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Messages - LuciferousPeridot

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Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: February 26, 2017, 05:46:01 am »
I used Information Age to visit Primitive Paradise but only got $2 from Information Age, the money didn't come off Primitive Paradise (I visited both alone).

BlackHole couldn't see anything in the box that gives everyone's cards, money, and perpetuals. I also think they couldn't see the meeples on the board. (edit: when he reloaded after the first game, it was all visible).

Hi. Yea the issue with the tokens was browser caching javascript.

All actions that triggered an additonal visit were not triggering primitive paradise. That's now fixed.

I also managed to break Police State zone restrictions some time ago - that's also fixed now.

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: February 23, 2017, 04:34:03 am »
Getting carried away now...

 - Added ranked games and a leaderboard. I've temporarily left it so guests can also play ranked games. I have used a trueskill library to calculate ratings.
 - Added a number of bots with (slightly) different rules to the base bot.

(not even top on my own leaderboard)

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: February 18, 2017, 10:57:56 am »
A few updates:

- Log now indented, player names in colour and a few other tidy ups.
- Real zones now highlighted when not on move action
- Fixed error with bots where playing Crown Jewels or barbarian as first play in Communist Utopia did not then trigger Black Market, incorrectly allowing a second play card in simulated game state. (This one took a while to work out!)
- Treasure map now triggered when visiting information age.

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: February 13, 2017, 04:20:44 pm »
I like that real zones are now also highlighted.  Is this a new feature?

No that's just showing zones you can move to. I tried adding a different colour border for the real zones when not clickable, but it didn't look right. I then tried using css filters on the non real zones, what do you think?:

I think the best way to highlight where the real timeline is would be to make the lines between those zones a much brighter gold.

I think that whatever the timeline itself looks like, it's really helpful to have the 4 real zones (or the zones you can currently move to) indicated someway on the zone itself. The faded out look looks cool, but the border it had is more obvious and clear.

The green highlight is still there when you have to select a zone to move to, that last image just shows how the zones could look when you are doing something like selecting a card to play. Saying that the time lines do need looking at, they're about as visible as the tokens that come with the real game :)

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: February 13, 2017, 12:59:06 pm »
I like that real zones are now also highlighted.  Is this a new feature?

No that's just showing zones you can move to. I tried adding a different colour border for the real zones when not clickable, but it didn't look right. I then tried using css filters on the non real zones, what do you think?:

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: February 13, 2017, 04:43:01 am »
A few updates:

 - Experimental changes to bots to improve play. This is based on Donald's suggestion above, with the bots simulating future plays and calculating a 'score' for each sequence.
 - You now get the $2 from primitive paradise before zone actions.
 - Who rules each time is now highlighted (thanks Bebr117)

I had to revisit a fair amount of the code to enable the bots to simulate game states - so please update me if you notice any new bugs.

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: February 01, 2017, 07:31:52 am »
Some comments:

Primitive Paradise: You're supposed to get the $ before following instructions for the Zone.

A good way to make something visible on any background is to surround it with a white outline, then a black outline. You can see the outline even on white or black! I would do this for the pawns. Also I would make them look like the pawns, and make the crowns crowns.

I think the log could be way more readable.
- use "+$9" rather than "takes 9 coins" (and -"$9")
- use a symbol for crown, if you can't make an ASCII crown or just "C" (and similar "+9C")
- colorcode player names
- put parentheticals in a darker gray to more easily ignore them
- drop the word "zone"
- indent for side-effects of visiting a zone or playing/scoring cards (thus sometimes multi-indenting)

The bots are obv. very bad, doing things like visiting Mere Anarchy to lose money. A good classic simple approach is to come up with a formula that says how well you're doing, and consider each possible play, and pick the one that maximizes that formula. The formula includes $, cards in hand, advancements, abilities from cards, rulership of zones, whether or not you've won. The basic deal is that a card and an advancement are both worth $4, except of course that both cards and $ are worthless when in excess of what you need to win (well overshooting a little is okay because it protects you). It should be easy to get a formula that results in better play than what you have.

It would be better to be able to see full card names for your hand - they could be vertical? And the scoring formulas.

Thanks Donald! The bots are almost completely random. Most games are being played are against bots so I should prioritise this. I'm not sure if making them avoid obvious mistakes would be an easier quick fix, or aiming for something like your suggested review of future game states which may take longer.

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: February 01, 2017, 02:47:39 am »
Started a new game, and I first went to Imperial China. I chose to play a card, playing my Conspiracy. I then intended to use Imperial China's ability to discard my other card for $4, but it never gave me the option.

Oddly Bebr117 picked this issue up in the code yesterday and committed a fix, I did't get round to making it live. Sorry about that.

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 31, 2017, 03:24:02 am »
Do you mean in the player message area 'has n crowns to advance'?

There is like a number that flashes in the middle of the screen briefly. I think it's red.

edit: Maybe that is the amount of coin you pay? And it's red because it's minus coin and I was just confused because 4 dollars score 4 crowns. That's probably it.

Yea I tried to give a quick visual indication of losing or gaining coins when it's not your turn.

Dominion League / Re: Season 20 - Signups
« on: January 29, 2017, 03:14:24 pm »
I would like to join.


Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 29, 2017, 04:47:20 am »
A couple of quick fixes from last nights games:

 - Fixed 'who rules' for the various tied cases.
 - I had investments work with total coin adjustment over a turn instead of coin gains. This wasn't so great if, say, you discarded investments after scoring a card when you had just enough to win the game next turn (sorry BH).

The number of crowns that pop up when you score stuff don't adjust if you have say Conspiracy.

Do you mean in the player message area 'has n crowns to advance'?

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 28, 2017, 06:41:32 am »
A few changes:

 - incorporated a new layout by bebr117 - making more room for the log and chat
 - (edit: added /resign command if single player or against bots)
 - added first visit coin display for primitive paradise
 - text display alert when your total coins change
 - Advance crown logging now a summary for each time
 - fixed visited zones issue with Anubis and Information Age
 - fixed some incorrect card costs
 - predict the future no longer tries to change history in Age IV
 - reworked connection and guest login code - hopefully fixing guests remaining in the lobby

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 24, 2017, 09:41:05 am »
I found another small bug :P : while having 4 crowns in time 3, i went there and played anubis statuette to go to information age (quite silly but ok :D). I had another turn in time 3, though that is not allowed because of information age blocking zones in which you already were in any given turn.

Yes - I'm logging zones visited but in context of the zone, rather than at player turn context. Thanks again for taking the time to note these.

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 23, 2017, 05:23:13 pm »
I wish there were a way to resign a game, at least one-player games that you accidentally start by joining a table as Player 1.

Adding resign option is on my list - maybe replacing with a bot if multiplayer. How does the current dominion handle a resign if there are more than 2 players?

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 23, 2017, 05:03:57 pm »

I lost, naturally, but this was a good board.

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 23, 2017, 04:13:13 pm »
I think its ok without the score costs, though the cards hovering over the score bord is maybe not optimal. Well at least i think one of these points would be good to keep an eye on so one can calculate the scoring options better. ;)

That's a good point!

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 23, 2017, 05:21:20 am »
I added guest login should anyone, um, be put off by having to register   ;)

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 22, 2017, 05:39:50 pm »
I've made an update to include wero's fabulous scans of the Temporum artwork.

If you hover over a card it shows you the card detail, not sure if that's the best solution, particularly as you cannot see the score costs.

Also, anyone know what the card font is? (or a similar font?)

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 16, 2017, 03:47:31 pm »
I found another small mistake  :)
Warm Globe is an age 4 zone, though it is implemented as age 3 zone

Thanks! An easy one :)

I'm online now for the next 30 mins or so if anyone wants a game.

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 13, 2017, 12:42:33 pm »
I'm up for some games in the evening if you want, that means 8 pm UTC  ;)

Sorry dude - I'm out this evening. Thanks though. Tomorrow?

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 12, 2017, 08:58:02 am »
Enabling post game chat ended up being more complicated than I thought, including re-working the re-connecting part. Testing multiplayer interactions is tricky, so please update me if you notice anything odd with that

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 11, 2017, 03:49:38 pm »
The check for whether you can perform a scoring action is broken with Friends in Old Places, the discount works if I'm allowed to score, but it doesn't let you score at all if you don't have the $$ for the unreduced cost.

If I visit Industrial Revolution (while ruling there), play Trinket and then another card, it lets me return the second card to my hand rather than the Trinket.

Thanks MicQ. Was this issue with Friends in Old Place the 'not enough coins!' message - i.e. it let's you try to select a card rather than just moving to the next player? Can you remember if your total coins was equal to the reduced score cost? I can see the issue if so. (That wasn't it. )

It didn't let me select a card, just moved on to the next player (all of my cards were $12/6 and I had $10).

Yep something not right there - I managed to replicate it once, but not again. Fixed.

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 11, 2017, 02:55:03 pm »
Thanks MicQ. Was this issue with Friends in Old Place the 'not enough coins!' message - i.e. it let's you try to select a card rather than just moving to the next player? Can you remember if your total coins was equal to the reduced score cost? I can see the issue if so. (That wasn't it. )
Maybe you are thinking about the game between us? We had a problem with iron age, but the total coins weren't equal to the reduced score cost, at least once not. And I found another small mistake: robot uprising has the card text of mere anarchy, didn't check what it does if you go there though.

Thanks for the games blackhole. It's great to see people playing.

That's robot uprising corrected and a change in for zone cost reduction.

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 11, 2017, 03:46:42 am »
The check for whether you can perform a scoring action is broken with Friends in Old Places, the discount works if I'm allowed to score, but it doesn't let you score at all if you don't have the $$ for the unreduced cost.

If I visit Industrial Revolution (while ruling there), play Trinket and then another card, it lets me return the second card to my hand rather than the Trinket.

Thanks MicQ. Was this issue with Friends in Old Place the 'not enough coins!' message - i.e. it let's you try to select a card rather than just moving to the next player? Can you remember if your total coins was equal to the reduced score cost? I can see the issue if so. (That wasn't it. )

Other Games / Re: Luciferous' Temporum Client
« on: January 09, 2017, 04:01:51 am »
I just played a game where it didn't end when I got all my crowns in Time IV. I took a few more turns doing other stuff and then scored another card, when I clicked on the Time IV crowns and then got and "Oops error" message or something. Why is the Time IV region clickable anyway?

Thanks - that's fixed. I still need to update the front end so it only highlights ages you can advance from.

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