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Labor Force
Reveal your hand.
Play all revealed actions in any order.

This sounds like it could get real messy. But I still want to try.

How'd you determine the cost?

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Bonus Preview #2: Crown
« on: May 15, 2016, 01:25:08 am »
People complained! Not very many, but you know. You can't please everyone. I remember Doug Z. saying, "sorry, guy who didn't want this."

Because it's the Internet, and it's the Internet's job to shit on everything good and holy. I really don't get that attitude in this case, especially when, as Hans said, you can just remove the material that annoys you. This isn't Magic, where something that you find annoying in a preview might well dominate all games you're going to be in for the next 9 months+. Just don't play with it.

Others have already pointed it out, but previews really are the most magical time of the year. Despite having all expansions, this was my first one and I really enjoyed waking up early to see what had been uncovered, then seeing what uses for it decent players had posited after I got back from work.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Capitalism: Let's Really Do Debt.
« on: May 14, 2016, 06:01:37 pm »
Foreclosure variant: As above, but if the player cannot make an interest payment, instead of losing, at the end of their Cleanup phase, they put their entire deck in their discard, remove their highest-cost Victory card, replace it with a Curse, and apply the cost of the card toward their interest (first) and debt (second).

Looks a little messy at first glance, but I like the idea of having to pay back debt with their highest VP card. By remove, you did mean "trash", yes?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: JSH's True Art Rankings
« on: May 14, 2016, 05:57:09 pm »
"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, when the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When Donald's mind quickens again, and he releases another expansion. Then he will return, and not before."

25th, then?


Dominion General Discussion / Re: JSH's True Art Rankings
« on: May 14, 2016, 07:43:13 am »
Yes, but that was because of grad school, not the thread

Any chance you'll pick it up again?

The critique, not the grad school.

Or the insanity.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: JSH's True Art Rankings
« on: May 14, 2016, 06:07:31 am »
Somehow it was missed that there is a headless person in this art.

This thread has revealed a lot of hidden details, but this monstrosity can't be unseen.

Also, did jsh go insane after only a couple of expansions?

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Bonus Preview #5: Castles
« on: May 14, 2016, 06:02:00 am »
It doesn't help either that Castle-friendly boards will probably be much harder to spot than, say, Gardens- or Vineyard-friendly ones.

How so? Given the pile is packed with a lot more variety, and therefore they need a variety of supporting cards?

I think that King's Castle getting sniped is the biggest worry with this strategy, and therefore preventing that is going to be the toughest task.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: House rules you use
« on: May 14, 2016, 04:03:49 am »
Events are shuffled into two separate piles. Once an event has been bought, it goes to a discard pile and the next is revealed. So theoretically you could play three or more different events in one turn, given enough coin.

This was adopted so we could see all the newfangled Event thingamies on our first round of Adventures. We tried one pile the first game, but it stalled when no-one wanted to buy a particular event (possibly Bonfire, because we're all rubbish at this game).

So each opponent would be a different interaction, so potential to gain as many coppers as there are other opponents. Which would then strenghten your attack for the next player. Ugh. And you are right about the moat part. Probably need to scratch this card. But I like the idea of comparing hands and having something happen as a result.

I like that a lot, too. Just thinking of it from a thematic standpoint, though, why not have the comparison based on number of Action cards instead? A bandit waving around more cash than someone he's trying to rob seems a bit daft... Terrorising them with a handful of rats obviously makes a lot more sense.

Chariot Race has been one of my favourite reveals from Empires so far, precisely because of this comparison mechanic - so don't shelve this so soon!

Trout Stream sounds neat, but I'm the last person to ask if it's well balanced or not. In any case, we need more fish-based cards.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Split pile variant
« on: May 14, 2016, 03:06:47 am »
Treasure Map/Ghost Ship

Having found zippity squat while living, your crew are damned to sail the seven seas in the hereafter.

Five Treasure Maps creates a bit of competition, and the Ghost Ships produce draw to find them.

Yes, I realise it's quite slow and silly, but that's Treasure Map for you.

Action ~ Attack
Reveal the top card of the player to your left. He may pay the cost of the card immediately, putting it into his hand. If he does not, then you may buy the card immediately, putting it on top of your deck.

Outright taking the card seems a bit OP at first glance - maybe you could just be paying for the privilege of using it this turn?

I do like the idea of seeing how much they're willing to cripple their next turn to stop you from doing that, though.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Capitalism: Let's Really Do Debt.
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:53:04 am »
Bubble: on initially reading this, I viewed it as a way for players to rush towards closure, only to be denied on a "technicality". That didn't sound very fun. Well, it might be worth a chuckle when it blows up in their face. But then I thought that if they're genuinely going after this play-style, they really have to work hard to burn that debt before the final province/pile is snapped up and avoid such a fate. And that could be interesting.

GG: this is actually what I expected debt to be (except priced at -2VP) and it's something that I really want to try out. Any reason you settled on "8" as the interest threshold?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Multi Dominion
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:31:55 am »
So you were in both games simultaneously? I guess as long as you haven't got Possessions popping off in both games, it doesn't sound that difficult to keep track of, but I don't think I'd like my attention being divided like that.

Still, as long as you enjoyed it!

This is my first preview set, so I'm just wondering if the colours are washed out intentionally - this card looks closer to a Treasure than the vibrant orange we usually have on Durations...

Donald mentioned an issue with the image compression for these preview images.

Thanks for clearing that up.

I really love this new form of attacking, though: it might completely halt their engine for this turn; yet it just as equally might make them feel a little less horrible about terminal collision.

I was instantly hooked as I realised that it is like Magic, only with a level playing field.

I only started playing Magic a couple of years back, but I quickly learned what a wallet-draining experience it was going to be. To dig myself out of that pit, I picked up vanilla and convinced a friend to play it - of course we used all Curses for the first ten games. We are not smart men.

We quickly moved onto Seaside: Pirate Shipping each other to eternity and Embargoing every damn thing out of spite. And despite never having a lot of time for IRL games, I've still managed to pick up all the expansions and we've now roped other folks into it.

Good times.

Now that I look back, Dominion has given me many excuses to practice programming, a lot more than I would have done otherwise.

I've definitely found that playing Dominion in my second language has helped me along. Partly due to import costs/times of English versions, partly due to just increased usage of common, but not everyday words. Like Alchemist. When does that not come in handy?

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #3: VP Tokens
« on: May 14, 2016, 01:19:48 am »
I don't know why, but the equal parts randomness and interaction in Chariot Race make me very, very happy, and make it something I'm really looking forward to using.

Though I guess there there are a great many ways to ensure that the outcome isn't "random" at all.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #4: Landmarks
« on: May 14, 2016, 01:14:36 am »
Not just more variations on Events, not just small objectives: fundamentally changing the way any given Kingdom might be approached. Beautiful.

Although I do find it hilarious that Doctors are going to be contributing so much to your VP through Tomb.

This is my first preview set, so I'm just wondering if the colours are washed out intentionally - this card looks closer to a Treasure than the vibrant orange we usually have on Durations...

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Bonus Preview #5: Castles
« on: May 14, 2016, 12:59:59 am »
The Haunted Castle, to me, looks like a cross between the older Castlevania castles

First thing that came to mind for me, too.

While, like others have said, it's nice that it keeps the haunted/top-decking theme, I was looking forward to it doling out Curses so I could say, "What a horrible night to have a curse!" every time it went off.

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