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Messages - Jerk of All trades

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I feel like conspirator is waaaaaay over-valued.  It's very strong in a number of decks. But even in perfect games it can get in the way of engines that it requires. (drawing smithy smithy, con,Con, copper). I mean, it's beautiful with minion or alchemist, or double tactician or something. But without extreme trashing, or Ironworks + lots of cheap cantrips I've seen conspirator get destroyed by simple BM decks.  Even with enablers that look ideal (oasis, market, villages, etc).

Innovation Game Reports / Re: ridiculous chopsticks game
« on: February 27, 2013, 02:12:44 pm »
How does it work with multiple 1s?  Is there anything stopping you from getting to 5 points and just achieving the 1 a bunch of times?  I'm still pretty new to the game, and don't understand a bunch of the mechanics.

Rules Questions / Re: Outpost in my Outpost
« on: February 26, 2013, 07:54:19 pm »
Same if you play an outpost when you possess somebody.  They only get a 3card turn, and no extra turn.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Analyze That Board! #1
« on: February 26, 2013, 05:33:28 pm »
I feel like trader/lookout is a lot better than lookout silver. Lookout alone being too slow of a trasher to get a pretty slimmed down silver/GM deck going.  Plus the 4-6 silvers you'll probably pick up from trader are very nice for grabbing GMs.  And trader can be farmlanded into a GM as well with a mid-game 6 that includes copper, or if it collides with your goons.
Plus you can use extra goons buys with trader in hand to buy +1 vp silvers. And a trashed down deck with a a ton of silver and grand markets mixed in is pretty sweet.

Dominion Articles / Re: Highway
« on: February 21, 2013, 04:31:58 pm »
I like that you point out the TR and KC don't combo with Highway like they do with Bridge, but you might also want to point out one other major non-combo partner: Gang of Misfits.  I played a game the other day with both cards, and had it in my head that GoM would let me copy $5 cost cards after playing a single Highway.  Of course, given that GoM can only copy cards that cost less than it, my cunning plan did not work out in the way I expected...

Is "Gang of Misfits" something that comes from translation from another language? It's called "Band of Misfits" in English.

It's like Band of Misfits, but the sleeve is pulled halfway down the card.

And if two are played the same turn they fight for territory and duchesses?

Bob gains his farmland back form the trash.

...except that Bob doesn't gain the Farmland. It just teleports to his discard pile magically.

To be even more nitpicky, Bob's farmland is never trashed.  It is instead set aside, then discarded at the end of the Possessed turn.

This is not true. Bob's Farmland is trashed (and Bob could discard a Market Square for Alice to gain a Gold), and then it's set aside, and then it's not discarded, but rather it magically teleports itself to the discard pile (which arguably matters if someone trashes a Tunnel during a Possessed turn).

Whoah.  That leads to another set of weird edge cases:
Graverobber and Rogue.  If Alice possesses Bob and plays an upgrade, trashing his duchy to gain a gold.  Can Alice then play Bob's Rogue to gain the Duchy from the trash (causing possession to "lose track."  Or is a trashed card still "trashed" but then immediately in this mystical "set-aside" stack? (never in the trash pile)

Assuming that last mechanic is correct, a trashed card is "set aside" for the remainder of the turn.  What happens if a possessed player trashes a fortress?  Does it go to back to hand (text on the fortress card) or into this "set aside" pile (text on possession).

And what about Forager?  If the trash is empty, and I play forager on a possessed turn to trash a copper, is the forager worth 1$, or 0$?

Game Reports / Re: Fairgrounds and Vineyards fueled comeback
« on: February 21, 2013, 03:20:16 pm »
That curse was a pretty iffy choice for your 15th card too.  Especially since a duchy would have got you to 15 as well.

Game Reports / Re: Fairgrounds and Vineyards fueled comeback
« on: February 21, 2013, 03:03:43 pm »
almost always bury that copper.  You want that island out of you deck asap.

And yeah, tactician is a pretty great card, not sure why you are questioning his turn3 buy.  Especially with stuff like island and explorer on the board where getting things to line up is especially nice.

What about possession and farmland?
This looks like (with Alice possessing Bob with gold,gold,farmland,estate,estate in hand):
Alice plays bob's 2 gold
Alice has Bob buy a farmland.
The "You" in farmland would therefore apply to Bob,
so "When you buy this, trash a card from your hand"
means that Alice forces Bob to trash a farmland from his hand.
Alice selects a Province, which then she gains
Alice also gains the purchased farmland
Bob gains his farmland back form the trash.

It seems pretty clear if you just think of a possession turn as a normal turn where you make the choices for the person next to you, and just happen to gain anything they gain.

Dominion Articles / Re: Engines Can Overcome Curses
« on: February 13, 2013, 06:08:56 pm »
Have you had a chance to play much with forager? It has the same issue as TR or develop for curse cleanup, however I find that's it's usually worth at least 1$, and you can safely buy 2 of them in a curse game. I'd say it's as good as lookout or upgrade at "restarting" an engine.

Help! / Re: scratching my head
« on: February 13, 2013, 05:36:43 pm »
trader was huge here.

Spent all his early buys on engine components while getting free money and thinning out crappy cards.

By turn 6, excluding his +draw cards, he had 4 silver (8$), 1 woodcutter(not a great buy 2$), 1 lighthouse (2$ value,sorta), 7 copper (7$), and 2 0$ cards (trader and estate). 

Look at your deck at the same point.  You had 2 less silver, 2 more estates, and didnt have the woodcutter (which should have been silver) or the lighthouse.

Game Reports / Re: Opinions on this kingdom: what would you do?
« on: February 13, 2013, 05:11:43 pm »
potion/warehouse,  I think university/vineyard will beat any vault/jack province rushes. Get a bunch of universities, remake to thin the deck into mostly actions, jack for draw, and remake those silver into more actions.

on a 5/2 id would depend on my opponent. If he goes potion, I might get vault and hope for some vault/gold BM luck. If he went Jack or remake I'd open potion/nothing.

Dominion Articles / Re: Engines Can Overcome Curses
« on: February 13, 2013, 05:04:11 pm »
That first game is crazy. He opened witch/CY and because of how fast SP/lookout goes through your deck, you still managed to win the curse split.  Even if you had lost, you would have just trashed them.  Probably the best example of what you are talking about, an engine beating one of the best opening curses out there. I wonder if the extra coppers from mountebank would have slogged you enough though.

Game Reports / Re: Feedback on games
« on: February 13, 2013, 04:32:54 pm »

That...  Was probably the craziest game I've ever played.  My strategy was to clutter up my deck but have a few king's courts, possessions, and bishops and use my opponents deck to get everything (I realized I didn't need the spies).  We multiple times forgot about things (playing a tactitician on a possessed turn, playing a bishop on a possessed turn, etc.).  We both had no idea who was winning and I ended up winning.

Could have used more Kings courts, and just gone crazy with the bishops and possessions.  I would have skipped the second potion, or bishopped it asap

Game Reports / Re: Feedback on games
« on: February 13, 2013, 04:21:43 pm »
If you go salvager, and they don't It's really easy to win the duchy dancing (or in this case, province dancing war.) Once it get's down to 2 colonies left, and people keep buying provinces instead. You just salvage a colony and buy a colony for the win.  Or salvage a platinum and buy 2 provinces letting you safely buy colony next turn.  It's not quite as good in colony games because it's hard to get salv+colony+11$.  But especially in wharf games starting with 7 card hands, salvager gives you the ability to end the game on your terms like no other card.  And yes, it will often be a dead card throughout the midgame. But if you buy it first turn, and wharf/money for your next 4 turns, it will probably hit twice.  And I'd take salvager (trashed estate) (trashed copper/estate) over silver - estate - copper in my deck.

Game Reports / Re: No clue what to do here
« on: February 12, 2013, 06:29:33 pm »
I agree with the BM potion.
workshop potion and you are just BEGGING to waste your potion on the first shuffle.

Game Reports / Re: Feedback on games
« on: February 12, 2013, 05:49:30 pm »
I dunno, I'd still open with salv. It's too useful in games like this to end the game when you're up. But I usually concentrate on money over wharves and pray for few collisions.

Game Reports / Re: Feedback on games
« on: February 12, 2013, 05:18:01 pm »
There's no reason to delay salvager like you did. It's worth just as much money as a silver (when it collides with estate). And it's not like you bought a 3$ terminal.  And, while wharf is good getting to it in turn 3/4 is not as mandatory as the other pwer 5 attack cards out there (mountebank and witch).

A mistake was buying the colony/dutchy on your last turn.  That should have been 2 provinces.  But I guess you were already pretty far behind at that point. And he could end the game any time he got his salvager.

The platinum on turn 17 was also a bad call. Better to get a province and get the point total closer

Game Reports / Re: Explorer is my new favorite card
« on: February 11, 2013, 02:49:22 pm »
Interesting game.  Normally I would have gone scrying pool here, especially after getting goons.  But your apprentice lining up with gold every turn turned out to be just as effective at drawing.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Combo: Forager/Pirate Ship
« on: February 06, 2013, 08:49:52 pm »
There are better ways to get treasure in the trash for forager to get powered up. (Mine for example).  Forager/pirateship is not so much a combo because it means there is a decent non-terminal trasher for your opponent to use to kill his copper, making your PS miss all the time.

Game Reports / Re: coppersmith could i have played it better?
« on: February 06, 2013, 03:12:12 pm »
You really didn't need to buy any extra coppers.

And yes, opening coppersmith hamlet or envoy hamlet would have been much better.  Probably envoy. build an engine with 3-4 envoys and lots of hamlets and festivals to support, then sprinkle in a coppersmith if you like. It is nice if you envoy and he has to choose between discarding a CS that has a potential 7$ value, or an engine component.

Game Reports / Re: Feedback on games
« on: February 06, 2013, 02:52:24 pm »
My point is that in such boards, you do want to play an engine most of the time - provided there's a village, of course. The GS attack is ridiculously powerful against BM.

Yeah but wouldn't you say that the attack is ridiculously powerful against engines too?  Village, village, ghostship, copper,copper would normally give you a decent shot to get a big hand.  But if you git hit by GS all of a sudden your chance of getting a big +draw card to really get going drops by half.

I think the lesson here is that GS is just ridiculously powerful most of the time. If it's possible to play it a lot (or every turn in engine decks) then do it.

Game Reports / Re: Feedback on games
« on: February 06, 2013, 02:42:11 pm »
You DO want to build an engine around ghost ship, in general.

Depends on what you mean by "around". It was implied that Jerk of All trades meant using Ghost Ship as the primary source of drawing, not just as the attack.

Right.  if an engine is possible, and ghost ship is on the board, build the engine with GS included!  But on a board with no trashing and GS as the only source of draw.  I'd say no engine is possible.  That being said, if you have a crappy engine (like if your only trasher is a slow one, like trading post or something). Your opponents ghost ship is going to seriously hamper any attempts to get your engine to consistently fire.  And most of the time I'm going to just stick to ghost ship+ BM.

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: February 06, 2013, 02:28:10 pm »
You should have bought a curse if you are just going to destroy somebody with ambassadors

Dominion General Discussion / Re: A few random tactical questions
« on: February 06, 2013, 02:24:26 pm »
You almost always want to trash your feodum, unless you are gaining a TON of silver from another source.  It also depends on how many total you expect to buy.

But it's usually hard to get more than 10 silver from non-feoda sources. (in non-trader games)

In dedicated Feodum games it's VERY easy to get a lot more than 10 silvers from non-feoda sources. Even without Traders.

I wouldn't say "VERY" easy.  It takes a lot of support to get tons of silver and 8 feoda in <20 turns (so it can compete with a generic BM province deck.) Hermit, squire, explorer, Jack, trading post. I just found getting to 18 silver for 6 pointers was pretty difficult.  Hermit is probably the best.  The problem is that as you water down your deck with silver, you play hermit less, and end up needing to gain more hermits instead of silver. And then you get terminal collisions, etc.  I've just found that after 10 silver, most engines basically fall apart, and you end up only being able to gain about 2 cards a turn.

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