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Marquis • $5 • Action - Attack - Duration
+1 Buy
On your next turn, +1 Buy and Copper produces an extra $1. Until then, when any player (including you) buys a card, they first gain a Copper to the top of their deck.

Coppersmith and Swamp Hag combination. So named because most aristocratic titles care about one of the base cards - Duke + Duchess care about Duchy, Baron: Estate, Count: Copper, Governor: Silver (Gold), and so on.
Doesnt this run into the Sea hag problem: The other player could end up with 5 coppers for their next hand?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Weekly Contest: Fan Card Mechanics
« on: March 05, 2021, 07:41:33 pm »
well judged.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Weekly Contest: Fan Card Mechanics
« on: March 05, 2021, 08:24:18 am »

Oops, yeah its supposed to say "non-dawn"
This is what happens when you rush the text of a card in 5 minutes


I totally understand if the totally wrong written version is the one that gets judged

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Weekly Contest: Fan Card Mechanics
« on: March 05, 2021, 05:37:05 am »
Threw this together very quickly so i could be part of this competition

THIS CARD USES THE "you can play 1 dawn card each turn" , so you cant Ancient throne an ancient throne.



What if it costs less per empty pile? so its base cost is 6, but when 1 pile is empty, its 4, when its 2 it costs 2
This is backwards. Tavern is at its most powerful in the late game, so making it cheaper there doesn't really address any issues. Plus it would be 2 dividing lines and too much text.

what if it gave +1 card instead and cost 3-4?

The idea is good, but there's no way this needs to cost $6. It might even be balanced at $3 or $4 IMO.

Honestly, I'm having a hard time evaluating it. My first reaction was that it's broken at $6 with 2 cards per green on gain; as when you're greening, this alternative to buying a Duchy frequently guarantees drawing deck next turn, for the mere cost of $1 more and 1VP less. That said, it's difficult to exploit: if you were to relying on this as your draw, you'd still need to build to the cash and buys in deck and have enough greens in hand ready for when you gain your first, and they could run out before you finish piling Provinces.

I'm sure it could exist at $3 or $4, but it would be game-warping.
Expedition costs $3 and gives +2 cards for your next turn without any requirement for your hand contents and without putting a nearly-junk card in your deck. In order to get more than +2 Cards with Tavern, you'd have to have more than one victory card in your hand. I really don't think it'd be worth keeping your starting Estates just to make this draw more sometimes.
What if it costs less per empty pile? so its base cost is 6, but when 1 pile is empty, its 4, when its 2 it costs 2


Burglar - $2

+1 Buy
+1 Coffers
When you gain a Victory card, you may play this from your hand.

Workshops love this. I also like this a lot: It makes gaining estates a lot more viable. I imagine this is nuts in a shepherd/groom kingdom. I like the creative use of Night/reaction.

Look! In the kingdom! It's a wood cutter! It's innovation! no, it's Quick Deal!

Ie, it gives you the powerful benefit of being able to play a card you get NOW, but with the cost of exiling itself. Similar to Stockpile, if you can somehow get back your Quickdeal, you could get a lot of extra coin that way as well.

Edit 1: A wording change to make it more understandable (tnx emtzalex)

Edit2: Gubump and some others pointed out autopile potential of this card. I think i decided that i dont want it to autopile itself, so im adding command type to this.

Edit3: wording changes

Edit4: further wording changes, to make it clearer

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #105: Attack with Choices
« on: February 24, 2021, 02:17:52 pm »
As a side note that doesn’t have any impact on my assessment of the card you present, I am curious how it come that you sometimes come up with early versions of cards that look like border line crap, but soon after you present a version that looks amazingly better.

Yay i got third place!

To answer your question: i find that trying to come up with the "perfect card" doesnt really work for me. So what i do is: See the contest theme; Generate different card ideas, in this case 4; Share the most interesting ones on the Dominion discord variant server; GET A LOT OF FEEDBACK/thoughts; Edit the heck out of the cards based on the feedback; At this point in the process, post the current version here; Update here as i change the  card; ping pong between feedback and editing and posting here, i often update the card during the week, so the first version here can be said to have "2 days thoughts" on it, while the final submitted version can be said to have "5 days thought" on it.

I do it this way because im quite ditzy, and i just kinda get stuck on the crap phase otherwise: In a way im utilizing the collective Variant brainpower, as ive gotten feedback from RTT, Spineflue, Carline, and uhhh like lots of other people. Is this cheating btw?

Anyway, for some reason your questioning there made me laugh, lol!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #105: Attack with Choices
« on: February 23, 2021, 10:57:12 am »
ay nice, you liked my card!

I actually made V5 after version 4.3, uploaded it, then promtly realized it was worse then version 4.3. Im just bad at properly signalling what the "submitted" version is i guess

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #105: Attack with Choices
« on: February 22, 2021, 09:08:13 am »

Weekly Design Contest #105: Attack with Choices

Submission closed!

There is still a lot of work to do. I have to test the latest revisions of some cards and I have to convert my notes to a readable text. Please be patient.
Don't worry, take your time.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #105: Attack with Choices
« on: February 18, 2021, 03:23:12 am »
I'm withdrawing my previous entry. I've come up with something more interesting:

You now have your own junk pile, with junk that only you can hand out! But when should you give it?

In the beginning, it will hobble them right away.
In the mid-game, they'll have to waste precious terminal space to play it.
Or you can give it out at the very end when they have no chance to get rid of it.

Disaster itself can also give your opponent a choice of playing it vs. playing something that will be more immediately helpful.

Rules Clarification: Each player has their own Disaster pile, which does not count as part of their deck (so any Disaster cards they didn't hand out do not count against their score.) There are 4 Disasters in each pile in a 2-player game, 6 Disasters in each pile in a 3-player game, and so on (I tried to make it so that it scaled well for different player sizes.)

I like the idea of temporary curses

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #105: Attack with Choices
« on: February 17, 2021, 08:00:57 am »
Im a bit of a mess this week, but here is my current submission: a pillage variant with a choice for the victims

This is probably broken in some way. but ill fix it later

Edit 2:
I simplified the card, as it was too wordy. this should contain the essence of it, and still have choice. now its always a "pillage away their best card, but increase their handsize by one"

Edit 3:
Wording change to buff it a bit.

Edit 4: added art, cleaned the wording a bit per BBobs suggestion, and buffed it to +3 cards.

Im wondering if anyone has any further feedback or questions about it.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #105: Attack with Choices
« on: February 17, 2021, 05:06:11 am »

This is incredibly weak. Of course you can manage to run a Treasure-less deck. But then there is good trashing in the Kingdom and the junking is weak.
In all other cases, you don’t really want a Mandarin style self Ghost Ship effect.

I wonder if this should go even harder on the mandarin effect: adding the ability to topdeck any number of cards in play. yes thats nuts

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #105: Attack with Choices
« on: February 16, 2021, 05:33:14 am »
Im a bit of a mess this week, but here is my current submission: a pillage variant with a choice for the victims

This is probably broken in some way. but ill fix it later

Edit 2:
I simplified the card, as it was too wordy. this should contain the essence of it, and still have choice. now its always a "pillage away their best card, but increase their handsize by one"

Edit 3:
Wording change to buff it a bit.

Edit 4: added art, cleaned the wording a bit per BBobs suggestion, and buffed it to +3 cards.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #104: Raise the Ceiling
« on: February 14, 2021, 05:07:04 pm »
Well judged. Way more inticrate and technical than my judging! some questions tho, out of curiousity:

1: Whats a phantom card?

2: The "gaining a colony from the trash" part of RVR was not definitely not intented. WHy would this be problematic though? outside of Events like salt the earth, im not sure why you trash a colony or province? Though now that im writing this, i suppose that with TfB cards like salvager, apprentice etc, that you could trash a province or colony, get a lot of benefit, and then gain a RVR. Actually, the most broken out of this would probably be a remodel sort of thing: Remodel a province into province, gain a RTR to regain the province.

Huh, there was a lot of problems with that i did not notice. well caught silverspawn.

3: if RTR didnt have this problem, how much better designwise would it bee?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #104: Raise the Ceiling
« on: February 12, 2021, 04:14:04 am »
My submission for this weeks contest, for now

5$   Action-Command
Reveal any 3 cards from your deck. Discard the Commands and Non-Actions, and play the rest in any order. If you didn't play any cards, +1 Action.


Shoutout to S_Smarths for wording input on this, this was a pretty messy card before that.

Edit: Timou suggested a new wording, so i wrote his wording instead.

Edit 2:
People dont seem fond of the chessmaster card, so im changing my submission if thats allowed.

A throne room/ procession variant, that gives you a high amount of control, but trashes both card involved.

Changed the submission if thats allowed. in case its not, let me now and i'll revert back.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #104: Raise the Ceiling
« on: February 08, 2021, 03:21:11 pm »
Oh, so you get to decide "I'll take the cards at positions #1, #3, and #8 from the top", but without looking at them?

Yes. Given that you misunderstood it, i need to change the wording so thats clear

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #104: Raise the Ceiling
« on: February 07, 2021, 04:48:13 pm »
So you look through your deck

Not as worded. As worded, you only see the 3 revealed cards. And I'm pretty sure that's the intention.

I think "Reveal three cards from anywhere in your deck" would be clearer.  I think the word "any" is throwing me off in the current wording.  Like, if I know I have three Labs somewhere in my deck, can I reveal them?

Updated wording as per your suggestion.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #104: Raise the Ceiling
« on: February 07, 2021, 01:09:02 pm »
My submission for this weeks contest, for now

5$   Action-Command
Reveal any 3 cards from your deck. Discard the Commands and Non-Actions, and play the rest in any order. If you didn't play any cards, +1 Action.


Shoutout to S_Smarths for wording input on this, this was a pretty messy card before that.

Edit: Timou suggested a new wording, so i wrote his wording instead.

Edit 2:
People dont seem fond of the chessmaster card, so im changing my submission if thats allowed.

A throne room/ procession variant, that gives you a high amount of control, but trashes both card involved.

Edit 3:

RTT found a infinite loop with BoM/overlord, so i added command type to this. Carline pointed out that "other than this" was vague, so specified sthat you can't gain Ravaged Throne Room from the trash.

Hello everyone! I've tried to give this Judging business my best effort. Credit to Gubump for the Judge format here.

Snow Queen
[/img]A snow attacker. I think its fine, but it just doesnt interest me much.

Wintery woods
A haunted woods variant. i mostly like its attack, but i feel like in a lot of kingdoms it just wouldn't come up a lot. If there is no source of +2 actions, bam, it just doesnt attack! I might also be reading it wrong, but it doesnt attack cards like bustling village or snowy village, since those cards says +3 or +4 actions. i want to emphasize that i like its attack, i just think its too narrow.


+3 Cards
Gain a Snow.
You may play a Snow from your hand
A simple lab variant. The fact that you first draw, then gain the snow and THEN play a snow from your hand means that you can't spam these easilly. This is still a really good 4$, but it feels like an appropiate price. good job.

Eismager/Ice Mage
Ice Mage

Choose one:
Play an Action card other than Ice Mage from your hand twice; or
+3 Cards and +1 Buy; or
+2$ and each other player gains 2 Snows.
When you gain a card, you may discard this, to exchange it for a card costing exactly 2$ more than it.

7$  Action - Reaction - Attack
This one Feels kinda cluttered. All of the choices are pretty dang good, but i dont feel like they interact meaningfully enought to warrant all the options and the complexity that comes with it. I do like its reaction: It means that you want to gain snow in some situations. But overall, i just don't like this card that much.

Ice castle
A nifty Sacrafice variant. It's pretty cool how it let's you turn snows into horses, but only if you have the spare actions. Its Copper trashing is good enough even if you don't have village support.

An overlord variant. The fact that it lets you play tresure cards is pretty cool: I imagine that it loves Capital boards. It's snow drawback feels about right, since its flexibility is amazing.

Artic base
Another Lab variant. I like this one as well, but i just like snowball more. sorry!

Snow Drift
Snowdrift - Action Attack Duration, $4 cost.
At the start of your next turn, + $2. Until then, when another player trashes a card other than a Snow, they gain a Snow.
When you gain this, you may play it.
Its pretty neat attack, but suffers from the same problem as winter woods, in that it's attack might just not come up in a lot of games. Otherwise it's about the right strength.

Frozen Crevace
A Sorta smithy trasher. Pretty neat. Drawing 3 cards AND trashing a card from hand is really strong, so gaining a snow unto deck is an appropriate drawback. It interacts meaningfully With quite alot of cards like sacrafice that might really want junk cards. Good job.

Winter Retreat
Winter retreat is sorta like if Imp and Island had a baby: And since imp is a good card, its approprieatly priced 5 and you gain a snow unless you played a snow, but if that's what you did, this card is just net neutral lab (though it exiles). It works well in a kingdom without other snow cards, and it works well with other snow cards as well. The VP and the alt vp is also perfect in my opinion. Good job.

Abominable snowman
Library adventurer
Abominable Snowman
$4 - Action - Attack
Each other player discards the top card of their deck, then gains a Snow on top of their deck.
Its sea hag but with snow! I think its fine attack. The vanilla benefit is about right, and its attack is weaker than sea hags, but works throughout the whole game since the snow cards will pretty much always be returned. Overall, this seems a lot more fun to play with then seahag.

A cool card. It lets you turn a future snow into a super lab, which seems really fun! The fact that you get 2 snows when you play it means that you will still get a lot of junk with this, which is what makes it balanced. So if you play this, and then a snow, AND draw a snow, thats a net +1 card size overall in a sense, the same as a lab, but with a lot more setup. Good job making a reserve lab!

Mountain path
This is a neat Library variant that i like a lot. With it you can get rid of a terrible hand, but at the cost of getting snowcards. If your next hand is the mountain path with the snows, thats no problem as you can just play the snows first. But you still have to balance how many cards you want to discard, since you really dont want to be discarding estate one shuffle just to draw the snow cards dead. Great card.

Snowy Library
commodore chuckles
On a similar note, Snowy library is also a library variant, but i dont like this one as much. Its draws a huge amount of cards (+4 cards if its the only action played, which compares to hunting grounds),  and while its draw back cool in how its unique, and it is bad in some decks, like scrying pools or other kingdoms with great draw, i think think most of the time the drawback is neglible, and i would be happy to just play it with big money. The snow use is ok, but i think given how good the draw is, is a neglible drawback. i want to note that i still like it.

Artic passage
A really simple project. I really like this one: +buy is a amazing resource to have in any deck, and the +2 money is also really good and it pays itself in 3 turns, All of this is balanced by how you gain a snow whenever you buy a card, which is a cool drawback. On one hand, you can buy a province with just 3 golds or 2 silvers in hand, which is great! but you get 2 dead cards for the price of one. that is a neat problem for both money decks and engines.

A thing to note: Originally This project gave you +1buy and +3Money: If it was still that way, i wouldnt like it as much, as then it would be too good. Changing it to +2buy and +2Money makes certain decks explode (like potion games with no buys), but since buying cards gives you Snow, you feel the sting a lot more.  One concern i do have is that its too good with some events that lets you gain cards instead, but that is somewhat minor

I like this one a lot. +4 cards is really good! but getting 3 snows is really bad, especially if you keep drawing them dead so you can't return them. This means that in almost all kingdoms, getting Hearths is a good but risky move. I do think that the +buy is a little too good, even for a card that costs 7 money or 3 snows, but that may just be me.

Ok first off: the painting you used here is really dope!

ok, with that out of the way, i like the concept here a lot: its a hireling variant that is good a lot faster and costs 5$ so you get it more often, but you could make your deck a total train wreck when you actually start scoring. I think i would grab this a lot of the time. At first glance i thought it was nuts: but at a second glance i see that its actually somewhat balanced, in that if you have 10 of these in play, sure, you draw 20 extra cards each turn! but if you have them in play for 3 turns, that means that next turn you will get 30 snows in your next shuffle, which is pretty bad. I still think this is too good, but im not sure what to do about it. regardless, i like it a lot.[/sub].

This one is a neat 2 cost card, that COULD be a hunting grounds if you line it up with a snow, but quickly runs out. Gaining 2 snows when gaining Dogsled feels about right. It may be more apropriate as a 3$ card, but i like it more as a 2$ card

This is pretty nifty: its a Poor House variant, but for every card in your hand. I think its too good however: If you play this with 4 other cards in hand, its basically a terminal gold, and that feels too good at its current price point. i also think its snow drawback is too weak, as the snow actually makes it stronger if you draw them all together. I would either make its +$ benefit a bit weaker (+6$ makes it on par with terminal silvers), or perhaps change its snow interaction: maybe you get a snow when you play it, or you also get -1$ for each snow you returned this turn. 


Throne room
No more fun
Frozen Throne
Action - $5
+1 Card
You may play an Action from your hand twice. If you did, and it's still in play, gain a Snow.
A throne room variant. The +1 card is a big deal here, as normally when you draw 2 Throne rooms with, say, 3 coppers, you cant do anything. But with Frozen Throne, you could F-Throne the F-Throne, which nets you +3 cards, which could be the difference between a dead turn and a megaturn. The snow interaction here is also pretty neat: if you play a Snow with the Frozen Throne, it becomes a village. And you are essentially guaranteed that you will have Snows, as really, you want to play your GOOD action cards with Frozen Throne. Good job here.



Ice cutter
A workshop variant. It's pretty dang good: you could always use Ice cutter to gain Gold, which is amazing for a 3$ card, even if you gain 2 snows. Its comparable to leprechain in that way: a cheap gold gainer that can make your deck worse. Its a lot more flexible than that of course. I also like the fact that you want to play a snow before this.



Artic castle
I think this card has a nifty concept. But i still dont really like it. One part is just that, there is so many snow gears card, and some of them just feel a bit pointless? I dont have the expertise or energy to analyse all of it. I would like this more if the snowgear pile was more limited. I also don't really like the attack part: There is already a lot of things going on here with Artic castle, and i dont think it adds to much. i do like the Alt VP here: Making snows a source of vp is neat.



(4th place) Snowball by Infangthief
(3rd place) Arctic passage by Faust
(2nd place) Sleighmaker by Mahowrath

Winner: Mountain path by Silverspawn

There was a lot of great cards here! In the end i decided do choose what cards seemed like i would enjoy playing the most, while at the same time making strategic tradeoffs. I think Mountain path By silverspawns fits the bill best here, but on a different day i might have picked any of the finalists. I hope my judgment was okay! It was really hard deciding here.

On an unrelated note: it took 2 hours for me to learn how to write this post. Thats a lot of time not spent judging, and i think there should be some thread with some formatts like Gubump had, but blank, so that future judges can more easily create there judgement posts.

On Attacking with Snow:
I believe that using Snow as a junk card dealt to other players via an Attack is a bad idea because there are always 30 Snow cards in the Snow pile.  It is much easier to bury players in Snow forever because the amount doesn't vary the way Curses do.  The junking is weaker than Curses, but it never really relents because players can continuously redistribute the snow.  Even if you don't lose the Snow "split" so bad, a winning player can return the Snow cards and dole them out again faster than you can under all that Snow.
I think you should've said this at the beginning of the week the contest started rather than seemingly encouraging the judge to disqualify attack card entries when the contest time is almost over.
Anyway, I disagree with you because Snow is so easy to get rid of. Double Snow attacks may be too nasty, but generally (as Gubump said earlier) Snow is more like a -1 Card token than a normal junk card.
I find it disappointing to see people assume that others would post card criticism just to improve the odds of them winning. This sort of attitude is not healthy. Any constructive criticism should be encouraged here. Rather than assuming the Fragasnap is acting in bad faith, I prefer to go to the more charitable (and frankly, more likely) interpretation - that they did not have that thought or got around to posting it until now. I think the goal for all of us here is to create good cards, and it doesn't matter all that much who wins in the end. fika monster won the last contest after adopting a suggestion that I put forth, and that made me feel just as good as if I had won a contest. Fragasnap is doing a lot of good work for this community by regularly posting their thoughts on current submissions.

I think both of them were acting in good faith, and were just a bit vague/clumsy with how they worded things. It happens.


what does "Worth the greater of 2VP or 1VP per 3 Snow cards you have (round down)." mean? Its confusing to me. Is it a competition betweent players where the players with the most snow cards get the 2 vp per 3 snowcards they have?

24 hours till the deadline

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