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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:57:57 pm »
Does it make sense to topdeck 5 curses knowing that Minion will be played before your next turn?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: July 02, 2012, 08:41:43 pm »
Broken card drawer
Discard any number of cards. Draw twice as many.

And now for some map design issues....

Treasure Map (not to scale)
Trash this card and another copy of Treasure Map (not to scale) from your hand. If you trash two Treasure Maps (not to scale), gain 4 Coppers, putting them on top of your deck.

Cartographer who doesn't use a legend
+1 card
+1 action

The player to your left looks at the top four cards of your deck and discards any number, putting the rest back on top of your deck in any order.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: June 28, 2012, 02:14:55 pm »
Not Treasury
+1 card
+1 action

If you bought a victory card this turn, you may put this on top of your deck.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Bishop Treasury combo?
« on: June 28, 2012, 01:59:52 pm »
I think we can all agree, that Treasury (or Alchemist or Herbalist or Scheme) is a no-go with hand-targeted attacks like Militia, Minion and Goons. With the enemy's Bishop it would only be a problem once you have all 5 Treasuries. Until then, you might have trashed a good part of your deck already.

It's the worst with Minion. With Militia or Goons, you can maintain a hand of three Treasuries (or whatever else). But with Minion, your epic hand is gone.

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: Mini-Set Design Contest, Part 1!
« on: June 28, 2012, 01:18:50 pm »
I think that what's more comparable to the highway case would be a Peddler which drew you up to 5 cards. It would have the same effect as +1 card in certain situations, but it could draw you more cards in other cases.

I think that card is definitely disqualified, right? The rules of the challenge state that the card may not draw more than +1 card.

And by that logic, I think that Highway or similar cannot be a Peddler Variant. Without +buy or gain, Highway provides only +$1. However, it's most useful in situations where you can effectively get more than +$1 by getting +$1 per buy or by raising the ceiling for gaining cards. Similarly, my Peddler drawing up to 5 would be more useful with handsize decreasing cards, even attacks.

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: Mini-Set Design Contest, Part 1!
« on: June 28, 2012, 12:54:26 pm »
I think that what's more comparable to the highway case would be a Peddler which drew you up to 5 cards. It would have the same effect as +1 card in certain situations, but it could draw you more cards in other cases.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Bishop Treasury combo?
« on: June 28, 2012, 12:04:23 pm »
Except usually your top decked cards get picked up at the end of your turn, before the opposing players minion gets played

Which is why Minion messes things up. You then have to discard your hand full of Treasuries, Alchemists or whatever goodness you put up there with Herbalist or Scheme.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Bishop Treasury combo?
« on: June 28, 2012, 11:55:30 am »
And then Minion messes up whatever you topdecked.

Dominion Articles / Re: Request: Tribute
« on: June 27, 2012, 06:59:50 pm »
Of course as it's been said, KC can make it really good.

Yeah, but KC makes almost anything good. Saboteur is better when you can trash 3 cards and Thief is better when you mine through 6 cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: June 27, 2012, 06:38:25 pm »
Next time I play with Contraband in RL and I have no idea what to proscribe due to the excess of choices, I am going to proscribe the Ace of Diamonds. And, when I've drawn my deck and play wishing well, I will totally wish for the Queen of Spades.

Just to be overly pedantic and destroy everyone's good time here... I'm pretty sure that "a card" within the rules of Dominion is defined as "A Dominion card." So while you can proscribe (and wish for) cards that aren't in the Kingdom, or ever cards from sets you don't have, you do still have to choose a Dominion card.

MTG sort of covers this concept when talking about how changelings are "every creature type." It is specified that this means it is any creature type that has ever been referenced by any magic card anywhere. But it is not a creature type of "Young Witch," because "Young Witch" is not an MTG creature type.

If I see this definition in the rules, then I'll believe it. But until then.... :D

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: June 27, 2012, 05:52:26 pm »
Next time I play with Contraband in RL and I have no idea what to proscribe due to the excess of choices, I am going to proscribe the Ace of Diamonds. And, when I've drawn my deck and play wishing well, I will totally wish for the Queen of Spades.

Worth 13 points.

Of course.

I think you can get piledriver for curses.

Thanks to my opponent's Embargoes, I got all 10 of them and didn't actually buy any. And I got piledriver for it as well.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: June 27, 2012, 04:57:55 pm »
Next time I play with Contraband in RL and I have no idea what to proscribe due to the excess of choices, I am going to proscribe the Ace of Diamonds. And, when I've drawn my deck and play wishing well, I will totally wish for the Queen of Spades.

Dominion General Discussion / Bishop Treasury combo?
« on: June 27, 2012, 04:50:57 pm »
I have no idea if this has been discussed before, but it seems like a good combo. The main problem with Treasury is that getting points disrupts your Treasury chain. And if you go Bishop crazy without a plan, you'll find yourself unable to buy anything. It seems to me that Bishop would be useful to give a Treasury deck points while keeping the Treasuries on top. And, the Treasuries would keep buying things for the Bishop to trash. In the best-case scenario, a deck could consist of N Treasuries, a Bishop and an (N+1)-cost card which could get trashed and replaced every turn.

Has anyone actually tried this or thought about it before? Is it a good idea or not?

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: Mini-Set Design Contest, Part 1!
« on: June 27, 2012, 11:31:14 am »
I have so many ideas I don't  know which one to submit!

Wow, really? I already submitted a cursing card, but so far I'm drawing a blank on a Peddler variant. The necessity of +1 Card, +1 Action, +$1, but never more than that seems really restrictive. Not that that makes it a bad category for this contest. Probably I'm just not good at coming up with that sort of card.

I also have three different cursing attacks. I only submitted the least brutal one. With the Peddler though, I can't think of anything.

Well, I also eliminated book turn-ins that increased in value. In my version, you just get between 4-12 troops, depending upon what your cards are, no matter how many books were previously turned in. Which means no one can ever win by themselves!

And that's the reason why the turn-ins increase in value. You stop stalemates and encourage aggressive play by putting more and more troops on the board in imbalanced proportions. It's the same reason why TV poker has the blinds increase over the course of the game.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Best Designed Card
« on: June 26, 2012, 12:51:13 pm »
I adore Possession - it's in my ten favourite cards, because of how much having it in the kingdom completely redefines the game - but it's horribly designed in at least one major respect: it's only fair in 2-player. I refuse to use it in 3+ player games because it emphasises turn order to a ludicrously high extent in a way that no other card, not even something like Tribute or Masquerade, really does.

I would actually argue that Possession is more fair in a 3 or 4 player game than in a two player game. In a 2 player game, whoever gets Possession first has the chance to possess the other player's possession buying turn or even their possession playing turn. So, first possession is a significant advantage.

In a three player game, if I buy the first Possession, I'll be slowing the player to my left from getting a possession and playing it. But, I'm doing nothing about the player to my left. He can then possess me and help the player to my left by stopping me from possessing him. That way, once the player to my left gets a possession thanks to the player from my right, things are balanced out.

In a four player game, some of the imbalance returns. If the two players across from each other get the first two possessions, then the other pair each has a disadvantage because they're getting possessed but can't possess. But, the imbalance is less than in two player because by playing possession, you aren't making it harder for yourself to get possessed. That only comes up in two player.

Trading post is an awesome opener. Trashing two estates to get a Silver in hand is rare, but spectacular when it happens. If there are cursers on the board, it's even more useful. You can improve your buying power while getting rid of junk.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Abbreviation
« on: June 25, 2012, 04:31:28 pm »
I don't use one, but my brothers will often call it domin ion. (Yes, as if the game was a charged particle of the fictional element domin.)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Which card is best for you?
« on: June 25, 2012, 04:01:05 pm »
My top ten cards by win rate given availability:

1. Governor
2. Fortune Teller
3. King's Court
4. Smugglers
5. Royal Seal
6. Merchant Ship
7. Mining Village
8. Trader, Nobles, Haven, Grand Market (tied, but ordered by decreasing uncertainty.)

Governor I'm not surprised; I like that guy. Fortune Teller I rarely buy, but maybe it's from ignoring it? King's Court I'm surprised at. I'm not good at KC mega-turns and will typically ignore it in Province games. Smugglers is a card I rarely buy while my opponents use it to pick up a few cards from me. Royal Seal I rarely buy, not sure why I'm so good with it on the board. Merchant Ship I like and will often pick up one or two. Mining Village I really like, especially as an early-game boost to 5 or 6. Trader I rarely buy, and have even come to hate. Nobles I sometimes like but often ignore. Haven I will use, but not optimally. I often set aside victory cards, basically as if I was just discarding. Grand Market I like, but I'm not great at getting them quickly.

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: Mini-Set Design Contest, Part 1!
« on: June 25, 2012, 03:19:40 pm »
I will definitely post something.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Best Designed Card
« on: June 25, 2012, 12:31:25 pm »
I definitely have to +1 IGG. Totally agree with what AJD said.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Unique Attack Idea *untested*
« on: June 24, 2012, 11:19:05 pm »
The other idea I came up with would be to modify the original Diplomat deck to contain a lower proportion of estates. Maybe 3 curses, 2 coppers and 1 estate.

Rules Questions / Re: Inn and Masquerade
« on: June 24, 2012, 07:35:29 pm »
Yeah, Ambassador even says "each other player gains a copy of the revealed card."
However, that makes sense for Masquerade.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Unique Attack Idea *untested*
« on: June 24, 2012, 07:34:13 pm »
Yeah, that might be a good idea to get rid of the obvious problem I can spot: If the first Diplomat played adds an Estate, it increases the chance that the same Inn gives Estates which increases the chance that more Estates will be contributed to the deck. And then once the Estates are gone, the likely Estate draw does no damage.

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