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Messages - Blueswan

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Goko Dominion Online / Re: slow players
« on: June 11, 2013, 08:34:35 am »
I'm not saying that this is the case, but if a user is experiencing heavy lagging, then that leads to very slow play. This is exactly why I don't play humans as Goko lags severely on my PC.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Yeahhhh, Goko leaderboard milestone
« on: June 11, 2013, 08:32:41 am »

I somehow missed the discussion here since my last post. Personally, I have no idea whether my rating is artifically high or artificially low (still hovering right around the 5k mark), but it would be an interesting experiment to find out.

Regardless, I do think that Vermilion is underestimating the Bots. They don't play consistently bad at all. Infact, my guess is that the variance in the level of Bot play is much higher than the variance of real human play. Sometimes the bots really ARE laughably bad, emplying "strategies" that even a complete beginner would beat. Other times they play perfectly fine strategies - both Big money strategies and engines, rather well and even good players can easily lose a game to them here and there. My general feeling is that the bots are weaker in colony games, where they tend to go straight for Provinces whenever possible, as if it was a non-colony game.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Yeahhhh, Goko leaderboard milestone
« on: June 08, 2013, 08:55:40 am »
@Blueswan: Dude, it's time.  You've learned all you can from the bots.  Leave the minors and come play with the big boys! :)
Oh, I know. It's just that I still have huge lagging issues with Goko on my desktop computer, which I won't subject human opponents to. I CAN play on my laptop with a minimum of issues and have done on a few occasions, but I really don't like playing on my laptop. I probably have to since I'm quite eager to play more humans.

As for the rating, I typically gain something like 20-30 points beating the highest rated bot, but often lose more than a hundred points when I lose to said bot. So I have to win very consistently to not lose ranking when playing just bots.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Yeahhhh, Goko leaderboard milestone
« on: June 08, 2013, 01:58:48 am »
Congrats. I'm playing bots exclusively but seem to be stuck right around 5k. I usually beat the bots but just one loss sets me back quite a bit.

So please tell the listeners what the cards do in the kingdoms you discuss. It won't have to take more than a couple of minutes.

I'd either do this, or skip explaining things like 5/2 vs 4/3 openings. You have to figure out what your target audience is, and tailor the podcast to that audience. I think most people on f.ds would prefer the "assume the audience knows Dominion and the cards" approach, but if you want to attract listeners with less experience, then you'll need to give more info.
Since it really only takes a couple of minutes to mention what the cards do, I think that is the way to go. There are lots of people out there who love Dominion but don't know every card by heart - especially amongst the people who mainly play IRL, I would assume.

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Preview #2: Doctor
« on: June 04, 2013, 09:28:00 am »
Love love LOVE this card. Trashers are the most fun cards anyways. Can't wait to try it.

I also very much agree with Mic Qsenoch.

Anyway, I was thrilled to hear this. It is no more than a week ago that I searched the net for Dominion podcasts. We really need one! So keep up the good work!

However, I did find one strange discrepancy, if you will. You explain to listeners what a 4/3 or 5/2 split is and even explain what the game is about. However, you don't explain what the cards in the two mentioned kingdoms do. I think that will alienate a lot of potential listeners. It took me hundreds of games to learn all the cards just by name. Infact, I just earlier today lost a game (and a hundred ranking points) to a stupid bot on Goko because I mixed up Silk Road and Feodum (it was a board with Trader and Silk Road, so I went with a heavy silver-gaining "Feodum" strategy, only to realize at the end that Silk Road wasn't the VP card that gave you points for silvers but for having VP cards).

So please tell the listeners what the cards do in the kingdoms you discuss. It won't have to take more than a couple of minutes.

I mean, you could remove the randomizers entirely.  Take one regular card from all stacks and ALWAYS keep them separate in your storage solution.  When you are setting up a game:

Deal out 10 cards from this new randomizer deck.
Go into the boxes and grab the other 9 cards for each random card.
If Black Market is in, use the rest of the (regular-backed) randomizer deck as the BM deck.
Play the game.
After the game, return one of each card to the randomizer deck.
Return the stacks of 9 to the boxes.

Yeah it might take a smidgen of work to grab all the regular cards... but it's one-time setup and then you're done forever.  The special blue-backed randomizers are pointless if you do it this way.

A reason you might not do this is if you prefer using a randomizer app with constraints or something.  But if you always play full random, this would be the easiest method.
So simple, yet so brilliant. Thank you!  :D

Game Reports / Re: Analysis of a 40 turn mammoth game
« on: May 23, 2013, 09:23:40 am »
I'm not sure what you mean about not being able to play the actions that Golem draws; Golem itself plays those actions without needing the help of a village.
Oh dear! Another noobish mistake on my part. With more than 600 plays on Goko now, I really shouldn't make mistakes like that. If course Golem lets you play both actions it draws - how did I manage to forget that?

Well, I probably wouldn't have gone that route anyway, as I'm not really confident playing with knights yet. I usually avoid them altogether.

Game Reports / Analysis of a 40 turn mammoth game
« on: May 23, 2013, 07:28:14 am »
Trying to move on from just playing bots I managed to get a game against a top player, SheCantSayNo. This was rather fascinating especially because I came somewhat close to winning, yet in the end lost fairly convincingly. Moreover this game taught me several valuable lessons, one of which was watch the trash!

Now, a game without junk really shouldn’t last 40 turns, so what happened?

Excited to play a strong player I look over the kingdom and see…..nothing. Here it is:

P =  Vineyard
$3 = Oasis, Storeroom
$4 = Nomad Camp, Silk Road, Thief, Trader
$5 = Knights, Mandarin
P$4 = Golem

No villages, no strong trashing, no junkers. Knights are the only decent attacks, but without a village I don’t want too many of them, if any. A mandarin could be useful as a cheap gold and to prevent terminal clash. I don’t want to spend time going for a Golem if I can’t play the actions that Golem draws anyway. Neither Vineyard nor Silk road looks that interesting to me. I basically opt for a simple money heavy strategy, without being a Big Money approach per se.

The opening

---------- BlueSwan: turn 1 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 4 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Trader
BlueSwan - gains Trader
BlueSwan - draws Overgrown Estate, Copper, Hovel, Copper, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 1 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays 5 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - gains Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Copper on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - places Copper on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - places Copper on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - places Copper on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - places Copper on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper
---------- BlueSwan: turn 2 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 3 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Silver
BlueSwan - gains Silver
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Silver, Overgrown Estate, Copper, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 2 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays 5 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Dame Josephine
SheCantSayNo - gains Dame Josephine
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Overgrown Estate, Necropolis, Hovel, Copper

Comment = I have a 4/3 split, while SheCantSayNo has a 5/2 split. I open Trader/Silver. A bit of a noob blunder really. I figure that I would trash estates for silvers, not realizing that we were playing with shelters. In the end the trader worked out OK for me, I suppose. SheCantSayNo opens with a Mandarin buy which allows for another $5 on hand for a Dame Josephine (the 2 VP knight) buy. This set the stage for a fairly Knights heavy strategy on SCSN’s part.

---------- BlueSwan: turn 3 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 3 Copper, 1 Silver
BlueSwan - buys Sir Bailey
BlueSwan - gains Sir Bailey
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Hovel, Copper, Necropolis, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 3 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Estate
SheCantSayNo - trashes Hovel
SheCantSayNo - gains Estate
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Dame Josephine, Copper, Copper, Mandarin

Comment = SCSN’s Dame Josephine buy opens up Sir Bailey, which I promptly buy with my first $5. Sir Bailey is the cantrip knight which I gather is important on a village-less board. SCSN chooses to buy an Estate to trash Hovel for lack of better options with $2 in hand.

---------- BlueSwan: turn 4 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 3 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Silver
BlueSwan - gains Silver
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Trader
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Copper, Silver
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 4 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Dame Josephine on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays 3 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Dame Molly
SheCantSayNo - gains Dame Molly
SheCantSayNo - draws Dame Josephine, Necropolis, Overgrown Estate, Copper, Estate
---------- BlueSwan: turn 5 ----------
BlueSwan - plays Trader
BlueSwan - trashes Silver
BlueSwan - gains Silver
BlueSwan - gains Silver
BlueSwan - gains Silver
BlueSwan - plays 3 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Silver
BlueSwan - gains Silver
BlueSwan - draws Necropolis, Overgrown Estate, Copper, Silver, Sir Bailey
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 5 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Josephine
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Hovel
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Copper, Copper
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - draws Mandarin, Dame Molly
---------- BlueSwan: turn 6 ----------
BlueSwan - plays Necropolis
BlueSwan - plays Sir Bailey
BlueSwan - draws Copper
SheCantSayNo - reveals: Overgrown Estate, Necropolis
BlueSwan - plays 2 Copper, 1 Silver
BlueSwan - buys Silver
BlueSwan - gains Silver
BlueSwan - draws Copper
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Copper, Copper, Silver
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 6 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Molly
BlueSwan - reveals: Silver, Necropolis
BlueSwan - trashes Silver
BlueSwan - discards Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Copper on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Dame Sylvia
SheCantSayNo - gains Dame Sylvia
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Copper, Dame Josephine, Estate, Copper
---------- BlueSwan: turn 7 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 4 Copper, 1 Silver
BlueSwan - buys Gold
BlueSwan - gains Gold
BlueSwan - draws Sir Bailey, Silver, Copper, Trader, Silver
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 7 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Josephine
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Silver
BlueSwan - trashes Silver
BlueSwan - discards Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays 3 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Silver
SheCantSayNo - gains Silver
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Copper
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Necropolis, Mandarin

Comment = I basically just load up on silvers and a gold while SCSN buys a few knights. At this point I’m not too concerned about the knights, but maybe I should have been…

---------- BlueSwan: turn 8 ----------
BlueSwan - plays Sir Bailey
BlueSwan - draws Overgrown Estate
SheCantSayNo - reveals: Copper, Dame Sylvia
SheCantSayNo - trashes Dame Sylvia
SheCantSayNo - discards Copper
BlueSwan - trashes Sir Bailey
BlueSwan - plays Trader
BlueSwan - trashes Overgrown Estate
BlueSwan - draws Silver
BlueSwan - gains Silver
BlueSwan - plays 3 Silver, 1 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Gold
BlueSwan - gains Gold
BlueSwan - draws Hovel, Copper
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Necropolis, Silver, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 8 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Necropolis on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays 3 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Gold
SheCantSayNo - gains Gold
SheCantSayNo - draws Necropolis, Dame Molly, Estate, Dame Josephine, Overgrown Estate

Comment = Here I play my knight which reveals Dame Sylvia (the +$2 knight) so both are trashed. Clearly not very fortunate for me. I lose my one (good) knight, while SCSN loses a disposable knight.

---------- BlueSwan: turn 9 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Copper, 1 Silver
BlueSwan - buys Silver
BlueSwan - gains Silver
BlueSwan - draws Silver, Copper, Copper, Gold, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 9 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Molly
BlueSwan - reveals: Silver, Gold
BlueSwan - trashes Silver
BlueSwan - discards Gold
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Josephine
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Silver
BlueSwan - trashes Silver
BlueSwan - discards Copper
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Copper, Silver, Copper
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper
---------- BlueSwan: turn 10 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 3 Copper, 1 Silver, 1 Gold
BlueSwan - buys Province
BlueSwan - gains Province
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Silver, Trader
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Silver, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 10 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays 4 Copper, 1 Silver
SheCantSayNo - buys Potion
SheCantSayNo - gains Potion
SheCantSayNo - draws Dame Molly, Copper, Gold, Overgrown Estate, Necropolis

Comment = With my first $8 in hand I decide to start greening with a Province buy, while SCSN buys a potion, looking to buy Golem later. At this point it becomes quite clear that I’m looking for a fast VP advantage, while SCSN is going for a slower build up.

---------- BlueSwan: turn 11 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Copper, 2 Silver
BlueSwan - buys Gold
BlueSwan - gains Gold
BlueSwan - draws Silver, Province, Silver, Hovel, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 11 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Molly
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Copper, 1 Gold
SheCantSayNo - buys Silver
SheCantSayNo - gains Silver
SheCantSayNo - draws Estate, Copper, Mandarin, Dame Josephine, Copper
---------- BlueSwan: turn 12 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Silver, 1 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Mandarin
BlueSwan - gains Mandarin
BlueSwan - places Silver on top of deck
BlueSwan - places Copper on top of deck
BlueSwan - places Silver on top of deck
BlueSwan - draws Silver, Copper, Silver, Gold, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 12 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Dame Josephine on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Dame Anna
SheCantSayNo - gains Dame Anna
SheCantSayNo - draws Dame Josephine
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - draws Silver, Copper, Dame Anna, Dame Molly
---------- BlueSwan: turn 13 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Silver, 2 Copper, 1 Gold
BlueSwan - buys Province
BlueSwan - gains Province
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Copper, Gold
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Silver, Province
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 13 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Molly
BlueSwan - reveals: Silver, Silver
BlueSwan - trashes Silver
BlueSwan - discards Silver
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Anna
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Josephine
BlueSwan - reveals: Gold, Province
BlueSwan - trashes Gold
BlueSwan - discards Province
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Silver, 1 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Silver
SheCantSayNo - gains Silver
SheCantSayNo - draws Potion, Copper, Gold, Mandarin, Copper
---------- BlueSwan: turn 14 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Copper, 1 Gold, 1 Silver
BlueSwan - buys Gold
BlueSwan - gains Gold
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Trader, Hovel, Copper, Mandarin
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 14 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Gold on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Copper, 1 Potion
SheCantSayNo - buys Golem
SheCantSayNo - gains Golem
SheCantSayNo - draws Gold, Overgrown Estate, Copper, Copper, Estate
---------- BlueSwan: turn 15 ----------
BlueSwan - plays Mandarin
BlueSwan - places Trader on top of deck
BlueSwan - plays 2 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Duchy
BlueSwan - trashes Hovel
BlueSwan - gains Duchy
BlueSwan - draws Trader, Necropolis, Silver, Copper, Gold
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 15 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Copper, 1 Gold
SheCantSayNo - buys Sir Vander
SheCantSayNo - gains Sir Vander
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Copper, Silver, Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - draws Dame Josephine

Comment = At this point I’m losing track of what SCSN is trashing using the knights. For some reason I don’t look through the trash pile. I sense that I’m still doing OK on money, but looking over it now, I’m really not. SCSN has trashed one of my golds and a whole bunch of my silvers, while buying more knights. In turn 15 I decide to use my $5 to buy a duchy. Not because I really want the duchy but because I can’t think of anything better and I might as well get rid of my Hovel. However, what I fail to realize is that from now on SCSN is going to trash my duchies whenever possible. This took me far too long to see as we will see. What I should have done here was probably to buy a Knight o reven another Mandarin instead focusing ALL of my VP buys on provinces.

---------- BlueSwan: turn 16 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 1 Silver, 1 Copper, 1 Gold
BlueSwan - buys Gold
BlueSwan - gains Gold
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Gold, Copper, Copper, Copper, Duchy
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 16 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Josephine
BlueSwan - reveals: Province, Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Copper, 1 Silver
SheCantSayNo - buys Silver
SheCantSayNo - gains Silver
SheCantSayNo - draws Potion, Copper, Silver, Golem, Dame Anna
---------- BlueSwan: turn 17 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 3 Copper, 1 Gold
BlueSwan - buys Gold
BlueSwan - gains Gold
BlueSwan - draws Province, Copper, Mandarin, Gold, Necropolis
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 17 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - reveals Overgrown Estate, Copper, Copper, Copper, Mandarin, Copper, Estate, Silver, Gold, Dame Molly
SheCantSayNo - discards: Overgrown Estate, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Estate, Silver, Gold
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Molly
BlueSwan - reveals: Silver, Silver
BlueSwan - trashes Silver
BlueSwan - discards Silver
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Silver on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Anna
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Potion, 1 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Golem
SheCantSayNo - gains Golem
SheCantSayNo - draws Silver, Sir Vander
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - draws Golem, Potion, Copper
---------- BlueSwan: turn 18 ----------
BlueSwan - plays Mandarin
BlueSwan - places Copper on top of deck
BlueSwan - plays Gold
BlueSwan - buys Gold
BlueSwan - gains Gold
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Trader, Gold, Silver, Gold
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 18 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - reveals Copper, Dame Anna, Copper, Silver, Dame Molly
SheCantSayNo - discards: Copper, Copper, Silver
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Molly
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - reveals: Gold, Gold
BlueSwan - trashes Gold
BlueSwan - discards Gold
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Anna
BlueSwan - reveals: Gold, Necropolis
BlueSwan - trashes Gold
BlueSwan - discards Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Sir Vander
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Silver
BlueSwan - trashes Silver
BlueSwan - discards Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Silver, 1 Potion, 1 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Silver
SheCantSayNo - gains Silver
SheCantSayNo - draws Dame Josephine, Overgrown Estate, Golem, Copper, Necropolis
---------- BlueSwan: turn 19 ----------
BlueSwan - plays Trader
BlueSwan - trashes Copper
BlueSwan - plays 2 Gold, 1 Silver
BlueSwan - buys Province
BlueSwan - gains Province
BlueSwan - draws Gold, Province, Copper, Copper, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 19 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - reveals Silver, Gold, Estate, Copper, Silver, Copper, Copper, Mandarin, Copper, Silver, Silver, Sir Vander
SheCantSayNo - discards: Silver, Gold, Estate, Copper, Silver, Copper, Copper, Copper, Silver, Silver
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Copper on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays Sir Vander
BlueSwan - reveals: Duchy, Copper
BlueSwan - trashes Duchy
BlueSwan - discards Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Josephine
BlueSwan - reveals: Province, Mandarin
BlueSwan - trashes Mandarin
BlueSwan - discards Province
SheCantSayNo - buys Silver
SheCantSayNo - gains Silver
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Dame Anna, Copper, Copper, Golem
---------- BlueSwan: turn 20 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 3 Copper, 1 Gold
BlueSwan - buys Gold
BlueSwan - gains Gold
BlueSwan - draws Copper
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Province, Copper, Copper, Necropolis
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 20 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - reveals Dame Molly, Potion, Silver, Silver, Silver, Gold, Copper, Copper, Copper, Golem, Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - discards: Potion, Silver, Silver, Silver, Gold, Copper, Copper, Copper, Golem
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Molly
BlueSwan - reveals: Gold, Copper
BlueSwan - trashes Gold
BlueSwan - discards Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Anna
SheCantSayNo - trashes Copper, Copper
BlueSwan - reveals: Province, Gold
BlueSwan - trashes Gold
BlueSwan - discards Province
SheCantSayNo - draws Silver, Dame Josephine, Estate, Silver, Overgrown Estate
---------- BlueSwan: turn 21 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 3 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Silver
BlueSwan - gains Silver
BlueSwan - draws Gold, Copper, Copper, Silver, Gold
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 21 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Josephine
BlueSwan - reveals: Gold, Province
BlueSwan - trashes Gold
BlueSwan - discards Province
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Silver
SheCantSayNo - buys Silver
SheCantSayNo - gains Silver
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Sir Vander, Mandarin, Silver
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - draws Golem
---------- BlueSwan: turn 22 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Gold, 2 Copper, 1 Silver
BlueSwan - buys Province
BlueSwan - gains Province
BlueSwan - draws Trader
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Necropolis, Silver, Province, Gold
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 22 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - reveals Silver, Silver, Potion, Copper, Copper, Silver, Overgrown Estate, Dame Anna, Copper, Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - discards: Silver, Silver, Potion, Copper, Copper, Silver, Overgrown Estate, Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Anna
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Province
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Sir Vander on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Copper, 1 Silver
SheCantSayNo - buys Gold
SheCantSayNo - gains Gold
SheCantSayNo - draws Sir Vander, Silver, Dame Josephine, Estate, Copper
---------- BlueSwan: turn 23 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 1 Silver, 1 Gold
BlueSwan - buys Duchy
BlueSwan - gains Duchy
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Gold, Province, Copper, Silver
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 23 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Sir Vander
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Province
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Silver, 1 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Silver
SheCantSayNo - gains Silver
SheCantSayNo - draws Silver, Golem, Gold, Silver, Dame Molly

Comment = Being the naive noob that I am I actually think I’m winning at this point. I now have four provinces to SCSN’s zero. In turn 23 I even decide to buy a Duchy, to improve my VP advantage. Even with both Silk Road and Vineyard on board, I like my VP points at this point. What I fail to realize is this:

1) With the constant Knight attacks, buying Duchies and Silk Roads are probably just gonna be trashed.
2) My buying power is dimishing by the second.

Here’s my deck at this point:

Copper = 6
Silver = 1 (despite having bought a ton of silver during the game)
Gold = 2
Province = 4
Duchy = 1
Trader = 1
Necropolis = 1
Overgrown Estate = 1

At this point I’m really close to victory. I believe what I need to do here is to buy silver, gold and Mandarins, possibly with a knight or two thrown in, and ONLY buy provinces for VP. That is not what I did at all as we will see for the painful continuation:

---------- BlueSwan: turn 24 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Copper, 1 Gold, 1 Silver
BlueSwan - buys Duchy
BlueSwan - gains Duchy
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Copper
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Duchy, Province, Necropolis
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 24 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Molly
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Silver
BlueSwan - trashes Silver
BlueSwan - discards Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - reveals Sir Vander, Silver, Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - discards Silver
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Sir Vander
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Silver, 1 Gold
SheCantSayNo - buys Gold
SheCantSayNo - gains Gold
SheCantSayNo - draws Gold, Dame Josephine, Silver, Silver, Copper
---------- BlueSwan: turn 25 ----------
BlueSwan - draws Province, Gold, Silver, Gold, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 25 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Josephine
BlueSwan - reveals: Trader, Province
BlueSwan - trashes Trader
BlueSwan - discards Province
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Silver, 1 Gold, 1 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Province
SheCantSayNo - gains Province
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Overgrown Estate, Potion, Mandarin, Golem
---------- BlueSwan: turn 26 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Province
BlueSwan - gains Province
BlueSwan - draws Province, Duchy
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Silver, Copper

Comment = Oh boy, I get another Province and another Duchy for a VP total of 36. Surely I’m about to beat a top level player here! :-D

---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 26 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - reveals Silver, Copper, Silver, Dame Anna, Silver, Copper, Copper, Estate, Silver, Golem, Silver, Gold, Gold, Gold, Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - discards: Silver, Copper, Silver, Silver, Copper, Copper, Estate, Silver, Golem, Silver, Gold, Gold, Gold
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Anna
SheCantSayNo - trashes Overgrown Estate
SheCantSayNo - draws Sir Vander
BlueSwan - reveals: Duchy, Province
BlueSwan - trashes Duchy
BlueSwan - discards Province
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Sir Vander on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Copper, 1 Potion
SheCantSayNo - buys Golem
SheCantSayNo - gains Golem
SheCantSayNo - draws Sir Vander, Silver, Province, Silver, Dame Molly
---------- BlueSwan: turn 27 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Copper, 1 Silver
BlueSwan - buys Silver
BlueSwan - gains Silver
BlueSwan - draws Province, Gold, Copper, Necropolis, Province
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 27 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Molly
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Province
SheCantSayNo - plays Sir Vander
BlueSwan - reveals: Gold, Copper
BlueSwan - trashes Gold
BlueSwan - discards Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Silver
SheCantSayNo - buys Silk Road
SheCantSayNo - gains Silk Road
SheCantSayNo - draws Dame Josephine, Copper, Silver
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - draws Silver, Silk Road
---------- BlueSwan: turn 28 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 1 Gold, 1 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Silk Road
BlueSwan - gains Silk Road
BlueSwan - draws Copper
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Necropolis, Province, Copper, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 28 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Josephine
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Silver
BlueSwan - trashes Silver
BlueSwan - discards Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Silver, 1 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Duchy
SheCantSayNo - gains Duchy
SheCantSayNo - draws Golem, Dame Anna, Silver, Silver, Gold
---------- BlueSwan: turn 29 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 3 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Silver
BlueSwan - gains Silver
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Province, Silver, Province, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 29 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - reveals Silver, Mandarin, Golem, Sir Vander
SheCantSayNo - discards: Silver, Golem
SheCantSayNo - plays Sir Vander
BlueSwan - reveals: Duchy, Gold
BlueSwan - trashes Gold
BlueSwan - discards Duchy
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Dame Anna on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Silver, 1 Gold
SheCantSayNo - buys Province
SheCantSayNo - gains Province
SheCantSayNo - draws Dame Anna, Gold, Potion, Dame Molly, Copper
---------- BlueSwan: turn 30 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Copper, 1 Silver
BlueSwan - buys Silk Road
BlueSwan - gains Silk Road
BlueSwan - draws Silk Road, Province, Province
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Province, Province
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 30 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Molly
BlueSwan - reveals: Necropolis, Duchy
BlueSwan - trashes Duchy
BlueSwan - discards Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Anna
BlueSwan - reveals: Silver, Copper
BlueSwan - trashes Silver
BlueSwan - discards Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Gold, 1 Potion, 1 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Golem
SheCantSayNo - gains Golem
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Estate, Gold, Silver, Province
---------- BlueSwan: turn 31 ----------
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Silk Road, Silver, Province, Copper
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 31 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Copper, 1 Gold, 1 Silver
SheCantSayNo - buys Duchy
SheCantSayNo - gains Duchy
SheCantSayNo - draws Necropolis, Copper, Copper, Silver, Silver
---------- BlueSwan: turn 32 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Copper, 1 Silver
BlueSwan - buys Silk Road
BlueSwan - gains Silk Road
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Copper, Copper
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Province, Province
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 32 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Copper, 2 Silver
SheCantSayNo - buys Duchy
SheCantSayNo - gains Duchy
SheCantSayNo - draws Golem
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - draws Duchy, Duchy, Province, Copper
---------- BlueSwan: turn 33 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 3 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Estate
BlueSwan - gains Estate
BlueSwan - draws Silk Road, Copper, Copper, Province, Silk Road
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 33 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - reveals Golem, Mandarin, Silver, Copper, Silver, Gold, Silver, Copper, Gold, Duchy, Dame Anna
SheCantSayNo - discards: Golem, Silver, Copper, Silver, Gold, Silver, Copper, Gold, Duchy
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Duchy on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Anna
BlueSwan - reveals: Province, Province
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Silk Road
SheCantSayNo - gains Silk Road
SheCantSayNo - draws Duchy, Sir Vander, Province, Potion, Silver
---------- BlueSwan: turn 34 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Estate
BlueSwan - gains Estate
BlueSwan - draws Silver, Copper, Silk Road, Necropolis
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Province
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 34 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Sir Vander
BlueSwan - reveals: Province, Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Potion, 1 Silver
SheCantSayNo - buys Vineyard
SheCantSayNo - gains Vineyard
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Golem, Golem, Silver, Dame Josephine
---------- BlueSwan: turn 35 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 1 Silver, 1 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Estate
BlueSwan - gains Estate
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Copper, Province, Copper, Silk Road
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 35 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - reveals Estate, Gold, Copper, Silver, Necropolis, Silver, Silver, Dame Molly
SheCantSayNo - discards: Estate, Gold, Copper, Silver, Silver, Silver
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Molly
BlueSwan - reveals: Estate, Province
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - reveals Silk Road, Silver, Silver, Estate, Province, Potion, Silver, Golem, Province, Silk Road, Sir Vander, Duchy, Vineyard, Copper, Silver, Silver, Gold, Gold, Silver, Copper, Duchy, Golem, Gold, Duchy, Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - discards: Silk Road, Silver, Silver, Estate, Province, Potion, Silver, Golem, Province, Silk Road, Duchy, Vineyard, Copper, Silver, Silver, Gold, Gold, Silver, Copper, Duchy, Golem, Gold, Duchy
SheCantSayNo - plays Sir Vander
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Silk Road
BlueSwan - trashes Silk Road
BlueSwan - discards Copper
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Copper on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Josephine
BlueSwan - reveals: Estate, Province
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Silver
SheCantSayNo - buys Duchy
SheCantSayNo - gains Duchy
SheCantSayNo - draws Copper, Copper, Dame Anna, Copper, Silver
---------- BlueSwan: turn 36 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 3 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Estate
BlueSwan - gains Estate
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - draws Necropolis, Province, Copper, Silk Road, Estate
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 36 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Anna
BlueSwan - reveals: Estate, Silver
BlueSwan - trashes Silver
BlueSwan - discards Estate
SheCantSayNo - plays 3 Copper, 1 Silver
SheCantSayNo - buys Duchy
SheCantSayNo - gains Duchy
SheCantSayNo - shuffles deck
SheCantSayNo - draws Golem, Silk Road, Province, Copper, Silver
---------- BlueSwan: turn 37 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 1 Copper
BlueSwan - draws Copper, Province, Province, Copper, Estate
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 37 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - reveals Necropolis, Silk Road, Dame Josephine
SheCantSayNo - discards Silk Road
SheCantSayNo - plays Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Josephine
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Estate
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Copper, 1 Silver
SheCantSayNo - buys Silver
SheCantSayNo - gains Silver
SheCantSayNo - draws Sir Vander, Duchy, Copper, Copper, Estate
---------- BlueSwan: turn 38 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Estate
BlueSwan - gains Estate
BlueSwan - draws Silk Road, Copper, Copper, Province, Province
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 38 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Sir Vander
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - reveals: Necropolis, Silk Road
BlueSwan - trashes Silk Road
BlueSwan - discards Necropolis
SheCantSayNo - plays 2 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Estate
SheCantSayNo - gains Estate
SheCantSayNo - draws Silver, Copper, Silver, Duchy, Silver
---------- BlueSwan: turn 39 ----------
BlueSwan - plays 2 Copper
BlueSwan - buys Estate
BlueSwan - gains Estate
BlueSwan - draws Province, Province, Copper, Copper, Estate
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 39 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays 3 Silver, 1 Copper
SheCantSayNo - buys Silk Road
SheCantSayNo - gains Silk Road
SheCantSayNo - draws Golem, Gold, Potion, Silver, Dame Molly
---------- BlueSwan: turn 40 ----------
BlueSwan - draws Estate, Estate, Province, Copper, Estate
---------- SheCantSayNo: turn 40 ----------
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Molly
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Estate
SheCantSayNo - plays Golem
SheCantSayNo - reveals Mandarin, Province, Golem, Silver, Gold, Duchy, Dame Anna
SheCantSayNo - discards: Province, Golem, Silver, Gold, Duchy
SheCantSayNo - plays Mandarin
SheCantSayNo - places Potion on top of deck
SheCantSayNo - plays Dame Anna
BlueSwan - shuffles deck
BlueSwan - reveals: Copper, Province
SheCantSayNo - plays 1 Gold, 1 Silver
SheCantSayNo - buys Province
SheCantSayNo - gains Province
SheCantSayNo - draws Potion, Silver, Copper, Golem, Duchy

------------ Game Over ------------
SheCantSayNo - cards: 4 Golem, 1 Dame Josephine, 1 Mandarin, 1 Dame Molly, 1 Necropolis, 1 Sir Vander, 1 Dame Anna, 9 Silver, 5 Copper, 3 Gold, 1 Potion, 5 Duchy, 3 Province, 3 Silk Road, 2 Estate, 1 Vineyard
SheCantSayNo - total victory points: 49
SheCantSayNo - turns: 40
BlueSwan - cards: 1 Necropolis, 6 Copper, 6 Estate, 5 Province, 1 Silk Road
BlueSwan - total victory points: 39
BlueSwan - turns: 40
1st place: SheCantSayNo
2nd place: BlueSwan

Comment = Turns out I lost by 10 VP. I basically started panic buying Estates and Silk Roads instead of trying to up my purchasing power. SCSN could even easily afford to ignore the penultimate province rule since I had no money to buy for.
Well, at least I learned a few lessons here. One thing I haven't thought through is whether I should have bought a few Storerooms. Not that it would likely have led to a huge difference given all the Knight trashing, though.

Game Reports / Re: Noob bragging!
« on: May 22, 2013, 03:37:41 pm »
I might actually have gotten a bit better today. I started the day ranked around #800 or so, with a rating around 4500 or so. Now I'm at an alltime high of #261 with a rating of 5194. I even played a couple of humans today. Two multiplayer games. Won one, came in second in the other.

I would like to add to apprentices description that you can trash a cultist when the ruins are all gone for +8 cards
WOW! Hadn't thought of that combo. Of course, you could also trash a Peddler for +8 cards.

It's back. YAY!

Other Games / Re: Eclipse
« on: May 22, 2013, 05:54:06 am »
The only thing that annoys me about the game is Plasma missiles, which tend to be too game defining and takes a lot of the fun out of the battles.
That's the kind of mechanic that is very hard to balance. Shields and hulls in principle counter the missiles in a rock-paper-scissors -way, but as they are mostly bad against other kinds of ships the cost of building such counters is too high.

I just browsed through some old discussions to refresh my memory on how the issue was seen during development (I wasn't involved, but the designers are frequent visitors in the same club and I've playtested the game from quite early on -- to the point that I've actually played the final game very few times and haven't tested the expansion at all). The first comments on potentially too strong missile ships are from late 2010, followed by discussion on whether it is too severe an issue or not. No strong conclusions were drawn, and the final game is quite close to how it was at that point so one could say that the issue was known but not considered game-breaking by any means (some other things were still changed after that, so there would have been an opportunity). Indeed the plasma missile ships are often a bit boring but not necessarily too strong, especially considering that the better weapons are supposed to be game-changing.
I think just adding a 1 power cost to Plasma missiles helps quite a bit. I guess a few of the new rare technologies in the expansion works as well, but I haven't gotten the expansion yet.

Game Reports / Re: Noob bragging!
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:10:28 am »
Thank you for the analysis. Hopefully this means I'm getting better.  :)

EDIT: I guess not. Just lost big to Banker Bot in a Golem/Rogue game.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Bizarre bot strategies?
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:05:01 am »
Arguably the worst move any bot has played against me:

Conqueror Bot: turn 14
Conqueror Bot   plays Necropolis
Conqueror Bot   plays Minion
Conqueror Bot   discards: Copper, Copper
Conqueror Bot   draws Copper, Province, Copper, Minion
BlueSwan   discards: Copper, Silver, Minion, Overgrown Estate, Province
BlueSwan   draws Copper, Province, Copper, Hovel
Conqueror Bot   plays Minion
Conqueror Bot   discards: Copper, Province, Copper
Conqueror Bot   draws Ambassador, Province, King's Court, Copper
Conqueror Bot   plays King's Court
Conqueror Bot   plays Ambassador
Conqueror Bot   reveals Copper
Conqueror Bot   returns Copper to the Supply
BlueSwan   gains Copper
Conqueror Bot   plays Ambassador
Conqueror Bot   reveals Province
BlueSwan   gains Province
Conqueror Bot   plays Ambassador
Conqueror Bot   reveals Province
BlueSwan   gains Province
Conqueror Bot   draws Gold, Gold, Envoy, Silver, Estate

The bot still had a decent chance of winning before that move:

Game Reports / Noob bragging!
« on: May 22, 2013, 02:39:10 am »
For arguably the first time ever I played a game where I'm sort of proud of my game plan. I'm sure it is really a totally obvious game plan, but usually I would probably just have went on a Caravan binge on this board:

For those who don't want to click on that link: Poor House, Native Village, Loan, Steward, Caravan, Farming Village, Trader, Wandering Minstrel, Explorer, Mint.

Game log:

For the first time I managed to use Poor House and Steward properly with the idea to trash down to zero treasure and just a couple of poor houses and a village. I got lucky on turn 5 being able to buy mint to trash 5 coppers (and then I trashed Mint with Steward the next turn). I needed a village to play both Poor houses and went for Farming Village for no particular reason. Not really sure if Farming Village or Wandering Minstrel is the best choice here, but in the end it made no difference. For turn 8 I now drew my entire hand of Caravan, Farming Village, Steward, Poor House, Poor House and bought my first Province. I then proceeded to buy one province every round, with Caravan/Farming Village making sure I kept drawing and playing the two Poor Houses every round. I could have gotten unlucky with this after the Provinces started filling up my deck, but I didn't. I bought my fifth Province in round 12 to close the game.

Lord Bottington wasn't far after me, though, having gone for a Caravan heavy strategy, which I guess would have been my first instict as well.

Now, did I just get lucky here with the Mint buy and the lack of Province conflicts during the later rounds, or was my strategy here the correct one?

They seem to be back at more "normal" rating levels now.

I think Conqueror Bot is the one I have the worst record against, although I'm not entirely sure. They should have a stats page for stuff like that. On the other hand I think my record against Lord Bottington is good (for a player of my limited skill level).

While I have no problem with the general level of the bots, I think it would be nice if they programmed a few bots with a higher level. For instance, I'm sure it would be possible to program a X-Big Money bot that would be fairly hard to beat for anyone not very adept at building a nice engine. Infact, I'd very much like to practice against such a bot.

Goko Dominion Online / The Bot's ratings are dropping dramatically
« on: May 21, 2013, 08:38:18 am »
Over the last day or two the ratings of the Bots seems to have dropped significantly. Several of them used to be close to 4000, but now most of them are below 3000. Any idea what happened?

Currently I have the base set, Seaside, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Dark Ages, Hinterlands, mats and coins all in the Seaside box. I just got Intrigue and when I soon get Alchemy and Guilds I plan to split everything up into two of the small boxes (say Cornucopia and Alchemy). I plan to include the base set in one of them and Intrigue in the other, so that I could just bring one of the two boxes to a game night if I don't want to carry it all. I don't use sleeves though.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Just how bad are Goko's bots??
« on: May 18, 2013, 02:53:29 am »
Seeing as I beat the bots fairly consistently, they must be pretty damn awful. The very few times I've played real humans I've lost pretty badly. I do enjoy playing the bots though - I would have to since 99% of my games have been against them.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Promo with just the Base Act
« on: May 17, 2013, 01:39:15 am »
Yeah, that's what i meant. 52 VTs, to be precise.

Yeah, it's 52. I just finished and now I'm quite disappointed. Maybe I should buy some sets eventually...
Do it. It's well worth it. I held off for some time playing just base and then one day just took the plunge and bought all sets. Haven't regretted it for one second. It's basically the price of ONE cardboard game and I'll almost guarantee you that you'll spend far more time on online Dominion than on any cardboard game you might own.

Other Games / Re: Stefan Feld games
« on: May 16, 2013, 10:55:50 am »
I've only played Bora Bora and I absolutely loved it - even based on just one play. It's at the very top of my "to buy" list along with Dominion Alchemy (only expansion I don't have yet).

I actually own Castles Of Burgundy but haven't played it yet.

I'm eager to try Trajan as well.

Other Games / Re: Eclipse
« on: May 16, 2013, 10:53:00 am »
Eclipse is one of my favourite games and the app is a great implementation of it, despite a few bugs. I too prefer it with 4 players. Oh, and it's much more fun playing with the Alien races than with the Humans (Terrans). I need to get the expansion which introduces more races as well as some other cool stuff. The only thing that annoys me about the game is Plasma missiles, which tend to be too game defining and takes a lot of the fun out of the battles.

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