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I just want to say I'm excited about all of this. I personally think all the suggestions of people so far would be great, and I agree that the blog should be run by a few people, not just one.

I also want to interject among all this discussion of "the great f.ds drama," that I think people's comments so far seem to be a testament to the great community we have here. Things were pretty tough during the "drama," but it seems like everyone is genuinely interested in AdamH contributing to the blog, regardless of their position during that dark period in f.ds history. People, on all sides, could be way worse.

Also, I just wanted to take this moment to thank theory again for all has done and is doing for this community. Even if nothing comes of this discussion, I appreciate your willingness to consider turning the reins of the blog over to other people. That being said, I do hope something comes of this, because I agree that an active and current blog could help a lot.

General Discussion / Re: Movies: Any movie buffs?
« on: March 09, 2017, 05:54:12 pm »
Anybody got further thoughts on Logan? Witherweaver, what'd you like about it? I can detail my critiques in more detail later if anybody's interested.

General Discussion / Re: Movies: Any movie buffs?
« on: March 09, 2017, 02:04:32 pm »

I didn't even realize that interpret and interpret are technically the same word in English until now. Finnish has two separate words; one for explaining the meaning of something to other people (tulkata) and another one for explaining the meaning of something to yourself (tulkita). I'm talking about the latter one here — it's almost exclusively the word people use when talking about the meaning of art in Finnish. Actually, I don't really think that a piece of art can mean the exact same thing to multiple different people, because everyone has their own personal experiences and they interpret everything in the light of them.

That's extremely interesting, and it probably suggests that you should use a different word than "interpret." I suggested "respond," but I guess you could say "interpret a personal meaning," or something like that.

I guess my big question now is, why would Finnish art critics focus on "tulkita" rather than "tulkata"? From my perspective that makes art criticism almost entirely useless.

Man, I keep liking Guide less and less. It seems like it has the potential to always be at least decent since it potentially increases your reliability by so much. But too often I buy one, put it on the mat, and never need to call it. Maybe I'm not calling it enough, but I feel like it's a card I often end up regretting that I spent a turn buying. I feel like this even happens in games without strong trashing. As a result, I've started only buying/gaining it when the alternative is to buy/gain nothing.

General Discussion / Re: Movies: Any movie buffs?
« on: March 09, 2017, 12:46:23 pm »
I watched Logan last night.  Very good.

Saw it on Tuesday. I also agree. For me it really understands what makes Wolverine and Professor X great characters, and pushes those qualities to the Nth degree.

That said, I felt there were possibly some inconsistencies between the messaging of the film and its presentation, but I also need to remind myself that this is a big blockbuster, and just because Fury Road stands up to that level of scrutiny doesn't mean that all other big action films need to.

General Discussion / Re: Movies: Any movie buffs?
« on: March 09, 2017, 12:37:40 pm »
For example, Moby Dick probably has an infinite range of supportable interpretations, but if I said it's a book about selling cotton candy on the moon then I am objectively wrong.

Not really. If you say that it's a book about selling cotton candy on the moon, you are wrong because you don't really believe that yourself, not because it can't be a book about selling cotton candy on the moon. Perhaps someone has had a deeply emotional experience while selling cotton candy on the moon, and Moby Dick reminds him of his cotton candy selling adventure so much that he interprets the story in the light of his experiences — I would say that it's a perfectly valid interpretation.

Here's a quick question: if someone's interpretation or "reading" relies on a mistake (for example, they mishear the lyrics to a song or only watch the first half of a movie) is their interpretation not a "misreading"?

Now here's my longer response that most likely should be ignored, but I teach literary analysis so I can't not say it:

Likely this is a case of me operating under a different definition of "interpretation" than you are. I would say what you describe is a valid response to Moby Dick but not a valid interpretation. For me, and I would argue for most critics of various arts, interpretation involves translating the meaning of a text so that other people can recognize that meaning too. Just think of the other ways "interpreter" are used in other contexts, for example a sign-language interpreter. Also, the etymology of "interpret"  suggests this same reliance on communication to others. So an interpretation operates as a mediation between a "text" and other "readers."

As a result, interpretations that rely on idiosyncratic and personal experiences are not useful interpretations. An interpretation must point to objective details about a work (its "textual" or formal elements, its context, its relationship to other texts, etc.) in order to be valid.

A response, like the one this hypothetical cotton candy salesperson has, can be valuable because they can point readers in the direction of valid interpretations, but are not valid interpretations in and of themselves. So maybe after considering the connections between Moby Dick and their experience, the cotton candy reader recognizes what the book says about capitalism or living in a strange and alien world. In that case, they can claim that Moby Dick is about capitalism and thus is relevant to selling cotton candy on the moon. But that doesn't mean that the book is about cotton candy on the moon.

General Discussion / Re: Movies: Any movie buffs?
« on: March 09, 2017, 11:13:25 am »
I don't think it's possible to misread a piece of art.

I haven't sen the film you are discussing, so I don't know if I would characterize your reaction as a "misreading," but it is definitely possible to misread art. Certainly there is a range of viable readings possible, but then they are others that just ignore major aspects of that work.

For example, Moby Dick probably has an infinite range of supportable interpretations, but if I said it's a book about selling cotton candy on the moon then I am objectively wrong. That is a misreading.

(Although I could definitely be convinced to read a book about that)

General Discussion / Re: TV shows
« on: February 23, 2017, 01:36:54 pm »
I gave the first episode of Riverdale a shot. I knew it'd be darker than the Archie comics, so none of the subject matter surprised me.

It definitely has a Twin Peaks vibe to it, especially the opening. It even starts off with a presumed-dead teenager at the water.

I suspect that it won't get as weird or supernatural as Twin Peaks. I'm not sure that it'll keep my interest otherwise. There's a lot of teen angst in it, and that only interests me for a little while. I may continue on with it and see how I feel.

I will say that it's an interesting hybrid of style. While the show ostensibly takes place in modern day, there are elements of the '50s that are fused into the setting: Old tailfin cars and malt shops can be found here. Considering David Lynch's obsession with merging the past with the present, it just adds even more to the Twin Peaks vibe.

I've seen the first three episodes. I've found it interesting enough so far. It's like Twin Peaks meets Dawson's Creek with Archie references. I think I just appreciate how bizarre that kind of premise is. It's not doing anything groundbreaking though. I probably wouldn't watch it if my wife wasn't into it, but it's not something I'm suffering through by any means.

Finished stranger things. Eh, the show is stupid. Pretty much every plot point was resolved in the most predictable and chliche way possible (small sort-of exception is the the handling of the Nancy lovestory), and it's as bad about important character invulnerability as it gets. The way it casually throws away lives of background characters is probably the worst part – each one of those has his own family too... I think altogether the last two episodes were disappointing, I could have still been more interesting.

Nonetheless still fairly enjoyable.

I think this is exactly what stranger things was going for though. Stranger Things wanted to recreate the feeling of the eighties films it homages. It's pure nostalgia. From this perspective, cliches and predictability become almost a feature rather than a flaw. That doesn't mean they couldn't have done more interesting or surprising things with these formulas, but that'd make it a different kind of show.

So what's with so many different TV shows now being remakes of old movies?

Evil Dead
The Exorcist
School of Rock
A Series of Unfortunate Events (I know this was a book series before being a movie, but it was still a movie).
Bates Motel

I'm sure there's more.

I mean, there's always been movies that spawned TV shows; that's not new... it just seems like right now; a lot of the currently popular TV shows are based on (somewhat old) movies.

This isn't unique to TV, either. Almost all mainstream media is derivative today: Superhero stuff, Harry Potter, live-action remakes of Disney animation, huge advertisements for popular toys, etc.

Of the top 10 highest grossing films for the past 3 years (2016, 2015, 2014) only 4 are original intellectual properties. The rest are remakes, reboots, or sequels. And many of the sequels are almost like remakes (Spectre shares a lot with OHMSS, The Force Awakens is A New Hope in a blender, Rogue One is an adaptation of the opening crawl of Star Wars), and in the case of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 it's a sequel to a reboot of an adaptation.

So, I think the answer is, this stuff makes money and is pretty reliable. Even terrible movies and shows still make money because people like the original stuff. If the money's practically guaranteed, why wouldn't people do it?

That said, I don't think this has to be as terrible as it sounds. For example, both seasons of Fargo are phenomenal and I think a lot of that awesomeness is the result of them trying to capture the tone and interests of the original film. I even think derivative stuff can result in stronger shows and movies because they can focus their efforts on more specific parts. They don't need to develop a new world or figure out the tone of their movie or invent tons of new characters, so they can focus their resources on the other parts (script, directing, cinematography, etc.)

I'll preface this by saying I love every expansion, and there aren't really any cards that make me upset. Some might be "blah" but I don't hate any of them.

1. Empires: This might be because it's brand new (I just got it this Christmas), but I am giddy about this expansion. I love alternative victory points and cards that encourage you to play in non-traditional ways, and Landmarks are this to the nth degree. This expansion also seems to encourage the people I play with to try a wider range of divergent strategies rather than just mirror each other. Finally some cards create new decisions: how long do I spin my wheels buying groundskeepers? Do I uncover the next card in this split pile? Will playing this gathering card help my opponent more than me? Etc.

2. Guilds/Cornucopia: I might even put Guilds here by itself, but combining it with Cornucopia makes it an easy number 2. I love coin tokens and Guilds has a bunch of cards that can do so many different things without having to list 40 different options on the card: (Herald, Stonemason, Butcher). I like Cornucopia for many of the reasons others have listed, and I even like Tournament, despite how swingy it can be.

3. Dark Ages: I just love how combo-y and bizarre this set can be. I even don't really mind the cards people love to hate here. Yes, urchin is almost a necessity, but it doesn't obsolete other decisions you make throughout the game. Rebuild can obsolete those decisions, but a Rebuild game is such a different way of playing dominion that I like it. Even in mirrors there can still be decisions, and beating rebuild with an engine or strong BM can feel great. Okay, maybe I would end up preferring the "or" version of Cultist, but I've never tried it.

4. Prosperity: This is the beginning of the solid expansions that I really like, but don't really get me crazy-excited when I think about them (just normal excited-for-dominion excited). What puts this above other expansions in this tier would be Colony/Platinum, victory tokens, and the additional non-attack interaction in the set (all even more reasons why I love Empires).

5. Hinterlands: Hinterlands is good. It doesn't really strike me one way or the other. Maybe the theme of on-buy/gain is a little too invisible? Or didn't seem as  innovative/mind-blowing as other expansions' themes? I really do like a lot of these cards, but they aren't the ones I think of when I think "OMG I love that card!" Okay, I do really like farmland.

6. Seaside: Durations are super cool, but I don't think the ones in Seaside really change the way you play that significantly; they're just good cards (Tactician is the stand-out from the set in this regard). The set also has a few duds such as Pirate Ship which is especially problematic because it can look so powerful to newbies. I'm especially disappointed by Embargo. It's such a cool idea that doesn't really seem worth it in practice. Also, it requires a bunch of tokens just for it. :(

7. Alchemy: I really want this to be higher. I think potions are a really cool idea, and I love a lot of these cards, but I do think I'd like some of these cards more with some tweaks (scrying pool without the spying, a limit of one turn for possession, maybe a +buy on Phil Stone?) That being said, all of them are cool enough that I'd miss them. Even the weak cards are still cool. Oh, transmute, how I wish you weren't bad. I think this is also hurt by being a small expansion. I'm in the camp of really wishing we could get an alchemy 2nd edition (bigger and tweaked), but I get why it makes no sense to do it. :'(

8. Adventures: I really think I should like this expansion more than I have so far. Events are a wonderful inclusion in the game, but now that Empires suggests they might be evergreen, this expansion is no longer artificially inflated by them. I play most often IRL, and still regularly introduce the game to new players. As a result, I find the various tokens in this expansion too fiddly. Even the reserves can feel a bit fiddly sometimes.

9. Intrigue: I really like cards that can play a variety of roles, but I generally don't like using choices to do that. I think it removes some of the moments of discovery or epiphany that this game creates. I do really like the high percentage of alternate victory cards in the set, it's just that since almost all other expansions have them too, they don't affect this expansion's rank that much.

I think my opinion on Intrigue will greatly improve with the second edition, though. Some of the removals were great: Saboteur just felt bad for everyone including the person who played it; Secret Chamber was weak, the reaction was really fiddly, and it's outshone by other discard for benefit cards; and Scout was both boring and weak. Additionally, I really love some of the new cards although I have very limited experience playing with them. Diplomat and Lurker especially.

10. Dominion: The base game serves its purpose really well: introducing the game with a bunch of simple and straightforward cards. I also love how a bunch of the cards train you to become better at deckbuilders just by existing. That being said, I think this is the only expansion I can become bored of playing. The range of different decks it enables seems more limited. It also included a lot of duds. This is remedied by the second edition, but the replacements are just as vanilla as the rest of the set. I get why that's the case; I just don't get excited about it.

I know 'to each his own' and all that, but it's just really hard for me to fathom how much effect the art has on how much people like cards or sets. For me, the art is nice to have, but it makes almost no difference on how much I like or dislike cards.

I agree for the most part. Disliking a card because of its art or theme seems bizarre to me. That said, good or fun art can make me like a card even more. I especially like the conventions and callbacks that have developed in Dominion art and names. Things like Scouting Party or how cards named after small animals (Rats/Magpie) tend to multiply and ghosts place cards back on the deck (I wish Wild Hunt was named differently as a result).

General Discussion / Re: Movies: Any movie buffs?
« on: November 10, 2016, 05:13:34 pm »
I watched Doctor Strange, and I highly recommend it. It's a refreshing Marvel Studios movie in that it's not the same thing as all the other ones. The visuals are actually incredibly stunning.

I really agree with both the first and third sentences here, but could you explain why Doctor Strange seemed so different to you? Personally I felt like this was one of the most formulaic MCU films in a while (not necessarily a bad thing; it's a pretty fun formula.)

I haven't seen a lot of MCU movies as of late, because I've gotten sick of them. Maybe it's just that, but I actually found this movie compelling, say versus Thor: Dark World.

Fair enough. That being said, I definitely consider Dark World to be the MCU low-point so far.

My fave so far would be Civil War, although I'm not sure if you would consider it "compelling" or not.

General Discussion / Re: Movies: Any movie buffs?
« on: November 07, 2016, 07:33:59 pm »
I watched Doctor Strange, and I highly recommend it. It's a refreshing Marvel Studios movie in that it's not the same thing as all the other ones. The visuals are actually incredibly stunning.

I really agree with both the first and third sentences here, but could you explain why Doctor Strange seemed so different to you? Personally I felt like this was one of the most formulaic MCU films in a while (not necessarily a bad thing; it's a pretty fun formula.)

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf (for 4-8 players)
« on: November 01, 2016, 11:37:04 pm »
Considering the lack of interest in that last game and now, I won't be hosting the next one. 

Mail-mi, does Calamitas' vote even affect the outcome?

Yeah, I'm with you.

No, either way Ghacob dies and Town wins.

Final Vote Count

LaLight (0):
Roadrunner (1): AHoppy
Calamitas (2): LaLight, Ghacob
AHoppy (0):
Ghacob (2): Roadrunner, tripwire
tripwire (0):

So, what was everybody in the end? I assume Ghacob was a robber who robbed either AHoppy or me? If so, did I win, or was I still a wolf? Was there a tanner?

Considering the lack of interest in that last game and now, I won't be hosting the next one. 

Well, I'm super bummed about that and would definitely be interested if another game starts.

Thanks mail-mi!

He robbed you. So you won!

LaLight was tanner.

Hooray, I voted correctly!

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf (for 4-8 players)
« on: November 01, 2016, 11:33:01 pm »
Considering the lack of interest in that last game and now, I won't be hosting the next one. 

Mail-mi, does Calamitas' vote even affect the outcome?

Yeah, I'm with you.

No, either way Ghacob dies and Town wins.

Final Vote Count

LaLight (0):
Roadrunner (1): AHoppy
Calamitas (2): LaLight, Ghacob
AHoppy (0):
Ghacob (2): Roadrunner, tripwire
tripwire (0):

So, what was everybody in the end? I assume Ghacob was a robber who robbed either AHoppy or me? If so, did I win, or was I still a wolf? Was there a tanner?

Considering the lack of interest in that last game and now, I won't be hosting the next one. 

Well, I'm super bummed about that and would definitely be interested if another game starts.

Thanks mail-mi!

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: schadnd
« on: October 23, 2016, 11:11:33 pm »
I ask the scrants, "Is there anything we could do to demonstrate that the neighboring villagers are trustworthy?"

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Greatest Card -- NOMINATIONS OPEN
« on: October 21, 2016, 03:47:49 pm »
"Depends on the board"

Could you construct a board where a T1 champion would be a bad idea?

That seems pretty easy: all treasures/no attacks.

Yeah, that's what the troublemaker was swapped for

Mail-mi, can we get a confirmation of whether that's the case or not? Cause I don't think it is.

If not, that just brings up the question of whether he's a Wolf that screwed up, or a Tanner who wants it to look like the former. Do you guys have experience with AHoppy to draw upon to have a sense of which is more likely?

So, I'm not sure how to interpret AHoppy here yet. But, if he is a tanner and we're all villagers, what do we do? We could try to arrange everyone voting for other people (so no one dies), but AHoppy could just spoil it so everyone loses. Is that right?

Insomniac, no change.

And since there's no troublemaker and we have robber confirmed, there's no reason not to all full claim as far as I can tell.

So...Calamitas, AHoppy?

I'm also in.

Ghacob, do you corroborate LaLight's claim?

Okay. I don't think I'll be super busy starting monday, so I'll try to start this then.


Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: schadnd
« on: October 10, 2016, 10:53:09 pm »
rally with ADK and iguana for the whatever

I'll try another.

Tanner should have counterclaimed by the way I think.

Sorry, what does this mean? I've never played any of the forum games, and especially none of the mafia games so I have a hard time with comments like this.

:( the drunk is the worst role. By far.

It's definitely tricky, especially when there's no one who can look at the middle cards (seer, apprentice seer, etc.) It really highlights the need to determine which team you are on first before committing too much to things one way or the other though. That all being said, you really did get the short end of the odds on this one.

for what it's worth: tripwire, how much have you played One Night?

I've played countless games (with regular and Daybreak roles). People here have been way more truthful, much more quickly than I am used to, though. Likewise, regardless of what they start as, the people I play with don't play for "town," they play to win. So, a comment like that "softclaim" is "anti-town" would not be persuasive to me at all, but it seems like it is for you guys. Lastly, we always play 5 min max day. So it's hard for me to know what to do in and how to pace 48 hours.

GG all!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: RIP Adventurer
« on: October 10, 2016, 12:21:17 pm »
What I usually do is shuffle my discard pile and put it face down next to the draw pile. If something is added to it or interferes with the discard at all, I just shuffle again. Since I was already waiting for my turn it's not like the redundant shuffle was wasting play time.

I think this is a great way to "pre-shuffle" that allows you to easily account for anything weird happening before your next turn.

Furthermore, I personally am much more bothered by people that don't shuffle before their turn when they know they'll have to, than by people getting a small advantage because of pre-shuffling. IRL play for me is just about everybody having fun, and slow play and intense monitoring of others hurts that more than somebody unknowingly cheating.

Similarly giving you, tripwire, a final "Voting for RR is against town"

I definitely feel like lynching LaLight is a loss for everybody but him.

Sorry, about my assumption there: would edit to "them"

Just in case people don't realize: It doesn't matter if you're wolf or village, if you kill the tanner, you lose

Similarly giving you, tripwire, a final "Voting for RR is against town"

This really is a great move to protect your wolf buddy. If people are concerned with voting for RR, I can get on board for Ghacob.

I definitely feel like lynching LaLight is a loss for everybody but him.

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