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Dominion Articles / Donate Money
« on: November 15, 2018, 02:11:34 pm »
original link:

This was posted here in addition to the blog because additional eyes visit this page, and also for further discussion.


Donate is hard, precisely because it offers the world. The normal limitations of Dominion are erased, and games become much faster. With all of the engine possibilities, it may escape players to envision Donate as a Money enabler. It is true that Donate is first and foremost an Engine card. It is also true that Donate gets rid of Money’s biggest weakness: time.

Donate Money?

Money strategies can be thought of as a rush of sorts, where you are “betting” that you can get most of the Provinces before the engine can catch up and the game ends. The main problem with Money strategies most of the time is that they are bad at ending the game quickly enough. Donate provides this very speed and consistency to make it happen.

It is important to note that Money strategies are still usually bad. However, with Donate they will appear more often than normal. Because of this, it is absolutely worth investing into how Donate Money plays, both as a resource and as a baseline for knowing how much time you realistically have.

The Vanilla Donate Money Baseline

Usually, the Donate Money race culminates into the first to 5 Provinces, with importance on consistency of economy for sustainable Duchy scoring afterwards. A pure Donate Money strategy ends up with 4-5 Provinces in about 11-12 turns, but struggles to score consistently afterwards. What is this strategy, you may ask? According to xnor’s calculations: (assume any standard opening besides 2/5)

    Turn 1: Buy Silver
    Turn 2: Donate down to Silver + 4 Coppers
    Turn 3: Pay off debt
    Turn 4: Buy Gold
    Turn 5: Buy Gold
    Turn 6: Donate down to Gold, Gold, Silver, paying off debt
    Turn 7: Buy Province (or a 1/7 chance of missing Province due to last turn’s Donate not hitting $8, in which case buy Gold)
    Turn 8: Buy Province
    Turn 9: Buy Province
    Turn 10+: Buy Province or Gold or Silver forever, pivot to Duchies later

Estimated First Province: Turn 7
Estimated Fourth Province: Turn 10-11

Memorize this. This baseline is actually incredibly powerful, and will be as strong as some other Donate Money variants. It is important to note that this baseline is somewhat terrible at scoring Duchies while maintaining Province pressure, and will potentially falter against more consistent Donate Money strategies, despite sometimes being just as fast initially. Thusly, Vanilla Donate Money will struggle to put a nail into the coffin of games versus other Donate Money variants, and while it might sometimes come out with a win, it probably won’t.

Another thing to consider is the time spent before the first Province. Vanilla Donate Money is at a snail’s pace when it comes to first scoring on Turn 7. If a particular Money strategy is already at 2 Provinces on Turn 7, it won’t matter too much if both strategies get to the same end goal of 4 Provinces by Turn 10. The tempo pressure will be on the Vanilla strategy to buy Duchies in order to not risk simply losing, which has already been established to be a terrible weakness for Vanilla Money.

Of course, all of this is contextual. There still is a lot of discovering to do with all of the various types of money plays and lines, but here are some of the more powerful variants, in no particular order.

Amulet + Donate Money

    Turn 1: Amulet
    Turn 2: Amulet
    Turn 3: Play Amulet to gain Silver, Donate to 0 Coppers
        (If you don’t have Amulet in play, Donate anyways but you will be a turn slower.)
    Turn 4+: Always gain Silver with Amulet unless you have $7 in hand, otherwise Amulet should gain a +$1.
        (After your first Province, if you miss $8 you may buy Duchies.)

Estimated First Province: Turn 6
Estimated Fourth Province: Turn 11 + Duchy

As it turns out, Double Amulet is pretty okay! Double Amulet not only straight up beats Pure Donate in scoring the first Province, but also in getting more points!

Explorer + Donate Money

    Turn 1: Donate to 5 Coppers
    Turn 2: Pay off remaining debt
    Turn 3: Buy Explorer
    Turn 4: Gain Silver, buy Gold
    Turn 5+: Buy Province, Donate the next turn down, trash everything but Explorer, Province, Golds, and you may keep a single Silver.

Estimated First Province: Turn 5-6
Estimated Fourth Province: Turn 9-10

Don’t be afraid to Province incredibly early, then Donate to finish clean-up the next turn. With the constant influx of Gold, one Silver won’t kill to have around ($8 vs $9, no difference). However, More than one Silver risks 2 Silver/1 Gold hands ($7) which are incredibly sad.

For 5/2, you open Explorer and then Donate down to 2 Coppers. On Turn 4, you buy a Silver, Turn 5 is a guaranteed Province, and then you can Donate everything immediately afterwards.

On 2/5, you cry, buy nothing/Explorer, hope to draw Explorer T3 and Donate.

Windfall + Donate Money

    Turn 1: Donate to 5 Coppers
    Turn 2: Pay off debt
    Turn 3: Windfall
    Turn 4: Donate to 3 Golds
    Turn 5-7: Buy two Provinces and Windfall again in any order, the timing is the same either way.
    Turn 8+: Buy Provinces or Duchies forever

Estimated First Province: Turn 5-6
Estimated Fourth Province: Turn 9

This strategy can hold Duchies well due to the density of Golds, and is highly consistent!

Market Square + Donate Money

    Turn 1: Market Square
    Turn 2: Market Square
    Turn 3: Play Market Square, buy Market Square + Donate, keep two Coppers and react all of your Market Squares.
        (If you don’t find Market Square, Donate anyways but cry that you will be a turn slower.)
    Turn 4: Buy as many Market Squares as you can while still being able to Donate and having 7 or less Debt. Kill the remaining two Coppers, reacting your Market Squares for Golds. As long as you have 7 or less Debt, you have a guaranteed Province the next turn. (5 Gold hand of $15 minus 7 Debt is exactly $8.)
    Turn 5+: Buy Province+

Estimated First Province: Turn 5
Estimated Fourth Province: Turn 8

This strategy is wicked fast and is one of the best if not the best two card combo in Dominion.

Another fantastic thing about this line is how quickly you can pivot into engine play, due to the massive amounts of instant payload and buy. You are not hitting more than $15 a turn without draw support, so use the board to improve on this baseline! Also keep in mind that you can buy an extra Copper at any point to not lose a Gold when triggering additional Donates, if you want to continue gaining Golds.

Fool’s Gold + Donate Money

    Turn 1: Fool’s Gold
    Turn 2: Fool’s Gold
    Turn 3: Fool’s Gold (or if you have $5+ on this hand, you may Donate immediately to 2 Fool’s Gold, still get the third Fool’s Gold
    but save a turn in speed.)
    Turn 4: Donate to 3 Fool’s Gold
    Turn 5: Pay off debt, buy Fool’s Gold (here you can pivot to the Kingdom itself and play something even better than the baseline.)
    Turn 6+: Province

Estimated First Province: Turn 6
Estimated Fourth Province: Turn 10

Another strong baseline that while playing similar to Vanilla Donate Money, is just simply faster and stronger.

When To Not Pursue Donate Money

All of these strategies are certainly very fast, and often very predetermined to boot! Are there ways to stop these strategies? What is the best way to trip money up, than the classic attacking method? Good Attacks stop money hard as per the usual. Even with access to Donate, junkers like Witch and Mountebank absolutely gum up most of these money strats, giving alternate strategies time to catch up. Discard attacks can work wonders sometimes, although beware of Gold or Fool’s Gold centric money strategies which only need 3 card hands to work! Of course, for the action centric money strategies like Amulet, Enchantress absolutely tears holes into any plans.

Of course, these Donate strategies are still in a lot of ways worse than Donate engines. It’ll be close, but Engines in a lot of cases can end games by Turn 12-13, and should more than catch up by the end. A fast Donate strategy can catch the unprepared slow build engine by surprise, but don’t forget that there are also wicked fast engines. Another disincentive for money is abundance of Alt-VP, which gives the engine player more time to build. Just keep in mind that you are on the clock!

Closing Thoughts

Donate money is an incredibly fast variant of Money, and one that poses interesting questions to the player in any given Donate game. However, in many cases these highlighted strategies (among others) only serve as a baseline, as either a way to kick off the engine even faster or to combo with even more cards in the Kingdom, and you may find yourself only implementing the beginning steps of some of these lines. As with any Donate game, always keep your eyes open for better and more efficient ways to do things!

The best part is, the wrong orange looks way better than the right orange. Time to change all the other older Duration cards to be the new color in the next edition.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Why Peasant Will Be On My Ban List
« on: November 09, 2018, 07:33:58 pm »
Hunting Grounds, Minion, Sauna/Avanto, there are numerous cards in Dominion which support mono-card strategies.

Adventures indeed does not but events like Lost Arts or Pathfinding are far more radical than Peasant-Teacher here. Teacher sometimes spreads around more than 1 token in which case you need several copies of more than just one card in your deck. Sometimes it makes sense to keep a Peasant around as source of extra Buys, sometimes you can afford to gift the Buy token to a pile.

Compared to a Minion game this really is anything but "centralizing".

I'm guessing you mean LurkerGrounds by mono-strategy, because Hunting Grounds is never going to be a mono strategy, let alone centralizing.

Okay, let me define centralizing in this context, because there appears to be some confusion. If you can pretty much never skip it, it's centralizing. I'm talking overalls here, not single boards, not mono strategies.

Lost Arts and Pathfinding (except with Cursed Village) are absolutely not more radical than Teacher. Maybe I'm misunderstanding radical, but those two cards are so much less swingy?

It wasn't clear to me whether you were being serious. It's hard to trust a person who decides writing a joke article about Pathfinding + Cursed Village is a good idea. I decided to troll back.

It's now clear to me that yes you were actually serious and okay I'll take this seriously now.

My take is that you have a point that is wrapped up in a lot of complaining that isn't actually important for your argument.

The TL;DR of your post is something like, "The Peasant line is very strong, so you always have to go for it, and if you miss a Traveller upgrade, or your Traveller upgrade misses the shuffle, then you're really far behind and the game isn't even close to ending because you still have to wait for them to hit Teacher first." That's not the whole TL;DR but it's most of it. But like, you haven't even written any of this. You've written around this point by complaining about a hypothetical player who's worse than you but is winning because of better luck. This certainly happens but complaining about a person who's only winning because of luck is the fastest way to make you sound petty.

If Peasant really is your number one most hated card in Dominion, it isn't enough to list reasons why Peasant is annoying, you have to list reasons why other cards aren't as annoying. Off the top of my head, why not KC or Swindler or Tournament or Cultist? I don't want hot takes, I want well argued hot takes.

I still can't believe Pathfinding/Cursed Village isn't an obvious joke.

Well the real thing here is there's no point writing well-structured arguments on why you hate a card. Yeah, what applies to Peasant applies to other situations in Dominion, but Peasant in many ways encapsulates every one of those annoyances, all into one set of cards. Especially with no trashing. Play a set of Peasant games without any trashing. Ugh.

The point about having to justify my hatred for one card over other cards is really weird and makes no sense. Maybe I don't hate King's Court at all. You seem to think that it deserves it. I mean yeah there's those nonsense no trashing boards where you never connect KC-thing and the other guy does. Boy those suck hard. But King's Court isn't a card I hate. See, King's Court offers a wide swath of strategies and ways to play, and you have to play creatively and outside of the box quite often. With Peasant, it's brain-dead, there's not a lot of decisions that truly matter. Swindler? Yeah, Swindler is annoying. But everyone knows it's chaos incarnate. I guess I logically have to hate it as much as Peasant, except I don't, because that's not how this works.

Long story short, I don't think I could write a thesis on Peasant hatred that an English professor would be satisfied with. I guess that means I have no ultimate point. I dunno, at least this started an interesting discussion. That's nice, I like seeing conversations.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Why Peasant Will Be On My Ban List
« on: November 09, 2018, 05:39:35 pm »

Not clever.

You buy Peasant more than once, mass up a ton of a single kind of card, and then slap on +Card and +Action, and if you at any point falter due to a bad shuffle, you're probably just straight up toast.

Teacher won't let you put two tokens on a single pile. It doesn't invalidate your opinions, but you might want to update your rant.  ;)

You know what I mean.

I find Peasant games rather fun. I mean, Donate is centralizing too, but it leads to a different sort of games. There are still a lot of important choices to make with the Peasant line: When do you get the second/third Peasant? What do I put my first token on, and how does it work with Disciple? Is the Soldier stack a thing here?

That said, Page is perhaps more interesting in that there is a clear downside to pursing the line, as before you reach champion you get bloated with a bunch of Treasure. The upside is that the Page line is great for ramping up treasure payload quickly.

Yes, those are all real things, and if annoying shuffles don't happen those certainly come much more into focus. The really fun stuff is the Soldier stacks.

Peasant stands out as one of the cards that favor the better player the most in my sample of logs.

If you usually beat your opponent in 60% of the games, you'll win 63.5% of the Peasant boards.
(Page also favors the better player but not as much, Chapel on the other hand makes the weaker player win more than expected.)

Huh. Well there you have it.

With how many players do you usually play?
In 2-player games I usually ban Peasant because you almost always won't be able to win without it and must style your deck around the line.
In 3- and 4-player games it's a different case. The game ends more quickly so you may not be able to get enough benefit out of token'd cards before the game ends to be worth the build-up. I remember a 4-player game where I tried to reach Teacher as fast as I could, but the game ended the turn after I placed a token.

Anything that isn't 2 Player is something I typically never do.

Maybe you just suck with Peasant? Everyone has cards they're not good with. I always lose Black Market games somehow.

Yes, I suppose I could suck with Peasant. I think I am perfectly competent with Peasant. Markus will probably have stats on me though that could prove otherwise.

But yeah, power-cards are fine, as long as they need support or power up other cards they are not at all "centralizing". How often is the peasant-line the ONLY thing you buy? Comparing with Page, it's not too uncommon to only rely on it since it provides both draw and payload, with peasant you always need to find a way to use the line optimally somewhere else. You may of course dislike the card how much you want, but to call it centralizing is merely plain wrong..

You buy other cards with Goons, with KC, with just about anything else. I guess they're not "centralizing". I do not understand this point at all. Dominion rewards diversity like nothing else, but you are always picking up a Peasant unless the board absolutely sucks, and even then sometimes devil magic makes it work.

The complaint isn't really just that it's centralizing, it's one tiny part of the complete package that is "wellp I'm a goner now on this no trash board with no outs".

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Why Peasant Will Be On My Ban List
« on: November 08, 2018, 09:44:45 pm »
Peasant offers the same song and dance every time, and there's nothing you can do about it but play it the way you always do.

The statement I disagreed with most. Peasant offers lots of interesting choices more often than not. Do you put +Action on the terminal draw to make a Lab or on the cantrip because there's no villages? Etc. All the new choices it opens up make up for the fact that the choice of buying the card itself it is trivial, in my opinion.

Man I hope Peasant offers more interesting choices than that. (spoiler: it does) but it's more like, you do pretty similarish stuff with only a tiny amount of things for optimization. Maybe you delay the Teacher a shuffle.

It is also not "centralizing"


What about Page? It’s at least as centralizing as Peasant, and at least in my experience, makes for less interesting games. Page has more autoplay than Peasant, while having the same degree of reliance on shuffle luck. Just my two cents.

I knew this one would come up, and hilariously enough I have about the opposite take on it. I know, it makes no sense. It makes no sense to me either. But it's how I currently feel. It has its nonsense games though. I feel like somehow, the swingy nonsense is much less likely for the Page line than the Peasant line.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Pirate Ship + Capitalism
« on: November 08, 2018, 04:38:54 pm »
I'm going to say this will win an annoying amount of games, but will still be worse than not. However I will concede that this has the extra annoying effect of killing non-Treasure payload, which was often a classic counter. On the other hand, Pirate Ships can also die to Pirate Ships! Oh no...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Why Peasant Will Be On My Ban List
« on: November 08, 2018, 04:25:38 pm »
Will I likely lose for no reason at all other than a random arrangement of cards?

I mean, this is a good chunk of Dominion in general.

Not nearly to the extent of Peasant.

Dominion General Discussion / Why Peasant Will Be On My Ban List
« on: November 08, 2018, 04:18:06 pm »
Let's talk about Peasant, why it is my number one candidate for most hated card in Dominion, and why it will be my first official selection for the Banlist once ShuffleIT implements it.

1. Centralizing

We all know you can't often play a Peasant board without buying one. In fact, it's often a cause for celebration when you don't have to! Peasant offers the same song and dance every time, and there's nothing you can do about it but play it the way you always do. Now this is not reason enough to ban a card, as there are plenty of cards that do in fact do this.

2. Incredibly Swingy

Oh, what's that? You bottomdecked your traveller and now you're toast. Oh, what's that? You took a calculated gamble drawing 2 cards dead with a 15 card shuffle and you drew your Traveller. Oh, what's that? You drew Disciple without any actions? Oh, what's that? You drew Teacher on the very bottom of the shuffle, and despite your opponent getting Teacher much later than you, he drew it on his first turn and activated before you. Oh, what's that? You lost to a mediocre player for no reason other than how your shuffles went. My heart races with fear every time I roll Peasant on a board. Will I likely lose for no reason at all other than a random arrangement of cards?

3. Ease of Play

But you might remark, "but you can outplay a bad build! You can outplay a mediocre player." And indeed, you certainly can. But real talk, how hard is it to play Peasant, really? You buy Peasant more than once, mass up a ton of a single kind of card, and then slap on +Card and +Action, and if you at any point falter due to a bad shuffle, you're probably just straight up toast. There's no such thing as a bad Peasant build if you play with common sense (please don't make Treasure Map jokes, you know exactly what I mean). There's only more efficient builds, and less efficient ones.

4. Super Long Turns

All of the previous points are claims you can make about Rebuild, or Money strategies. Here's one you can't make: Length of time. Seriously, for all of the annoyances Rebuild and Money games provide, at least they end quick. You're waiting for a century when your opponent calls his teacher, places his token on a card, and then proceeds to play out his turn, optimizing all of the way (either in ways that are actually optimization or ways that are not, which only annoys you further) and eeking out extra plays, while he's up by a trillion and you still didn't play your first Teacher yet. Like why continue at that point?

5. False Hope

Always play out the games. Always play to your outs. Don't give up. You might just win. Yeah, that'll never happen. Peasant gives you false hope that you might be able to crawl back. "WOW, he put that token THERE???" And yet it doesn't matter. He's drawing his deck, and you're not. You can optimize all you like, but the man is up 4 Provinces and will never dud again.

6. A Realization

With all of this in mind, you roll a Peasant board and win easily. And then you have a chilling thought. Did you win because you outplayed your opponent, or because your opponent missed a shuffle with his traveller? Boy, that blows. You won a game for no other reason than RNGesus decreed it.


Is Peasant the worst, most unfair, most unbalanced card in Dominion? No. But when you get whacked by it, you'll scramble for answers. You'll look at everything you did. You'll agonize for weeks on that loss, that one loss that could have been. And as it turns out, you did nothing wrong. You just didn't shuffle right.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Renaissance Cards: Inventor
« on: November 07, 2018, 02:26:33 pm »
It needs support, and in Modern Dominion it almost always has this support. It's still worse than Bridge though.

I dunno, combining cost reduction with gain-and-play capabilities makes Inventor potentially a more valuable asset than Bridge when you have control of your deck. Things can get crazy when you start gaining Inventors with other Inventors, and then you draw those Inventors and play them, and soon enough you can gain Provinces with the Inventors on top of buying Provinces.

Yeah, but muh B-Bridge

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Renaissance Cards: Inventor
« on: November 07, 2018, 02:14:31 pm »
It needs support, and in Modern Dominion it almost always has this support. It's still worse than Bridge though.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: November 05, 2018, 03:12:13 pm »

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: October 31, 2018, 09:58:32 am »

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: October 23, 2018, 07:21:30 pm »
I kind of want to like this I guess, but I have no idea what is going on.  It's like I just went to college anime night or something.

You should join Dominion Discord, then you'll never be out of the loop again

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: October 22, 2018, 11:25:45 pm »

second one is about aku chi specifically

Forum Games / Re: Awaclus and the Finnish Championship
« on: October 18, 2018, 07:15:47 pm »
The lack of motivation was something I said in the heat of the moment due to a particular person who was not Keturin, because it didn't look like they were taking the game very seriously, and it's not something I believe anymore, but it wasn't a lie either and I stand by everything else that I said in that PM. I was tired, and that's part of why I wasn't feeling very confident in my ability to play well for my alignment. Everything I said in the scum chat and the game thread after the game has been consistent with all of this.

Oh I actually didn't read this. How is this not shady?

vote: Awaclus

You do this stuff all of the time, you're interested in winning at all costs at the detriment of any sportsmanship. Anyways, Awaclus knows he did a bad, it's quite clear to me he did a bad. How bad this bad is, I don't know, but uh again not a good look.

Forum Games / Re: Awaclus and the Finnish Championship
« on: October 18, 2018, 07:08:53 pm »
I'm pretty sure that e-mail is from another player, not from the organizer, and he has somewhat misrepresented the situation there.

1) I did not cheat in the game, I followed all of the rules in the game and on their forum in general.

My scumbuddy was an admin on the site, and I discussed the plan with him in the scum daychat before doing it, and although he did mention that it's not "good sportsmanship", he agreed that it would be beneficial for our team and did not attempt to stop me.

3) It is true that a mod of the game posted after the game to point out that my behavior was not acceptable.

In my message to the mods where I requested to /out, I did not claim to have any other motive for /outing besides the fact that I wasn't playing well enough.

5) "Please do not use this (outing) as a manipulation technique" is obviously not a direct quote from any of our rules. He is referring to rule 3.9, and I have always understood the "this" in that rule to specifically refer to /outing in the main game thread, because that is what the entire rule is talking about.

Awaclus, Awaclus, Awaclus. Always playing fast with the rules. It's not a good look. It's really not a good look.

My advice? Wait for an official ruling from the moderators of the site.

Pixie/Highway is capable of scoring wickedly fast, thanks to a synergy between Forest + Earth Boons, Highway and the presence of Goat to speed things up.

The Build

1. Open Pixie/Pixie, unless you have a 5/2. If you do, open Highway/Pixie.

2. Focus on thinning down with Goat. No need to get any other trashing, especially no need to waste a Pixie to pop Flame's Gift.

3. If you can hit $5 on the way, you may go out of your way to do so. This means you can pop a Pixie in order to guarantee a $5. Getting a Highway early is crucial.

4. Buy Pixies on off turns in the mean time. Pop one every time you can activate Earth’s Gift or Forest’s Gift, if you know you can net gain a Pixie. If you have Highway in play, these two boons become even stronger.

5. Try to prioritize Pixies slightly as those are your gains, but find a balance between gaining Highways and Pixies.

6. Get about 5 Highways at a minimum. While 4 is enough to activate Province gains with Earth, getting Forest’s Gift to work for you is crucial as well, and sometimes Highways will hide.

7. It probably goes without saying, but always play Highway before you play Pixie.

8. You should be able to end the game in about 11-12 turns, with 5+ Provinces in your deck.

Note that you can probably do even faster builds with the inclusion of other cards within a Kingdom. This deck is only the launching point. Be creative and keep your eyes open.

Dominion Articles / Re: Island
« on: October 05, 2018, 10:23:35 am »
Gained more, and by the winner? Hmmmm. Worth examining my play.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: October 03, 2018, 04:52:36 pm »

I have made it a habit not to click on links announcing that an element at a particular index of a list was soandso or would make me do thisandthat.

Even if it's obvious ironic humor?

Tournaments and Events / Re: Renaissance: The Tournament
« on: September 23, 2018, 02:27:37 am »
uh if I'm allowed /in

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Seprix's Card Creation Emporium
« on: September 19, 2018, 02:03:15 pm »
New concept: Trading

Whenever a card tells you, you may trade one thing for another.

Eerie Market Treasure - $5
+1 Buy
When you play this, you may trade any number of times:
+1 Buy for $2
$2 for +1 Buy

Dominion General Discussion / Re: SepRanks for Top Player Rating
« on: September 19, 2018, 01:28:04 pm »
Will do another poll at the conclusion of the ShuffleIT Tournament.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Base Set Cards: Mine
« on: September 19, 2018, 01:27:01 pm »
I kind of like +1 Action instead of having it cost $4.  Considering everything else you could get for $5, would that be all that strong?  Probably not?  It would make Explorer look pretty bad, I guess.

Explorer is still way better in Donate Money

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Base Set Cards: Mine
« on: September 18, 2018, 03:33:24 pm »
Is Mine still regarded as almost always ignorable in 2018?  And if so, should it have been updated in 2nd Edition?

Mine is really nice with Platinums and boards where there's no Copper trashing but everything else and reason to build up

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