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Messages - Wingnut

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Yes, it was an Ambassador game, but still. 48 turns to get to this.

#1 Wingnut: 84 points (7 Silk Roads [20 victory cards], 2 Colonies, 2 Provinces, 4 Duchies, and 5 Estates); 48 turns
         opening: Militia / Ambassador
         [63 cards] 7 Silk Roads, 5 Embargoes, 5 King's Courts, 4 Ambassadors, 2 Embassies, 2 Margraves, 1 Ironworks, 1 Militia, 13 Coppers, 7 Silvers, 3 Golds, 5 Estates, 4 Duchies, 2 Provinces, 2 Colonies

#1 worldhouse manager: 84 points (4 Colonies, 4 Provinces, 4 Duchies, a Silk Road [17 victory cards], and 4 Estates); 48 turns
                    opening: Ambassador / Ironworks
                    [67 cards] 5 Ambassadors, 5 King's Courts, 3 Ironworks, 2 Margraves, 1 Embassy, 1 Militia, 1 Silk Road, 4 Coppers, 20 Silvers, 9 Golds, 4 Estates, 4 Duchies, 4 Provinces, 4 Colonies

Game Reports / Re: Developing Grand Market to win
« on: December 24, 2012, 12:05:17 pm »
I'm trying to figure out what your opponent was going for here... he hadn't greened at all by the end of the game, 17 turns in? In a KC/GM/Colony game?  Crazy.

I'm guessing the greening was about to occur considering he had KC-KC-GM-GM-City in hand when I finished it, not that I knew he had that at that point. I'm also surprised IGG was totally ignored by both of us though it is much weaker in a Colony game and City takes on an entirely different role considering it would be level 3 after those piles are empty.

Game Reports / Developing Grand Market to win
« on: December 24, 2012, 02:22:53 am »
In this game I somehow went to sleep early and forgot about the Vault/Grand Market synergy. With King's Court also on the board, this would normally mean death. But not here as I stumbled upon using Develop to change my fives into topdecked Grand Markets (of course this also topdecked useless Talismans in this game as that was the only 4 and it was a Colony game as well, thank you Loan for being available as well).

Still, I was in ok shape with the cities having only one left and the Grand Market pile empty and I drew the hand of City, City, Develop, Grand Market, Copper. From there is was play the first City. Develop Grand Market, topdecking the final City and a King's Court. Play City (now at level 3 after clearing the pile). KC-City. Pile out for the win.

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: December 23, 2012, 04:59:08 pm »
Dear terminus,

I'm sorry about that 5-2 start on the Mint-FG board and I'm really sorry that it came on a board with Adventurer on it too. Thank you for playing it all the way to the end.



Dominion General Discussion / Re: Common strategic misconceptions
« on: December 12, 2012, 04:51:53 pm »
Automatically opening Fishing Village without taking into account whether there are strong enough terminals to merit multiple terminals being played on a turn or taking into account a lack of +buy

2012 / Re: Best Game: Round 1 Nominations
« on: December 09, 2012, 12:44:00 am »
Game 2 from my series with WHARF 2 THA BRIDGE - Interesting because of the completely different openings and well-played by both I feel

Goons game. I opened Chancellor/Potion aiming for Apothecary while WHARF opened Silver/Silver. I used a Mint to trash 3 Coppers allowing me to use some spare buys on copper, especially with Apothecary around to suck them up too. Also, Royal Seal ended up being key allowing me to play topdeck Goons on turns 10-12 and then topdeck Crossroads and Apothecary on turn 13. Ultimately, the game was decided by me reaching the double Goons threshold earlier, forcing a tactical change from WHARF to Silk Road. When the slog continued, I was able to reach Province twice at the end while he was not.
Wingnut wins 70-58

2012 / Re: Gardens Division: Bracket and Results
« on: December 09, 2012, 12:38:13 am »
Wingnut (44) beats WHARF 2 THA BRIDGE (21) 4-3

Game 1 -

Swindler and Duke game. WHARF played better and also had better luck with the Swindlers. Just a bit of a slog. Nothing much to say.
WHARF wins 54-43

Game 2 -

Goons game. I opened Chancellor/Potion aiming for Apothecary while WHARF opened Silver/Silver. I used a Mint to trash 3 Coppers allowing me to use some spare buys on copper, especially with Apothecary around to suck them up too. Also, Royal Seal ended up being key allowing me to play topdeck Goons on turns 10-12 and then topdeck Crossroads and Apothecary on turn 13. Ultimately, the game was decided by me reaching the double Goons threshold earlier, forcing a tactical change from WHARF to Silk Road. When the slog continued, I was able to reach Province twice at the end while he was not.
Wingnut wins 70-58

Game 3 -

Fishing Village/Embassy/Council Room/Monument. WHARF oddly skipped Fishing Village in his opening buy and also never picked up a Council Room. This doomed him as I played Monument more and picked off 5 Provinces in 13 turns. This also doubles as one of the best games of Dominion I have ever played as far as my play.
Wingnut wins 45-23

Game 4 -

Just a dull board where I crazily opened Noble Brigand and paid for it. I never completely caught up after that as WHARF used his Apprentices to great effect.
WHARF wins 31-24

Game 5 -

This was my bad beat game (and it wasn't bad compared to the next game). I opened 5-2 on a board without a great 5 (Festival often is, but in this kingdom it was basically a Woodcutter) and no 2. Still, I made a run at it with Harems and got close before breaking PPR to take the lead and hoping for WHARF to not have it. He did.
WHARF wins 35-31

Game 6 -

I opened 5-2 on a board with Witch, Hamlet and Peddler. Also, it was Colonies. Good game. WHARF had no chance. It ended on piles ultimately (Peddlers, Mengeries and Curses)
Wingnut wins 28-12

Game 7 -

Finally, a Possession game to decide everything. Seriously. In part because Torturer and Minion were vetoed. I took an early lead with Possession as I used Library to keep bypassing it in his deck keeping him from playing it until he adapted. And adapt he did. After turn 14, I had 4 Provinces and a Duchy and WHARF had nothing. Then WHARF double Possessed me on turn 15 and and 16, getting back into the game with some nice play of my deck (trashing Provinces with Remake to lower handsize for additional plays of Library to cycle through and get to what was needed). Ultimately, I bought a Duchy on my final turn and ended the game on the Possessed turn by Remaking two Potions into Duchies and buying the final one while also gaining the final Library with University to end the game on piles (Bazaars also gone).
Wingnut wins 39-27 and wins the match 4-3

And here I was expecting you to inundate your opponent with Scouts.

I probably should have. Like I said I played quite badly in this game. That would have been better than curse as well.


As for why I lost, I stupidly dumped too much coin and never got anything ramped up and going. By the time I did, I was buried by Tunnel, Oasis (I lose to this card regularly because I loathe it for some reason I still don't understand) and Golem. Still, an interesting early game if nothing else.

Game Reports / Re: I play big money
« on: November 26, 2012, 12:16:44 pm »
Have to say that looks... bleak

I think I like a turn 7 Library instead of Gold here. Two Libraries isn't the end of the world so if you hit five before the next reshuffle another can still be picked up.

Game Reports / King's Court as nothing more than Remodel and Remake fodder
« on: November 16, 2012, 11:31:45 pm »
What a strange game here.

Kingdom: Chapel, Herbalist, Swindler, Remake, Remodel, Horse Trader's, Feast, Militia, Farmland and King's Court

I just kind of played without thinking about a real strategy until late in the game and it ended up working (I was Nameless Cult Leader) as my opponent opened Chapel (likely out of habit given this kingdom) while I went with Remake/Swindler. Maybe I was aiming for KC-Swindler (which I did play once to almost no effect).

Still, this game came down to who could do a better job of Remaking and Remodeling their way to Provinces (that and the rare KC-Feast for 3 Duchies play on turn 16).

What say everyone else here since I still don't have the slightest idea how I would play this if I ever saw it again?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Power Grid promo card
« on: November 08, 2012, 07:25:43 pm »
I think just zeroing in one one part of Power Grid s the way to go here.

For Power Grid's step system of opening new cities for a higher cost, make the price variable depending on the number of piles empty.
Step 1 (0 empty piles) - Cost 4
Step 2 (1 empty pile) - Cost 5
Step 3 (2 empty piles) - Cost 6

For example
(Name Card Here)
Victory - $2
For each empty pile this card costs $1 more
2 VP

(Don't take that as the actual card, just an example as I have no idea how to price cards and I know it can be improved upon or done at a higher cost with more points or done with other abilities)

Help! / Dark Ages IRL Help - 3 Games
« on: October 29, 2012, 06:42:05 pm »
Game 1

4-Player using Base, Seaside and Dark Ages. Estates as starting cards.

Cards in Kingdom: Squire, Fishing Village, Urchin, Gardens, Fortress, Salvager, Death Cart, Wharf, Witch, Cultist

I have no idea what to do here. And I'm not going to share what I was going for as I was 4th player, Player 1 drew 5-2 and I drew both of my opening cards (Fishing Village and Salvager for the record) on turn 5 meaning my strategy didn't matter all that much. I didn't reach 4 on any of my last 8 turns of the game (I drew 10 coins with no +buy on the first hand after shuffle and then drew no coin other than FV after that until the game ended).

Still, as 4th player I would think going Cultist is the best route as everyone else normally will go Witch (Player 1 went both with his 5-2 draw and early advantage and killed everyone).

What would everyone else have done as Player 4? What about if it was 2-player?

Game 2

3-Player Game using Base, Seaside and Dark Ages. Shelters in Play.

Cards in Kingdom: Forager, Moneylender, Bureaucrat, Rats, Sea Hag, Graverobber, Mystic, Festival, Bazaar, Adventurer

With no card drawers and a big curser with a lack of trashing the play seems clear here with Sea Hag. Rats ended up being big especially in my case as I trashed my extra Rats with Forager and Graverobber throughout the game while one player ended up with 12 Rats in his deck by the end. Moneylender was a big trap on this board as one player in this game hates when his deck has more than 20 cards in it.

Game 3

3-Player Game using Base, Seaside and Dark Ages. Shelters in Play.

Cards in Kingdom: Squire, Vagrant, ,Lighthouse, Moat, Caravan, Smithy, Catacombs, Rebuild, Merchant Ship, Treasury

I'll admit this was a fairly dull kingdom, but after the cursing of the previous games it was welcomed. I won't speak of my strategy here because I went against everything I know and played like a pre-Village Idiot, overbuying actions with no way to play them. I nearly recovered at the end with a Rebuild strategy but ran out of time.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Favorite Dominion Pastime
« on: October 22, 2012, 03:57:08 pm »
My favorite is playing mindgames with people in IRL games when Contraband is in the kingdom. It's fun on Iso but oh so much better IRL when you can confuse and metagame your way to getting the cards you really want.


I didn't even mind losing as this was one of the bizarre games I have ever played. Both of us played Possession on Possessed turns because of Golem but it was generally worth it to try because of Governor. Just an odd game all around, particularly with thin decks because we trashed down with Steward. We also had the corner case of using Gov to gain Gold and therefore gaining both Silver and Gold on the play.

Any thoughts from the community at large here?

Game Reports / Re: Firsts
« on: October 09, 2012, 02:32:02 am »
I've played quite a bit and of course bought a curse to finish a game off, but never until today have I bought all 10 curses in one turn to finish a game.

Also noteworthy from this game is using KC-Bureaucrat to gain fodder for KC-Bishop.

I was so looking forward to playing this during the veto. I enjoy longer grinding games with good cards but the ability to have a focus still (normal cursing games are quite fun to me) and the lack of trashing seemed to indicate this...

Card in supply: Cellar, Explorer, Farming Village, Goons, Governor, Haven, Monument, Peddler, Village, Young Witch
Cards vetoed: Minion, Jack of all Trades

... then I saw the Bane: Swindler (are you f'ing kidding me, total ruin) and then was dismayed to see I opened 5-2. My opening Gov was hit early and this went from a fun grinder to a boring can I build a Swindler proof deck against a guy who has a million villages, Goons, Governor and Swindlers? No fun at all, especially when you realize that the best Swindler move on the board when it hits a 4 is to give Young Witch.

Oh well. This is normally why I veto Young Witch. Because who knows what is coming with it. I play veto because sometimes I want to avoid Ambassador and Swindler in particular. Tonight was one of those nights.

Here's the game:

How would everyone have played it? I realize I was nowhere near optimal in my play but I'm just curious.

Game Reports / Re: wandering star owns me with Mint
« on: September 27, 2012, 09:30:24 pm »
This is also a good example of a certain sign of doom: switching to Fairgrounds in an engine game hoping opponent stalls out as ycz6 did on turn 15 (this also can apply to Duchy).

Help! / Re: Beaten by a level 0 on a Chapel board! What happened?
« on: September 18, 2012, 02:06:48 pm »
Turn 5 chapels are often a losing sign. Your opponent wasn't a true level 0 and had very good draws at the start; uncatchable.

You did have an option to take an apprentice on turn 5 and then make a treasure deck. There's enough assistance with a library or maybe even a mandarin to make things tick. It would have run at about the same speed as a big money deck.

That makes some sense here. I missed it because I think I was already pretty ticked by that point (I also managed to lose a game to the immortal Scout-Fortune Teller opening where my level 3 opponent managed 5 Provinces in 15 turns right before this).

Help! / Beaten by a level 0 on a Chapel board! What happened?
« on: September 18, 2012, 04:39:19 am »

Is there anything at all I could have done here considering I opened Chapel and still had 3 Estates in my deck on turn 10 (drew Chapel turn 5 with no Estates and then drew it with no Estates again on turn 7) and my opponent managed to trash two Estates and get 2 Alchemists in his deck by turn 5?

I suppose I should have bought a few less Silver but still that doesn't really help here I don't think.

Any ideas?


Lesson of this game #1: Don't open 5-2 on a Familiar board with nothing costing two. It has a way of making things miserable really quick. Especially since it means you are likely to still be in the 2p position later too.
Lesson #2: Resign when you realize you've lost the curse split 9-1 and Grand Market, Goons, Apprentice and Margrave are all on the board.
Lesson #3: If you haven't followed Lesson #2, resign when your opponent starts buying the Inns you were using to give yourself some fun in this grinding slog of doom.
Lesson #4: Sometimes it is better to look for moral victories. This was one of those times. Despite all of that I managed to double province on turn 30
Lesson #5: When you pull nonsensical garbage that works like what occurred in Lesson #4, don't be surprised when your opponent decides to try and run up the score for achievement purposes just because he can and you haven't given up yet.
Lesson #6: End the game when some sort of victory can be claimed. I may not have won the game, but I had more points in victory cards than my opponent :)
Final Lesson: Find a way to have fun playing Dominion even when the situation is totally hopeless.

Game Reports / 34 Turns of Misery
« on: August 27, 2012, 10:12:55 pm »

Let's just say that this is a combination of cards I would rather not see ever again. Tournament, Ambassador, Duke, Fairgrounds, Grand Market, Village, Saboteur, Counting House, Secret Chamber and Throne Room.

The Throne Room made this thing horrible as it kept colliding with my opponents single Ambassador allowing him to keep up early on in the Ambassador war even though I had 3 Ambassadors. Then of course I had to overcome Trusty Steed and Followers once my deck was bloated. And of course my Tournaments kept getting blocked. I feel like this is the type of game why people hate both Ambassador (I ultimately won the curse split 8-2 despite Followers because I eventually did win the Ambassador war) and Tournament. To play them together with other enablers. Well, I can be happy Saboteur was never bought in this game.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Dougz - I would like to send you money
« on: August 21, 2012, 03:12:21 pm »
Clearly we should bribe DougZ to implement Tanto Cuore instead.

Always kind of wondered how Arclight got away with it... Maybe because the cards are weaker and the game is therefore not quite as fun.

So it should be okay if isotropic is "Dominion, but not as good!"

They got away with it because the game is a really different variant if delved into. Base set Tanto Cuore and base set Dominion are really different game strategically even if some of the card effects are similar and the goal is similar.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: The Bold Predictions Thread
« on: August 20, 2012, 07:35:32 pm »
OK I'll join in on this one.

Feodum will end up as the worst Alt-VP in the game (except Great Hall). It will have it's moments just as Farmland does, but it will still end up incredibly weak, especially compared to its cost 4 brothers Gardens and Silk Road.

Rebuild is going to join Grand Market, Haggler, Tournament and Peddler (with extra buys) as big snowball cards. It will end up being used to trash Provinces for Provinces most of the time and speed the game to force Engine builders to work quicker.

Despite what it appears, Chapel will not be the best friend of Dark Ages. There are so many other ways to trash now that Chapel, while still powerful, will end up as one of the bunch of many trashing cards. With all the other trashers, it will be skippable on engine boards a lot more often than it was before Dark Ages.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Greatest Isotropic Moments of 2012
« on: August 19, 2012, 08:42:35 pm »
So I got soundly smashed here but given where I was in the game, this was entertaining.

— Wingnut's turn 29 —
Wingnut plays a Noble Brigand.
... getting +$1.
... (ghe.tom reshuffles.)
... ghe.tom reveals and discards an Apprentice and a Copper.
Wingnut plays a Silver and 2 Coppers.
Wingnut buys a Duchy.
(Wingnut draws: 5 Curses.)

Yes, that's right, 5 Curses drawn together.

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