though a back and forth of attrition can still be fun: after all, people still like playing Dark Ages.

Way of the Mongrel
This is definitely more powerful than the official Ways.  You essentially have the choice between playing your $5+ cost cards normally or as a Band of Misfits.  It does encourage having higher cost Action cards in your deck, whereas with other Ways it's often good to spam cheap Actions.  What is the reason for the "non-Duration" limitation?

Agree this is a powerful one, but might present some interesting plays. You're right regarding the non-Duration limitation: it's not necessary, since the card itself stays out.

All your Base
Seems like games with this and Mountebank (or even other cursers) would be pretty fast.  One potential concern could be games with Pirate Ship and no other Action-based economy, where there could be scenarios where you wreck your opponents' economy and there aren't enough Treasures in the Supply.  I don't think it's likely to occur in a 2-player game, but could happen in multiplayer games.
How would this work with Run on the Bank?

Run on the Bank
Seems like an interesting idea, but my main criticism would be that it makes several existing cards and some Events useless (e.g. Bandit, Soothsayer, Explorer, Enclave, Reap, etc)
Does Gold count as an empty pile?  I think a rule clarification would be needed.

Gold isn't intended to count as a pile in Run on the Bank (I agree that should be clarified). And yes it does break some cards. Interesting question regarding how this interacts with All Your Base. I'll have a think.

Way of the Gecko is strictly better than Way of the Pig (as you can always choose to gain the returned card itself). It also seems very strong compared to Butterfly, and turns Peddlers into one-shot cantrip Province gainers. I think I'd drop one of the two vanilla bonuses...

Good points. I’ll remove the +1 Card. (Though arguably since the recommendation is not to use more than one Way in a game, strictly better is less important than for Kingdom cards.)

Hospital would interact nicely with cost reduction, too, since that would make it easy to get actually useful cards at $0.  And since it's on gain and not on buy, it would make most junking attacks rather less useful, as you'd also be handing out VP tokens until they're gone with every play

Hospital only triggers for cards gained on your turn so shouldn’t affect junking attacks.

Extension seems overpriced to me, especially since there's no stacking as with Hireling.  It's essentially equivalent to holding the Flag, except, of course, that you can't lose it.  But that still doesn't seem to me to be worth paying that much

You might be right, but it’s worth remembering that you get the benefit many turns earlier compared to Hireling, and don’t waste a terminal action to play it. I’ll try it out and see.

Way of the Ram would make cost-reduction weird.  I do wonder how it would interact with things like Highway.  Highway normally costs $5, but once it's in play it costs $4.  So, does the while-in-play happen before the Way, or after?  That is, does Highway become +$3 (assuming no other cost-reduction in play) from its original price of $5, or $2 from its new price of $4?

Since you put the card in play before you carry out its instructions (or the Way instructions) I’d expect it to cost $4 and give +$2.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Monet (landscape-only expansion)
« on: April 19, 2021, 07:00:52 am »
Dominion: Monet

Dominion: Monet is a WIP fan expansion consisting only of landscapes (geddit?). It exists partly because I haven't bumped into that many fan landscape cards elsewhere (notable exceptions include Asper's Legacy and Carline's Venus expansions), but also because it's much easier to incorporate custom landscape cards into a physical game than custom Supply cards!

This is all brand new, so feel free to question everything. In particular, I'd love to know which of the suggested cards are likely broken (or not fun), and which should be priced (or named) differently. I'm holding off creating images for the cards until I've had a chance to played with them, so as not to get too attached to anything.

Current composition (21 cards)
- 4 Events
- 4 Landmarks
- 4 Projects
- 1 Artifact (and 1 accompanying Event)
- 4 Ways
- 4 Edicts (landscapes that introduce general rule changes, invented by Asper)


Piggy Bank ($1 Event)
Once per turn: +1 Buy, +1 Coffers.

IOU ($1 Event)
Once per turn: +1 Buy, +1 Villager

Grand Duchy ($8 Event)
Gain a Duchy and 3 VP tokens.

Sabbatical (8 Debt Event)
Once per game: nobody (including you) can buy any card until the start of your next turn.

Comments: Grand Duchy allows you to extend the game. Sabbatical does too, though note that it doesn't prevent your opponents from buying Sabbatical itself (since it's not a card).


Metropole (Landmark)
When scoring, every Victory card is worth 1VP more.

Penal Colony (Landmark)
When scoring, every Victory card is worth 1VP less (but not less than 0).

Hospital (Landmark)
When you gain a card in one of your turns whose cost in $ is $0, take 2VP from here.
Setup: Put 6VP here per player.

Capitol (Landmark)
When scoring, 2VP per set you have of Action-Treasure-Victory cards. (Cards with multiple types can fulfill more than one role in a set.)

Comments: Metropole encourages rush strategies. Hospital synergises with Debt-only cards and $0* cost non-Supply cards.


Merchant Bank ($4 Project)
Your Coppers now produce +1 Coffers instead of $1.

College ($4 Project)
At the start of your clean-up phase, you may put your deck in your discard pile.

Ekklesia ($4 Project)
At the start of your turn, choose one: Exile a card from your hand; or discard a card you have in Exile.

Extension ($6 & 6 Debt Project)
When you draw a new hand during clean-up, draw an extra card.

Comments: Extension is significantly stronger than Hireling as it takes effect immediately and doesn't require playing a terminal. Drawing an extra
card during clean-up, rather than at the start of your turn, makes you more vulnerable to hand size attacks though.


Letters Patent ($1 Event)
+1 Buy. Take the Tax Collector.

Tax Collector (Artifact)
At the start of your turn, +1 Coffers.

Comments: No idea how this one will play out in practice.


Way of the Ram (Way)
+$1 for every $2 this card costs, rounded up.

Way of the Mongrel (Way)
Play a non-Command Action card from the Supply that costs less than this, leaving it there.

Way of the Bloodhound (Way)
You may discard a non-Victory card from your hand. If you do, play the set aside Attack, leaving it there.
Setup: Set aside an unused Attack card costing $3 or $4.

Way of the Gecko (Way)
+1 Action
Return this to its pile to gain a card costing the same as it.

Comments: Way of the Mongrel is a bit crazy, but I'd like to see how it plays.


Five-Four (Edict)
Replace two of your starting Estates with Coppers.

Run on the Bank (Edict)
Remove the Gold pile from the game. (It doesn't count as an empty pile.)

What's the Rush (Edict)
During clean-up, players must keep one card in their hand. If they did, they draw one fewer card for their next hand.

All Your Base (Edict)
Start the game with just 10 cards in the Curse, Copper, Silver and Gold piles.


Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Swords & Sorcery
« on: March 16, 2021, 10:03:57 am »
So I finally had a chance to play a few games of this and it was surprisingly fun. As a result I've nerfed Pegasus (which was hilariously OP as originally written) and repriced the Equipment. I've also added a new card, and made some other changes based on previous comments, both big (Goblin Band, School of Magic) and small (Barbarian, Cleric, Sorcerer, Dragon). I expect I'll do some more tweaking after a few more games.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Swords & Sorcery
« on: May 26, 2019, 05:55:18 am »
Hopefully you find my comments constructive.

Thanks for the great feedback and suggestions!

A couple I've adopted straight away: buff Cleric (+$2 if it fails to trash a Curse, at least to begin with), renamed Adventures into Missions, and made the prizes the same for everyone.

The rest I'll think about, especially the problems with barbarian and the balance/repetitiveness of the set. Hopefully I'll be trying it out fairly soon.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Swords & Sorcery
« on: May 20, 2019, 04:59:26 am »
I just realized something. Even if it isn't in print anymore, isn't it bad to have a card type share a name with a card? Specifically Adventurer in this case.

Also, Quest is already in use.

Quest and Gear were oversights. I'll rename them to Adventure and Equipment (though they're a bit less pretty on the card due to their length).

Adventurer is just too good a name for me to pass on though, unless someone can think of something else! In practice it shouldn't cause any issues, since most of the time it's obvious whether you're referring to a Card or Card Type. Also I'm pretty sure nobody ever buys Adventurers! Still, I know it will annoy some people :-(

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Swords & Sorcery
« on: May 20, 2019, 04:52:04 am »
Well first off great mockups! I find myself coming back to this thread just to admire the style and artwork. But thankfully this also seems to have a lot else going for it. I won't cover everything here, but I figure starting with the Adventurers and Quest seems like a good place.
Thanks for the feedback! (also I really like your cards)

Cleric: The on-play seems rather weak and unnecessarily restrictive. It's a terminal, stop card with no other functionality besides trashing Curses. Beyond that, when played you could end up skipping a lot of good cards. I'm sure this would work fine as a name a card to trash type deal. In addition I think the other revealed cards could go back on top in any order.
It may be a bit weak, though it does a tiny bit more than trash Curses: it also cycles and can trigger on-discard reactions. I'm worried about making it too good at trashing curses, which could mean people don't buy cursers as a result, but I might try buffing it when I try it out.

Since we're all brainstorming, here are some random ideas:
(1) An Adventurer that can steal other Adventurers if they are still on an Adventurer mat.
(2) Adventurers that put themselves back on the Adventurer mat and thus need to satisfy the on-call each time.
(3) Adventurers that start in a common Adventurers mat and thus players can gain multiples of them if fast enough.
Nice suggestions.

Quests: Really interesting, but I think these are way too swingy. You could specifically hinder yourself by building a deck to specifically satisfy say gaining 4 cards in one turn for Dragon Heist only to be beaten to it by one turn. Now your deck is shot and your opponent has +5 Coffers. I think the game is effectively over at that point. This will not always be the case, but I think this likely doesn't work most games.

I like the idea of being rewarded for being first, but how about some runner up prizes? You could have something like:

"Reward: +5 Coffers then -2 Coffers per token on here. Place your token here."

Tokens being something like the Project cubes. Players could only put one token/cube on a Quest. This doesn't work for things like Ruined Crypt, but I'm sure there are creative ways to scale that.
Great idea! I briefly toyed with the idea of different (possibly private) Quests for different people, almost like Ticket To Ride, but decided that would be equally swingy. Even just having a runner-up prize would probably be enough. One practical issue though might be having enough token cubes to go round (though the  Gears already requires 4 per player).

Ultimately I think this is looking really good. I may be able to help with playtesting. I assume your thinking about using Tabletop simulator?

Also, on a somewhat unrelated note, there is a D&D deckbuilder called Dragonfire that is pretty fun. It's not heavy on the deckbuilding, but has certain elements of it.
I was actually planning a combination of real-life testing of a few cards using blanks/spares, combined with using my homespun (but undistributable, for copyright reasons) text-based Dominion implementation. I hadn't actually heard of Tabletop Simulator before! Checking out YouTube videos now. Also thanks for the Dragonfire recommendation!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Swords & Sorcery
« on: May 19, 2019, 03:10:20 am »
Dark Priest, like Tunnel, relies on another discarder. Fortunately Cleric is one such discarder (and a particularly effective one in the absence of curses).

Cleric doesn't discard from play, and Dark Priest specifically says that it has to be discarded from play, which is impossible as no official card and none of your cards discard from play. I assume Dark Priest's extra effect is supposed to trigger just when it's discarded in general. Either way, it should be a Reaction card; look at Faithful Hound and the aforementioned Tunnel.

Two good points. I'll fix it. Update: fixed.

Regarding Wizard, I forgot to note in my previous response that it can't upgrade an Estate due to the type restriction (unless you've bought inheritance I guess). It can still reveal a Silver for a Gold though.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Swords & Sorcery
« on: May 18, 2019, 01:16:13 pm »

Thanks for the quick feedback!

Glad you liked the Gear concept. Somehow I completely missed the card name clash, despite frequently playing with Adventures!

Barbarian is basically a weak Knight that you can get for pseudo-free (in the presence of other attacks). It's still not a strong card as it doesn't get you any benefit, but I understand why you wouldn't like it if you don't like Knights!

Fighter is a Cutpurse variant (that doesn't stack). Not super exciting I agree, but at least it can be geared. I'll wait to see what it plays like.

I hadn't noticed the Sorcerer-Transmogrify parallel. I was hoping for an interesting BoM variant, but I think you've got a point. I'll have a think.

Ditto regarding Wizard. Since it's potentially gainable on turn 1 I should make sure it's not OP (or make it harder to call).

Circus is dual type only because there aren't enough action-treasures imo!

Goblin Ambush is duration because I was worried it would be too strong at $4 otherwise.

School of Magic may well be underpriced but remember that it requires an extra action to play compared to King's Court, and gives the payoff the following turn. Still, I'll have to play it to be sure.

Corrupt Noble modifies its own cost not that of other cards! I like that concept, but don't think it really works here since unlike Peddler you won't want too many in your deck. And note that even with 3 buys you can only get one CN for $3, since the next one will cost $4.

Dark Priest, like Tunnel, relies on another discarder. Fortunately Cleric is one such discarder (and a particularly effective one in the absence of curses).

Good points regarding Pegasus and Ruined Crypt.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Swords & Sorcery
« on: May 18, 2019, 10:30:39 am »
Hi all,

Dominion: Swords & Sorcery (DS&S) is a mini-set that I'm currently designing. Inspired by Asper's excellent cards, the aim is to introduce new mechanics but stay simple. The setting is D&D-style fantasy.

The set is still in its very early days: I've blitzed out a few ideas but not playtested it yet. I'm posting it now to allow early feedback, and to encourage big changes before I get too wedded to any of the ideas. I'm hoping to bully some people into testing it with me soonish.

Adventurer Cards

These are the defining cards in the set (at the moment), a sort of cross between Heirlooms and Reserve cards.

At the start of the game, each player starts with one copy of every Adventurer specified in any of the Kingdom cards or Quests. The cards start on the player's Adventurer's Guild mat, where they remain until they're called. Unlike Reserve cards, calling requires first satisfying some precondition, and the cards don't (currently) have any on-call effects. They get discarded as normal during Clean-up and can be played next time they cycle round. When an Adventurer card gets trashed it gets returned to the Adventurers' Guild rather than placed in the trash pile; the only way to get rid of an Adventurer is to pass it using Masquerade.

Comments: The fact that there's at most one of each Adventurer hopefully gives a bit more leeway in card design. My aim is to make the game reasonably balanced regardless of how many Adventurers are in use: more Adventurers should mainly mean more strategy options. The name Adventurer is quite natural given the setting, but obviously clashes with a removed Base card (admittedly my least favourite one). Other suggestions are welcome. If the mechanic works, I plan to add a few more Adventurers, though many of the obvious card names (Thief, Rogue, Ranger, Druid) are similarly taken.

Kingdom cards

These all introduce an Adventurer, with some attempt at synergy between the card and the Adventurer. Many are probably broken as written.


Missions are the other way to introduce Adventurers to the game. Whenever any player completes a Mission's Quest, they place a cube on it and take the specified Reward.

Comments: these are very preliminary proofs-of-concepts. The challenge here will be to make the Missions fun and not too swingy: an incentive to play a little differently but not a game breaker.


A way to mod your Adventurers! There is one of each card, and 3 random ones are brought out whenever any Adventurer cards are in use. They work a bit like Projects: you can buy one for the price specified, place a cube on it, and follow the instructions. There is no limit on how many different equipment items you can buy in a game.

Comments: the challenge here is obviously to make the equipment balanced in games with 1 Adventurer but also in games with all 5.


2019.05.18 Initial upload
2019.05.19 Fixed Dark Priest wording and made it a Reaction
2019.05.20 Renamed Quest into Adventure and Gear into Equipment; added runners-up for Adventures
2019.05.26 Renamed Adventure into Mission and make prize the same for everyone; buff Cleric; reword Dark Priest
2021.03.16 Added Travellers Inn; renamed Horse to Steed, Goblin Ambush to Goblin Band; redesigned Pegasus, Goblin Band, School of Magic; tweaked Barbarian, Cleric, Sorcerer, Dragon, Ruined Crypt; repriced Equipment.
2021.04.23 Added Exorcism, Grand Alliance, Backpack, Signet Ring; updated Dragon Heist reward; restricted to 3 Equipments per game.
2022.09.02 Make Sorcerer a Command card.

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