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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Best Dominion Moments 2015
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:59:54 am »
Achievement unlocked: I have now bought all 8 Colonies in one turn.

My first thought was "oh, you did the King's Court/Bridge thing. Welcome to the club."

Huh. No Bridge or Highway on the board! Well done.


Code: [Select]
Chapel, Hamlet, Apothecary, Swindler, Conspirator, Treasure Map, Cache, Council Room, Counting House, Stables

My turn 6:

"Okay, I'll play my Hamlet... discard a Copper for an extra action... okay, now I'll use the Chapel to trash a Curse, and then I'll play my Swindler."

*clicks Chapel*

*clicks Curse*

*clicks Swindler*

"NO! My Swindler!!!"

Thing is, I now think trashing that Swindler was actually the RIGHT move. Having done so, I felt I was pretty much forced to go for Treasure Maps, which I should've done in the first place. And I went on to win big.

Greatest Dominion misclicks, indeed.  ;D

Game Reports / Re: I'm Beggar, Curse me all you want
« on: February 14, 2015, 10:02:20 pm »
Sorry to horn in on the thread, but I just played a game that fits the thread title so well...

Code: [Select]
Beggar, Fortune Teller, Urchin, Village, Feodum, Remodel, Salvager, Butcher, Soothsayer, Possession

I lost the Curse split 10-0 and the Province split 6-2. But thanks to Beggar-Feodum, I won.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Best Dominion Moments 2015
« on: February 13, 2015, 08:44:57 pm »
What do you do when your opponent opens Dame Sylvia? You simply don't buy any cards costing $3-6.

Hey! You bought a Duchy, you big liar!  ;)

Seriously though, I think your "avoid $3-$6" strategy is the best on this board, even if your opponent doesn't buy any Knights.

Game Reports / Re: Best Swindler luck ever?
« on: January 18, 2015, 06:16:42 pm »
I open Swindler/Urchin to Adam's Urchin/Urchin.

Thus proving once again, you make your own shuffle luck.

Game Reports / Re: This win proves how horrible I am
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:56:41 pm »
Three-player game, all base cards; one of my opponents was using a guest account.

"Why buy Torturer if you can make this frighteningly accurate reproduction?"

Heh. I guess that's what I get for just clicking the first available Pro game that I see. I had no idea it was base only, or that a guest account would jump into the third slot.

Game Reports / This win proves how horrible I am
« on: January 14, 2015, 02:37:40 pm »

Code: [Select]
Moat, Woodcutter, Bureaucrat, Feast, Smithy, Spy, Throne Room, Festival, Witch, Adventurer

After this game, I'm not sure I deserve to be on these forums anymore.

Three-player game, all base cards; one of my opponents was using a guest account. I was the only one who got a 5-2 start, and I opened Moat/Witch. At that point, I was thinking: "If I can't beat these newbs after getting the lucky 5-2 start, that means I REALLY stink." I later got a second Witch, but my opponents apparently didn't mind getting Curses. Neither opponent ever bought a Witch.

Super easy win for me, right? Not quite...

I went with what I think is the traditional strategy here: I stocked up on Festivals and Throne Rooms for extra actions, and I used Witches, Moats, and a Smithy for card draw. Normal engine. My non-guest opponent grabbed a lot of Spies, and my guest opponent grabbed a bunch of Bureaucrats. After a while, my guest opponent started grabbing Duchies. I ignored him and continued to build up my engine. Surely my guest opponent would completely stall, right?

Well... apparently not. He had gotten so many Silvers from those Bureaucrats, that he could absorb a ton of Duchies without much trouble. And this despite the fact that I had handed him a ton of Curses. So he actually had a pretty solid lead on me.

Check out my turn 25. Duchies and Festivals were gone, and there was only one Spy left. I had enough cash to buy the Spy, but I wasn't sure whether I was ahead or not. (I wasn't.) So I bought an Estate instead. My guest opponent did the same on his turn; he was 1 coin short of buying the last Spy. Then, on my turn 26, I was able to double-Curse both my opponents (draining the Curse pile), and I bought three Estates. And thus, I won the game... one measly point.


Ladies and gentlemen, I handed my Bureaucrat-loving opponent 11 Curses (while getting none myself), and still, I only won by one point! Did I spend too much time building my engine? Regardless, I clearly stink.

Dominion Articles / Re: Prince
« on: December 29, 2014, 04:36:41 pm »
In a way, Prince acts like a level 2 City and a restricted double Scheme.

??? This is so confusing.

Maybe Mic Qsenoch can explain what this means: you should have heard how he reacted on stream when I explained to him that Prince is really just a Lab plus a Village plus a Scheme you don't really control, which you get to play at the beginning of every turn. But I've realized that this is an oversimplification: it's actually a Treasure Map that you have to collide with a different non-Treasure-Map card first, which Pillages yourself for one turn but then transforms into the Lab+Village+Scheme. I never really understood how to play Prince properly until I recognized that it's five unrelated cards all at once.

???  ???  ???

That does it. I'm never buying Prince again. Too confusing.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Best Dominion Moments 2014
« on: December 26, 2014, 07:51:53 pm »

Code: [Select]
Candlestick Maker, Pawn, Squire, Apothecary, University, Rats, Market, Witch, Fairgrounds, Goons

A game with Shelters. I bought a Rats near the end, just because Fairgrounds was on the board, and I wanted another differently-named card.  :)

Unfortunately, the Rats did me no good, since I finished with 19 different cards.

Why on earth did I trash my Hovel? Eight points down the drain!  :-[

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: December 26, 2014, 07:09:13 pm »
Dear Snute,

I'm sorry that I took advantage of you when you didn't seem to have played Possession before.

I'm also sorry I had way too much fun doing it.

Love, Ela

He lost the game at turn 2 when he bought a Caravan instead of a Remake. You have nothing to apologize for.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Why is Goko so bad ?
« on: December 01, 2014, 07:48:11 pm »
Though to be fair it might be rough if I ever DID start playing again... hard to get back to my old skill when I've never played with a huge % of the cards.

I wouldn't worry. Knowing you, you'll be back around level 40 in no time.  :)

Your hand has only 3 cards (you put 2 coppers back on top due to Ghost ship): Dame Molly (the +2 actions one), Embassy, Altar.
This Embassy is the only serious draw in the game, you got it out of the black market deck.

You start with the knight (hits nothing) and then the million dollar question: what card do you play next?
It's a league game and if you get this one right you may well make it to the finals! (thank god it turned out not to matter after all)

Ladies and gentlemen, the next time you lose a game due to an incredibly dumb misclick, don't feel so bad. Even the greatest Dominion player in the world sometimes misclicks.

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:55:12 am »
Everyone has their own Possession horror story, but I forgot how silly some of the games can get...

daisuki I'm sorry that my deck got to the state where I could play 4 Possessions every turn while deliberately having very little money in my deck, and that it took me ~20 of your turns to catch up in VP (not least because I couldn't buy Duchies or Estates for fear of a 3-pile, and couldn't add money to my deck to buy larger VP or else you'd win on any Possession turn you got.)

That sequence at turn 21 is pretty amusing.

"I'll just grab your whole deck, and comb through it 5 cards at a time until I find a hand that can buy a Province. Nope, nope, nope... ah! There we go. I'll buy a Province. Okay, here's your deck back. Your turn."

Game Reports / Soothsayer/Tournament versus Witch/City
« on: October 29, 2014, 03:12:34 pm »

Code: [Select]
Tournament, Walled Village, Bandit Camp, City, Mandarin, Merchant Guild, Soothsayer, Stash, Witch, Harem

On this board, my opponent and I both opened Tournament/Silver.

Our strategies diverged after that.

I wanted to get to the Provinces as quickly as possible, and start cashing in on prizes. So when I had to choose a curser, I picked Soothsayer to get extra Gold. My opponent had an eye on a big drawing engine, so he chose Witch. He ended up getting two Witches, while I got just one Soothsayer: when I had a chance to get a second Soothsayer, I grabbed a Gold instead. I knew I'd lose the Curse split, but getting to Provinces was my top priority.

When my opponent grabbed his first City, I responded in kind. But after that, I decided not to fight him for Cities; I decided to pull the City trap on him. I'd keep the Tournament, City, and Curse piles all roughly even, so they'd all empty at about the same time, and he wouldn't get much benefit from the Cities.

I got my Province early, and grabbed my first prize: a Trusty Steed. (Not Followers, since Curses were draining quickly enough as it is.) I didn't get any more prizes; on my next opportunity, I knew the game was drawing to a close, so I grabbed a Duchy instead.

It looked like I was going to pull it off: Cities gone, Curses gone, and I grabbed the penultimate Tournament with a sizable lead. Alas, I couldn't finish the job. My opponent bought Province/Duchy, I only had 3 coins (I bought an Estate), and then my opponent bought Province/Province/Tournament to win the game. It all came together for him at the very last minute.

What do you think, folks? Did I just get unlucky, or did he have the better strategy?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Best Dominion Moments 2014
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:28:11 am »
Screw this game

I laughed so hard, I almost choked on my breakfast.  ;D

I feel for you. Your 5-2 5-2 was WAY more painful than mine.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Best Dominion Moments 2014
« on: October 19, 2014, 07:14:10 pm »
Question: What is the probability of getting a 5-2 split, and after making two purchases, getting ANOTHER 5-2 split, with both of your purchases on the bottom of the deck? (Ignoring things like Nomad Camp, Noble Brigand, etc.)

Answer: 1 in 2376.

It just happened to me. Not a very exciting board, but still, winning after such a wacky start was quite satisfying.

Help! / Re: bandit camp/council room vs scrying pool
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:42:23 pm »
*puts on expert's hat*

Scrying Pool doesn't look so good here. Lookout is a weak trasher, and the only village available is Bandit Camp, which will put more treasure into your deck. So you won't be able to do the classic "draw whole deck with Scrying Pool" strategy.

The key cards are Bandit Camp, Council Room, Market, and Peddler. Build up an engine with those. To maximize your chances of getting a cost 5 card on the second pass through the deck, open Silver/Silver.

*takes off expert's hat*

Honestly,  I have no clue what to do. I would've opened Lookout/Potion, just like you did. So that's probably the wrong move.  ;)

Okay, maybe I'm not remembering correctly. But I must have figured it out somehow, since I bought a new Masquerade on turn 3.

Edit: Now I remember. After the pass, my opponent paused for a while, and then he trashed nothing. If I had passed him an Estate, he would've trashed it on the spot. So I knew for sure that I had goofed.


Code: [Select]
Lighthouse, Ambassador, Masquerade, Trade Route, Feast, Island, Remodel, Worker's Village, Library, King's Court

A Colony game. My thought process:

"Uh-oh. King's Court/Masquerade. This could be a pin vs. pin game. What shall I open? Masquerade for sure, and... hmm, my opponent just grabbed a Worker's Village. Is that the right move? Yep, I think it is. Okay, I'll open Worker's Village/Masquerade."

"Okay, turn 3. My opponent just played his Masquerade. Fine. He passes me a card... I pass him a card... fair enough. Now..."

"Wait. Didn't I have my Masquerade in hand a second ago? Did I just pass him my Masquerade??"

*checks log*

"I did! AARGH!"

Fortunately, my opponent did not go for the pin. So I was able to recuperate, pin him, and win.  :D

I just bought a Tunnel out of the BM deck so I could cycle it with Hunting Party.

How I scanned it at first: "I just bought a Tunnel and added it to my Big Money deck so I could cycle it with Hunting Party." My thought: "What's wrong with that? Just buy another one!"

Sigh. Is there a "Greatest Misreads of Dominion" thread?  :-[

Game Reports / Re: A Scout board (kind of)
« on: September 23, 2014, 09:54:42 pm »
Here's the game log:

When I get to $9 and buy the last Minion, I'm wondering what to do with my $4.

The end game was probably bad on my part, should have gone for Remodel earlier to pile out those Provinces.


Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: September 20, 2014, 10:43:58 pm »

Dear My Opponent: sorry for making you go through such a frustrating game. Especially the ending: you thought you were behind, and you saw I could end the game by buying the last Warehouse, so you resigned. But in fact, if you had let me buy that Warehouse, the game would've been a tie. I'm guessing you were banging your head against the keyboard after that.

At least you crushed me the next game we played:

I think either one of you would've beaten me, regardless of which strategies we chose...

Help! / Re: My opponent does weird stuff
« on: July 06, 2014, 04:53:33 pm »
What could I have done better (maybe I should've piledrove scout)?

You could've opened Steward/Marauder, like your opponent did. I think he made the right move.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WWYDOTK
« on: July 03, 2014, 02:37:58 pm »
Better yet: What Would Wandering Winter Wring (WWWWW)?

What Would Wandering Winder Wreak?

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