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Messages - RevanFan

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I was able to fit the sets of cards nicely into the trading card sleeves. I split any 20+ stacks into stacks of 10 (save Estates, which were split into stacks of 8 ), any 15/16 stacks (Potions and Spoils) into 8/8 or 8/7, and all 12 and under stacks remained full. I left 58 empty slots for the Empires cards, events, and landmarks. Ended up being able to cut down the storage from 11 boxes to 4 (using the Dominion boxes as I can't currently afford a bunch of binders.) The cards are in the first three boxes, and the fourth box contains tokens, mats, and rules. I also have the little Base Cards box, but I felt like keeping that separate. It doesn't add too much space, so I didn't want to bother splitting all the piles. I also didn't add the extra base cards from Intrigue to my storage solution, as I have the American-printed version, and the coloring is way off (especially on curses. They look absolutely horrible.) The Base Cards solo box, plus the original Dominion base cards are enough. It's still ridiculously heavy, but it'll take up less space now.

Thank you. Also, after writing this... I sort of remembered that, a few months ago, I created an entire list myself in Excel.

In any case, it will be much easier to attempt making storage easier. Do the Ultra Pro sleeves usually work for stacks of cards? I read a few posts saying they did. I don't have a binder, though. I'm planning on just putting them in Dominion boxes.

I gave up on my FLGS and ordered from Amazon. It'll be here tomorrow. Too bad cause I would rather support my game store but I need to Dominion while the Dominioning is good.

How? I ordered and I have to wait until the 20th.

edit: Never mind then. It is arriving Thursday.
I actually had previously ordered from Amazon after my first LGS attempt failed. But, Amazon didn't even ship it after 3 days, so we cancelled because my game store said they'd have it again. And then they didn't.

Does there anywhere exist a complete list of all cards, events, and landmarks in alphabetical order? I'm testing using Ultra Pro sleeves as a storage solution, and I want to sort everything in alphabetical order. A list would be very helpful for my organization efforts.

So my local game shop said they'd get it last Friday. They didn't. Then they said they'd get it yesterday or today. They didn't. Now they're saying this Friday. I don't know what the deal with all that is, but I've been getting a bit angry and twitchy.

Oh, and I called another game shop not too far from me in Connecticut and they don't have it either. All I want to do is play this freaking expansion. So, I guess, all you forum goes will just have to tell me how awesome it is while I wait a year for either of the two game shops near me to get it.

Thank you for the kind words! I am definitely open to incorporating other languages into the app. Send me a PM here and we can work out details for how you can help me provide a German translation.

Having a percentage that is different from a preset percentage (in this case I used 50%) is a bit more complicated than it seems; I could add more thresholds (like say 10%, 25%, etc.), but customizing the percentage would be a bit more complicated of a task. I will definitely look into it though.
I think preset thresholds is fine. Only having 50% is too limiting, but 10%, 25%, 33%, 66%, 75%, etc. would be a welcome addition. Even not all of them. Just a few extra options would be great.

My local game shop said they'd have it yesterday. They didn't. Drove 40 minutes (yes, that's the closest game shop) to get it and all. Ended up getting an X-Wing expansion so my trip wasn't worthless. Anyway, they said they wouldn't have it until Tuesday, so I just ordered it from Amazon. Won't have to drive 40 minutes to get it now, anyway.

Thanks for the update. I did have one crash when trying to change the number of players after randomizing, but other than that it's working great! The event/landmark trait works perfectly.

Dominion General Discussion / Best Way to Select Shelters?
« on: June 09, 2016, 01:43:54 pm »
I always use Platinum and Colony, unless I am teaching someone the game for the first time. However, I am trying to find the best way to use Shelters. I've grown to like them more than the starting 3 Estates (mostly just because of Necropolis), but I'm not sure I want them in every game. What are usually the most common ways for picking Shelters?

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Question about Donate
« on: June 09, 2016, 01:03:15 am »
I just want to try Donate/Market Square.
How would that work? With Donate, you have to put everything into your hand, trash cards, shuffle your deck back together, and then draw a hand. I guess you would discard Market Square for the Gold after trashing and before shuffling, but you'd only get one Gold per Market Square, no matter how many cards you trash.

Excellent news! Thanks, dwelknarr.

I have a configuration question.  The rule book recommends playing with no more than 2 Events and/or Landmarks, and that is how I intend to play.  I know that I can set the range for Events and Landmarks, individually, to 0-2.  Can I also set the range to 0-2 for those two things combined, so I don't end up with, for example, 2 of each?
I agree with this. I'd love to be able to set a range for Landmarks and Events combined. I play with no more than 3, rather than no more than 2, but a combined range is a good feature to have.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Rulebook
« on: June 06, 2016, 11:24:30 pm »
I think SCSN has a new favorite event in Delve.

Well, I think he'll love Bandit Fort. 

I don't think Donate will be quite as amazing as it looks at first.  Yes, it's crazy, but you'll probably only want to buy it once because of the cost, and it'll be hard knowing when to do that.  I think Chapel is probably still better.  Obviously Donate is great against junkers but so is Chapel and it costs way less.  Just saying it's probably not quite as broken as you'd think.
So far, the Donate+Windfall situation I described is the only really 'excellent' way to play Donate I can think of. In any other situation, I'd probably also prefer Chapel.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Rulebook
« on: June 06, 2016, 11:21:07 pm »
I thought of a beautiful thing while reading the rulebook. It'll be difficult to pull off, but it would be great if it works.

First turn, buy Donate. Take the 8 debt, and trash everything except for 5 copper. Pay off the debt, but don't buy any cards when the debt is payed off. It'll take 2 turns to pay off the debt, leaving you with 2 coin left. DON'T SPEND IT. On the third turn after buying Donate, use your 5 copper to buy Windfall. Gain the 3 golds. Turn after that, Donate again to trash the rest of your copper. Pay off the debt that turn as well, if you can. Then feel free to Windfall to your heart's desire, or just buy all the Provinces.

I don't know how I thought of that, but I'm glad I did.

I'm not 100% sure on how Debt works, being that I've never played with it, but don't you have some money after you buy Donate, that you can pay off with?

So after you buy it, you spend whatever money you started with to remove some of the Debt, giving you good odds to pay the rest of it off on turn 2 with your 5 copper and Windfall turn 3.

And on turn 4 you Donate, then Windfall turn 5, and just buy Provinces turns 6-9 with decent likelihood to not draw all 3 Provinces for the last buy.
Yeah, I forgot that bit when I was posting. So, theoretically, you could have nothing but gold in your deck, and enough of it to buy a Province every turn, in four turns.

Turn 1: Buy Donate, take 8 Debt, pay off 2-5 Debt. Trash 2 Copper and 3 Estates/Shelters.
Turn 2: Pay off 2-5 Debt.
Turn 3: Buy Windfall. Gain 3 Gold.
Turn 4: Buy Donate, take 8 Debt, pay off what you can. Trash all remaining starting cards, leaving just 3 Gold in your deck.

Now, Windfall on turn 5 would be great, but it would be essential in a Colony game.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Question about Donate
« on: June 06, 2016, 09:02:39 pm »
So woah, I just realized that if you ever force your opponent to buy Donate while possessing him.... that's so ridiculously bad. You get 8 debt, and he gets to trash anything he wants from his deck.
Not so. Rulebook specifies that Donate happens between turns, so Possession will not affect it at all.
Exactly. Meaning that you (the person who played Possession) gets the Debt tokens, then the other person's turn (which you were controlling) ends, the effects of Possession wear off, and then they get to clean up their deck.
I took that to mean that you take the debt, and then get to clean out your own deck, because you were just playing with their deck. After Possession wears off, you return to controlling your own deck, but it was still you who bought Donate. I may be wrong, but I believe, if you buy Donate while Possessing someone, you take the debt and clean your own deck. So it's basically no better than just doing it on your turn. Maybe I'm mistaken, I don't know.

Also, if you Possess someone, would you pay off your own debt with their coins, or would you pay off their debt with their coins?

I hope Donald looks at this thread.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Question about Donate
« on: June 06, 2016, 08:50:39 pm »
So woah, I just realized that if you ever force your opponent to buy Donate while possessing him.... that's so ridiculously bad. You get 8 debt, and he gets to trash anything he wants from his deck.
Not so. Rulebook specifies that Donate happens between turns, so Possession will not affect it at all.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Rulebook
« on: June 06, 2016, 08:43:51 pm »
I thought of a beautiful thing while reading the rulebook. It'll be difficult to pull off, but it would be great if it works.

First turn, buy Donate. Take the 8 debt, and trash everything except for 5 copper. Pay off the debt, but don't buy any cards when the debt is payed off. It'll take 2 turns to pay off the debt, leaving you with 2 coin left. DON'T SPEND IT. On the third turn after buying Donate, use your 5 copper to buy Windfall. Gain the 3 golds. Turn after that, Donate again to trash the rest of your copper. Pay off the debt that turn as well, if you can. Then feel free to Windfall to your heart's desire, or just buy all the Provinces.

I don't know how I thought of that, but I'm glad I did.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Release date
« on: June 06, 2016, 04:06:10 pm »
My game shop said they'll have it by Friday at the latest, so I'm excited. I happen to have a game night every Friday, so I may get to buy it and play it the same day.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: "Features" threads
« on: June 02, 2016, 04:43:45 am »
I would personally go with up to 4 events/landmarks per game, any combination of which would be allowed. In my own gaming, I never use more than 3 events at a time, but I actually quite prefer 3 to the recommended 2.

EDIT: Also, will people who get the online subscription still be allowed to play against bots online? I ask because most of my online Dominion is with my family and friends, but I sometimes play with bots to test strategies.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #2: Split Piles
« on: May 19, 2016, 01:15:34 pm »
I was playing a game with some proxy cards and came upon an interesting question. Someone had a hand of Crown, Gold, and Fortune. They Crowned Gold and then played Fortune. Crown doubled their money, does that mean Fortune doesn't trigger?

I'm 99% sure the answer to this is "Fortune does trigger" and the ability refers to cards that specifically double your current number of coins. Is this true?

Yes, Fortune triggers.
My question is, can you Crown Fortune? My assumption is no, because Fortune only allows you to double your coin once. Is that correct?

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Bonus Preview #2: Crown
« on: May 16, 2016, 03:02:54 pm »
I apologize if this was brought up earlier. How exactly does Crown work with Magpie? Do you reveal Crown, and both put it in your hand AND gain a Magpie?

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Bonus Preview #2: Crown
« on: May 15, 2016, 04:08:45 pm »
So does Crown work the same way as Throne Room in the sense that, if I Crown a Crown, I then get to Crown two cards instead of one? Like, I play Crown as an action, Crowning the second Crown, and then I get to Crown two more actions? Or if I play Crown as a treasure, Crowning the second Crown, I then get to Crown two treasures? I know thinking about this is pretty much useless, since just playing the two Crowns separately would do the same job, but it's nice to know.

Yes, it's identical to playing a throne room if it is your action phase. Except the "may" which allows you to play it without playing anything else.
Cool. Thanks. That scenario I described is incredibly useless to think about, but it's not a new Dominion card if you're not thinking of completely abstract and obscure scenarios.

As was pointed out by someone, somewhere, if your hand is bank, bank, crown, crown, then you will get more money by crowning the crown instead of crowning each bank separately.
How? Bank is worth one per treasure "in play." If you double Crown, it's still only one Crown "in play."

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Bonus Preview #2: Crown
« on: May 15, 2016, 04:03:36 pm »
So does Crown work the same way as Throne Room in the sense that, if I Crown a Crown, I then get to Crown two cards instead of one? Like, I play Crown as an action, Crowning the second Crown, and then I get to Crown two more actions? Or if I play Crown as a treasure, Crowning the second Crown, I then get to Crown two treasures? I know thinking about this is pretty much useless, since just playing the two Crowns separately would do the same job, but it's nice to know.

Yes, it's identical to playing a throne room if it is your action phase. Except the "may" which allows you to play it without playing anything else.
Cool. Thanks. That scenario I described is incredibly useless to think about, but it's not a new Dominion card if you're not thinking of completely abstract and obscure scenarios.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Bonus Preview #2: Crown
« on: May 15, 2016, 03:58:30 pm »
So does Crown work the same way as Throne Room in the sense that, if I Crown a Crown, I then get to Crown two cards instead of one? Like, I play Crown as an action, Crowning the second Crown, and then I get to Crown two more actions? Or if I play Crown as a treasure, Crowning the second Crown, I then get to Crown two treasures? I know thinking about this is pretty much useless, since just playing the two Crowns separately would do the same job, but it's nice to know.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Bonus Preview #1: Villa
« on: May 09, 2016, 02:20:31 pm »
My core gaming group already thinks my turns are way too long. This will drive them nuts. I'm very happy right now.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Creating Dominion
« on: April 25, 2016, 01:21:23 am »
Two questions.

1. Will we be able to modify the likelihood of more events, say two or three, being pulled?

2. Will you include an option for the fancy base cards? I much prefer the artwork on the fancy base cards to the plain ones.

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