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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Semi-Interesting Dominion Moments Thread
« on: November 16, 2017, 07:34:24 pm »
Gained Will-o-Wisp and Wish on the last turn to get Fairgrounds up to 8 points on a board with exactly 20 unique cards. (1:40:00)

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Nocturne Initial Impressions
« on: November 16, 2017, 01:28:38 pm »
Den of sin is great. The gaining to hand is a big tempo boost.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Nocturne has been released, go buy it!
« on: November 16, 2017, 11:43:55 am »
If you already have a gold subscription, Nocturne is something like 50 cents/month.

Enjoy! Also, Den of Sin is great!

My biggest surprise in this thread is multiple people thinking Artisan is not S tier. I would appreciate some enlightenment as to why the card isn't totally boss, just regular boss.

Personally, I reserve S-tier for cards that totally change the way the game is played. Artisan is good payload, but "just" payload in some sense.

Dominion Articles / Re: Self-Synergy
« on: November 14, 2017, 02:05:43 pm »
Nice article.

Although you don't often think about it, if you buy one copy of a card with a high degree of self-synergy, you're likely to buy a lot of them.

Take Silk Road, for example. Silk Road scores more points the more Silk Roads you have. So more often than not, you either want 0 or 8 Silk Roads in your deck. Taking 1 or 2 happens sometimes, but isn't really maximizing the card.

Some other examples of cards with self-synergy include Minion, Sauna/Avanto, Fool's Gold, Urchin, Cultist, Scrying Pool, Hunting Party, Herald, Wishing Well, King's Court and Alchemist. With these cards, more is usually better, particularly for the stronger cards on the list.

On the other hand of the spectrum, there are cards that are best in moderation. Gladiator is a good example of this. It's a strong card, but most decks only want 1. And, since the Fortune doubling is limited at once per turn, you usually want exactly one.

Some other example of these support cards include Outpost, Crossroads, Militia, Counterfeit, Ghost Ship, and Spice Merchant. The first copy of these cards is often good, but subsequent copies have diminishing returns.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dan Brooks Dominion
« on: November 12, 2017, 08:02:27 pm »
Seven games, two videos, one exciting match!

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Another awful thread about nothing
« on: November 10, 2017, 12:04:43 pm »
I'm currently putting an article together about self-synergy and I'll probably ignore everything in this thread.
Please, please do this!  :)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Asking for Undo
« on: November 09, 2017, 01:07:09 am »
Only if you do 25 posts per page not the optimal 50 posts per page.

Why not 2.71828...?

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Is it okay to buy Possession?
« on: November 06, 2017, 11:26:18 am »
Well, if your opponent blacklisted you, that saves you the trouble of having to blacklist them!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Semi-Interesting Dominion Moments Thread
« on: November 05, 2017, 09:06:03 pm »
D plays a Talisman.
D buys a Ruined Market.
D gains a Ruined Market.
D gains a Ruined Market.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dan Brooks Dominion
« on: November 05, 2017, 06:07:28 pm »
Quarterfinals Match vs. Gamesou

Dominion Articles / Re: What to Wish For?
« on: November 04, 2017, 11:25:23 pm »
And here I thought we’d get a strategy article on Leprechaun already!

Play Leprechaun as your 7th card!  :)

Dominion Articles / What to Wish For?
« on: November 04, 2017, 10:11:33 pm »
What to Wish For?

Consider the following situation. You have N Mystic plays and need an extra $1 to win the game. Your deck consists of Coppers and Estates.

1. Suppose you have only N=1 Mystics. What do you name?
You name Copper. Hitting Estate doesn't help you hit $8.

2. Now suppose N=2. What do you name?
Name Estate first. You now also win if the top of the deck is Estate-Copper

3. Now suppose N=3. What do you name?
Name Estate first. If you hit, name Estate again. You now win if the top of the deck is Estate-Estate-Copper.

Of course, if at any point, you know the top card of your deck is a Copper, draw it and win.

General Strategy
If you are digging for a specific card:
1. Spend your first guesses on the most likely "blocking" card. This helps you dig deeper into the deck
2. Spend your last guess on the card you want to find. This maximizes your chances of finding the card that you need.

I believe the claims you make are pedantic and correct. Welcome to f.ds!

Game Reports / Re: 2017 Championships - Round of 16 - Dingan vs. Dan Brooks
« on: November 04, 2017, 01:54:58 am »
Game 1 - I think you were ahead (mostly on thinning) before I piled Squires. I think you made better plays overall with Sacrifice especially toward the second half of the game, and I missed an early opportunity to Sacrifice a Squire into a Torturer to balance my Terminal/Village count.

Edit: Didn't realize what you were getting at with the Mountain Pass question. Since it happens between turns, if you empty piles with the first Province you'll never collect the points.

Game 2 - A weird draw limited board. Mining Village and Outpost were both a little better than I gave them credit for initially.

Game 3 - Not much you can do against my draws as P2 there. Maybe Ferry on Bridge, buy Bridge, then try and go for fast multi-bridge turns and get lucky?

Game 4 - I'd be tempted to pick up a Mint on turn 3 here.

Game 5 - I do think Dominate is competitive here, but on 3/4 as player 2, Scavenger/Palace money with light Rebuilding is probably the way to go.

Game 6 - I think I underrated Transmogrify and Summon + Transmogrify a little bit here - getting Capitals into hand is a big deal. I do like Silver in general in Mandarin decks as it's not a bad card to topdeck.

Game 7 - I didn't see the Band of Misfits as Envoy thing and got a little nervous going into the midgame. As the game gets later, I do think that Torturer starts to outshine Envoy as the decks get filled with junk.

Thanks for the games!

Game Reports / Re: 2017 Championships - Round of 16 - Dingan vs. Dan Brooks
« on: November 04, 2017, 01:29:40 am »
Game 5
Straight Rebuild (with help from Scavenger) vs. an attempted engine that leads to Dominate. I'm just not convinced Dominate is plausible here. Someone prove me wrong.

Got you covered on this one :)

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dan Brooks Dominion
« on: November 03, 2017, 09:30:00 pm »
I still think Rebuild is better on average, but hey, here's two Dominates by turn 13.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Reminder tokens?
« on: November 01, 2017, 05:31:02 pm »
I remember the rulebook explicitly saying to announce what cards you're playing.
I play Village. 
I play Moat.
I play Village.
I play Workshop, gaining Moat.
I play Village. 
I play Moat.
I play Village.
I play Workshop, gaining Village.
I play Village. 
I play Moat.
I play Village.
I play Workshop, gaining Moat.
I play Village. 
I play Moat.
I play Village.
I play Workshop, gaining Workshop.
I play Village.
I play Workshop, gaining Silver.
I play 3 Copper.
I buy Village.
I ... need a glass of water.

Hexes are cool. I like the idea of drawing a penalty from a fixed deck.

There are 12 hexes total. You can figure out which ones are left based on which ones have come out already.

I had a game recently where I needed an additional point to win and had to figure out if it was better to play Werewolf for cards or try to get a point off of a Hex.

There are a lot of things I don't fully understand about hexes. How many times do you cycle through the Hex deck in a typical game? How much additional alt-VP do they add to engines. Does the threat of War and Locusts change the way you build? I'm sure the community will figure all of this out with time, but for now there's a lot of ground to explore with hexes.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dan Brooks Dominion
« on: October 29, 2017, 11:16:50 pm »
ro16 match was a nailbiter!

The active approach here is sometimes underutilized in difficult positions. Sometimes you just have to threaten a win and hope that they dud.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Previews #2: Shepherd, Pooka, Cemetery
« on: October 24, 2017, 03:33:23 am »
Is there a flavor explanation on Pooka/Cursed Gold?

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dan Brooks Dominion
« on: October 23, 2017, 11:54:00 pm »
A couple of games with the new Nocturne previews:

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dan Brooks Dominion
« on: October 21, 2017, 05:39:03 pm »
Some interesting games in the ro32 match against RTT. Lots of messy decks and playing around piles.

New request: would it be possible to find query head-to-head matchups between any two users?
... that's not too high on my priority list of things to do.

Like 3-player! ;)

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