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Messages - Dingan

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Gear / Exorcist may be my new favorite opening. Exorcists always seem to collide with a handful of Coppers but Gear fixes that right up.
However note that Gear is not the greatest Imp or Ghost target. Imp doesn't like Gear if you already have one from the previous turn. And if you Ghost a Gear and set any cards aside, the Ghost misses a turn (right?).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Fix the worst cards
« on: June 19, 2018, 02:32:38 pm »
the rewards are not super impressive [...] but neither is the amount of effort that it takes — just play like 20 games every day and you'll become a top player within a year.
Uh... at 10 minutes a game, that's 200 minutes a day, three hours, 20% of your waking life, half your leisure time.

So no.

Dude, what? Three hours a day for a year is nothing. For most hobbies, if you do it for three hours a day for a year, you'll still suck at it compared to the average person doing it (who ever gets anywhere).

I'd be very surprised if the average player finishes more than 20 Dominion games a week.

Hence why they're not a top player .. they're likely average

I have literally never heard anyone argue that treasures as a class are inherently worse.
I Inherited Crown once, it was pretty fun

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Fix the worst cards
« on: June 15, 2018, 12:54:49 pm »
So I think Transmute would best look like this:

+1 Buy
Trash a card from your hand. If it’s a...
Treasure: gain an Action costing up to $5
Action: gain a Duchy
Victory: gain a Gold
When you buy this, +1 Buy., and you may gain this to your deck (instead of your discard pile).
Looks like a step into the right direction but as it is nearly as good as Altar it might be too strong.

If it’s too much, you can remove the on buy Buy and maybe add $2 to the cost. The use of Potion in the cost makes it hard to mass a lot of them, and it still takes a long time to get it going much like Altar. Adding $2 to the cost doesn’t change much early once the on-buy Buy is gone, but it does make it harder to tack it on to an existing buy later.

I would probably test it as is first and then adjust it down. I need to resume my dominion tweak project now that I have a printer again.

The 'gain an Action costing up to $5' part also doesn't really fit into the theme of Alchemy -- the only available such cards are Herbalist and Apprentice. Apprentice would be the only one you'd realistically get which could then be used to .. trash the Transmute .. and the Potion.

Dominion Articles / Re: Contraband
« on: June 15, 2018, 12:40:05 pm »
It’s also worth noting the advantage you have by giving your opponent as little information about your hand as possible. This means you normally play it as your first treasure, and that it’s weaker when you need to reveal cards from your hand mid-turn, like with Menagerie or Legionary.

If you accidentally play your other treasures before Contraband, just undo :P

Contraband is interesting with Storyteller. It's gotta be a lot more difficult for your opponent to figure out what you want to buy --  or even will be able to buy --  if you play the Contraband not during your buy phase.

I feel Keep deserves a mention. I recently played a game where for the first time ever I saw the Contraband pile run out. It was the only source of +buy, so they could be used to pick up multiple treasures at once. Needless to say there were a LOT of Keep points being traded in that game.

Dominion Articles / Re: Settlers/Bustling Village
« on: June 13, 2018, 02:47:12 pm »
Does 'Strong sifters' include discarders -- Young Witch, Oasis, Poacher etc.?

Artificer is especially neat with Settlers, even in the absence of all other synergies you mention. A hand of Artificer-Settlers-Copper-Copper-Estate, with no Coppers in discard pile, effectively makes 2 Laboratories out of your Settlers and the other you gain.

Dominion Articles / Re: Ghost Town
« on: June 10, 2018, 02:19:59 pm »
Should all Night card articles mention Haunted Woods and Tactician, or should none of them and it just goes without saying?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: June 08, 2018, 02:15:41 pm »
I especially like his human closeups on cards like Archaeologist.

Hmmm...apparently that's not a question. Will you please hire this guy?

Archaeologist does not look like a guy

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Question- which one tilts you?
« on: May 29, 2018, 05:51:33 pm »
Can we answer neither? Luck is a thing in Dominion. Get over it. As long as you can say you made the best possible decisions at the time, with knowing what you knew at the time, your conscience is clean.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Card alchemy revelation....
« on: May 20, 2018, 06:13:24 pm »
Ah, makes sense. It's amazing how educational this thread has become.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Card alchemy revelation....
« on: May 20, 2018, 04:33:54 pm »
(Royal Wedding)

Well, it's more like Prince/Duke + Wandering Minstrel + Wedding = Prince/Duke + Princess/Duchess

Wikipedia says she was a Duchess (which I had to google, since I don't follow that stuff)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Card alchemy revelation....
« on: May 20, 2018, 04:23:51 pm »

Although IIRC a bunch of those Adventures cards required tokens or such so are only moderately useful.

I disagree; I think most of the Adventures cards that require tokens are incredibly useful.

Horse Traders + Villa

Struggling to get the full +$3 from your Horse Traders because it keeps forcing you to discard treasures? End actions without playing the Horse Traders, buy a Villa, play the Villa, then play the Horse Traders for the full amount.
Hopefully you want the Villa - as this still leaves you a net of $0

Tournaments and Events / Re: Northeast f.ds Meetup
« on: May 08, 2018, 02:41:53 pm »
I'm in! (assuming you include Alaska, as it's the northernmost and easternmost state)

General Discussion / Re: NBA Playoffs
« on: May 08, 2018, 12:55:58 pm »
Raptors-Cavs is same as Capitals-Penguins, at least up until yesterday

Rules Questions / Re: Sacrifice and Inheritance
« on: May 07, 2018, 07:17:48 pm »
So a BoM-as-Herbalist will still work even though it's not a Herbalist anymore when it resolves. And Overlord-as-Treasury.

And BoM-as-Treasury  ;)

Rules Questions / Re: Sacrifice and Inheritance
« on: May 04, 2018, 07:36:21 pm »
And just confirming - "When you gain this, ..." effects happen once you've gained the card, right? E.g. if I Inherit Blessed Village, I get the on-gain bonus when I buy an Estate because the effect happens after I have gained the Estate, which is now a Blessed Village.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Confessions
« on: May 04, 2018, 03:23:24 am »
I feel a great deal of discomfort when I have an odd number of cards from an empty Duration pile. I'd basically rather just have 4 Den Of Sins than 5.

But if you have 5, that means your opponent doesn't get to have an even number either.

True. I guess I'd almost rather have 4 if it meant my opponent having 6 than us both having 5.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Confessions
« on: May 04, 2018, 02:35:39 am »
I feel a great deal of discomfort when I have an odd number of cards from an empty Duration pile. I'd basically rather just have 4 Den Of Sins than 5.

If you do mean something like 'percentage of games this card is in in which you gain the card by choice at least once in the game' then, off the top of my head, Butcher comes to mind (Dungeon in your case). There are probably fewer games that I ignore Butcher than there are games where I ignore Cultist and Monty. But I'd still say Cultist and Monty are "stronger" -- air quotes, because as this thread suggests, I don't really know what makes a card strong.

This was what I proposed above, and I still suspect it's better -- because it's both feasible and 'good enough' -- than the other proposed metrics.

Maybe it's not powerful or precise enough to distinguish Mountebank/Cultist/Butcher, but maybe it is! And maybe it would lead to some more interesting discussions about what makes a card 'strong'.

Perhaps it's the best we've got (for now). In which case Border Village looks like a REALLY strong card .. but maybe it just is? ???

It really comes down to usage frequency.

By 'frequency', do you mean 'at least once', or actual frequency? I might only use (i.e. play) Page once in a game, but it's still a very strong card. I might only use Chapel 2 or 3 times in a game, but it's very strong.

And by 'usage' do you mean 'play', or 'gain', or what? I may gain IGGs, without ever really needing to "use" them, or even wanting them in my deck altogether. And there's gaining by choice (Witch) vs. gaining not by choice (Curse) -- do you mean the former?

There are still flaws with this though. I use Silver a lot -- but often just as a stepping stone to get to other things. Oftentimes I wouldn't use it if I didn't have to. I use Potion a lot in Scrying Pool games. I use Gladiator to get to Fortune - even if I don't necessarily want the Gladiator. For that matter, are split piles by definition top half stronger than bottom half, cus (barring edge cases) it's guaranteed that there are more games in which a card from the top half is gained but not the bottom half than there are vice versa?

How would you do non supply cards? Tournament (and Province?) is strong because of Followers and Trusty Steed, but how would you handle the Prizes?

How would you do Knights/Ruins/Castles?

How does this definition handle cards from the Black Market deck? Rats is (arguably) stronger if it came from the BM deck; Magpie is weaker. Why?

If you do mean something like 'percentage of games this card is in in which you gain the card by choice at least once in the game' then, off the top of my head, Butcher comes to mind (Dungeon in your case). There are probably fewer games that I ignore Butcher than there are games where I ignore Cultist and Monty. But I'd still say Cultist and Monty are "stronger" -- air quotes, because as this thread suggests, I don't really know what makes a card strong.

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