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Messages - iguanaiguana

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The lesson here is not to buy pillage to attack your opponent's junked up library engine. You learn something new every day.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: New to the Board and Game.
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:31:35 am »
Welcome to the board!!! We really do a lot more than just argue about ghost ship and pillage... Have you also checked out the forum games and dominion league??

You need to read the cards from the top down and resolve in order. Placing the  action token on the card should add the plus action to the top of BoM. Then BoM tells you to choose another card for it to become but you already have the action. So if woodcutter has a plus card bonus on it, you should read it from the top down once BoM becomes woodcutter and you will get the card bonus at that time. All the same, you only played one action: a single band of misfits, which gave you an action, then became a woodcutter, which gave you an additional card. If you then throne room BoM, you would get one action, then band of misfits becomes woodcutter, so you get 1 card (from your plus card token) 2 coins, 1 buy. Then throne room will play the woodcutter again, so you will get another card, two coins, and a buy. End result: one action, two cards, four coins, two buys.

Rules Questions / Re: "Naming" a card
« on: April 14, 2015, 11:29:58 am »
If your opponent wants develop, and for some reason you also want him to have develop, and he plays contraband, and you then name develop, thinking 'this is of course in reference to develop from another board game entirely,' then you may very well officially be a real life troller. Same goes for expedition except for in that case it could feasibly matter, but only if the contraband player doesn't understand the rules.

Dominion League / Re: Season 7 - Results
« on: April 13, 2015, 06:45:07 pm »
Qvist - Iguana Iguana: 3-3

Rules Questions / Re: "Naming" a card
« on: April 13, 2015, 02:58:27 pm »
How do you name ace of spades on goko?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: April 13, 2015, 02:54:09 pm »
The Robber-event-cost 7. When you buy this, move the robber token to a supply pile of your choice. When the robber token is on a supply pile, cards in that pile cannot be played. Each other player may discard a copy of the card the robber token is on. If they don't, they trash a random card from their hand that you point at and you may gain any of these trashed cards.

Rules Questions / Re: "Naming" a card
« on: April 13, 2015, 02:13:37 pm »
I get really upset on goko when i want to name Charizard and it forces me to name something on the board instead. Its like, thanks goko, now my wishing well is never going to draw charizard into my hand :/

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Male and female cards (again)
« on: April 10, 2015, 03:44:04 pm »
Since the dawn of time, whenever I have pictured women, witches, hags, possessors, harems, and most of all bakers were what came to my mind. Now that adventures is coming out I must also imagine guides, messengers, even heroes!! My mind will be very tired indeed. (P.S. How did i do staying on topic??)

Gimmicky guide/stash deck: Trash down (with say chapel), gain four stashes, use guides to skip your green cards, put stash on top of your deck every turn (or if you can't get a clean reshuffle, put the stashes wherever a single guide can skip to them.) My guess is this will usually be slow, but could it ever work?

When I'm playing against people who are slow to pick up, especially on the first game engine, I like to play experimentally in a way I think will keep up with what they are doing. Something like: buy two cellars, two mines, upgrade all your starting copper and buy only provinces. That is more fun for me than buying random cards, and doesn't make my turns last much longer than theirs.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: CARD OF THE WEEK #2: Talisman
« on: April 07, 2015, 09:47:54 am »
You are probably right. In the game I played, double tactician was the only way to increase handsize, so it wasn't exactly a great engine board... I was just excited because I think that was literally the first time I had ever bought talisman.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: CARD OF THE WEEK #2: Talisman
« on: April 07, 2015, 08:35:13 am »
Has anyone mentioned forager/talisman yet? I won a game last night by opening this way. Use talisman to to quickly empty the forager pile and after one or two talisman plays, trash talisman with forager. Focus on trashing a silver and gold also, and if all goes well you should have 7-8 foragers that produce at least 4 coin each. If you have more than you need, have forager trash forager. It probably won't work in all decks (my board also had potion from apothecary and tactician) but forager at least seems like a reason to give talisman a second glance.

Here are two strong combos I saw recently that are probably well known, but that i had to learn about the hard way by losing to them.                           

Scheme/conspirator: simple. just get two schemes and have them topdeck themselves. Now your conspirators are always activated every turn. Example game:                                 

University/watchtower: play universities to gain actions and topdeck them with watchtower. Then play the watchtower to put the gained actions into your hand and play them with the plus actions provided by university. If you gain a second watchtower and some handsize decreasing actions, you may be able to do this more than once in a turn. Example game:

EDIT: added example games now that I am on a home computer and can do things like that.

General Discussion / Re: Anyone into outdoor sports?
« on: April 06, 2015, 01:26:04 pm »
Does people watching still count if you are watching through the blinds in your computer room?

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Giant
« on: April 03, 2015, 01:19:04 pm »
The cursing part compares more to jester than other cursers. It's my favorite solution so far to what should a trashing attack do when it hits a card too weak or too strong to be fairly trashed.

I think it would be difficult to add more complexity and potential in a smaller physical space than that of the 20 events 'cards.' Edit: corrected my number

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Lack of quality posts
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:32:13 pm »
Learning for the first time that people don't think scout jokes are funny anymore :/ I guess that makes sense, considering some of you have been hearing them for a half decade. There is so much to learn when you are new to a community.

Swamp hag combos nicely with friendly interaction cards like lost city. Personally I think it looks stronger than people are currently giving it credit for, though probably less strong in the presence of other more direct cursers?

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Haunted Woods
« on: April 01, 2015, 01:23:17 pm »
So it counters watchtower, but did anyone notice yet how horribly it counters scout?? Perhaps DXV in his wisdom saw that too many cards were comboing with scout and decided to weaken it with a strong counter. The counter is so utterly strong that you may actually not want to get any (!!) scouts on a haunted woods board. Obviously we'll need to update the wiki with a 'Counter: Haunted Woods vs. Scout' page.


Im interested in the way Goko are going to implement Duplicate. It's going to be a nightmare if the game asks you every time you gain something (trash Urhin style)

I just hope that goko is nice to us and does not ask us after every action if we want to use our coin of the realm

Yeah, even more frustrating with that.
Well we have discussed this very issue. For Coin I believe they will handle it similarly to how isotropic does, which is, there's a thing you can click on to use the Coin, only there when you can do it. That works great (there is a corner case for Peddler).  For Duplicate I don't think you can do better than ask after each gain.

Am I crazy? It seems to me like the most logical way for you to activate a reserve card would be for you to click on the tavern mat and then click on the card you want (or maybe an arrow that appears on the bottom right of the card, like the "+ icon" that appears for buying or gaining) in order to activate it when you want to activate it. That would work fine for duplicate in 90% of the cases. No, that doesn't work for cursing attacks. It also doesn't quite work for death cart, since you would have to gain ruins one at a time and could only duplicate them if the next ruin is the same kind. For those cases, the game could offer you a prompt to immediately use your duplicate, but at least then you're not being asked whether to use it on every single gain while you have one in your deck.

However it plays out, it will be funny and a little bit degrading in Mountebank games when it prompts you twice every time you get attacked. Would you like to duplicate that curse? No? Oh, what about this copper?

Anyone else seeing a really nice hero/scout combo when harem is on the board? Choose any treasure you like, so that may as well be a treasure/victory, so that your scout can handily draw it into your...hand.

Game Reports / Strange Golem/Pawn Engine
« on: March 29, 2015, 11:40:41 am »

So I played poorly early on, letting my opponent get more knights than me and soft locking me out of buying most of what was on the board. I had a key misplay on turn 16, where I bought a province instead of the Dame Josephine, which let my opponent win the knight split 3-0 and basically lock me out of any sort of reasonable deck. All the same, it was fun to win the game on a weird untrashable pawn/golem engine, even if it required a lot of lucky draws on my end and probably some bad purchases on my opponent's part.

Play band of misfits as feast. Trash band of misfits. Gain a band of misfits. Yes!

General Discussion / Re: Anyone into outdoor sports?
« on: March 27, 2015, 04:16:45 pm »
Geocaching is awesome! I couldn't get into it too obsessively though because after a certain point its all about doing power trails (pathways of easy to find caches each .1 apart) to increase your numbers. That just wasn't my thing.                                          Wither, how competitively? I'm curious because I imagine f.ds folks tend to get competitive about things and wonder how well translates to sports.

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