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Messages - Archetype

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For favor against I have:
-3.58 Base
-3.63 Hinterlands
-4.36 Prosperity
-7.75 Alchemy
-20.95 Promo

For favor for I have:
5.46 Seaside
8.22 Intrigue
9.44 Cornucopia

This comes as a surprise to me. I personally only own Base, Seaside, and Prosperity! Intrigue is my favorite expansion, and have played it irl, so that makes sense, but I never play with Cornucopia except for on isotropic! I'm not good with Potions, don't know how to use most of the promos, and have never played with Hinterlands irl, so I'm not too surprised about those stats.

Huh. I thought I was better with Seaside. Can't argue with the facts though.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card idea : discard-to-gain
« on: June 19, 2012, 02:59:18 pm »
Even if this cost 3, I would almost always open Cavern/Cavern to bump me up to 5 quickly.

Maybe try this..

Cost: 2
Discard any number of non-treasure cards from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $1 plus $1 per discarded card.

This might make it a little too weak though.

On second thought, I agree with rinkworks. The original should be fine if it costs 4. Because it does compare to Horse Traders, but lacks the reaction.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Idea: Scavenger
« on: June 19, 2012, 02:49:52 pm »
And not even Warehouse and Inn "break" Tunnel, right?  It's just a combo.  If it was actually broken, Donald wouldn't have let something as obvious as that through.

Anyway, re: the wording, just use "look at."  "Reveal" is only used when there's an accountability issue at stake, like when drawing cards with Farming Village or Loan.  This is more similar to Lookout, where opponents can verify the correctness of the card manipulation without actually seeing what the cards are.

Yeah, look at is fine because, like rinkworks said, there's no reason why they should know which card you put into your hand, as long it's just one.

A few possible images:

The Scavenger by E. F. Lambert (1816)

Le Chiffonier by Jean-François Raffaëlli (1879)
Hi-res version:

The London Scavenger by Richard Beard (1861)
Hi-res version:
We should be a team Thanar ;D. Although, I don't think these fit quite as well. Not my call though, up to Archetype.

I'm trying to fix up the wording. "Look at" or "Reveal" the top three cards?
This is great Thanar and pokeman7452! The images are fine, I couldn't find any better myself  ;D
I'm not too savvy with card making, so thank you so much for making one pokeman! The wording is fine, and it looks great!

Thank you all again!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Idea: Peasant Revolt
« on: June 18, 2012, 07:22:30 pm »

This seems pretty balanced. Strong if you play it once, but its effectiveness declines the second play because odds are they've already discarded enough.

Good card idea!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Idea: Scavenger
« on: June 18, 2012, 07:15:15 pm »
I agree that $3 is the best price point. The real difference between this card and warehouse is that you can chain these together like crazy with essentially no downside as you dig for your power cards. Having several of these would greatly improve your ability to play power cards every turn, and would make two card combos much easier to line up. With no loss of cards, the only major deterrent to loading up on them is opportunity cost, so pricing it at $2 would make it a bit too powerful in the presence of decent +buy I think. Basically too much upside and too spammable for $2.

I feel the same way, with this at $2 and a good engine, you could plow through your deck a couple of times.

Warehouse stacks poorly, this stacks strongly

I agree. Scavenger gives up the cycling that Warehouse has for the ability to be spammed.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What card is worst for you?
« on: June 18, 2012, 07:04:25 pm »
It also says my best is Caravan, which is kind of a surprise to me.

That means you are not buying it too frequently. In other words take this as  an indication that you should NOT increase your buying of this card over your typical pattern.

Oh. Woops, must have been reading it wrong  ::). Thanks pingpongsam.

@qmech: When I play irl that's when I buy it too, but I'm still not so good with it

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Idea: Scavenger
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:50:20 pm »
@Davio: I can think of a few times when I would pick this over Warehouse, because their cycling powers do differ. And I do think it makes up for the spot in your hand because with Scavenger, you can chain them a lot easier than you can with Warehouse.

@rinkworks: The cycling power of this card is why I changed it from 2 to 3. You blow through your deck very quickly, and if you have a Village, you can pick up some Engine pieces. It also functions as a filter against cards like Rabble and such.

Thank you all for your input!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Idea: Scavenger
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:31:54 pm »
I think power-wise it's fine at $3, and maybe even at $2. There's just something strange about cards that look at the top X cards of your deck, discard Y of them, and put the rest into your hand. I can't really put my finger on what it is. I've suggested similar cards myself, so I've thought about and tested this sort of card a bit as well. Maybe it's that you're cycling a lot for relatively little draw. Maybe it's that you're often forced to discard good cards. I don't know why, but every card I've designed that had this mechanic I've later redesigned to get rid of it. I can't help but wonder if there's a reason no official card does this.

I've considered putting it at costing 2, but like you said, at first it seems weak, but later in the game it seems too strong at 2, and should cost 3.

Maybe it doesn't exist because it's too random? One person hitting 2 Estates and a Gold, and another 3 Golds.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What card is worst for you?
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:28:37 pm »
It says my worst card is Mine. Which to me makes sense, I don't know exactly how to use it  ;D.

It also says my best is Caravan, which is kind of a surprise to me.

Variants and Fan Cards / Card Idea: Scavenger
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:17:51 pm »
I've been testing this card, and it seems pretty balanced.

Cost: 3

+1 Action
Look at the top 3 cards of your deck. Put 1 into your hand and discard the rest.

It's like Warehouse with the advantage being only having to discard 2 cards instead of 3, and it is very easy to chain them. The drawback is if the top cards are all good, you can only pick one of them.

If it's a curse game, this card can really excel, otherwise, it's pretty mediocre.

Is it fine at 3? 

Game Reports / Insane Kings Court/City/Haggler game
« on: May 14, 2012, 06:04:09 pm »

Opponent resigned turn 15 (I don't blame him, the turn before was ridiculous)

GG halby

@jonts26: I've tested with armory, and found that you need to chain them to maximize thier potential. Sure, you'll rack up a few -buys, but if you can draw into a Market, Grandmarket, or Council Room, they can hopefully chain eachother to cancel it the armories out.

I also tried the discarding out, and it am sorry to say it makes Armory a very good card, becoming a cross between Warehouse and Village, but given the choice between the three 3 Actions, I would almost always pick Armory. So maybe I should test it at 4?

@Voltglass: Sorry, when I said chaining the armories, and you suggested your idea, I thought you meant this:



+2 Actions
+2 Cards
-1 Buy


+2 Cards
Discard 2 Cards, +1 Buy

That's why I suggested Discard 1 Card. This layout also doesn't make Armory overly good, because you need to play them in pairs to cancel each other out.

@Powerman: Yes, the negative buys are cumulative.

@DStu: My -buy thinking was this:
Number of extra buys at the start of turn: 0
Play Armory (-1 Buy) (-1)
Play Armory (-1 Buy) (-2)
Play Armory (-1 Buy) (-3)
Play Woodcutter (+1 Buy) (-2)
Play Woodcutter (+1 Buy) (-1)
Play Market (+1 Buy) (0) ( You can now by a card)
Play Woodcutter (+1 Buy) (1) (You can now by 2 cards)

By doing that, the three negative buys and three positive buy cards cancel out, acting as if you didn't play any "buy" cards at all.

@jotheonah: I think that would be a little too broken. If there was only one buy card out there to be bought (say Baron), and I had a 4-3 split, I would buy Baron then Armory, and every turn I could, buy another Armory, because after the first Armory, all the others would be a better Laboratory.

@eHalcyon: I like this. They would cancel themselves out, but be trashed. I'll have to test this out, because this could make the card viable option in almost all Kingdom sets.

@timchen: That's how I see Armory too. It's usefulness in no +Buy games can be described as Counting Houses usefulness in a BigMoney games ;). But, I think that there are plenty of +Buy cards that a game that contains Armory and no +Buy cards is pretty rare.

@Voltglass: Really like your idea on the Armory! It will make the +2 Cards you draw with your next Armory nearly useless, but it will definitely help with chaining the Armories. The only thing is, the two Armories together with cancel out to only give you +2 Actions. Maybe Discard 1 card instead of 2? I'll have to test it, I'll try drawing a few kingdom sets, and see the percentage of the ones that contain buys, and the ones that don't.

@Insomniac: If the discarding effect that Voltglass suggested doesn't work and the random kingdom generator results aren't positive, I'll test out your idea.

@jonts26: Maybe a secondary Effect could be just one +1 Buy? then buying two would selfsynergize, as you said, but only in a game where no +Buys are on any Kingdom cards (besides Armory of course).

@HiveMindEmulator: Treasure Chest is effective if your deck is comprised of mainly money, that way you rarely wiff on gaining the silvers. You could also stack your deck by using Navigator or Cartographer to ensure to hit a Treasure Card every time you play it.

@DStu: Yes, I do agree what you say about Treasure Chest. There are times when I get so lucky, hitting Silvers and other Treasure Chests, but are giving up a key card, such as King's Court, by discarding it. I'm glad others don't think it's too good.

On the Armory though, it can be useful. If Tactian is in play, you can chain Armory's until you draw into your Tactian, or if you are playing with Black Market, you could use that to bypass the no buying (but using Black Market usually isn't a good idea in the first place). You could, of course, grab a Woodcutter or other +1 Buy Card to cancel out the -1 Buy Armory gives you.

I do agree that in a game with no +Buy cards, Armory becomes a dead card.

Hello, I thought of some cards and was wondering what you guys thought of them.

Treasure Chest


Big $1

Discard the top card of your deck, if it is a Treasure Card, gain a Silver.

Armory $3 (may change the name)


+2 Cards
+2 Actions
-1 Buy (yes I know, I read the rules, I technically can't put this, but I've tested it out, and it's actually not to bad)

So what do you guys think? Do you think Treasure Chest is too broken? I'm considering changing the name, knocking off the $1, making it an action, and giving it +1 Action.

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