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Messages - ksasaki

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Innovation General Discussion / Re: Innovation Crash
« on: July 23, 2013, 11:27:42 am »
I didn't know stack traces were reported automatically.  Will keep that in mind when reporting bugs to Doug in the future...

Innovation General Discussion / Re: FiS: subtler bugs
« on: July 23, 2013, 11:24:22 am »
I think certain karmas completely override the dogma, for Sejong, the text is:

if you would meld meld a blue card of value above 3, instead return it and draw and meld a card of one higher.

From the rulebook

Would: Starts with "If you would _______," and continues with a triggering condition and a reaction.  When that condition occurs, the karma effect interrupts whatever effect was in progress.  If the reaction starts with "instead," cancel the original effect and follow the instructions of the karma effect instead.  If the reaction starts with "first", follow the instructions of the karma effect, and then continue with the original effect.

Yeah confusing I know, good thing we have a rule engine to process it and not ourselves :P

echoes cards are much better, in general.  There are no "echoes" or "foreshadows" in base, two very broken abilities.  I usually snoop around age 1 echoes looking for a splay left echo (i.e. umbrella or chopsticks).

Echo effects: it's like having an extra action, you should just spam it like crazy (unless shared, but sometimes also helps shares.  Ever had ruler tucked under math?  It's a forced share of math, over and over again as long as they have at least 2 light bulbs).

Foreshadows: you get to meld 2 cards + take a dogma action, it's a 3-1 special! 

Innovation General Discussion / Re: Figures in the Sand
« on: July 19, 2013, 04:40:59 pm »
Gene Roddenberry is epic

Innovation is kind of a fringe-y game, I kind of got that impression from BGG as well.

There are some people who hate the "randomness" and compare it to Fluxx.  For myself, I found innovation totally by accident, I think I was looking for through the ages information or something and somehow stumbled on innovation.  Needless to say, it has been the perfect game for me, the right mix of strategy / tactics / randomness / trolliness for me to be in my element.  I'd be happy to share my thoughts on echoes after ~1000 games, but in essence it boils down to how many actions you can churn out per turn.  The more the better.  Here would be a few basic pieces of advice for echoes.

-Code of laws and flute are "must-haves" that I try to get if possible.
-Try to draw echoes as much as possible.  Remember, no echoes in your hand + at least 1 card are the conditions for drawing echoes.  Multiple echo tuck / meld / foreshadows are super powerful, Industrialization might be the most powerful card in echoes.
-the "power 4" in age 1, ruler, umbrella, chopsticks, flute.  These are the four with left splay echoes (i.e. you can see the echo effect if the stack is splayed left).  Flute under code of laws can become a "double splay," or under mysticism becomes a splay / meld /draw.  if you get ruler under writing it becomes a wheel that draws 2s, if you have umbrella under the wheel or chopsticks under domestication, they become wheel + meld, or domesti + draw a card.  3 actions for the price of 1!   Bell is pretty good too (score a card from your hand), if you can combine that with novel's splay left echo (draw a 3) watch out! 
-I once had a purple pile with monotheism, bell, novel, and flute.  Splay left 1 color, draw a 3, score a card, tuck a 1 potentially scoring a non-color from your opponent's board.  You get the picture... 

If anyone wants to do "learning" games with me where I discuss what cards I look for / why I do certain things, I'd be happy to. 

Try emailing dougz, click the faq button on the innovation screen.  It's like

Innovation General Discussion / Re: Is Metalworking a trap card?
« on: June 20, 2013, 11:25:36 am »
I don't like it personally, but I've seen it used to great effect against me.  In the base game, I think it's definitely worthwhile, because castles become almost obsolete after age 4 (I've still used them effectively afterwards, but the age 2 / 3 cards pale in comparison power-wise to later cards).

It's most effective in age 1, since 9/15 cards are castles (including metalworking I believe).  So if you have a non-castle in your hand, and your opponent melded a non-castle, then I say metalwork away!  (There you got either an 8 / 12 or 7 / 12 chance of hitting a castle depending on the achievement). 

In echoes, you need to achieve 1 more achievement, so my general power-building strategy starts to pay dividends later.  There is an interesting dynamic with chopsticks (which allows you to create more achievements), where I've had five achievements by age 2 or something crazy like that.

Overall, it's not a bad card, and if you can get really lucky and nab monument + 1 / 2 / 3 i'd say you are well on your way to victory.  Echoes I wouldn't recommend it personally, but it can also be effective!

Innovation General Discussion / Re: 4-player way too powerful synergy
« on: June 10, 2013, 11:07:57 am »
It is amusing (I just played a 4p echoes yesterday), but I agree with everyone's general sentiment.  The demand / card steal cards are just ridiculous (I'm thinking enterprise here specifically, and later mobility for some massive scoring).  There is also kingmaking going on at the end, for sure.

wow, the world boardgaming championships are really close to where I am (North Carolina).  Would it be possible to have an echoes tournament, I play 99% echoes and I sort of forgot how to play base :P

Innovation Articles / Re: Echoes Strategy Guide: Age 5
« on: May 28, 2013, 12:03:01 pm »
Tuning fork tucked + empiricism is pretty sick if you have that stack splayed right:

look at top card of any deck:

choose two colors and draw and reveal a 9.  If the card is one of the two colors chosen, meld that card and splay up.

Tuning fork is really not that bad either if you have a monster hand, not inconceivable if you have paper or fermenting.

Innovation Articles / Re: Echoes Strategy Guide: Age 5
« on: May 28, 2013, 11:09:33 am »
Ken: that strategy works a LOT better in the expansion believe me!

I've heard of RFTG, twilight struggle, and such.  Has anyone ever witnessed an innovation tournament, because I would like to attend one!

Innovation Game Reports / Re: Let's imitate ksasaki
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:16:16 pm »
I do love super boards

Innovation Articles / Re: Echoes Strategy Guide: Age 4
« on: May 16, 2013, 12:54:35 pm »
so I wrote up half of my thoughts on the 1 cards, then i accidentally browsed away from the forum.  Then, I wrote up another new blurb and had it on notepad, but didn't save it and my computer reset for stupid windows updates.  so now I don't even know what to say....i'll just hang my head resignedly

Innovation General Discussion / Re: implementing time controls
« on: May 16, 2013, 12:52:17 pm »
I never use automatch, because there is no way to automatch echoes for some reason.   I suppose start with just your own created games, then perhaps incorporate it into automatch as time permits. 

Innovation General Discussion / implementing time controls
« on: May 14, 2013, 05:00:54 pm »
Sometimes, I'm fine having a relaxing game, but say I am trying to fit a game into lunch.  I think there should be an option to have like a (total time) (increment added per move) time control, I don't know say like 15 15 (15 minute game, 15 seconds increment added per move) as an example.  That way, if I want to play a quick game, then I can just have a quick time control, or a slower time control.  I don't imagine it to be too hard to implement either.

Innovation Articles / Re: Echoes Strategy Guide: Age 4
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:18:20 am »
Hi theory, I can write an echoes strategy guide for age 1, I think I have a pretty good grasp having played almost 1000 games, not to mention the ~500 IRL :O

Innovation General Discussion / Re: news on the next beta?
« on: May 10, 2013, 02:07:01 pm »
ah sorry I misread that.  Yes, i suppose there will be no dependencies to figures, but I would like to see a new expansion, even echoes is getting a little stale for me.

Innovation General Discussion / Re: news on the next beta?
« on: May 10, 2013, 01:17:05 pm »
Yeah, not figures, I think Chris was referring to the next expansion after that!

Innovation General Discussion / news on the next beta?
« on: May 07, 2013, 01:18:26 pm »
I heard Chris Cieslik talking about possibly beta-testing the next expansion on isotropic, any word on approximately when this might be happening? 

Innovation Game Reports / 8 special achievements
« on: May 04, 2013, 06:41:16 pm »
Typical to my "emperor" style (credit to teasel for that reference)>

Innovation Game Reports / Re: Tie In Innovation
« on: May 04, 2013, 06:40:34 pm »
well done!  Nice Hitchhiker's reference Joe!

Innovation Game Reports / Re: Trapping your opponent
« on: May 01, 2013, 02:49:31 pm »
that was nice marco.  Once I got industrialization I was in cruise control haha.  Guess I need to be wary of shared slide rules!

Innovation General Discussion / Re: someone's username is a website
« on: April 30, 2013, 08:47:46 pm »
i think i hurt someone's feelings....

i wouldn't mind if the site were innovation related, like theory has. 

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