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Messages - TheMirrorMan

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GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 6 Results ONLY
« on: April 04, 2014, 11:38:42 am »
TheMirrorMan defeats Simon (DK)

Game Reports / Re: Baker Board - Cultist of Rebuild?
« on: April 03, 2014, 04:18:39 pm »
The problem with a lot of Dominion games is ... First things first. But I'm not 100% sure here about what is better.

For cultist, there's not too much support, although rats (?) and altar will help you well enough.
The problem is the support for Rebuild. You have no real cycling, so a Navigator would be in order. Altar does help for getting Duchies in, but it's very expensive here.

A) If you go for Cultist, Silver/Cultist is obviously the way to go.
B) If you go for Rebuild, I think the opening to do is Moneylender/Navigator over Silver/Navigator. Yes they are two terminals but you're keeping your deck thin and you can always pick out the good hands for Rebuild (and pick up an Altar when getting $6).

My gut feeling says B) is way too slow. So I think A) is the call here. And of course when the ruins are dealt out, you can always switch to Rebuild yourself.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 5 Discussion Thread
« on: March 29, 2014, 08:57:41 pm »
Let me tell you 'bout the burts and the bees

TheMirrorMan - burtsbees : 3 - 0.

Honestly, not much to say about the games. Quick recap :

Game 1 : burtsbees begins, TheMirrorMan wins

Code: [Select]
Trade Route, Workshop, Bureaucrat, Conspirator, Cutpurse, Feodum, Quarry, Treasure Map, Cultist, Harvest
I got 5/2 here against his 4/3. Cultist on the board, yeah ... Ruins split won by 7/3. He tries some stuff with trade route but by the time he can actually do stuff, I'm already up three provinces.

Game 2 : TheMirrorMan begins, TheMirrorMan wins

Code: [Select]
Hermit, Menagerie, Urchin, Workshop, Alchemist, Envoy, Farming Village, Procession, Apprentice, Grand Market
Well, let's see. There's trashin with Hermit and Mercenary, an engine with Farming Village/Envoy or Alchemist and + buy with Grand Market. What do you do here ?
Menagerie counters the Mercenary attacks - Which I think is the reason him opening Menagerie/Envoy ? I go for Hermit/Potion, although I'm not sure if maybe an Urchin would have been better here.

Plan is simple : Alchemist chain, Mercenary on the end, get some money in, buy Grand Markets and voilą. Only thing is it takes so freaking long to get there. The VP sheet looks horrible - he's quickly at 3 Provinces while I am still getting my deck together - but now it is ideal. I need to buy duchies because of PPR but it seems to work out in the end. I dunno, I don't feel as if I played this well.

Game 3 : TheMirrorMan begins, TheMirrorMan wins

Code: [Select]
Vagrant, Sage, Steward, Storeroom, Salvager, Throne Room, Knights, Altar, Border Village, Harem
burtsbees' comment : "I don't like games with knights". Well, that's the first buy on my list here :-)

But seriously, what do you do here ? Trashing with Steward and Salvager, but no extra money, no real draw ...

I like Sage but on this board I don't see it doing much - no real skipping needed. burtsbees opening Sage/TR is just plain out wrong I think.

I open Silver/Salvager and indeed get the first knight. He then needs to catch up (3 - 3 on knights), but then stalls due to lack of economy. By taking the last few knights, he is unable to come back.

Thanks for the games burtsbees and good luck for the next rounds!

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 5 Results ONLY
« on: March 29, 2014, 08:38:07 pm »
TheMirrorMan defeats burtsbees

Rules Questions / Depleting of piles
« on: March 24, 2014, 05:48:33 pm »
Just 2 quick questions - however unlikely they may seem.

1) If the spoils pile is empty at a certain point, does this count as a depleted pile ? (Guess : No)
2) If the card stack in the black market is empty, does this count as a depleted pile ? (Guess : No)

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« on: March 21, 2014, 07:45:43 pm »
TheMirrorMan - Liopoil : 2,5 - 3,5.

Yes, 't was the night of the wrong shuffles. And the wrong choices, although I would stick with my plan in each of the games I think. It just ... didn't work.

Dominion is nerve wrecking, ladies and gentlemen. It's the kind of game where you would want to hurl your screen against the wall.

Thankfully I'm a calm guy <rage>Insert tons of swearwords here</end rage>.

Liopoil has an amazingly low pro ranking but plays very well. I think he just doesn't play that much online ?

Well, onto the games :

Game 1 : "Ruined by the curses" : TheMirrorMan begins, Liopoil wins.

Code: [Select]
Courtyard, Fool's Gold, Hamlet, Baron, Marauder, Moneylender, Sea Hag, Treasure Map, Cultist, Hunting Grounds
Heavy hitting, no trashing. 5/2 for me against 4/3 for Liopoil. Well I SHOULD be happy, I can get Cultist. Of course Liopoil picks up Sea Hag. The 2 ... Well, Fool's gold ? Maybe a better choice than my CY, but doubtful if your deck is going to be that slow. Liopoil takes the Silver and picks up a Marauder afterwards to even out the ruins.

What happens next is a back and forth of who's in the lead. Liopoil takes the win because of all the curses I was dealt. Not really what I was expecting, I thought my Cultists could outweigh that ...

Game 2 : "Greens folie" : Liopoil begins, TheMirrorMan wins

Code: [Select]
Great Hall, Warehouse, Baron, Feodum, Ironmonger, Taxman, Tournament, Bandit Camp, Rebuild, Tribute
This is a nice one, we start out with shelters and have hovel at $3.
Of course this is tricky - do you really want that Great Hall already with Tournament on the board ?
And then the second question : what next ? Can Rebuild beat the tournament stuff ? Probably so.
What do you get for $4 ? Taxman is an option, but seems immensely slow against the tournament.
Liopoil goes for tournament, I go for Ironmonger (given the harmony with Great Hall).
Next turn Liopoil goes for Rebuild and I follow suit. Then it's just a bit of a luck race and I won that one. The moment I pulled out the followers as a first prize, it was probably game over.

Game 3 : "One piece" - Liopoil begins, tie

Code: [Select]
Pawn, Masterpiece, Warehouse, Fortress, Trader, Treasure Map, Contraband, Mine, Border Village, Forge
You know that new Japanese show "One piece" ? Where they try to find a treasure and it goes on and on and on ? Well, that's the same feeling I had during this game.

I thought I read an article that Warehouse/Treasure Map is a strong combo. Well, to hell with my shuffle luck then, because I actually only get them at turn ... 8!

So yes, I open WH/TM and Liopoil opens Trader/Silver and suddenly halts at turn 3. Somehow I think he only then saw the combo, but then it's already too late. So he starts going ... MASTER piece (pun intended).

Again, I'm flabbergasted at what happens next - I am unable to draw > $8 until turn 13 when Liopoil is already at 3 provinces while I am at 1. I scramble everything together and am in the end relieved to get a tie out of this.

Did I really play this so horribly ?

Game 4 : "Say, did you hear the one about a Jack, a Governor and a Cultist ?" - TheMirrorMan begins, TheMirrorMan wins

Code: [Select]
Poor House, Courtyard, Pearl Diver, Secret Chamber, Baron, JackOfAllTrades, Count, Cultist, Governor, Laboratory
Again some interesting choices : Cultist or Governor ? What role does Lab play here ? Baron is out of the question with shelters ...

We both open 3/4. Liopoil goes Silver/Silver (indicating he's going for the Cultists) but with shelters, I like JoaT (works well with overgrown estate and necropolis). And effectively, I get $5 first and start stocking up cultists. I win the split 7/3. Then we both switch to Governor but ... This is also dangerous. If you remodel and your opponent has a cultist in hand, you're giving him a gold and +3 cards. So it's careful. Also, you can't trash the ruins because of Poor House ...

Although the VP chart doesn't show it too much, I was still very nervous this game of getting it right - in hindsight, I won both the ruins and governor split, so it should be okay ...

Game 5 : "I've never seen this before" - TheMirrorMan begins, Liopoil wins.

Code: [Select]
Hamlet, Native Village, Masquerade, Wishing Well, Herald, Quarry, Talisman, Counterfeit, Embassy, Laboratory
A nice one, although it didn't turn out so much for me. Note that this is a colony game. With, well, no actions for extra money.
Of course Counterfeit will help you with that. Which is what Liopoil does with his 5/2 (CF + Hamlet) vs. my 4/3 (Quarry + Masq).

So yeah, I'm thinking of picking up enough laboratories first, then go for CF ?

Then I see something happen I've never seen before. He picks up a talisman (is he going Herald ?) and then plays : Quarry, Talisman, CF+copper, copper. So let's see. Action cards cost $2 less, so Lab is now $3. He has six ... With a talisman. So four Labs go his way. Wow. Speechless.

After that, I start overdoing the Labs, drawing more than is necessary, forgetting the Counterfeit. I'm trailing all the way.

Dominion punishes me in the end by giving me the last hand : 2 estates, 1 province, 1 CF and one Masq. Only to get ... Hamlet + a green. But at that point I was already lost.

Game 6 : "Get smart ..." - Liopoil begins, Liopoil wins.

Code: [Select]
University, Sage, Remake, Thief, Throne Room, Journeyman, Laboratory, Library, Trading Post, Witch
... with the sage in the university.

So I've gotten a liking for Sage. It skips your rubbish and helps you pick the more interesting cards out of your deck.

Of course you want that pesky witch here but how ?

Liopoil takes option 1 : Silver + Remake.
I go option 2 : Potion + Sage, since I also see Lab, Library and Trading post on the board.

Turn 3 ... $6 for him, witch is there.

But no worries, I get my University, gain the witch, play sage and ... voilą, curse returned.

It goes on a bit like that (he picks up a University on the way) and I feel I'm in the lead here (looking at the decks I should be). But I just can't find the Libraries in a good way or they collide. We both go for Throne Room after that and when I'm looking at the board ... Oh dear, three sages left and throne rooms running out. Nailbiting. I'm just up a few VP ... Now I'm equal ... Now I'm ... Goddammit, three-piled!

The only thing I can say for game 3 and 6 is ..... aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

But to repeat : I think Liopoil is severely underrated. Watch out for this guy in the next rounds, he's going to do well :)

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« on: March 20, 2014, 01:30:49 pm »
Stef goes Remake into Grand Market, while I set up a Hermit-Bridge combo, which Stef hadn't seen before.  I'm ready on T15 and fire it off for 7 Provinces and a Duchy.  Is this combo already out there?  Stef didn't know it and I can't find an article on it.  If it's not, I'll write a mini-article on it.

Silverspawn pulled a similar thing off against me :

I looked at it and discarded it - in a sense that you can only play one megaturn and lose all your madmen and then you're screwed.

Boy was I wrong.

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: March 18, 2014, 08:18:25 pm »
Dear Jog,

I am really sorry. I hit 4 x $4 in the beginning on this cultist board. You covered me with 9 ruins. And still I won. :s

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: March 16, 2014, 04:40:15 am »
A game against the master of Salvager himself :

Code: [Select]
Native Village, Forager, Masterpiece, Death Cart, Navigator, Procession, Cultist, Ghost Ship, Farmland, Forge
He opens 2/5, I've got 3/4. So yeah, I'm going to be flooded with ruins.

So I think : what the hell, I'll use Death Cart to get rid of them (and take two extra ruins as bonus).

I end up with the 10 ruins but in some mysterious way I still manage to win this.

Sorry Andrew.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 3 Discussion Thread
« on: March 15, 2014, 10:42:49 pm »
You could have used one jack of all trades to fuel your spice merchant and build up to double province with throned minions.
with throne, warehouse, minion you could have even used the Jack(s) as draw for your engine. I think this should work even with only 4 minions.

You are absolutely right Markowkette. I wanted to do this too fast and too furious. Curious that neither of us actually looked at it.

Maybe I need to follow Stef's advice above too : "Breathe in, breathe out, play on" :)

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 3 Discussion Thread
« on: March 15, 2014, 02:32:10 pm »
Jaybeez defeats TheMirrorMan 3 - 1.

Game 1 : "Don't go for the dark forces" - Jaybeez begins, Jaybeez wins.

Code: [Select]
Hamlet, Market Square, Storeroom, Trade Route, Cultist, Horn of Plenty, Market, Rebuild, Soothsayer, Adventurer
Well this already starts out nicely with a heavy board. Key cards : Trade route - Cultist - Rebuild - Soothsayer.

No real engine present - so I have a think. Of course I want rebuild and Trade route, but what to support it ? Going Market Square/Trade route immediately is an option, but it is so dependant on luck I believe.

So for both of us it's the cautious Silver/Silver. Then, as Jaybeez himself points out - the shuffle screws me. He gets 2 x $5 (2 Rebuilds), I get 2 x $4. Aargh. So it's time for alternatives, I'll need to shove his deck full of Ruins, go Cultist/BM and hope for the best. Which works - he gets all 10. To no avail. In the meantime he has 3 Rebuilds and does a walk over.

Game 2 : "Hunt down the deck!" - TheMirrorMan begins, TheMirrorMan wins.

Code: [Select]
Quarry, Trader, Treasure Map, Baker, Ghost Ship, Hunting Party, Mine, Outpost, Rogue, King's Court
Baker so coin token already there. The plan is clear (for both of us) : Ghost Ship, Silver, then transition into Hunting Parties/KC and pick up some random stuff on the way.

Well it's a back and forth of hitting each others hands, and choosing KC or HP at the appropriate time. My shuffle this time rewards me - I hit Ghost Ship turn 3 and turn 4 I've got 5 coppers. And Jaybeez doesn't have a GS. So HP already. The rest is a bit shenanigans with what to do next - We both get Quarry, he gets Mine, I get Trader (not sure if that really is the right call here). Given lack of double buy, I pick up an outpost on the way - but it really doesn't make much difference. I can win the HP split 8/2 (even taking them with $7+) and that probably is it. I got lucky in return for game 1.

Game 3 : "Banes and lighthouses won't hurt my deck, but your Young witch will always hurt me" - TheMirrorMan begins, Jaybeez wins.

Code: [Select]
Courtyard, Haven, Lighthouse, Woodcutter, Cutpurse, Island, Young Witch, Count, Royal Seal, Trading Post, Farmland
Courtyard is bane here and that's okay - not much other than going for BM. So doubtful. I decided to skip the Young Witch with Trading post/Count on the board.

I open Cutpurse/Courtyard, Jaybeez goes YW/Courtyard. So hey, I'm thinking - a few lighthouse along the way - that should do it no ?

Well, it doesn't. He plays YW on turn 3 and 5, hitting me twice. And strangely enough, I'm never able to effectively cut his purse. On $5 I think it's a good idea to go for Count and honestly, that doesn't work out at all. I think either Royal Seal or Trading post could have been better.

Sad to see how he has 5 gold in his deck in the end while I have 1. But I can't pinpoint where exactly this went wrong. Ideas, anyone ?

Game 4 : "The Minion split works. No it doesn't! Yes it does!" - Jaybeez begins, Jaybeez wins.

Code: [Select]
Crossroads, Warehouse, JackOfAllTrades, Smithy, Spice Merchant, Throne Room, Baker, Minion, Venture, Nobles
Now this is not the board I want to see if I want to win. Baker coin available and Minion on the board.

Plan is clear for the both of us : win the Minion split. We both open Warehouse/Minion. On turn 4 we're both faced with choices : I get $4, he gets $3. He takes another warehouse, I take the Spice Merchant. The double buy may come in handy at one point. I lose the split 6/4, but see nobles on the board, so decide to pick up a Crossroads inbetween to get the (thinned out) deck running. I win that split 6/2 and am in front for a few turns. In the meantime, he has now picked up a Spice Merchant.

Jaybeez and myself have the same observation : "Apparently the Minion split isn't THAT important" ?

And then, what I already saw coming ... My Spice Merchant starts running out of fuel. You can only refuel (extra copper) once each turn because there is no other +buy on the board. I think at one point, with $12, I needed some sort of 2 x Gold, but I'm not sure. His extra 2 Minions start giving him enough to buy Province + Duchy, while I only have 1 Province each turn. It gives him the upperhand. So yes, the Minion split IS important.

I think after getting the 4th Noble, I should have stopped and repositioned again. Lessons learnt.

Thanks for the games Jaybeez and good luck in the next round!

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom III: Round 3 Discussion Thread
« on: March 12, 2014, 10:12:33 pm »
Game 3:

Code: [Select]
Transmute, Herbalist, Squire, Stonemason, Apothecary, Doctor, Caravan, Golem, Hunting Party, Library

This was the most interesting board for me. I have 5/2 and struggled hard between going for an Apothecary deck with the help of Stonemason or if I should buy and overpay for Doctor. I decide to go for the Apothecary route and open Squire/Potion - which maybe should have been Herbalist/Potion, but my opening buys didn't collide, so it didn't matter. My opponent opens Silver/Potion which I didn't like so much. He then picks up a Transmute with $3P over Apothecary, what!? He then uses his Transmute trashing the Estates for Golds and prefers 1 Hunting Party over Double Apothecary and over Double Hunting Party. He later stonemasons Gold into 2 Hunting Parties though. I have a lot of Apothecaries, but he has a lot of Hunting Parties and his deck works so much better while my deck just doesn't come together. He takes the initiative for greening, so I had to green prematurely, but I just weren't able to keep up. He later stopped again to build more what gave me the opportunity to catch up, but his deck was so much better, so this was a clear win for him. I'm interested in feedback on this game. Was my strategy inferior or did I just executed it badly? Should I have opened with Doctor? What would you have done?

Just having a quick glance at the board - I wonder if Doctor/Squire then transitioning into Squire/Library is something. This looks awfully fast.

Dominion League / Re: Division names?
« on: March 08, 2014, 09:59:01 am »
so that League 1 becomes The A-Team. I've always pictured Stef as Hannibal.

Yes he loves it when his plan comes together :p

Game Reports / Re: aaaaaaaaaagggg
« on: March 07, 2014, 10:29:10 pm »
Isn't Sage/Silver instead of Silver/Silver an alternative here ?

In the long run, the sage will also skip all the curses.

Dominion League / Re: Division names?
« on: March 07, 2014, 08:32:22 pm »
Honestly ? I'm a boring person. Why not go with Group 1, Group 2A/2B etc ...

I mean, I play chess too - we don't go talking about the "King group", "Queen group" etc..

And if you're talking to a friend : oh, I'm playing in Hovel. You're playing in Peddler ... I dunno, this sounds weird :)

Game Reports / Re: An Engine of Cards Costing $2 or Less
« on: March 07, 2014, 08:10:06 am »
Thanks for the kind words shark_bait :)

Well it was the first thing that came to my mind. Crossroads has a lot of support here (Island/Farmland), so Journeyman/CrossRoads seems plausible.
But with loan on the board and those very cheap cards ... I didn't think twice :) Island can be used to set aside the Stonemasons once all the money trashing has been done.

BTW : kids, don't try this on a colony game :)

Dominion League / Re: Dominion League?
« on: March 05, 2014, 09:31:51 am »
Is the timezone problem such an issue ? I mean, GokoDom proves it can get sorted.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What is the worst card in Dominion?
« on: March 04, 2014, 01:10:43 pm »
Cache increases the variance of your deck way more than a $5 Masterpiece, so it combos with all the sifting cards in Hinterlands. It's quite good with Stables particularly, but it's hard to know when to buy a Cache instead of another Stables.

Does it ? I mean, you get extra coppers. If there is a hunting party or stables on the board, I'd rather go for that.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What is the worst card in Dominion?
« on: March 04, 2014, 06:14:35 am »
I am missing Cache in this set - I almost never buy this.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What is the worst card in Dominion?
« on: March 04, 2014, 06:06:45 am »
For all the hate here about transmute, I actually like it sometimes. It works well as a starter to turn estates into gold, and then from that point on, acts as a situational-type trasher. Not to mention, it synergies all so nicely with vineyard.

Transmute has weird synergies with other cards.
I don't see vineyard really working - you can't clutter your deck with Transmutes.
Duke is one that comes to mind - Rebuild is another.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What Card Am I?
« on: February 28, 2014, 10:18:12 am »
Well, no silverspawn, I meant Ironmonger. But Ironworks could be plausible too.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What Card Am I?
« on: February 28, 2014, 09:32:09 am »
Ironmonger ?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: February 28, 2014, 05:28:21 am »
Big thumbs up Andrew - you are amazing !!!

Dominion Articles / Re: Coppersmith Strategy, Anyone?
« on: February 27, 2014, 10:02:49 am »
This type of strategy could work really well with Ill Gotten Gains, because A) Each time you play IGG, you can gain a Copper, putting it to immediate use, and B) Your opponent gets a Curse each time you pick an IGG up

Agreed, but IGG is good in general with Coppersmith. I am not completely convinced however about IGG + apothecary. Yes you get extra coppers, but also stuff you don't want (the IGGs). Apothecary works best with a neat deck.

Game Reports / Re: Ignoring Familiar (and Fool's Gold)
« on: February 27, 2014, 09:29:35 am »
Looking at this board, I'd plan only one familiar. Then go for the HP split. The HP will probably let you redraw the familiar in most cases. Then pick up random stuff along the way (especially WM, maybe even a FG ?) and then start getting HoPs ... HP has the annoying thing though that you can't get several HoPs at once - so you're dependant on drawing the whole deck with the HP. The potion here will help too (another different card makes the HoP stronger).

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