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Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Two puzzles
« on: June 11, 2012, 05:15:38 pm »
Yes Margrave can also increase the hand size of an opponent with two cards in hand. I'm guessing that Margrave is the card previously mentioned that is the solution to the first part but I just can't see the specific criteria that our setter is looking for. It might be something like "can add a card to your opponent's hand that wasn't in the deck at start of turn", but what it is specifically I cannot say.

Technically, Margrave increases opponent's hand size no matter how many cards they have in hand.  It's just that the increase is usually followed by a decrease.

I think that's the answer -- Margrave; cards that can either increase or decrease opponents' hand size

Part 2:
If theme 2 is "increase or decrease your deck size", a lot of cards make some sense: Masquerade, Develop, Loan for part i; Transmute for part ii
but I don't see what Black Market has to do with anything.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Bob's winning deck
« on: June 04, 2012, 06:16:10 pm »
But that still fails to moat.

How about Scrying Pool drawing your whole deck which includes plenty of King's Courts and Throne rooms/Villages.  Then 10 Masquerade plays to strip out all opponents hands, 10 Witch plays, and a zillion Saboteurs. 

The opponents can clean out the estates from the Saboteurs, but you can buy the last province to win.

We've done this a couple time:  everyone chooses a split for themselves, but if everybody makes the same choice, then everyone gets the opposite split instead (ie if everyone chose 5/2, then everyone gets 4/3).

Interesting idea but a slight flaw there:
Island will be hit by the Golem. At least it is inconsistent to assume it won't be hit and at the same time can be brought back by inn...

Building on this idea:

Village, Chancellor, University (gain inn -> shuffle islands), Scrying pool, Crossroads x3 is still 7 cards.

Of course, it suggests an easy solution with 9, by adding an extra Apprentice+Province at the start.

I think you can get no-colony down to 8 with Apprenticex2, Provincex2, Cellar, Crossroadx3

If your first 16-card hand has at least 4 victory cards, play Cross, Cellar, Cross, Cross.  With three or fewer victories, start with cellar, then play all three crosses. 

Edit: No that doesn't work on the 12/4 split; you only draw 44 cards total

#2: 5 cards Apprenticex2, Colonyx2, Cellar

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