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I hope this card is not too sad a theme

Trusted Companion
+1 Card
+2 Actions
If you don't have Traitor, you may take Traitor.
If you have taken Traitor this turn, +$3.
When you play a Trusted Companion, +1 Buy and discard a card.

A basic village for players that need the +Actions. You can get a one time huge burst of money for those willing to betray man's best friend for life. There's no going back, once a Traitor always a Traitor. Should be noted the money you get for taking Traitor will also not be do able again, which should qualify for once per game, so once done, any future turns plays of Trusted Companion becomes a +1 Card, then Discard a card, +2 Actions, and +1 Buy.

The money burst was originally a flat +$4 for 1st Trusted Companion and no additional $ for the rest of the copies of Trusted Companion played that turn. I decided to go with this scaling version to reward players who got lots of copies so it is more exciting and when done it hurts more to have many copies of the bad card in your deck.

Example mega turn play 1st copy of Trusted Companion, +1 Card & +2 Actions. Then play your 2nd copy of Trusted Companion choose to take the Traitor so you get +1 Card & +2 Actions & +$3. Then play your 3rd copy of Trusted Companion so you get +1 Card & +2 Actions & +$3 & +1 Buy & Discard a card. Then play your 4th copy of Trusted Companion so you get +1 Card & +2 Actions & +$3 & +1 Buy & Discard a card.
End result gain +4 Cards, +8 Actions, +2 Buys, +$9 and discarded 2 cards. (cost 4 cards, 4 actions)
Net result -2 Cards, +4 Actions, +2 Buys, +$9.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 29: Gone Pair-Shaped
« on: February 24, 2022, 01:14:01 pm »

Duality Moon
+1 Coffers
When you play this, you may play a Action from your hand twice.
Duality Sun
+1 Villager
You may play a Treasure from your hand twice.

I think these cards are at a reasonable power level individually and combo with some different effects though they do overlap some synergies. Hopefully they are compelling to players since throneroom effects are fun. These cards do force players to play cards in off phases which result in strange sequences which sometimes is great as having a treasure being in play during the action phase like a quarry can be great, or having action effect being used in the buy phase is broken or useless, which seems like with two piles it doubles the odds something cool happens. They combo together as a set since you can go Duality Sun and play Duality Moon (or vice versa for 2x2 treasures) and it acts similar to a double throne room but you get a few extra tokens for the effort.
Duality Sun should work well with draw-to-X cards as getting a treasure out of your hand for value is no often easy.
Duality Moon should work well with draw-to-X cards as getting to draw cards in the Buy phase means your hand should have few cards in it given all your other treasures are in play, but copying a draw-to-X is effect has demising returns on the second cast.

On a side note the OP's rule of these taking two of the kingdom's 10 slot feels wrong and almost all together worse then the opposite rule. (1 odd question already is what if this is the 10th card drawn do just discard it and go to the next?) So at least when I play these paired cards, pulling the 1 randomizer card it puts two supply piles into the supply resulting in a 11 pile kingdom, similar to Young witch and her Bane.

I wanted a nice strong Project that feels worth going for. The limit of not using Copper adds a nice angle as players need to find way to fund this Project without removing all the Coppers, or at least find a way to get them back via +Buys or Return from Exile as treasures that produce $3 are as good as Gold, at least that what I have been told. Is is a bit funny as the OP's original refenced card, Grand Market, used the exact same limit, but this card leads players down a odd path of wanting to keep Coppers for later use vs most decks (especially Grand Market decks) just want all of the Copper trashed.

Copper produces an extra $2 on your turns.
You can’t buy this if you have any Coppers in play.

This would be very easy to buy with Storeroom / Vault (turning Coppers in your hand into $ without the need to put them into play), and there would be no need to trash Coppers to make either work.

Storeroom in particular is strong. If a player opens Storeroom/Silver, when the Storeroom comes up after the shuffle, they need just one of the eight cards they can look through to be the Silver. There's about a 60% chance of that happening on Turn 3 or 4 (I believe). Once it does, they can use the spare Buy to gain another Copper, and now have 8 Golds* and 1-2 Silvers on turn 3 or 4. This could end the game extremely quickly and make opening $2/$5 catastrophically bad. Alternatively, in a game with Vault opening $2/$5 becomes extremely beneficial.

Thank you for pointing that out to me. I did not see that interaction. So I am going submit something else as I can't see a clean way to fix this card given that combo.

My Current entry
A hard to get gainer that seems fun to try out. It puts cool treasures into play during the action phase so that should be cool for player to mess around with. The card has a lot of costs, basically $5 money($4+Treasure), you need to keep a Green in your deck, and still save an action like The heirloom ghost requires. Hopefully this mega gainer is a quest worth it, player messing around with.

Night - Duration
Gain an Action or Treasure card costing up to $5. Set it aside. If you did, then at the start of your next turn, play it.
When you gain this, return it to the supply unless you discard an Action, a Treasure, and a Victory card, revealed.

This is no longer my entry as emtzalex pointed out a huge flaw with the combo it creates.
I wanted a nice strong Project that feels worth going for. The limit of not using Copper adds a nice angle as players need to find way to fund this Project without removing all the Coppers, or at least find a way to get them back via +Buys or Return from Exile as treasures that produce $3 are as good as Gold, at least that what I have been told. Is is a bit funny as the OP's original refenced card, Grand Market, used the exact same limit, but this card leads players down a odd path of wanting to keep Coppers for later use vs most decks (especially Grand Market decks) just want all of the Copper trashed.

Copper produces an extra $2 on your turns.
You can’t buy this if you have any Coppers in play.

After making quite a few of cards for the contest this week and reading through other entries I am just going to muse on the design space for a minute.
These "cannot be bought unless X." cards and really any synergy focused card seem to fall into 2 Camps.
Either the card can be bought by doing something that can happen every game even if it is not often to happen alot/easily. This includes having something or having the lack of something. Examples: Grand Market, Fisherman, , have no discard pile, discard a card from your hand when purchasing.
The other major division is the cards with limits that are board dependent, even if the missing thing is a common effect, the Landmark Tomb with no Trash effects or the Landmark Labyrinth with no gainers or +buys and Tomb with no Trash effects. Also to a lesser extent bonus effects from card like Leprechaun's extra trigger for wishes needs some number of +Action cards to gain the Wish or Priest's bonus $2 for extra trashed card later in the turn can only happen with +Actions or trash effect that trigger via treasures and Night cards. (Not that having money in the Night phase does much)
This can be circumvented by the Split piles, Travelers or most commonly Heirloom mechanic. Each granting additional effects beyond the default supply piles grant (the Copper, Estate, Curse and such) to assist players in doing the objective the pile sets up. Example Magic Lamp needing some number a common effects like +Cards, a Duration, or something else to allow for having enough cards in play to meet the have 6 or the Necromancer has its default Zombies to help set up a useful trash pile.

Now this all pretty surface level stuff to see and talk about, what get interesting is how each individual card gets implement such as the Event Quest. Technically this Event is NOT board dependent since a player can spend multiple buys on Curse cards (blehhh), also if the board has a common terminal +2 cards effect it can turn a heavy green hand into a Gold. Though the Event's main focus to counter Attack strategies which give you Curses, or turn your own attack effects into personal value, or after getting a junked up hand of 6 cards into an okay turn. But that does demonstrate that even if the effect is technically NOT board dependent it really is, just more subtly requires either +cards to get to 6 or attack effects to be on board. This also can translate to the Split piles. The Parasitic design behind them is a delicate balance for a linked supply piles (Split piles, Travelers or Heirloom) one side is if they have nothing to do with each other like Fool/Lucky Coin there is almost no reason these effect are attached. Or a more odd case of Catapult/Rocks, as the self synergy is clear fling some Rocks for value but who ever buy more then 1(maybe 2) Catapults. So in a 2 player experience good luck getting to Rocks and unlocking that value. The other side of this Balance is maybe a greater danger too much self synergy. Examples are Encampment/Plunder and Sauna/Avanto. Both use mostly themselves to make a strong decks with a splash of the default supply of Gold/Silver to accomplish what there game plan is. These are not the strongest Dominion deck but they have issue similar to the all Minion decks which just want more Minions, (maybe backed up by some Peddlers). Or an early Rebuild which just avoids Dominion's main systems of gained VP all together and has few interesting way for other supply pile to spice up its play.
Now for a new player, these are not the greatest issues as the repeated play patterns from some Singular supply piles will not be a huge turn off for the 1st few times, unless they have limited access to the expansion content. I might suppose, they might more easily see the repeated play patterns appear and be turned off by them, though the common complaints of this comes from a lose synergy from 2 cards (Witch+Village) more so then coming from 1 pile. But for the enfranchised player these patterns of a two card combo less of a problem given with access to more card official expansions or fan made cards spices up repetition. Like which Witch they are being Cursed by or what flavor of village is supporting it. But with Singular linked piles this will not be the case, so a great danger comes from a strong monolithic Pile. Example if a Supply requires a card being trashed during the same turn as this card can be purchased and the card comes with an Heirloom to unlock that trash trigger, if that Heirloom was as strong as Goat or greater you might see this Linked pile almost never caring what else is in the kingdom and only focusing on it own self synergy. Now if the  same supposed Pile required trashing and the Heirloom was a much weaker at Trashing then players might used another kingdom card over the heirloom to unlock this Supply pile. Lastly if the card Supply is not worth the effort it is unlikely to completely ruin a game, since if players ignore 1 or 2 kingdom piles they can still find interesting game player in the other 8 card interacting with each other.
I do get quite annoyed though when comment mention that a card is unplayable on some boards due to "needing" a +1 buy or something else.

Now it is nice when Designers can seamlessly create interesting self synergies but maybe it is better to have cards that can only work when the board has the explicate requisite effect and be dead otherwise instead of the guarantee the card will always be able to function at full strength no matter the surrounding board which lends itself to mandatory to purchase for all players.

These are not my entries. I thought others might enjoy tinkering with these ideas down the line and since it is late in the contest I am hopefully not limiting other entries by making this extended post. Feedback and discussion is still welcome for those who have the time and motivation.

This one is my take on limited by lots of card in play and end up as a strange Alt strategy to reward a mega turn guided by the dark flavor of 3 different Sixes to make a 666 refence and 13 for an overall Evil theme.
Dark Pact
Gain a card onto your deck costing up to $6.
You can only buy this if you have exactly 13 cards in play.

This one is my take on limited be requiring a Gold to buy this, I went with Treasure to limit its brokenness with Workshops and I got cute with it being a "National Treasure" flavor of a mega bridge. A few design notes: the Debt cost was added to make it feel different from Gold and limit it from assisting in gain future copies, also it is a nice limiting factor how future plays of Golden Gate Bridge does not help pay off the Debt taken to acquire them.
Golden Gate Bridge
This turn, cards (everywhere) cost $3 less.
You can’t buy this if you have no Gold in play.

This one is my take on requiring a Horse being used that turn. Which in my opinion is not to hard to track. Got to say I am not super happy with this design overall, the Heirloom seems fun, the event just is too close to Experiment and I tried to add a diversity quest to guide players but feels kind of flat. Would love to see somebody else take this design up a notch.
Pony Up
+2 Buys
Once per turn: Gain a Horse per differently named card you have in play.
You can’t buy this unless you played a Horse this turn.
Heirloom: Saddlebags
Treasure - Heirloom
When you play this, gain a Horse.

This one is my take on requiring another to be gained in the same turn. I felt it needed to give the Heirloom so all boards can use it. Started by making a few cute Heirlooms to try out then just figured the Official Heirloom Lucky Coin might just be a good fit. So then I went down a few Strange gainer rabbit holes and thought a Junker would be cool since this trigger doesn't care who gained a card this turn, which opened up more way for this to be unlocked and easier to gain the 1st copy on more boards. As for the Action itself I copied Familiar (which gets under played due to Potions) but it needed to be different enough so I went with delayed action(Villager) and delayed +1 Card (Horse) and it still gives out Curses like normal. This odd take on (+1Card&+1Action) feels worth exploring later and I might try this out elsewhere but on this card feels just bad fit for the contest.
+1 Villager
Gain a Horse. Each other player gains a Curse.
You can only buy this if any player (including you) has gained another card this turn.
Heirloom: Lucky Coin

This one is my take on requiring a gained province. The main focus was what would get player to want to spike to a province and still be useful late game but not be direct VP, Megabridge seemed like an okay fit but would encourage other to find a better one. I also felt it needed to give the heirloom so all boards can use that to get the Province then this card, I could shift it to a $10@2 cost and add "When you buy this, gain a Province." but then would not have worked for the this contest. To help differentiate this from that other design I went with a megabridge so that both the province and this card will be cost reduced for even bigger future turns. I felt $2($10=$8+$2) was too cheap but $3($11=$8+$3) was too difficult an ask so I added the Debt. As a side bonus the Debt cost helps to prevent free piling this, also prevents the using remodel to cheese this early, lastly add more layers of complexity to the situation for when a player has $10 not the full $12, is it worth the debt hurting next turn?
+2 Buys
This turn, cards (everywhere) cost $2 less.
You can’t buy this if you haven't gained a Province this turn.
Heirloom: Pouch

This one is my take on needing to keep Estates in your deck and super rewarding player for it. Mega Baron, not exactly a can't buy this effect but pretty close and probably should qualify for this contest. The flavor could use a tune up, also at $7 might be to close too Inheritance in same vein caring about Estates but also I am scared of most strong +VP token cards so probably best to test this on the weaker side vs letting it dominate a game.
+2 Cards
+2 Actions
You may discard an Estate for +2%. If you don't, gain an Estate.
When you gain this, discard an Estate from your hand. If you don't trash this.

This one is very different but has the spirit of this contest so here. The idea of personal kingdom piles feels like cool place for custom card to play in, I have seen a few other deckbuilder try this idea out to some success. This idea is a Tug-of-War for the exclusive right use of the set aside pile. At least though if you can pay the price the +2 buys get you in and grab few card before anyone else can take this from you. I went with just random piles of normal cards similar to black market, and players can decide if they want to spent time on acquiring them. I started with only 1 pile set aside but went to 3 just to up the odds one of the pile is worth getting. Also the Potion cost is to limit players access tell after the 1st shuffle and prevent a with tons of money just jumping in and buy this late with little effort. But some people hate Potion so I added the $3 option too. Also with potion it limit how often this trades hands so even if you cant buy things right away then at least you opened the door for next turn and if other haven't purchased Potion they cant shut that door from you. Lastly Potion cost make this feel a bit more different from Travelling Fair. A path some future designer might explore is making a full set of custom Forbidden piles, like Necromance/Zombies or a Knight like pile. Also one might just add the 3 normal piles like I did but buff them with cost reduction or other token like effects.
$^ or $3
Once per turn: +2 Buys. Take the Approval.
Setup: Add three extra Kingdom card piles. Cards from those piles are Forbidden cards and are not part of the supply.
During your turns, Forbidden cards are in the supply.

This card was me trying to reward gathering a Copper, a Silver, and a Gold on one turn. I have go back a forth on the cost with being $0 or ($1+$2+$3=$6). Given without a +Buy it makes not Difference (I guess Debt too) win not test the overpowered and $0 and scale back after seeing it do some stuff as skip out on a $6 right away feels like a hard sell on top of the mini quest. The project's top half is patterned after Mint, you can gain a big treasure with no downside or choose to have a Action card not get played that turn in exchange for another copy, similar to a better Way of the Rat. Overall, I love the gain limit but just not happy with the Top part matching together.
At the start of your Buy phase, you may reveal a non-Victory card from your hand. Gain a copy of it.
You can only buy this if you have a Copper, a Silver, and a Gold in play.

This card was me trying to find a reward for a player who grab a Duchy early. And again not happy with the top half maybe somebody else can figure this out. Tried a few supply piles the needed the Duchy to discarded to bought but still no Homeruns.
During your turns, Victory cards are also Actions with "+1 Coffers and +1%".
You can only buy this if you discard a Duchy from your hand.

Project: Magna Carta
Cost: $8
When another player plays an attack card, it does not affect you.
You must have at least 5 differently named Action cards in play to buy this.

I know some people (especially those I play with!) often want more ways to "defend" against attacks.  Moat, Champion, Lighthouse... are there other "full" protections?  A project may be a good place for such a design.  But it's not an easy thing to design.

As it currently stands, there are *so* many barriers here.  Some kingdoms don't have any villages, and then you'd need at least 4 different cantrips, which is rare too.  On top of that, you have to land such a hand with 5+ unique action cards played with at least $8 coins, likely before greening starts for it to be worthwhile (though not necessarily before).  And, even if you land all that, this project can end up in kingdoms with no attacks!

Does it need something else added instead of just moat-effect?  Does it need a lower barrier (not 5+ unique actions in play)?  Does it need a lower cost?  I don't know.  But it feels to unreachable for this first version.
I agree this project feels way off as it is hard to hit $8 if a strong attack card are on board which completely defeats the purpose of such a project, notice most moats cost $2 or $3, that is to help players gain them even through heavy attacks. Also the odds you get a mega action hand of 5 card is doubly hard when you are forced to discard down to 3 cards or have a lot of junk cards in your deck.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 28: Gone Fishing
« on: February 14, 2022, 03:26:25 pm »

Fishing Trip
Return up to two Fishes from your hand to the bottom their pile. If you returned two Fishes, gain a gold and +3%. Otherwise, gain three Fishes.

This gains lots of Fishes and has a mini quest line to complete if the player would prefer basically a mega Harem instead of smelly Fish.
Rules Note: This card does NOT care about the different names of Fishes just the quantity of cards returned that have the Fish type.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #142: High Spirits
« on: February 13, 2022, 01:37:54 pm »

Here an event I worked on this week to give out some of the Spirits in a quest like way. I noticed that Imps encourage diversty so limited Poltergeist in a similiar way that idea going.
Also I made a nonPotion version as I have noticed most posters here hate potion cost, though my reasons for wanting to use it here are: it adds more diverseity of names on the board, delays the purhase of the event, it keeps the event cheap to buy which allows players to it after buying 1 or 2 real cards in the same turn while not making it free to buy.
The gain 2 horses is because I love the Horse card, Horses work very well with Imps, Ghosts, and Poltergeist, if the Ghost pile runs out the event still works at gaining something good on turns you gained 2+ cards.
All Hallows' Eve
^ or @5
If the number of cards you've gained this turn is:
2+, gain a Ghost from its pile or gain 2 Horses;
1, gain an Imp from its pile;
0, gain a Poltergeist from its pile.
Action - Spirit
Reveal your hand. Choose a different thing per differently named card in your hand: +2 Actions; +2 Buys; gain a Horse; cards cost $1 less this turn; gain a card costing up to $3.
(This is not in the Supply.)
Quantity 12

These are not my entries. I thought others might enjoy tinkering with these ideas down the line and since it is late in the contest I am hopefully not be limit others' entries by posting similiar ideas.

Evil Eye
While you have this in play, you may buy Spirits from their piles as though they were in the Supply.
Sixth Sense
During your turns, you may buy Spirits from their piles as though they were in the Supply.
Action - Spirit
Choose four: +1 Card; +1 Action; +1 Buy; or +$1. You may choose the same choice up to twice.
Return this to its pile.
(This is not in the Supply.)
Night - Attack - Spirit
Each other player with 5 or more cards in hand puts cards from their hand onto their deck until they have 4 cards in hand.
You may play an Action card from your hand.
(This is not in the Supply.)


Treasure - Attack
When you play this, if your –1 Card token is on your deck, +1 Buy and +2 Coffers. Otherwise, each player (including you) puts their –1 Card token on their deck.

A strange self harm card that uses previous Martyrs for extra value, or other players' Martyrs. Also it slows everyone down in a strange way, which kind of the point of attack cards right? right?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #141: Seaside Revisited
« on: February 04, 2022, 03:13:52 pm »
Chiefs Hut has been tested for Seaside and deemed to be weak.

So for weak cards do you fine it best to just make them:
narrow and cheap to buy?
try to add versatility like adding have modes to the card like choose one from a list?
try to add versatility like if you have no actions in your hand then "+1 card and +1 action" as an example?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #141: Seaside Revisited
« on: February 04, 2022, 02:06:04 pm »
Seaside is missing a special treasure probably because the designer was saving them for Prosperity but I think that is less of a concern this time around so here.

Treasure - Duration
When you play this, you may set aside an Action card from your hand face up (on this). At the start of next turn, play it.
Plays like a silver unless you want it to boost your next turn, also helps with boards that have few +Action cards.

These are not my entries but Seaside is also missing a throne room, a draw-to-X, and a discard for $1 card. I made these other two this week and did not want them to go to waste.

Action - Duration
Play a non-duration action card from your hand. If it's still in play set it aside. At the beginning of your next turn play that card again.

Action - Duration
Now and at the start of your next turn, choose one: Discard any number of cards for + $1 each; or draw until you have 6 cards in hand.

The new contest is to instead make a card that uses tokens to keep track of something, using them for a different reason than originally intended. You can use the old contest and entries made before this edit will still be accepted.

So would Swashbuckler be an official card that would qualify for this updated contest?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #141: Seaside Revisited
« on: February 03, 2022, 07:29:57 pm »

I am confused when it says "put this into your hand." is it saying put Reconstruct into your hand or the newly gained card into your hand?

Also the when gain clause is a downside right? to delay getting this card for quite awhile

For one thing, I would've said "put it into your hand" if I was referring to anything but the Reconstruct itself, among other wording changes. "This" always refers to the card whose text it's part of. And yes, the on-gain is a downside.

So Reconstruct is basically every turn after you play the 1st one, get a free remodel? (assuming you have an action left over to play Reconstruct each turn)
The flavor could be adjusted to imply a more forever/eternal/never-ending process, and be more ocean theme for this contest. Maybe even make a reference to The Ship of Theseus, or any boat under constant maintenance.
Also am not convinced this is not just a project in a trench coat.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #141: Seaside Revisited
« on: February 03, 2022, 05:13:47 pm »

I am confused when it says "put this into your hand." is it saying put Reconstruct into your hand or the newly gained card into your hand?

Also the when gain clause is a downside right? to delay getting this card for quite awhile

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 26: Taskmaster
« on: January 25, 2022, 12:51:16 pm »
Here is an overly simple Task assigner for the players that don't want to keep spending buys on new Tasks
At the start of your turn, choose one: If you have no Tasks, you may discard a card to take a Task; or you may abandon your current Task for $1.

I gotta ask the OP why are the Task cards separate from the Reward cards. It feel more random then it needs to be and it can creates situations where the reward card has no effect due to the Task being only completable at narrow times. A Task card could just have a Reward section on it and make the whole mechanic feel more filled out and balanceable. Unless the issue is space but with all the examples given I feel like both Texts can fit easily on single cards.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #140: Choose Three
« on: January 14, 2022, 12:44:42 am »
So I hear you want 3s, so I made a 3 and added a side of 3 and topped it with a 3. I was not satisfied so put more 3s on your 3s then added a few more 3s and just for good measure shoved in some extra 3s for you.

Tres Leches
Worth 3% if you have exactly three of this (otherwise worth 0%).
When you gain this, choose three: +3 Coffers; or +3 Villagers; or Exile three Golds from the Supply; or Queue three Slivers from the Supply; or gain three Horses; or gain three Spoils. The choices must be different.

I really like your submission, but I feel it's kind of too good. Especially if you buy this turn 1, there is a high likelyhood of you ending up with 4 golds in your deck by turn 3/4 (by queuing silver, gaining spoils, exiling gold, then buying gold). Which forces everyone to pursue the same strategy, as having that much buying power this early on is just too much of an advantage
Imo you should lower the T1 buying incentive by either only being able to exile a dingle Gold, or just removing that option outright to stick with the "3" Theme.

If you buy this on turn 1 choosing Coffers and Gold (and any 3rd choice), you're actually guaranteed to have 4 Gold in your deck by the end of turn 4 by spending the Coffers with your first  $3+ hand in the second shuffle. (You'll usually already have them after T3, unless you've drawn all 3 Estates and 2 Coppers for T3.)

Even without the Gold option, the on-gain bonus seems very strong - e.g. choosing Coffers, Horses and Villagers means you effectively get an Experiment, a Ride and an instant-Acting Troupe put together (plus a green card) for just one buy and at most $3.

So here is my updated version, that removes the Exiling of Golds and Queueing of Sliver from the Supply as they seemed too pushed.

**Updated Version**v1.3

Tres Leches
Worth 3% if you have exactly three of this (otherwise worth 0%).
When you gain this, choose three: +3 Coffers; or +3 Villagers; or Queue the top three cards of your deck; or gain three Horses; or gain three Spoils; or trash up to three cards from your hand. The choices must be different.

As far as being a mega version of an Experiment, a Ride and an instant-Acting Troupe put together. I think having a dead card (Green worth 0VP unless you commit more effort) in your deck is quite the downside so the on gain effect needs to be strong enough to make the card worth it.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #140: Choose Three
« on: January 12, 2022, 03:20:38 pm »
So I hear you want 3s, so I made a 3 and added a side of 3 and topped it with a 3. I was not satisfied so put more 3s on your 3s then added a few more 3s and just for good measure shoved in some extra 3s for you.

**Updated Version**v1.3

Tres Leches
Worth 3% if you have exactly three of this (otherwise worth 0%).
When you gain this, choose three: +3 Coffers; or +3 Villagers; or Queue the top three cards of your deck; or gain three Horses; or gain three Spoils; or trash up to three cards from your hand. The choices must be different.

A shifted version based on JW's and Meta's feedback.
I removed what seemed to be the most broken mode, Queue Silvers from the Supply, which I had dramatically undervalued the bonus of gain $2 for the next two three turns, even if it does not stack with extra copies and clutters your deck with silvers and a green card, was not enough of a downside early game for the surge of power.
I also removed the Quest mode, Exile three Golds from the supply, as it seemed too strong, boring, and narrow to play. So I gave the card a strong trashing effect, which is harder to fully utilized early game and unlike the other modes does not help pay off the debt you get from buying this card.

Old Version

Also an easy reminder for Queue rules

Also these are not my submissions but I wanted feedback from others on at least the templating differences of +$1 being in line with text or above.

When you play this, +$1 and choose one: +1 Buy; or +1 Coffers; or +1 Villager; or +1%; or gain a Spoils; or gain a Horse.
When you gain this, choose three from the list above. The choices must be different.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: January 02, 2022, 12:43:46 pm »

Duration - Reserve
When you gain a Victory card, you may call this. At the start of your next turn, return this to the Supply, +1 Buy and +$4.
When you gain this, put this on your Tavern mat.

I am unsure if this should be Duration-Reserve or Reserve-Duration so went with older to newer sort.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #138: A Revealing Contest
« on: December 30, 2021, 01:05:25 pm »
Cat's Eye is a cool card, reminiscent of Goat, another Copper + Trasher, except, of course, that Goat trashes on-play and so is more frequently useful - but Cat's Eye you can buy multiples of unlike Goat which is normally limited to one per player. I'd suggest pricing Cat's Eye $1 or $2, since it's strictly better than Copper.

This is a Heirloom just like Goat so players only get the 1 copy Cat's Eye. The "weird" thing is the Way of the Tiger produces the Heirloom not a traditional Supply pile.

Also I should point out using the Cat's Eye and Way of the Tiger for just a single Trash is very compare able to Way of the Goat, it still takes your action for the turn and an action card, and unlike Menagerie a failed Tiger reveal gives nothing.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #138: A Revealing Contest
« on: December 28, 2021, 02:59:40 pm »

I like this a lot but also think that this is too strong for a Way. Mouse, emulating $2s, is craziest in power level and this seems similar in strength to Menagerie. Sure, Lab+Lab > Village+Lab but as you draw less the self-synergy of Tiger is larger than that of Menagerie.

Play the set-aside card, leaving it there.
Setup: Set aside an unused Action costing $2 or $3.

I am not misreading anything right, Way of the Mouse can select a $3?
Also it is probably a powerful Way but still worth testing as is and if it is too much, I can find way to nerf it, but start at a place of excitement right?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #138: A Revealing Contest
« on: December 27, 2021, 02:04:45 pm »

I thought it might be nice to have a Way card give you this simple bauble. This Heirloom helps set up the Way card firstly by being a Copper with a unique name. Also the Way sets up the Heirloom by give players a method of revealing it, even if they don't get the extra bonuses of cards and actions, it will still reveal it and grant the trash effect. Also by Trashing that should slowly help set up this Way's bonus effects. Lastly, it is called Way of the Tiger because my bother loves Tigers and his favorite Dominion card is Menagerie.

Way of the Tiger
Reveal your hand. If the revealed cards all have different names, +2 Actions and +2 Cards.
Heirloom: Cat's Eye

Cat's Eye
Treasure - Reaction - Heirloom
When something causes you to reveal this (using the word "reveal"), you may trash a card from your hand.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #137: From Whence It Came
« on: December 14, 2021, 02:58:15 pm »
So I made a Cycle of 12 Zodiac themed cards that all had out states and I thought this one was the best for the return theme this week.

Year of the Horse
Gain 2 Horses.
If you don't have Healthy, take Healthy.


When you gain a card, you may return this, to exchange the card for a Horse. 

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #136: ‘Tis the Season
« on: December 06, 2021, 07:44:23 pm »
the primary problem with carols is that the early ones aren't good and buying them to invest doesn't make sense because your opponent can buy the later ones as well. Compare that to castles where the first card breaks the symmetry and makes castles better for you

So here is my fix to that issue and an overall buff to them

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #136: ‘Tis the Season
« on: December 06, 2021, 12:31:16 pm »

It's a cool idea and very thematic, but I'm not sure it would work well.  The first few Carols are little more than junk, and most of  the bonuses give your opponent(s) exactly the same bonus as yourself.  Four Calling Birds would often benefit yourself more than your opponents - as it's at the end of your turn, you're more likely to have junk that you want to trash in your hand (unless you had no draw at all), and Five Golden Rings and Eight Maids A-Milking could easily run out those respective piles before the last player in multiplayer - indeed, even if there's no other cards that gain Spoils, in games with 4 players, one will gain nothing from Five Golden Rings (since there are exactly 15 Spoils) and even with no other Horse gaining, player 4 would only get 6 Horses from Eight Maids A-Milking - and if there are other cards that can gain Spoils or Horses, then you may well run out even before that. I'd suggest changing their on-gain bonuses to ensure that the one who gains the cards gets a bigger bonus, and perhaps making it so that one or two of the Carols have a value that depends on how many other Carols you have, similar to Humble Castle and King's Castle counting Castles

I totally forgot Spoils was a 15 card supply since I used it for a custom set awhile back and upped it to 30 to match Horse pile, that is totally just my mistake. I am unsure how to word this effect to deal out uneven gains. What I want is in a four player game: the Spoils lets say has 14 Spoils and a gain 5 trigger is created by player 2(p2). I want p2 to get 4 spoils, p3 to get 4 spoils, p4 to get 3 spoils, then p1 to get 3 spoils. Any suggestions on how to make that happen?

I thought about doing the VP not static like "Two Turtle Doves gives Worth 2% per Carol you have worth more than this." But thought it added a lot complexity to an already wordy pile.

Also as far are these worth buying they are hyper efficient green cards like 5VP for $5 is much better then Duchy and to compensated how broken these are I add the gifts which probably help others more then you, on purpose, since others get to use them before you. Also it is a present, you are not supposed to be the one who enjoys it the most.

with the upcoming change on coffers rules, you may want to rethink the pipers reward also - it'll just about guarantee that if someone can hit twelve dollarydoos, they empty the pile. that's a single turn 23pt swing, which normally takes $32 (4 provinces) and a self-curse.

Good point I will update with a delayed trigger for Coffers at the end of the turn then.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #136: ‘Tis the Season
« on: December 04, 2021, 02:56:43 pm »

It's a cool idea and very thematic, but I'm not sure it would work well.  The first few Carols are little more than junk, and most of  the bonuses give your opponent(s) exactly the same bonus as yourself.  Four Calling Birds would often benefit yourself more than your opponents - as it's at the end of your turn, you're more likely to have junk that you want to trash in your hand (unless you had no draw at all), and Five Golden Rings and Eight Maids A-Milking could easily run out those respective piles before the last player in multiplayer - indeed, even if there's no other cards that gain Spoils, in games with 4 players, one will gain nothing from Five Golden Rings (since there are exactly 15 Spoils) and even with no other Horse gaining, player 4 would only get 6 Horses from Eight Maids A-Milking - and if there are other cards that can gain Spoils or Horses, then you may well run out even before that. I'd suggest changing their on-gain bonuses to ensure that the one who gains the cards gets a bigger bonus, and perhaps making it so that one or two of the Carols have a value that depends on how many other Carols you have, similar to Humble Castle and King's Castle counting Castles

I totally forgot Spoils was a 15 card supply since I used it for a custom set awhile back and upped it to 30 to match Horse pile, that is totally just my mistake. I am unsure how to word this effect to deal out uneven gains. What I want is in a four player game: the Spoils lets say has 14 Spoils and a gain 5 trigger is created by player 2(p2). I want p2 to get 4 spoils, p3 to get 4 spoils, p4 to get 3 spoils, then p1 to get 3 spoils. Any suggestions on how to make that happen?

I thought about doing the VP not static like "Two Turtle Doves gives Worth 2% per Carol you have worth more than this." But thought it added a lot complexity to an already wordy pile.

Also as far are these worth buying they are hyper efficient green cards like 5VP for $5 is much better then Duchy and to compensated how broken these are I add the gifts which probably help others more then you, on purpose, since others get to use them before you. Also it is a present, you are not supposed to be the one who enjoys it the most.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #136: ‘Tis the Season
« on: December 03, 2021, 02:37:39 pm »
I might have gotten a bit carried away with this pile but here is a full ballad of gifts for you and your loved ones this season. Also quiet a few edits here from the 1st posting, Also note these cards expect you to play a 30 card Spoils pile and a weird gain rule so if there are for example only 8 horses in the pile and a PlayerThree gains Eight Maids A-Milking so PlayerThree would gain 3 Horses, Player would gain 3 Horses, PlayerTwo would gain 2 Horses.

A Pear Tree
Treasure - Victory - Carol
While this is in play, Carol cards cost $1 less.
When you gain this, at the end of this turn, each player gets +1 Coffers.
Two Turtle Doves
While this is in play, Carol cards cost $1 less.
Treasure - Victory - Carol
When you gain this, each player gains 2 Silvers.
Three French Hens
Treasure - Victory - Carol
While this is in play, Carol cards cost $1 less.
When you gain this, each player gets +3 Villagers.
Four Calling Birds
Treasure - Victory - Carol
While this is in play, Carol cards cost $1 less.
When you gain this, each player trashes up to 4 cards from their hand.
Five Gold Rings
Treasure - Victory - Carol
While this is in play, Carol cards cost $1 less.
When you gain this, each player gains 5 Spoils.
Six Geese A-Laying
Treasure - Victory - Carol
While this is in play, Carol cards cost $1 less.
When you gain this, each player gains a card costing up to $6 onto their deck.
Seven Swans A-Swimming
Treasure - Victory - Carol
While this is in play, Carol cards cost $1 less.
When you gain this, each player looks at the top 7 cards of their deck, discards any number, and puts the rest back in any order.
Eight Maids A-Milking
Treasure - Victory - Carol
While this is in play, Carol cards cost $1 less.
When you gain this, each player gains 8 Horses.
Nine Ladies Dancing
Treasure - Victory - Carol
While this is in play, Carol cards cost $1 less.
When you gain this, each player reveals the top 9 cards of their deck and may Exile any number of them, and discards the rest.
Ten Lords A-Leaping
Treasure - Victory - Carol
While this is in play, Carol cards cost $1 less.
When you gain this, each player gets +10 Villagers.
Eleven Pipers Piping
Treasure - Victory - Carol
While this is in play, Carol cards cost $1 less.
When you gain this, at the end of this turn, each player gets +11 Coffers.
Twelve Drummers Drumming
Treasure - Victory - Carol
+$1 per Carol card you have in play.
When you gain this, each player reveals their hand and the top 12 cards of their deck. Each player gets +1% per Victory card they revealed this way.

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